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Topic: THE Community Lot (Read 36649 times)
Exasperating Eyesore
Posts: 201
Lazy Lurker
Re: THE Community Lot
Reply #25 on:
2009 August 21, 00:53:10 »
Now we need a THE community lot for Riverview - I bulldozed the big 40X40 house up on the hill and converted it to a comm lot. I suppose I could make my own ... I'd rather someone else do it, of course.
I'm an apathetic sociopath, I'd kill you if I cared.
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 6
Beware the Squirrely Wrath
Re: THE Community Lot
Reply #26 on:
2009 August 21, 04:09:27 »
If we could make mixed use lots with an appartment idea that would be even better. Older big cities and even places way in the past (like Rome) are (or were) built as residential over retail.
So a nice 6 residence apartment over a bistro - as a sample of what could be done - Basement level is a subway station (maybe one day there will be a mod for this too) and classified as a community lot, first floor is the bistro (also a community lot) and the upper floors are two apartments to a level with the apartments and the welcome mats being treated as residential while the hallways are treated as community.
Is it likely to be pulled off by Eaxis? Unfortunatly, its about as bloody likely as an ice cube staying frozen in a fire.
They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety.
~ Benjamin Franklin (bef. Feb 17, 1775)
Horrible Halfwit
Posts: 396
Meh ....
Re: THE Community Lot
Reply #27 on:
2009 August 21, 05:10:11 »
Quote from: alaric on 2009 August 21, 04:09:27
If we could make mixed use lots with an appartment idea that would be even better. Older big cities and even places way in the past (like Rome) are (or were) built as residential over retail.
So a nice 6 residence apartment over a bistro - as a sample of what could be done - Basement level is a subway station (maybe one day there will be a mod for this too) and classified as a community lot, first floor is the bistro (also a community lot) and the upper floors are two apartments to a level with the apartments and the welcome mats being treated as residential while the hallways are treated as community.
Is it likely to be pulled off by Eaxis? Unfortunatly, its about as bloody likely as an ice cube staying frozen in a fire.
I. unawesome as I am, agree that all is possible. It is unlikely (if not impossible) that EA will help us achieve this goal. But I believe that Pescado can (and will) if people who are competent meshers, etc, will assist him in his efforts. However, even single use lots (i.e. residential apartments) would be a great stride forward in conquering EA's uneditable neighborhoods.
Quote from: cassblonde on 2009 August 21, 00:53:10
Now we need a THE community lot for Riverview - I bulldozed the big 40X40 house up on the hill and converted it to a comm lot. I suppose I could make my own ... I'd rather someone else do it, of course.
Yeah, I see what you mean. The Community Lot that has been done was for Sunset Valley only (if Riverview's largest available space is 40 X 40). Can you upload the individual components (e.g. the Bistro) to your Library (building only, without lot)? If so, it's only a matter of placing whatever fits. I only played Riverview once, during a test of AwesomeMod, where I had not backed up my Sunset Valley save game. Gives me something to look forward to, I suppose. Still think Pescado may be the only real hope where TS3 being able to hold ones interest for any length of time is involved. EA obviously does not care about what we really want from this game. They make the rules (and the unwanted EP's), and apparently they are correct in their assessments, since they still make MOAR money using this approach. It might be high time for a revolt. Perhaps we could insist that they hire Pescado at an extremely high salary if they want any of us to buy any more of their products (since he seems to be the only one who listens to what we, the consumers, want anyway). Alternatively, I plan to ARR all future EP's because I have no "moral contract" to a company that steadfastly refuses to supply what is necessary in the game, and insists that you play it "their way". BORING!
In the (should be) immortal words of Ron White: "You can't fix stupid!"
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 12
Re: THE Community Lot
Reply #28 on:
2009 August 21, 06:28:03 »
Quote from: alaric on 2009 August 21, 04:09:27
If we could make mixed use lots with an appartment idea that would be even better. Older big cities and even places way in the past (like Rome) are (or were) built as residential over retail.
Someone at MTS has uploaded "unlocked" versions of community objects that you can place on residential lots. The objects aren't any different otherwise, though, so no building an apartment over them unless you put them in a basement or something.
