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Awesomemod mirror/dresser options not working.
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Topic: Awesomemod mirror/dresser options not working. (Read 9358 times)
Blathering Buffoon
Posts: 64
Awesomemod mirror/dresser options not working.
2009 July 31, 16:49:46 »
I'm probably just a lame n00b and not doing this correctly.
But it's shift+ctrl+c to open the console window, right? If I want to change a sim's clothes for example, I'd type,
"dresser Sam Sekemoto"
It doesn't seem to be working, nor does the mirror thing or...anything. The window says "dresser is an unknown command" or something.
If I'm doing it wrong, call me names. If not, then there's a problem here. I have the razor version of the game with the second patch and the latest version of Awesomemod.
Blathering Buffoon
Posts: 64
Re: Awesomemod mirror/dresser options not working.
Reply #1 on:
2009 July 31, 16:57:57 »
Quote from: jordi on 2009 July 31, 16:56:26
Either you have not properly installed AM, or you have not configured it correctly.
Does 'showconfig' work? If so, it is installed. In that case I assume you haven't enabled the testingcheats option.
Showconfig does not work. Even after enabling testingcheats, still doesn't work.
Blathering Buffoon
Posts: 59
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Re: Awesomemod mirror/dresser options not working.
Reply #2 on:
2009 July 31, 16:58:47 »
Try to delete the .cache files and load up the game again.
It could be a debug code. It's part the XML Configuration Tool. so you can enable it there. It's disabled by default.
Blathering Buffoon
Posts: 64
Re: Awesomemod mirror/dresser options not working.
Reply #3 on:
2009 July 31, 17:04:00 »
Quote from: PrinJess on 2009 July 31, 16:58:47
Try to delete the .cache files and load up the game again.
It could be a debug code. It's part the XML Configuration Tool. so you can enable it there. It's disabled by default.
Tried deleting the .cache files, didn't do anything.
When I install the "aweconf" file, do I install it with the "awesome" file? And what do I enable exactly? I'm sorry, I'm bad at this crap.
Blathering Buffoon
Posts: 64
Re: Awesomemod mirror/dresser options not working.
Reply #4 on:
2009 July 31, 17:11:08 »
Quote from: jordi on 2009 July 31, 17:06:10
Aweconf.package has the settings for Awesome.package, you need it alongside it.
The configuration page
lists in detail what every option does -- for a noob I suggest sticking to defaults, possibly only enabling TestingCheatsEnabled.
Thank you. It still isn't working though and I can't imagine why. Awesomemod should be installed correctly, I have the framework and all that. I used Delphy's monkey tool to install. Should I be typing
"showconfig" or "<showconfig>" or some other variation?
Blathering Buffoon
Posts: 64
Re: New problem.
Reply #5 on:
2009 July 31, 20:43:02 »
Okay, the problem is bigger than I thought. Apparently Awesomemod isn't installed at all. I have the latest .NET framework, I used the monkey tool, I did everything right...but Awesomemod isn't fucking installed. All my other mods work perfectly.
Again, I have the razor version, the second patch, and the razor crack. What the hell.
Furry Yifftard
Retardo Lander
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Re: Awesomemod mirror/dresser options not working.
Reply #6 on:
2009 August 02, 10:40:42 »
Hi Alex...
Prolly a silly question... but did you place the AM file and the AM Config file in your Packages folder along w/the folders for Skins, Patterns, Misc and Hacks ? It should work if it's in that path... and once you do get it installed correctly... then you just need to select a sim, bring up the cheat window... and then type in the word: dresser or mirror... and not with the Sim's name following... at least that's how it works just fine in my game... Good Luck !
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Re: Awesomemod mirror/dresser options not working.
Reply #7 on:
2009 August 02, 13:18:22 »
You didn't say anything about the patch, so I don't know if this is relevant, but I'll add it in case it's helpful at all. I haven't updated to the newest patch yet, but after the first patch I could no longer install files, including AwesomeMod, using Delpy's Monkey Installer (double clicking the file no longer worked). I suppose I could have just re-downloaded the Installer, but instead I just drag and dropped AM into my Mods/Hacks folder manually, and it worked fine. I've also read that some people had issues getting newer versions of AM to rewrite older ones. I've never experienced this personally since I always remove old versions before dropping new ones in my Mods/Hacks directory.
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