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Topic: Other Games? (Read 59683 times)
Town Crier
Garrulous Gimp
Posts: 346
Re: Other Games?
Reply #25 on:
2005 July 16, 02:05:34 »
I've been an avid Civilization fan since the beginning.
Am I right in believing that the Guv'nor shares this love? This would explain the Battleship-vs-Phalanx reference in the old Fight Club hack thread.
J. M. Pescado
Fat Obstreperous Jerk
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Re: Other Games?
Reply #26 on:
2005 July 16, 02:09:57 »
Yes, although my enthusiasm for Civ 3 is somewhat less. I personally felt it was kind of a low point in the series. So obviously, you got the Battleship vs. Phalanx reference, and how it applies to Sim-Fighting.
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Town Crier
Garrulous Gimp
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Re: Other Games?
Reply #27 on:
2005 July 16, 02:14:00 »
Well, let's hope Civ 4 will be better. I too felt n.3 it didn't add much, but a preview of the instalment to come really had me surprised.
EDIT: For the devotee, Battleship-versus-Phalanx was a notorious example of what was wrong in the wonderful original game. I chuckled as soon as I read about it.
J. M. Pescado
Fat Obstreperous Jerk
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Re: Other Games?
Reply #28 on:
2005 July 16, 02:16:23 »
I don't pay attention to vaporware and propaganda. There is no Civ 4.
Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I cannot accept, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of those I had to kill because they pissed me off.
Town Crier
Garrulous Gimp
Posts: 346
Re: Other Games?
Reply #29 on:
2005 July 16, 02:22:44 »
H'm... but then, why would serious reviews have screenshots of it out of E3? Also, why shouldn't Firaxis continue a lucrative series?
J. M. Pescado
Fat Obstreperous Jerk
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Re: Other Games?
Reply #30 on:
2005 July 16, 02:27:59 »
They certainly will. But I don't see a Civ 4. I don't have a Civ 4. Do you have it? Do you know anyone who has it? Sounds suspiciously like there doesn't seem to be a Civ 4. Maybe later. But right now, I see no Civ 4.
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Asinine Airhead
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Re: Other Games?
Reply #31 on:
2005 July 16, 04:41:26 »
i still play a lot of older games from Sierra.... and i like all flavors of Gran Turismo, so i hang on to the console emulator for those. pretty much like turn based god games.... been bouncing between Empire Earth & Civ III for now. TS2 is on the back burner for a little bit. i also like arcade style stuff. I have copies of Chaos Defender, Fly or Die, Rescue from Space invaders, Zybex, Chicken Invaders... one i really love is Ragnarok.... and of course the old Atari & Namco games are always fun. these games just don't piss you off, never crash, have a high entertainment value and don't require 6 hours of unecessary reading to play. found a few old Xaxxon clones & i am digging on them in my free moments while on holiday. those kind are good time killers for the laptop while traveling. even have a copy of Railroad Tycoon... hmmm... II platinum i think it is? have that one going... and Tropico. don't ask me why i like these old games. guess they just have charm. pretty much do play all the civ games, even the free knock offs like Free Civ.... was disappointed with Alpha Centuri, but i have a thing going with it right now too... haven't played Pirates, but may try it... still need to give Rise of Nations and SC4 a go, ha, i am stuck on SC3k...
Last Edit: 2005 July 16, 04:53:05 by freoninferno
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Asinine Airhead
Posts: 6
Re: Other Games?
Reply #32 on:
2005 July 16, 14:02:44 »
Although Pescado doesn't approve, my other game at the moment is World of Warcraft. If anyone else plays, I'm on Malygos with Nisterius, Pepperia, and Shortbottom (allience) and Selthius and Onidanda (horde). :-)
Terrible Twerp
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Re: Other Games?
Reply #33 on:
2005 July 16, 14:34:39 »
Quote from: Michael_the_choirboy on 2005 July 16, 14:02:44
Although Pescado doesn't approve, my other game at the moment is World of Warcraft. If anyone else plays, I'm on Malygos with Nisterius, Pepperia, and Shortbottom (allience) and Selthius and Onidanda (horde). :-)
Hi Mike, you must be running into my son and daughter then, that game is their newest obsession as well. My daughter is 'horde' person and my son an 'alliance' person.
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Corpulent Cretin
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Re: Other Games?
Reply #34 on:
2005 July 16, 17:02:11 »
Other than Sims2, I play my old Sierra adventures. I've got all the series' so I get through the whole lot once a year... then generally start over. I long for new (and GOOD) adventure games. Too bad they no longer exist.
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Re: Other Games?
Reply #35 on:
2005 July 16, 17:12:54 »
Quote from: Kukes on 2005 July 16, 17:02:11
Other than Sims2, I play my old Sierra adventures. I've got all the series' so I get through the whole lot once a year... then generally start over. I long for new (and GOOD) adventure games. Too bad they no longer exist.
Have you tried
Peasant's Quest?
