Okay you're having issues. You've patched to 1.3 and you are trying to use Awesomemod and your game is crashing or giving you serious problems. What do you do? Start a new thread about it when 400 other people have already done so?
NO! Be resourceful. Learn how to solve game problems yourself because guess what? This won't be the last patch or expansion by a long shot.
First thing to do is
make sure the patch took. It's possible the patch installer errored out on something and did not succeed in installing the patch but you didn't realize it.
Check your TS3.exe file located here C:\Program Files\Electronic Arts\The Sims 3\Game\Bin. Right click on it, select properties (the last option on the menu) and then look and see if the file and date information match this:

Then go to the Version tab at the top and see if your version info matches this:

If you patched successfully all that info should match. If it doesn't match, you need the patch.
Here are the direct links for the file:
Updating from the base game unpatched US English verson:
http://akamai.cdn.ea.com/eadownloads/u/f/sims/sims3/patches/sims3_1.3.24.00001_from_1.0.631.00001.exeUpdating from the base game unpatched Worldwide/Razor verson:
http://akamai.cdn.ea.com/eadownloads/u/f/sims/sims3/patches/sims3_1.3.24.00002_from_1.0.631.00002.exeUpdating from the first patch (1.27) US English:
http://akamai.cdn.ea.com/eadownloads/u/f/sims/sims3/patches/sims3_1.3.24.00001_from_1.2.7.00001.exeUpdating from the first patch (1.27) Worldwide/Razor:
http://akamai.cdn.ea.com/eadownloads/u/f/sims/sims3/patches/sims3_1.3.24.00002_from_1.2.7.00002.exeIf you get errors while patching or the patch still is not taking get Delphy's Patch Log viewer
here (note: requires
.NET 3.5). That will tell you what file is preventing the patch from working. Most likely it is a missing or modified file. If all else fails, reinstall the game and then patch.
So your patch has installed successfully, your version matches the above images. What now?
NOT say 'I don't know if this has been asked/mentioned before but...'
CHECK. Chances are it has.
When searching make sure you go to home first as that will search the entire board not just this forum, or if you're lazy just use this link
http://www.moreawesomethanyou.com/smf/index.php?action=search;advancedNow the patch was released July 28th. Count back how many days ago that was (currently 7) and then change the field that says message age choose between zero and how ever many days since the patch has been release (currently 7). Anything older than that is irrelevant to you.
Try different keywords, patch, crash, menu etc. See what comes up.
READ or at least skim. Take some time. Don't expect someone to just hand you a solution on a silver platter.
Google or other search engines are also another good resource to try. (Duh. Do I really have to tell you people this?)
If you've done that and are coming up with nada and are having issues patching MTS has a guide to the patch
A note on the scripterrorr.package. It is a debugging tool that will give a log message on certain errors. It is basically useful only if you are a coder debugging the game or a game mod or else reporting an error to someone who is debugging the game or a game mod. The messages will not mean much to an average user. It has in fact been reported to cause problems for some people with the patch. If you have it and do not have a specific reason to need to get those message then get rid of it.
If you are getting crashes at the load screen is a
known issue. You just have to keep trying.
3Booter can automate the process.
If you are getting crashing in other spots Mod the Sims has a guide
It's obvious, but sound advice. Take out all your mods, take out all your custom content. See start replacing things back little by little. See what happens and narrow down the culprit.
Yes it's annoying. Yes, it's tedious. Sometimes it's all you can do. If the game loads without custom content and mods then you are guaranteed to find the culprit this way...eventually.

If your game loads with no custom content or mods in but does not load with awesomemod and only awesomemod installed (and the rescource.cfg, of course) then there must be something wrong with your setup or you have a bad or corrupt install or patch. None of us who are currently using awesomemod with the patch successfully have been able to reproduce this scenario.
If your game will load with only awesomemod installed but once you put all your other custom content and mods back in, well then you have some other file that is causing a conflict and you need to slowly replace to find out which one it is, duh. Start with putting custom content back in (yes even something as seemingly innocent as a new cloned painting can cause huge issues if not done right), then mods etc.
If your game will not load at all post patch even when every shred of custom contents, mods, resource.cfg etc have all been removed then you may have a corrupt install or patch. Try completely uninstalling the game and then installing on a clean patch. Do not modify any of the files of the game after you install until after you patch as the patch will check and refuse to install on modified installations, even if you just changed something very minor.
If you are unable to uninstall the game follow the guide
here from MistyK to do it manually.
If you have uninstalled, reinstalled and patched on a clean install of the game and your game still crashes even with no custom content or mods installed then you should probably take that up with EA customer support as something is clearly wrong and it is not mod related. As this sort of error would not be mod related, you may also have better luck finding a solution at modthesims.info or the Exchange forums at thesims3.com.
Yes, there's lots of junk posts to wade through there but those people seem to be having more issues so perhaps some have found some solutions to them. It's hard for us hard to solve problems we don't have in the first place other than to just say use common sense, try different things, start with just the base game and go from there, search, be resourceful.
Good luck and remember <insert deity or overlord of choice here> helps those who help themselves.