Horrible Halfwit
Posts: 396
Meh ....
Re: THE Community Lot
Reply #29 on:
2009 August 21, 06:55:40 »
Quote from: Catangi on 2009 August 21, 06:28:03
Quote from: alaric on 2009 August 21, 04:09:27
If we could make mixed use lots with an appartment idea that would be even better. Older big cities and even places way in the past (like Rome) are (or were) built as residential over retail.
Someone at MTS has uploaded "unlocked" versions of community objects that you can place on residential lots. The objects aren't any different otherwise, though, so no building an apartment over them unless you put them in a basement or something.
I believe I saw something about this at MTS, but, as I recall, they were more "decorative" items, and not anything that could have an (real) impact on the goal objective.
In the (should be) immortal words of Ron White: "You can't fix stupid!"
Corpulent Cretin
Posts: 129
Re: THE Community Lot
Reply #30 on:
2009 August 21, 15:22:26 »
Quote from: coconnor on 2009 August 21, 06:55:40
I believe I saw something about this at MTS, but, as I recall, they were more "decorative" items, and not anything that could have an (real) impact on the goal objective.
They are (or were, when last I looked) reportedly functional in the sense that active Sims can use them in the same ways as the original versions. The question is whether they will attract other non-played Sims since they are sitting on residential lots. So, I wouldn't dismiss them with the word
, but if they do not function for townies, they aren't the (complete) solution.
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 40
Re: THE Community Lot
Reply #31 on:
2009 August 21, 16:04:39 »
Well, I do have a multi Com lot for Riverview. I made one on the old City Hall lot that had, from left to right..
The Bistro, the Grocery Store, the Theater, the non Riverview Spa and finaly, the Bookstore.
I also made a smaller lot, that contained (on a Riverview corner) The Grocery Store, the Bistro and lastly the Bookstore.
At least, this would reduce the need to have so many seperate lots.
My problem is, that I do not have anywhere to upload them, becasue i do not have accounts with the usual downloading sites, and prefer not to make an account with one that will only allow 10 people to download from them (be that per day or at all).
Does anyone have any sites they can point me at?
I am quite willing to make some Multi Hood lots this way, now that I am finding them fun to remake *grins*
Corpulent Cretin
Posts: 111
Re: THE Community Lot
Reply #32 on:
2009 August 21, 16:13:11 »
MATY is your friend
Nothing to see here.
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 40
Re: THE Community Lot
Reply #33 on:
2009 August 21, 18:22:13 »
Do you mean, that if the upload is small enough, I can just upload it here?
Everything I have so far downloaded has been a link to ether Boxnet, Mediafire or Rapidshare (some of which links, have reached their download limits by the time I try them, hehe)
What is the Size Limit here, then?
Do I have to list any and all custom content used (since, my custom content produce is basically recolors of other works and EA items), or can I simply say that only the lot's design is my work?
(and so far, these days, I find myself only considering only MatY and Garden of Shadows for uploading. I prefer to make places that are slightly less decorated than i usually see up at Mts2 as it was. I would rather spend the cash on the building, than spend loats on alot of extra landscaping myself. theose can be added later, if the downloader wishes.)
J. M. Pescado
Fat Obstreperous Jerk
El Presidente
Posts: 26292
Re: THE Community Lot
Reply #34 on:
2009 August 21, 18:26:02 »
640K. 640K is all anyone should ever need.
Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I cannot accept, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of those I had to kill because they pissed me off.
Horrible Halfwit
Posts: 396
Meh ....
Re: THE Community Lot
Reply #35 on:
2009 August 22, 02:56:08 »
Quote from: CheritaChen on 2009 August 21, 15:22:26
Quote from: coconnor on 2009 August 21, 06:55:40
I believe I saw something about this at MTS, but, as I recall, they were more "decorative" items, and not anything that could have an (real) impact on the goal objective.
They are (or were, when last I looked) reportedly functional in the sense that active Sims can use them in the same ways as the original versions. The question is whether they will attract other non-played Sims since they are sitting on residential lots. So, I wouldn't dismiss them with the word
, but if they do not function for townies, they aren't the (complete) solution.
