BIG BANDPartially because I got lazy but mostly because I couldn't think of what other icon symbol to use I gave both Jazz and Big Band the sax icon pictured above
And this last one is something I did for myself. I played sims in a island style beach house and the TS2 Surf channel was kind of Beach Boys-ish and not exactly what I wanted so I made a channel for Hawaiian slack guitar music called the Aloha Channel.
I found a pretty good torrent for instrumental Hawaiian music here:
http://thepiratebay.org/torrent/4972882/Hawaiian_Paradise_Record_One (again, not many seeds).
It's part of a collection from Reader's Digest in the 60s so it's a little loungy/kitschy, but it's decent and easy to listen to (in my opinion) while playing. All encoded in 320kbps so high quality. Of course it's again just a suggestion.
If anyone wants to use these icons to add completely new stations (that don't replace custom) or otherwise use them in any other way go right ahead. They are just icons and images I found on the net, though I did modify most in some way.
I may add more over time if I can decide on what sorts of icons and channels to add.
It's really easy to do yourself too, just open one of these packages in S3PE, change the string to whatever you want to call the station, replace the 54x54 icon and its smaller 24x24 version and you're done.