Anyway, I've recently been playing Destroy All Humans!, and
Stinkoman 20X6
. I still can't complete level 7 without cheating.
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Re: Other Games?
Reply #36 on:
2005 July 16, 17:39:09 »
I recently bought an X-Box, so I've been playing Halo2 online, and Otogi: Myth of Demons. On the PC, I've been playing The Suffering, a nice blood soaked horror genre of a game. I need to finish the 2nd expansion to Morrowind before I buy Oblivion - the next big game I am anxiously awaiting. I tend to prefer first person shooters. The Sims 2 is quite an anomaly for me.
Just coincidence but it works.
Nitwitted Nuisance
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Re: Other Games?
Reply #37 on:
2005 July 16, 17:48:45 »
Oh, yeah. I'm totally looking forward to Oblivion. Sort of like Morrowind. Honestly, too restricting for me. Hopefully Oblivion will be less so. For the same reason, I'm looking forward to Spore. Sims, Sim City--sandbox games are really the only kind I play. Anything else is just too "wait, what do you mean, I can't do that?" Even Sims annoys me like sometimes. The only game I ever really enjoyed that had a plot was Jak 2. Which could have been way cooler. If the gameplay hadn't sucked, and the sequel had had a decent plot. (Jak 3 had awesome gameplay, but the ending was lame, and the animation was nowhere near the coolness of 2. That game was rushed.) They totally screwed that character over . . <sigh.> The "this could have been so cool!" factor strikes again.
Marvin Kosh
Feckless Fool
Posts: 264
Re: Other Games?
Reply #38 on:
2005 July 16, 23:23:33 »
When I'm not playing Sims 2, I'm most likely in my retro-gaming groove, taking on the alien threat in UFO: Enemy Unknown (aka
XCOM: UFO Defence
). In both titles, your role is that of an omniscient and (sometimes) beneficial controller, but there's not a lot else in common. Well actually I lie, XCOM still has quite an active community (though not as large as TS2) and people are still coming up with mods for it, which can't be bad.
I also play NWN but it's growing steadily more tedious and dated.
New hacks! (4/4/09)
Unauthorised Servo hack!
Servos don't revert back to metal!
J. M. Pescado
Fat Obstreperous Jerk
El Presidente
Posts: 26292
Re: Other Games?
Reply #39 on:
2005 July 16, 23:48:22 »
Actually, you're not quite omniscient, you're limited to the viewing range of your individual units. As for benevolent, well, that depends on whether you take the Soviet approach to psi-testing or not.
Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I cannot accept, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of those I had to kill because they pissed me off.
Corpulent Cretin
Posts: 148
Re: Other Games?
Reply #40 on:
2005 July 17, 00:35:26 »
Civilization 2. Definitely Civ 2! I almost always have a Civ 2 game up and running on my Mac, just as I almost always have The Sims 2 running on my big Windows box.
So, just how addicted to Civ 2 am I? Look at this:
Inga's Civ 2 Outfit
That's another of my silly stories at the Hullabaloo, posted just last Saturday. It hasn't even been announced in the Chronicle yet. (Because I am three days late getting out this week's Chronicle. Oops. Blame it on Real Life. Or Rio. Whichever comes first.)
I have Civ 3 on my Windows laptop, but the only time I played it was when I was stuck in a hotel on a business trip to Canada and seriously needed a Civ fix. Civ 3 just doesn't do it for me.
The "reflex" games where you have to train yourself to push buttons in the right sequence don't appeal to me at all, so I leave all the fighting games on my son's shelf.
Hmmm... I don't want to use JM's board as SimsHost bait, so if you like that outfit, here's an exclusive secret just for folks who visit More Awesome Than You:
. 116 K download.
(The link above bypasses the whole SimsHost thing. SimsHost subscribers can also download Inga's outfit from that thread at the Hullabaloo, but it'll sock your SimsHost account for 1.1 cents if you do. In that case, we humbly thank you for your support.)
J. M. Pescado
Fat Obstreperous Jerk
El Presidente
Posts: 26292
Re: Other Games?
Reply #41 on:
2005 July 17, 00:38:54 »
Yes, well, you see, the rules on advertising paystuff here is that it'll cost you $9.95/month.
We're the only ones who get to post paystuff here! It's my paysite! Not yours! Nyah!
You can advertise free stuff all you want, though. )
Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I cannot accept, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of those I had to kill because they pissed me off.
Corpulent Cretin
Posts: 148
Re: Other Games?
Reply #42 on:
2005 July 17, 05:10:15 »
There's a lot to be said for crass commercialism!
Although to be honest, I just wanted to show off that cute li'l Civ 2 oufit. I thought it a fascinating coincidence that I made that just a week ago, and here folks are talking about Civ 2. I thought I was the only Civ 2 holdout left in the world! Since I had already posted that outfit in the regular SimsHost space, the only solution I could think of was to make a special free version for fellow Pescadophiles.