Thanks, CheritaChen! I've downloaded them, however someone else asked the creator whether they could be used by non-played Sims autonomously if placed on a residential lot, and so far has not received an answer. Wonder if someone who is a mesher could just make some subtle changes to the exterior of the office building maybe and then that could be used as the "apartment building" rabbit hole Pescado has been talking about? Any ideas?
Quote from: J. M. Pescado on 2009 August 20, 15:40:23
Quote from: coconnor on 2009 August 20, 14:29:08
So, the idea is it has to be a rabbit hole? Because if you just wanted to create an apartment building, you would not need a mesher, right? I wouldn't want my controlled Sims to live in a rabbit hole, so I assume the idea is just to introduce more Sims you don't play into the neighborhood?
Well, the idea is that while it is probably not the most DESIRABLE place for a sim to live, it is rather difficult to find anything worth buying on 16K.
Pescado, would the unlocked office building rabbit hole work for an apartment building?
In the (should be) immortal words of Ron White: "You can't fix stupid!"
Garrulous Gimp
Posts: 324
Re: THE Community Lot
Reply #36 on:
2009 August 22, 20:50:08 »
I tested one of the residential rabbit holes, and placed the Military Base at such a lot. It worked fine for the residents in the building, but not so fine for the soldiers living off base. They had to "go visit" the house to be able to work or take the mechanical course. Which in the end made me rezone it back to community and move the inhabitants back to the old dorm.
Tasty Tourist
Posts: 3
Re: THE Community Lot
Reply #37 on:
2009 September 11, 02:33:34 »
I like this lot, I was working on something like this I may just give up and use this. 1st decent community lot I've seen yet.
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 33
I hate image dominoes.
Re: THE Community Lot
Reply #38 on:
2009 September 11, 03:41:48 »
What? You can place this lot in Riverview.
Rivers End is the only 64x64 lot and it's not exactly the most aesthetically pleasing spot to put this lot, but hey, it works.
Lady Moiraine
Corpulent Cretin
Posts: 145
Re: THE Community Lot
Reply #39 on:
2009 September 24, 12:15:17 »
I actually liked this idea so much I made my own lot. I have the bookstore, grocery store, theater, spa, Doo Peas, bistro, gym, picnic area, playground and pond. Using this kind of a lot does free up many extra lots in the hood. I have a 2nd lot that is not finished yet that has the hospital, warehouse and diner on it so that frees up 3 more lots in the game. You can find my Central Park lot here:
Hall of Torque
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 27
Re: THE Community Lot
Reply #40 on:
2009 September 24, 17:36:10 »
Quote from: jrcaporal on 2009 August 18, 23:38:05
Perhaps having more places to build houses in different lot sizes? Use your imagination.
Do we really need more houses? I currently have 28 active residences with 90 sims. The game already is at a crawl. At one point I had over 200 sims, and the game became totally borked. I would show up on a community lot, filled with sims, where maybe a half dozen were falling dead and taken away by the Grim Reaper.
If anything there are too many residences. Even with my 28 active homes, a lot of homes remain empty. It seems that the only advantage of more homes is more people for your sims to visit. Other than that, they clutter up the neighborhood. We actually need more community lots and activities.
Part of the problem is that boards like MTS keep on uploading more and more houses. The last thing I need is another house. Stop already!
Retarded Reprobate
Posts: 1436
Oona Klostermann for senate.
Re: THE Community Lot
Reply #41 on:
2009 October 16, 06:45:24 »
I would like to have apartments, just so I don't have to keep searching for all my sims that aren't on the current lot. If I could even have three houses on one lot, and have each household recognize their own house, and not barge into the others to eat all their food and sleep in their beds....that would be great. I would be totally satisfied if all my sims stayed on the Central lot and never left it. You could have one three-story apartment building, with two sides, and five apartments across, that would house all 30 families - that could go in one corner. Beside that you could have all the rabbit holes mousified into one work plaza, leaving the rest of the space (3 corners and the center) for venues. 1 corner could have a gym, pool, and games room; 1 corner could have a library, art gallery, etc. All buildings could be 3 stories, leaving plenty to space for development, and there would be no overcrowding, because all the sims would be on one lot all the time.
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