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Author Topic: crash crash crash help me, somebody, please  (Read 7556 times)
Tasty Tourist

Posts: 2

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crash crash crash help me, somebody, please
« on: 2009 August 06, 13:17:28 »

Is it allowed to swear in here. If I do it in danish nobody will understand anyway.

I have been reading and reading and searching and searching and my eyes are about to fall out by now.
This subject is probably as old as the game or at least the patch, but I simply canīt take in reading instructions that might help me perfectly, if I can just find them, anymore.
I am a freaking instruction dyslectic.

My new game, that have been running nice and smoothly for a week or so, with patch, hacks and other costum contend has begun to crash when I try to load.

I have reinstalled, more than once, deleted all downloads of cc whatsoever (I think!), deleted cachefiles and even renamed the game to The Sims 3 Backup.
I have defragmented my computer and even installed CCleaner and run it. My cpu is more than big enough.
But sadly nothing works.

Is there a dear and very pedagogical soul around here, who will bear with me and try to help. In return I will teach you some real nice swearwords in danish, if you like of course.
Dimwitted Dunce
Posts: 157

Oh, fuck.

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Re: crash crash crash help me, somebody, please
« Reply #1 on: 2009 August 06, 13:38:48 »

Is it crashing right on the load screen, or is it crashing when you try to enter a neighborhood?

If it is crashing on the load screen, this is a known issue that you should have read about in the main awesomemod post.  Go into "My Documents/Electronic Arts/The Sims 3" and delete everything that's got a filename of *Cache.package, such as ScriptCache.package, CASPartCache.package, etc.  Once you have cleared all of those out, try to load again.  If that doesn't work, unhook your tower, take it outside, turn it upside down, and shake it.  Then bring it back in, hook it up, and try again.

Basically, other than taking the cache files out, there's nothing you can do for a load screen crash besides just try, try again.  If it's crashing at some point other than the load screen, then you're going to need to be more specific about when/where it's crashing so that people with more knowledge than me can help you.

<br />Probably because you suck.<br />
Asinine Airhead

Posts: 18

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Re: crash crash crash help me, somebody, please
« Reply #2 on: 2009 August 06, 13:40:24 »

Your issue has been covered I believe right on the main page where you download the AwesomeMod. I sent you a PM about it--check your forum inbox. Let's not start another thread on this.
Asinine Airhead

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Re: crash crash crash help me, somebody, please
« Reply #3 on: 2009 August 06, 13:41:46 »

Exactly where do the crashes occur? At the first loading screen? As soon as you try to load a saved game? Randomly while you are already in-game?

Just saying crash over and over doesn't help us.

If the crash is occurring when you attempt to load a saved game, check your Mods/Packages folder for a file called enablescripterror.package. If you find it, delete it because you probably don't even really need it anyways. Unless you want script error messages to come up on your screen while you play, you don't need it, and it causes the game to crash if you forget to update it when you update your game after a new patch comes out.

Tasty Tourist

Posts: 2

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Re: crash crash crash help me, somebody, please
« Reply #4 on: 2009 August 06, 19:33:13 »

I donīt even have at Mods folder anymore, where did that go, I wonder, and could that be the problem?
Can I just create a new one?

My game crashes when loading exactly like Pescados picture descripes it, and I have followed all the instructions to be found there.
It is so frustrating.
I could submit my dxdiag.txt but it is 25 pages so Iīd rather only do it, if that is of any use to anybody? To me those 25 pages could as well hav been written in chinese!  Embarrassed
Asinine Airhead

Posts: 18

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Re: crash crash crash help me, somebody, please
« Reply #5 on: 2009 August 06, 19:40:25 »

Since the game shouldn't be looking for any Mods folder, the fact that it is not there will not be causing your game to crash.

And since you have yet to tell us at exactly which point in the loading process you are CTD, I can't tell if it's crashing before you try to load a saved game, or not.

IF you had AwesomeMod installed on the saved game you are trying to load, and
IF you had SupCom enabled and active on lots in that saved game, and it is now no longer present, and
IF you are crashing when you try to load said saved game, then:

That MIGHT be a factor.

We can't help if you don't give us the proper information. I sent you a PM with some info on 3booter.exe, that might help.
Lord of the Nannies
Uncouth Undesirable
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Re: crash crash crash help me, somebody, please
« Reply #6 on: 2009 August 06, 19:44:54 »

Okay get Delphy's Installer Monkey tool from Mod The Sims and install it. It will set up your game to use mods.

Get Pescado's 3booter tool or just keep trying to reload if it crashes on the load screen. It's a known issue, as he pointed out on that page. Eventually it will load. You just have to keep trying.

IF you installed the installer monkey program and it set up your game to use mods (ie you have a resource.cfg, mods directory, d3dx9_31.dll in the game directory and IF you have been continually reloading the game like 20 times or more and it always crashes and never loads, then come back and we'll talk.

In communist China Peggy's hairs cut you!
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