Asinine Airhead
Posts: 10
I'd like to have awesomemod back installed along with my indiemod. However, I heard that awesomemod is not compatible with same gender pregnancy (like indie mod is). With the awesomemod configuration file its possible to disable some options, like "Romance & Perversion". Would that mean it would be possible to install an XML mod like the same gender pregnancy? Does disabling features or awesomemod with the configuration file make it possible to allow other hacks which would normally be possible or will I have to wait till EA fixes some annoyances so the game works better on itself? Indiemod besides making story progression fun, has a lot of cool features but I miss some features of awesomemod like the +5 traits and i'd like more challenging jobs. Thanks if anyone knows if this is possible..
J. M. Pescado
No. There is no "Same gender pregnancy". This essentially borks your game and AwesomeMod will never support it. An alternative solution will be added when I have enough time between people naggng me.
Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I cannot accept, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of those I had to kill because they pissed me off.
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 10
Shame on you.. same gender pregnancy is cute. But tastes differ.
Blathering Buffoon

Posts: 54
ENTP. Shall I run now?
He's going to add an alternative by way of 'cloning' and other scientific realistic means by sending your sims to the science lab. Just wait and be patient 
What\'s the use of happiness? It can\'t buy you money.
J. M. Pescado
That is a non-authorized third-party modification and is therefore unsupported. While anyone can make any modifications they care to try to AwesomeMod, we are not responsible for whether or not it works! Shame on you.. same gender pregnancy is cute. But tastes differ.
KITTENS are cute. Pregnancy, PERIOD, is disgusting, and tolerated only insofar as required for realism, and no further! * Trait Discovered: J. M. Pescado dislikes children. * The party receives 2 XP.
Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I cannot accept, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of those I had to kill because they pissed me off.
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 10
That is a non-authorized third-party modification and is therefore unsupported. While anyone can make any modifications they care to try to AwesomeMod, we are not responsible for whether or not it works! Shame on you.. same gender pregnancy is cute. But tastes differ.
KITTENS are cute. Pregnancy, PERIOD, is disgusting, and tolerated only insofar as required for realism, and no further! * Trait Discovered: J. M. Pescado dislikes children. * The party receives 2 XP.Pregnancy disgusting? Dislikes children??.. then adds pedophillia option in mod? * 2 XP more for guessing trait 2 would be 'Inappropriate'. 
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 46
 There's your cute kitten, as a sacrifice for my question to the gods of awesome. While I certainly don't want anyone to take responsibility, or offer support for the config-override concept, I would like to humbly petition for an opinion as to the borkability potential.
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 10
Thanks for the kitten. Will kitty be in the next update of awesomemod? 
Thanks for the kitten. Will kitty be in the next update of awesomemod?  If Pescado put cats in the game all of the BBS would hail him as their hero and build a statue to him. Then they would ask for a pony.
In communist China Peggy's hairs cut you!
Blathering Buffoon

Posts: 64
Then they would ask for a pony.
What's up with everybody and the pony? I WANT my damn Ticket!  No, really, now that we have some traits (and can guess others), I would really, really like a Pescado in my game to cuddle um, so that I could have a realistic Emperor of Evil  Runs...
Horrible Halfwit
Posts: 396
Meh ....
Then they would ask for a pony.
What's up with everybody and the pony? I WANT my damn Ticket!  No, really, now that we have some traits (and can guess others), I would really, really like a Pescado in my game to cuddle um, so that I could have a realistic Emperor of Evil  Runs... No soup for you ... and watch out for the random snipers! Ha-ha!
In the (should be) immortal words of Ron White: "You can't fix stupid!"
Furry Yifftard
Retardo Lander

Posts: 325
INFJ - 7, Very "F"
"Life is not about surviving the storms but rather how to dance in the rain" ~
Luther Vandross ~ Forever, For Always, For Love ~ 2005
Genius - Flirty - Friendly - Good Sense of Humor - Great Kisser ~
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 46
Yes, and now thanks to him, all my dirty, dirty, sims are fighting each other for Emperor of Evil because they're all filthy kiddie-fiddlers. I haven't been able to sort out how to be deviant in private yet - seems the psychic curfew police got jobs as peepers trying to see who's molesting whom. It's kind of funny how often they are all creeped out.
Horrible Halfwit
Posts: 392
KITTENS are cute. Pregnancy, PERIOD, is disgusting, and tolerated only insofar as required for realism, and no further!
You do know that KITTENS result from pregnacy much like human children, right?
TS3: it's really cool if you don't look too closely! - bottles
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 10
Did people want adults dating kids here? Thats sick! Jail for them is funny. * Trait we all know. Good Sense of Humor I'm curious to see what same-gender baby creations he comes up with, I hope it will not have punishments and restrictions involved so we can breed children from same gender couples!! I would love to have my evil sims battle and see all the new features!!! And I hope there are mini-me kids. 
Blathering Buffoon

Posts: 66
Between the borked genetics and same-hair "feature", aren't all the TS3 kids mini-mes?
First they came for the Wal-Marts, and I said nothing because I was not tacky...
J. M. Pescado
I'm curious to see what same-gender baby creations he comes up with, I hope it will not have punishments and restrictions involved so we can breed children from same gender couples!! I would love to have my evil sims battle and see all the new features!!! And I hope there are mini-me kids.  No punishments. Just costs. Creating unnatural abominations through science is not cheap!
Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I cannot accept, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of those I had to kill because they pissed me off.
Blathering Buffoon

Posts: 66
I'm curious to see what same-gender baby creations he comes up with, I hope it will not have punishments and restrictions involved so we can breed children from same gender couples!! I would love to have my evil sims battle and see all the new features!!! And I hope there are mini-me kids.  No punishments. Just costs. Creating unnatural abominations through science is not cheap! Creating natural abominations through breeding isn't cheap either... or shouldn't be.
First they came for the Wal-Marts, and I said nothing because I was not tacky...
J. M. Pescado
Creating natural abominations through breeding isn't cheap either... or shouldn't be. It shouldn't be, but for some reason, people with no money manage to keep doing it anyway.
Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I cannot accept, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of those I had to kill because they pissed me off.
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 10
I'm curious to see what same-gender baby creations he comes up with, I hope it will not have punishments and restrictions involved so we can breed children from same gender couples!! I would love to have my evil sims battle and see all the new features!!! And I hope there are mini-me kids.  No punishments. Just costs. Creating unnatural abominations through science is not cheap! Who will get the money? The science center owner?