With all consideration to Mr. Pescado's list of what's acceptable and what's not for playable families, this first group consists of "Display Grade" dwellings. In fact, that's exactly why I built them.
I started them for looks, nothing more, than I realized that half the population of my town could live in these three lots if I just turned on the Overstuffed Households option in awesomemod. Then I realized that if EA ever releases an expansion pack that has apartments, I'll have a head start. I decided that instead of waiting until I had the time to completely furnish them, I would upload them as they currently are. Each one comes with a single family dwelling of a different size. More beds and/or cribs can be added to fit the desired family size for the building. I uploaded MANY screenshots of each building (there are over 80 shots in all).
This is what they look like:

If someone wants a huge house that goes above and beyond the Display Grade criteria, then this could be the house for you! This one is HUGE, 15 Sim-worthy plus guest house with modern-type architecture. It has an indoor pool, backyard with playground and BBQ area, rec rooms, study/office, HUGE playroom for toddlers and children, and a ton more. It is fully furnished and still has room for more stuff! Here's a picture of the exterior.

All of the lots (and both of the street replacement texture sets) can be found
Disclaimer: I, the maker of these lots, realize that by posting this here on MATY I am opening myself up to severe chastisement, lip-ripping, and possibly other tortures like having my works be put on display as "DO NOT WANT" content by other members of MATY. It's a risk I'll take.