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Topic: Stuff I would have noticed earlier if I weren't so stupid. (Read 45473 times)
Gus Smedstad
Lipless Loser
Posts: 602
Stuff I would have noticed earlier if I weren't so stupid.
2009 July 30, 01:56:12 »
The base Grief penalty is -50 for 48 hours. I knew that you could cut that to -25 by either putting the tombstone in the graveyard, or mourning. What I didn't realize is that the two stack - if you do
, it drops to -12, which is a significant cut given the length of the debuff.
A relative in another household dying off-stage incurs no penalty, but if your Sims see it happen, it's as bad as a regular household death. The tombstone goes in the mortuary, so you'd better take a trip to the graveyard to Manage Dead immediately to cut that -50 penalty.
You can click on portraits in the Relationships panel, and queue Call to Chat or Invite actions without going through the phone interface. This simplifies queued actions that are well in the future; before, I used to queue a phone call, switch to someone else, and then forget whom the original sim intended to call.
Gussy Up gives a mild (+10) buff for 5 hours. Useful if you need a slight edge, but not worth doing routinely.
Bubble Bath has two modes, Bathe Until Clean, and Bathe Until Tranquil. The latter gives a buff that prevents all Fun drain for 8 hours, just like Freak Out. But the time required is steep (1 extra sim hour above regular bathing), so you'd better have some serious pain to prevent.
- Gus
Fine, I can see why people hate the Sims 3 sigs.
Knuckleheaded Knob
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Re: Stuff I would have noticed earlier if I weren't so stupid.
Reply #1 on:
2009 July 30, 02:01:48 »
I never seen the "bathe til tranquil" moodlet until today. Since it happened in the most expensive tub/combo shower, it that the only tub that gives the moodlet? My sim found a some expensive meteor rocks and I spent most of on that tub. I like the tranquil part, but do hate the time.
"So you have to be hungry to eat, right? Hmph, imagine that concept." Kirstie Alley
Gus Smedstad
Lipless Loser
Posts: 602
Re: Stuff I would have noticed earlier if I weren't so stupid.
Reply #2 on:
2009 July 30, 02:57:17 »
I have no idea, since I hate tubs in general. For routine cleaning, I prefer the speed of showers. If there was a cheap shower / tub, which there
should be
since I've seen maybe one pure tub in my
entire life
, I'd buy that. But no, there's only one shower / tub, and it's the most expensive. So I ignore tubs until I can afford that one.
The tricksy bit is that the "bubble bath" action icon has one of those grab-bars. Grab and drag it and it changes from "bathe until clean" to "bathe until tranquil." I never noticed this until post-1.3, where the default now seems to be "bathe until tranquil" instead of "bathe until clean."
- Gus
Fine, I can see why people hate the Sims 3 sigs.
Garrulous Gimp
Posts: 315
Re: Stuff I would have noticed earlier if I weren't so stupid.
Reply #3 on:
2009 July 30, 03:00:30 »
I always use the 1000§ tub and the Tranquil option is always there.
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 20
Smashing idiots with hammers since 1989
Re: Stuff I would have noticed earlier if I weren't so stupid.
Reply #4 on:
2009 July 30, 04:34:01 »
I assume it's probably necessary to have the bubble bath set out on the tub to get the moodlet, right? May as well toss a rubber duckie on there while you're at it, since tubs can hold two objects.
Doc Doofus
Garrulous Gimp
Posts: 310
Re: Stuff I would have noticed earlier if I weren't so stupid.
Reply #5 on:
2009 July 30, 04:41:02 »
Don't forget the Duckie! The Duckie gives you a five hour +10 moodlet if it's in the bathtub during either a regular or bubble bath. It stacks with the squeaky clean moodlet. No bathtub is complete without a Ducky.
One thing I haven't determined yet -- if bubble baths will alleviate the "sore muscle" or "aching back" moodlet you get from exercising or pregnancy. I suspect it does.
Medusa stared at the two creatures approaching her across the Piazza and, instantly recognizing them as Spanish Gorgons, attempted to stall them by greeting them in their native tongue, "Gorgons, Hola!"
Corpulent Cretin
Posts: 125
Re: Stuff I would have noticed earlier if I weren't so stupid.
Reply #6 on:
2009 July 30, 04:58:28 »
The only one I did know about was the one pertaining to the relationship panel.
Do sims ever take a tranquil bath on their own? My sims have had a tub since they moved in and I've never seen that moodlet.
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 18
Re: Stuff I would have noticed earlier if I weren't so stupid.
Reply #7 on:
2009 July 30, 05:11:10 »
Quote from: fatkitty on 2009 July 30, 04:58:28
The only one I did know about was the one pertaining to the relationship panel.
Do sims ever take a tranquil bath on their own? My sims have had a tub since they moved in and I've never seen that moodlet.
"Sims no longer automatically exit the bathtub before receiving the "Bathe until Tranquil" moodlet." came with the new patch.
