J. M. Pescado
We bring you the shocking news of the latest TSR atrocity: SPYWARE AND VIRII!  They say a picture is worth a thousand words, so have at it.
Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I cannot accept, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of those I had to kill because they pissed me off.
Juvenile Jackass
Posts: 464
WTF is she on about now?
I guess that's what I get for heading down to that part of town without protection... I feel so dirty.
Uncouth Undesirable
Posts: 3030
More Nonstandard Than You
Well, at least it's somewhat comforting that I apparently use the same anti-spyware program as Pescado.
I was thinking about these things and I am a feminist.

Feckless Fool

Posts: 284
Wtf is this? What does that actually mean? Not cool at all.
Knuckleheaded Knob
Posts: 522
Giving EA the finger!
Glad I wasn't interested. Nice save Pescado!
"So you have to be hungry to eat, right? Hmph, imagine that concept." Kirstie Alley
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 37
This comes as no fuckin' surprise at all.
Grammar Police

Posts: 6512
I like pie. A cake is fine, too.
Wtf is this?
Completely unsurprising news. What does that actually mean?
It means TSR is infecting your boxxen with unnecessary and potentially damaging crap, either deliberately or due to incompetence. Not cool at all.
No, but most people who have been paying attention for the last few years are almost tapped out of outrage at this point. Saying "TSR sucks nards" is self-evident and stating the obvious, much like saying "Sky is usually blue during the daytime."
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 43
Well, at least it's somewhat comforting that I apparently use the same anti-spyware program as Pescado.
Thats what my first thought was too. I certainly am not surprised about the news but I do feel better about my chosen protection.
Feckless Fool

Posts: 284
Thanks for the break down.  I still don't understand what the file in question actually does.
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 5
To be fair, those screens are from Shane, who linked em on MTS IRC chat  That's his AV app. I'm sure Pescado hunts down his viruses with a crossbow and finishes em off with his teeth.
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 5
I am not surprised by that. I have gotten viruses from them before. Stopped using them before Sims 2 came out.
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 43
To be fair, those screens are from Shane, who linked em on MTS IRC chat  That's his AV app. I'm sure Pescado hunts down his viruses with a crossbow and finishes em off with his teeth. See, that how I thought Pescado would deal with a virus as well. I still like it better than others I have used.
Fuzzy Pumpkin
Whiny Wussy
Posts: 8583
Potiron flou
I guess that's what I get for heading down to that part of town without protection... I feel so dirty.
Dirty girl! DIRTY GIRL! You should have been using a condom with spermicidal lube, a dental dam, douching afterwards (I know, douching is bad for you, but this is TSR), and then following up with a gyno appointment in a week. I use Malware Bytes, Comodo, and Avast. Avast proved itself to be effective just this week. That siren is scary.
Capitalism, Ho!"Continue to beat it in masturbatory ecstasy if you like, but only Pescado can make it go away." - Lemmiwinks My Urinal
The other day I went on there for the shits and grins. It was ad city, which is kind of fucked up for a pay site. I mean how greedy can you get? But then I thought okay whatever. Then my web browser gets hijacked and taken to some completely different page that's all black except for a video player and some commercials and an ad for a show that I can't stop from playing are playing. So I think okay I can just click somewhere to skip the ad and go back to where I was because that's how those obnoxious as work everywhere else. Nope. No click through. No way to exit. I'm stuck with some damed video running on a all black background at some site I didn't choose to go to. So I just closed the damned browser down. And of course three more windows of bullshit pop up.  Luckily, I didn't catch anything from it, but seriously? Is that the kind of shit you have to go through to go to their site if you don't subscribe? And I sincerely hope the people dumb enough to pay aren't subjected to that too.
In communist China Peggy's hairs cut you!
Tasty Tourist
Posts: 1
Well, this is my first post. I'm Shane - the taker of the aforementioned screencaps. To answer questions asked here & pmbd, the alerts came up both while installing, launching and running the program. -On installation the program adds itself to the startup registry without asking permission. This means by default it will try to launch every time Windows does. (I didn't screencap this 'alert') -When launching the program, the "Attempts to communicate with the internet" alert popped up. This is so the program can show you the latest subscriber downloads available on TSR, as well as offer you 30% off a subscription. This connection between the workshop and TSR is always open, the program launches with Windows if you remember. Screencap of this: http://i273.photobucket.com/albums/jj211/ShanOw0/tsrtool.jpg- When using the various 'features' or saving a file using the tool, the program library injection alert popped up.
Doc Doofus
Garrulous Gimp
Posts: 310
TSR has some 'splainin' to do. I suppose they might have a good excuse. It should be amusing, at least.
Avast really is the best. When I had a persistent rootkit problem, Avast was the only scanner that was able to catch it out of several I tried.
Medusa stared at the two creatures approaching her across the Piazza and, instantly recognizing them as Spanish Gorgons, attempted to stall them by greeting them in their native tongue, "Gorgons, Hola!"
Feckless Fool

Posts: 254
ESFP- I'm a speshul snowflake
Although if anyone would like to brave the depths of TSR to bring me the cleaned up Sims 3 files (especially the toddler hair) I would be forever in their debt.
My claim to Sims fame? I was featured as a Sims 2 fan on an MTV show about The Urbz. I'm badass like that.
Although if anyone would like to brave the depths of TSR to bring me the cleaned up Sims 3 files (especially the toddler hair) I would be forever in their debt.
http://www.mediafire.com/file/zcmmnyytgtt/Cemre_Mesh_ToddHair008.packageIt's just the package file, so no need to extract it, run it through any installers or anything of that sort. I downloaded the sims3pack then ran it through Pescado's recompressor tool, then extracted the package and named it a sensible name, not the EA jibberish. Just tested it in my game and it's working fine and nothing exploded so far.  Edit: Put it in Mods/Packages/ or Mod/Packages/Skins or somewhere along those lines.
In communist China Peggy's hairs cut you!
Feckless Fool

Posts: 254
ESFP- I'm a speshul snowflake
Awesome. That's what I was looking for.
But let's not make this just be a THANKS THIS IS GREAT post. What exactly did the spyware try to do?
My claim to Sims fame? I was featured as a Sims 2 fan on an MTV show about The Urbz. I'm badass like that.
Dimwitted Dunce

Posts: 182
Oh, ugh. Thank everything that I didn't use this. I started the installer(Didn't go any further) and lost my cool when my computer starting slowing to a crawl while I was being web-raped impregnated.
Of course this could've been due to the fact that my computer was stupid at the time (my card was in the process of dying, has nothing to do with that but still, wouldn't put anything past old faithful) but lets just blame it on TSR, since their installation is the stupidest thing in the world. Don't remember the details, just remember it was a painful and tedious process.
Goopy Lover
Dead Member

Posts: 6109
All Pescados Suck.
Blathering Buffoon

Posts: 80
@TSR: $&§!%)§#$ (CENSORED)  I will spread this information to all my friends! Thanks Pescado 
Greetings, Cyron
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 25
So TSR gets über-pissed when some one pirates their content and when someone actually pays for their content, they screw them over. Thank God I never liked TSR because I swear to God that web site is so stupid.
•I'm a social-- •--Butterfly? •No. Watermellon. •Then socially speaking; I am going to eat you.
Corpulent Cretin

Posts: 111
I smell lawsuit, hopefully 
Tasty Tourist
Posts: 3
I actually posted some houses there. Then I came here about a month ago.. Am now in the loop. F*ck Them. They charge money for some really stupid shit too. Some of their "Featured Content" made it to GoS's worst finds thread. Nuff Said Wow... I feel like I just joined TSR Anonymous or something... do I get a chip? lol