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Maid Hair without Cap
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Topic: Maid Hair without Cap (Read 25767 times)
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 36
Maid Hair without Cap
2009 July 25, 10:46:23 »
Posting to share the maid hair with the frilly cap removed. The hair works quite well as an updo on its own, with the cap taken off. I made this a while ago, but was mostly inspired to share it after seeing that the same hairstyle (sans cap) is being offered at TSR as a pay item. This is to spite them for asking people to subscribe to buy an in-game, EA hairstyle that they haven't made (seriously, it takes a minute to remove the cap and anyone with the tools can do it).
This mesh replaces the current maid hair; when the tools come out to make non-replacement hair, I will upload a version that does not replace it. Because it's a replacement, you must type in "unlockoutfits on" or "disableclothingfilter on" (the latter, only if you have AM) in order to access it. Works for teen, YA/A, and elder.
Horrible Halfwit
Posts: 353
Re: Maid Hair without Cap
Reply #1 on:
2009 July 25, 11:55:48 »
Very nice job, we need more 'sassy' hairstyles.
I will definately sownload the non-replace version when it comes.
Tasty Tourist
Posts: 1
Re: Maid Hair without Cap
Reply #2 on:
2009 July 25, 15:07:17 »
Lovely replacement! Thanks for sharing with us.
Lord of the Nannies
Uncouth Undesirable
Posts: 3509
Re: Maid Hair without Cap
Reply #3 on:
2009 July 25, 16:14:36 »
So dumb that TSR made this pay. Ugh.
If you get a moment would you mind explaining the steps you use to do this? I tried alpha editing the shaggy male hair to raise the bangs so you could actually see their eyes (and so I might actually want to
) but I clearly did something wrong when I repackaged it because it crashed my game when I tried to select it in the CAS.
It's also like to make that male 'sticking up' hair less (or not at all!) sticking up. Then, again, I would actually use it as I don't now.
Oh you should probably repost the 'pineapple-less' hair either here in the first post below the bun one or else in its own thread. Several people have asked for it and I've directed them to your post in the SAU hair thread, but it's kind of buried.
In communist China Peggy's hairs cut you!
Blathering Buffoon
Posts: 53
Re: Maid Hair without Cap
Reply #4 on:
2009 July 25, 18:07:17 »
Hm, I like it. So you mean we can create sims in CAS with this hair AND have hatless maids? Alright, it sounds good. Thank you.
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 8
Re: Maid Hair without Cap
Reply #5 on:
2009 July 26, 04:25:21 »
I ar no brain. I downloads and puts in me mods/packages/etc. folders and deletes caches and still no haers. What has I do wrong?
ETA: Need to point out I do have AM and I did uses disableclothingfilter on codes. Other haers show up but maid still has hatses.
non ducor, duco.
J. M. Pescado
Fat Obstreperous Jerk
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Re: Maid Hair without Cap
Reply #6 on:
2009 July 26, 04:57:57 »
I was thinking that this looks just like the hair in Jelly's avatar.
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Grammar Police
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Re: Maid Hair without Cap
Reply #7 on:
2009 July 26, 05:50:11 »
Quote from: insidious_glamour on 2009 July 26, 04:25:21
ETA: Need to point out I do have AM and I did uses disableclothingfilter on codes. Other haers show up but maid still has hatses.
Did you dump all four cache files first?
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Asinine Airhead
Posts: 8
Re: Maid Hair without Cap
Reply #8 on:
2009 July 26, 08:11:00 »
Quote from: Lorelei on 2009 July 26, 05:50:11
Did you dump all four cache files first?
I did! (o_O)
non ducor, duco.
Lord of the Nannies
Uncouth Undesirable
Posts: 3509
Re: Maid Hair without Cap
Reply #9 on:
2009 July 26, 19:12:45 »
When called on it:
Quote from: Tweiland
This is a hair that comes with the game - the maid hair, with the frilly cap removed. I hope you aren't suggesting you meshed this...?
The 'artists's' response was:
Quote from: AnoeskaB
Tweiland, the Workshop needs to be developed a bit more before we will be able to import complete new meshes. In the mean time we'll do the most we can do with the material we have, which means modifying existing hairmeshes. Exactly the same as happened it the early period of hairmeshing for Sims 2.