I'd probably be better at the commercial game if I didn't totally suck at marketing. (30something years of working for government aerospace contractors does not give one much marketing experience. Is it any wonder that SimsHost continues to lose money after all these years? It makes me wonder how the more serious marketeers are doing.) Actually, paying $10.00 a month for the privilege of planting subscriber bait might not be a bad deal. Since we only charge $2 a month for subscriptions, if five people a month were inspired to join the party because of it, that would be a break-even (well, make it 6 or 7 to account for taxes and stuff), and the downloads take care of themselves.
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 6
Re: Other Games?
Reply #43 on:
2005 July 17, 05:57:28 »
I'm with Jaayar- other games?? I have no clue what that could be... oh unless you count solitaire or Snnod- games you can play in less then three hours, as you need for the Sims.
Feckless Fool
Posts: 270
Re: Other Games?
Reply #44 on:
2005 July 18, 03:19:47 »
Other games...well there is only Simcity 4, Zoo Tycoon, Hotel and Warcraft sitting on my shelf. Guess I like God games. My fav is Simcity 4, the others I got from Ebay to see what they were like.
Used to be a big Doom head but that was earlier in my gaming years.
I will play Backgammon online - Yahoo games. Yep, pretty nerdy.
J. M. Pescado
Fat Obstreperous Jerk
El Presidente
Posts: 26292
Re: Other Games?
Reply #45 on:
2005 July 18, 04:51:54 »
I'm not a big fan of Backgammon online. I prefer the real deal, because I'm much better at it in person. As in, I ruthlessly and unmercifully pummel you every single game thanks to my fine physical control.
Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I cannot accept, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of those I had to kill because they pissed me off.
Querulous Quidnunc
Posts: 1228
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Re: Other Games?
Reply #46 on:
2005 July 18, 05:12:04 »
I stick mainly to The Sims at the moment (especially when the little girl next door comes over and wants to play the 'peeple game' on the 'pooter' - although we have been known to attempt computerised board games like monopoly, the game of life).
Otherwise, Emperor: The Rise of the Middle Kingdom is one of my fave city building games. I have tried Sim City 4 but there's plenty I seem incapable of doing on it (I am incompetent! Rip My Lips Off Now!), and otherwise it seems like a lot of waiting around.
Oh well, another week and Uni will start again and I will have to kiss goodbye to my game playing, not to mention the rest of my life in general
<insert witty comment here>
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 26
la reine sans tete
Re: Other Games?
Reply #47 on:
2005 July 18, 09:36:31 »
A lot of people collect stamps, coins and whatnot. I tend to amass pathetic amounts of computer games... many of which I've never even taken out of the box, much less installed and played. Such as (don't rip my lips off, please, JMP, I'll get around to them some day) Civ II and Civ III. Have the complete Morrowind sitting here as well, which I bought in anticipation of my wrist surgery, thinking I'd have a good 6 to 8 weeks off work to really get into it. Was a bit tricky to do seeing as I needed two hands and with one arm in a cast it just didn't work. I suppose I'll give it another shot eventually. I've got all of the city building games (and I also liked Emperor the best of the whole lot), going all the way back to the original Caesar. I can still hear my computer chanting "Plebes. Plebes." at me over and over again whenever more workers were needed (jeez, I can't remember, was that the first or second??)
I loved all the Age of Empires and Mythology games with expansions and still play those from time to time. Same goes for Tropico2, although I absolutely loathed the first one for some odd reason. Stronghold was okay, and I'm toying with the idea of getting the new one. Pirates! was probably one of the easiest and most repetitive games I've ever played, and I was so horribly addicted to it in spite of the redundancy. In fact, I played it just the other day for the first time in months and still adore it. I was really into Diablo I and II for a looong time, and had my assassin up to a level 81 when I finally got sick of it (and haven't touched it since). The various Roller Coaster Tycoon and Zoo Tycoon games still see action sporadically. The Myst games were great but once you'd solved them... meh, no sense in doing them again. Now they're amazingly proficient at gathering dust. I purchased Psychonauts last weekend and must say that thus far I'm NOT impressed. I guess it's just not my thing, so I highly doubt I'll finish it and suspect it will soon be employed as a dust collector with Myst et. al.
I'll still trot out the old Black & White games now and then, which I suspect ties into my sim addiction. It's hard to *not* like a game where you're God.
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Crazy Lollipop
Terrible Twerp
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Re: Other Games?
Reply #48 on:
2005 July 18, 09:44:22 »
Restaurant Empire, Hotel Giant, The Sims 1 (still fond of it), Sherlock Holmes misteries, and Bridge CD and online)...
J. M. Pescado
Fat Obstreperous Jerk
El Presidente
Posts: 26292
Re: Other Games?
Reply #49 on:
2005 July 18, 10:03:54 »
I'll have to give some of these games you mentioned a whirl sometime. I think I might have some of them still unplayed in my archives.
Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I cannot accept, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of those I had to kill because they pissed me off.
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