Lord of the Nannies
Uncouth Undesirable
Posts: 3509
Re: Stuff I would have noticed earlier if I weren't so stupid.
Reply #8 on:
2009 July 30, 06:28:40 »
The bubble bath will totally wipe away negative stressed moodlets. I had a writer sim who routinely would get stressed to significant degrees and the bubble bath always saved her. Of course I also added the rubber ducky for the extra bonus.
She'd even get wants to take a bubble bath. I never had her bathe til tranquil though, seems this might be some new thing the patch enabled. I just had her take a regular length bubble bath and she'd be good to go and get back to the writing in no time. This was with a cheaper tub too.
In communist China Peggy's hairs cut you!
Querulous Quidnunc
Posts: 1154
Re: Stuff I would have noticed earlier if I weren't so stupid.
Reply #9 on:
2009 July 30, 08:13:41 »
I've yet to patch. Bathe until tranquil existed pre-patch.
INFP or something
Corpulent Cretin
Posts: 129
Re: Stuff I would have noticed earlier if I weren't so stupid.
Reply #10 on:
2009 July 30, 13:33:33 »
Quote from: kuronue on 2009 July 30, 08:13:41
I've yet to patch. Bathe until tranquil existed pre-patch.
Confirmed. My Sim has used this option a couple of times, after working hard until she was completely stressed out. I have not patched to 1.3 yet (and considering the list of new bugs introduced, probably won't ever). I can't remember if she ever queued it that way herself; I know I've expanded the icon via drag-bar for her at least once.
Quote from: Gus Smedstad on 2009 July 30, 01:56:12
You can click on portraits in the Relationships panel, and queue Call to Chat or Invite actions without going through the phone interface. This simplifies queued actions that are well in the future; before, I used to queue a phone call, switch to someone else, and then forget whom the original sim intended to call.
I've used this to contact a Sim who was not, for whatever reason, available in the phone book at a given time. Makes no sense, but there you go.
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 13
Re: Stuff I would have noticed earlier if I weren't so stupid.
Reply #11 on:
2009 July 30, 16:51:50 »
Quote from: fatkitty on 2009 July 30, 04:58:28
The only one I did know about was the one pertaining to the relationship panel.
Do sims ever take a tranquil bath on their own? My sims have had a tub since they moved in and I've never seen that moodlet.
I've had a Neurotic Sim autonomously "Bathe until Tranquil." It was the expensive shower/tub with bubble bath and the candle.
Querulous Quidnunc
Posts: 1154
Re: Stuff I would have noticed earlier if I weren't so stupid.
Reply #12 on:
2009 July 30, 17:49:33 »
I don't believe I had the most expensive bath/shower, but it definitely had both bubble bath and a candle - perhaps the candle is needed?
INFP or something
Horrible Halfwit
Posts: 392
Re: Stuff I would have noticed earlier if I weren't so stupid.
Reply #13 on:
2009 July 30, 18:15:11 »
Gussy up gives a moodlet? I'll have to try that.
I remember the first time I saw my husband clicking on rel portrates to call the sim. I was like, "What?! Why didn't you tell me you could do that?" lol
TS3: it's really cool if you don't look too closely! - bottles
Blathering Buffoon
Posts: 66
Re: Stuff I would have noticed earlier if I weren't so stupid.
Reply #14 on:
2009 July 30, 18:31:13 »
Quote from: kuronue on 2009 July 30, 17:49:33
I don't believe I had the most expensive bath/shower, but it definitely had both bubble bath and a candle - perhaps the candle is needed?
No, it's not. My cheap tub has bubble bath and a ducky, and Bathe Until Tranquil has always been available. I don't know how it works now -- I do NOT want "bathe until tranquil" as the default for autonomous bathing, kthx -- but you used to have to expand the action in your queue in order to get the sims to prunify themselves while getting their mellow on.
First they came for the Wal-Marts, and I said nothing because I was not tacky...
Querulous Quidnunc
Posts: 1154
Re: Stuff I would have noticed earlier if I weren't so stupid.
Reply #15 on:
2009 July 30, 18:38:43 »
I think the bug fixed (I hope anyway) is that if you tell them to bathe until tranquil and then do something else, they'll exit once clean and not get the moodlet.
INFP or something
Blathering Buffoon
Posts: 66
Re: Stuff I would have noticed earlier if I weren't so stupid.
Reply #16 on:
2009 July 30, 20:12:54 »
Quote from: kuronue on 2009 July 30, 18:38:43
I think the bug fixed (I hope anyway) is that if you tell them to bathe until tranquil and then do something else, they'll exit once clean and not get the moodlet.
I hope so, but that's not what the patch notes
. I should be able to test this tonight.
First they came for the Wal-Marts, and I said nothing because I was not tacky...