Anyway, now we have the Delphy tool.
Sorry TSR, for all your blustering about how you have this great tool that is able to do all these things first even before the game came out, you FAIL.
In communist China Peggy's hairs cut you!
Blathering Buffoon
Posts: 58
Heavy Sleper
Re: Maid Hair without Cap
Reply #10 on:
2009 July 26, 20:13:50 »
Quote from: oepu on 2009 July 26, 10:01:02
Funny has made this hair for free and not as default replacement:
I got your lovely hairs yesterday, Oepu, and they work fine in my game. No crashes or anything. I'm glad to be able to thank you
Sims Cave
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 14
Re: Maid Hair without Cap
Reply #11 on:
2009 July 28, 12:23:04 »
Funny has made this hair for free and not as default replacement:
It seems to have the maid hat still on at farther zooms. Otherwise it's perfect - free, non-replacement, etc.
Lord of the Nannies
Uncouth Undesirable
Posts: 3509
Re: Maid Hair without Cap
Reply #12 on:
2009 July 28, 15:31:58 »
Quote from: witchzenka on 2009 July 28, 12:23:04
Funny has made this hair for free and not as default replacement:
It seems to have the maid hat still on at farther zooms. Otherwise it's perfect - free, non-replacement, etc.
Yeah, the 'pineapple-less' hair does that too. Seems he didn't change the alpha on the LOD meshes.
In communist China Peggy's hairs cut you!
Malodorous Moron
Posts: 783
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Re: Maid Hair without Cap
Reply #13 on:
2009 July 29, 06:08:09 »
Quote from: Motoki on 2009 July 26, 19:12:45
When called on it:
Quote from: Tweiland
This is a hair that comes with the game - the maid hair, with the frilly cap removed. I hope you aren't suggesting you meshed this...?
The 'artists's' response was:
Quote from: AnoeskaB
Tweiland, the Workshop needs to be developed a bit more before we will be able to import complete new meshes. In the mean time we'll do the most we can do with the material we have, which means modifying existing hairmeshes. Exactly the same as happened it the early period of hairmeshing for Sims 2.
Anyway, now we have the Delphy tool.
Sorry TSR, for all your blustering about how you have this great tool that is able to do all these things first even before the game came out, you FAIL.
Ouch! Maybe Delphy and others (I believe Wes also has a tool?) shouldn't release these tools to the public right away. They should wait it out and send it to a few select artist they know make high quality stuff for free. They should just announce that the tools are there, hand it out to a select few and let the other opportunistic bottomfeeders die of rage for a month or two before releasing it to the public.
I don't mind waiting a bit longer for custom content if it's good while lowlifers such as Peggy
borrow the tools, make crappy stuff, CHARGE people for them and pose them as their own.
Do you need someone to organize your sock drawer?
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 36
Re: Maid Hair without Cap
Reply #14 on:
2009 July 29, 13:45:18 »
Sorry for not checking back in on this before now.
The maid hair I replaced should not display a cap at further out levels (I believe that witchzenka was referring to oepu's link, rather than mine).
The pineapple hair does show as the original when you zoom out; I neglected to change the LOD versions accidentally. I'll make a new version which replaces them all and upload that.
, I edited the meshes rather than any alpha files; I moved the pieces of the pineapple spray thing inside of the head, and shrunk the cap so it is invisible. I haven't tried altering any alphas as of yet. If you want further details/steps on how I did this, I can PM you.
Blathering Buffoon
Posts: 66
Re: Maid Hair without Cap
Reply #15 on:
2009 July 29, 15:12:24 »
Is yours still a replacement, or has it been updated?
First they came for the Wal-Marts, and I said nothing because I was not tacky...
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 14
Re: Maid Hair without Cap
Reply #16 on:
2009 July 30, 02:30:22 »
Yes, I'm sorry, I should have been more clear, I was referring to the one at Oepu's link. The creator is trying to fix that now.
However, if yours is non replacement, I would snap that up in a heartbeat.
Exasperating Eyesore
Posts: 208
Re: Maid Hair without Cap
Reply #17 on:
2009 August 13, 10:35:29 »
Very funny things happen from game to game. I placed the german maid hair in my game and didn't get it at all. Instead it unlocked the Mad Scientist hair (the one you would get if you stayed in front of a strong ventilator
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