Gus Smedstad
Lipless Loser
Posts: 602
Re: Stuff I would have noticed earlier if I weren't so stupid.
Reply #17 on:
2009 July 30, 20:39:07 »
Quote from: kuronue on 2009 July 30, 17:49:33
I don't believe I had the most expensive bath/shower, but it definitely had both bubble bath and a candle - perhaps the candle is needed?
So far as I can tell, the candle does nothing. The Bubble Bath container is required to "Take Bubble Bath," which both fulfills the "bubble bath" wish and opens up the "bathe until tranquil" option. Taking a regular bath only allows "bathe until clean." The ducky gives a nice little bonus +10 moodlet. Since you only have 2 slots available, you should never fill one with a mood candle.
The mood candles can be put on other surfaces, like bathroom counter tops. They can be lit, but nothing seems to change while they're lit. They appear to be ordinary decorations, so it's a bit surprising they are sold in the grocery store, rather than being ordinary decorations in Buy mode.
- Gus
Fine, I can see why people hate the Sims 3 sigs.
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 20
Smashing idiots with hammers since 1989
Re: Stuff I would have noticed earlier if I weren't so stupid.
Reply #18 on:
2009 July 30, 22:04:18 »
Could it be that they were intended to function, but some sloppy programmer borked the code? I've heard about other remnants of code that exist but for whatever reason don't function (can't think of one off the top of my head, will edit if I remember) - I've no idea how hard it would be to find the candle object in the XML and see if there are any properties associated with it.
Tasty Tourist
Posts: 1
Re: Stuff I would have noticed earlier if I weren't so stupid.
Reply #19 on:
2009 July 31, 23:13:18 »
When the sims are mourning, have another sim do the 'cheer up' option in the friendly interaction and the -12 will drop to a -6.
When a pregnant sim or crappy athlete has a sore back, send them to the spa for any of the three massages and they will lose the negative moodlet and gain a postive 'massage' moodlet.
Gus Smedstad
Lipless Loser
Posts: 602
Re: Stuff I would have noticed earlier if I weren't so stupid.
Reply #20 on:
2009 July 31, 23:47:34 »
I think the "massage" cure is pretty obvious. It's even in the damned "sore" moodlet description. The romantic Massage option banishes it as well.
- Gus
Fine, I can see why people hate the Sims 3 sigs.
Terrible Twerp
Posts: 2145
ISTP. Officially male since she plays MUDs
Re: Stuff I would have noticed earlier if I weren't so stupid.
Reply #21 on:
2009 August 01, 00:07:01 »
Quote from: Doc Doofus on 2009 July 30, 04:41:02
Don't forget the Duckie! The Duckie gives you a five hour +10 moodlet if it's in the bathtub during either a regular or bubble bath. It stacks with the squeaky clean moodlet. No bathtub is complete without a Ducky.
I'm waiting for an object modder who turns the Ducky into one of
, with a bigger buff for female sims.
I say that a wise, when he does not know what he is talking about, should know enough to keep his mouth shut. -- C. Collodi,
The one and only Rhayden's AIDE. Accept no substitutes.
Lipless Loser
Posts: 676
Re: Stuff I would have noticed earlier if I weren't so stupid.
Reply #22 on:
2009 August 01, 08:19:54 »
Quote from: Gus Smedstad on 2009 July 30, 20:39:07
The mood candles can be put on other surfaces, like bathroom counter tops. They can be lit, but nothing seems to change while they're lit. They appear to be ordinary decorations, so it's a bit surprising they are sold in the grocery store, rather than being ordinary decorations in Buy mode.
They do give a mood boost. When they're lit, you'll see the mood bar has a throbby halo round it. You only need one, anywhere on the lot, to give the effect to the whole household.
J. M. Pescado
Fat Obstreperous Jerk
El Presidente
Posts: 26292
Re: Stuff I would have noticed earlier if I weren't so stupid.
Reply #23 on:
2009 August 01, 11:08:21 »
The Sore moodlet gets interesting when you start messing with the listed cause.
Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I cannot accept, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of those I had to kill because they pissed me off.
Blathering Buffoon
Posts: 75
Re: Stuff I would have noticed earlier if I weren't so stupid.
Reply #24 on:
2009 August 01, 11:45:01 »
Quote from: jim on 2009 August 01, 08:19:54
Quote from: Gus Smedstad on 2009 July 30, 20:39:07
The mood candles can be put on other surfaces, like bathroom counter tops. They can be lit, but nothing seems to change while they're lit. They appear to be ordinary decorations, so it's a bit surprising they are sold in the grocery store, rather than being ordinary decorations in Buy mode.
They do give a mood boost. When they're lit, you'll see the mood bar has a throbby halo round it. You only need one, anywhere on the lot, to give the effect to the whole household.
I believe the throbby mood bar is Lifetime Happiness Points being acquired because the Sims mood is high. Mood candles are available at the grocery store because you can place them on the bath, I suppose.
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