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Topic: Download Links: cool stuff found on other sites (Read 134797 times)
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 11
My Bite Is Your Delight
Download Links: cool stuff found on other sites
2009 July 18, 09:36:21 »
I thought people might be interested in the current downloaded skins.
This is what I've come up with so far
They are all "NON BARBIE"...if you want barbie please find them yourself
Liana Sims3
Club Crimsyn Skin
Real Nipples Addon
Penis Addon Normal & Erect
Body Hair Addon's
Lingerie & Stockings
Facial Piercings Individual & Combination
Been waiting for this !
Last Edit: 2009 July 23, 08:05:46 by Vampster
Exasperating Eyesore
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Re: Downloaded Sims3 Skins With Links
Reply #1 on:
2009 July 18, 09:41:56 »
I would love reviews as well from people who have them in game.
I'm an apathetic sociopath, I'd kill you if I cared.
Exasperating Eyesore
Posts: 248
Re: Downloaded Sims3 Skins With Links
Reply #2 on:
2009 July 18, 10:16:24 »
-I can give a small review of 234jiao's skin. It was the choice for me because I play with mostly my Japanese hood, the females have a really nice smooth body that I like. I would say it probably could work best as a mix and match with someone else's female faces. The males are too prominently muscular though. Even in the "less muscular" version, it might be too much if you play with different body sizes too much (as seen in the picture I posted in the picture thread of a shirtless guy). The faces though only work for asian or 'anime' styled sims though, it looked a bit silly on some npcs around the eyes.
-HP skins just are not my taste at all, I know she released that anti-pudding face mod also but I'm not seeing it. They still look pudding with her skins and custard mod, Sorry.
-I'm going to say from viewing Peggysims skins, her work is STILL not playtested, and the nipples/shading are completely ick in regards to anatomy. I took them out right away. The males were just awful can't even begin (I heard someone call it "landing strip" like an airport in another thread
Have yet to find an eye replacement to go with any of the skins that doesn't turn to crap. The reflection settings I like to leave on don't play well with replacements (creates a lens flare kind of glare in their pupils that makes them look weird in different lighting)
Knuckleheaded Knob
Posts: 505
Re: Downloaded Sims3 Skins With Links
Reply #3 on:
2009 July 18, 11:36:58 »
As far as I can tell, the Peggy skin is only for the light skin tones. With any darker blends of skin the details dont show, which is a shame.
Anach's Sims 3 Mods
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Asinine Airhead
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Re: Downloaded Sims3 Skins With Links
Reply #4 on:
2009 July 18, 11:44:12 »
- Tested these today, They are crap as... lol.
I think everything was taken from a photo then pasted on the skin ! ..also the boobs are squashed together...
HP: Originally used these.. I think they are the 2nd best out there !
Club Crimsyn-
I personally think these are the best out there !! they are great, plus you can download them in sep files such as "male" female.. child.. & sep faces.
They basically CC's skins with added body hair & muscle. currently using these as my male skins with the CC normal female skin
BUT if you have fat sims.. they will look like ninja turtles.. as the abs show up all the time
Last Edit: 2009 July 18, 11:55:59 by Vampster
Lipless Loser
Posts: 637
Re: Downloaded Sims3 Skins With Links
Reply #5 on:
2009 July 18, 12:48:02 »
I've only tried the Club Crimsyn ones, but I ended up having to take them out after a couple of days. In daylight they look great, but for some odd reason, once the sun's gone down, they take on a very chiseled appearance, with the backs on female skins in particular looking like someone had gouged out the spine.
The other problem I had (and it will probably be the same with all default replacements I try) is that no matter how many different cache files I deleted, the game would only apply the skin to my current sims instead of the whole neighbourhood.
INTJ (44/12/38/67).
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Corpulent Cretin
Posts: 129
Re: Downloaded Sims3 Skins With Links
Reply #6 on:
2009 July 18, 13:31:37 »
I am discouraged to hear so many consider the Club Crimsyn skins to be superior, as those are the ones I'm looking to replace with something better. Not only do they suffer the "shrimp-back" issue uknortherner pointed out (very annoying and unrealistic), but on a light-skinned female, what I take to be intended as the "shine" layer is drastically mismatched, making Sims look like they've got vitiligo.
If I ever get around to it myself, I'm going to blend one of the hairy male skins with the EAxis default abdomen/rib area. I know the original defaults look oddly flat, but for me it's still better than the TMNT syndrome. Not every man has a six pack.
ETA: I forgot to mention for jordi, if you look at her post
, Seraphita did add male skins as well. And they're in a separate file, like the TummyZa male skins, so you can mix and match.
Last Edit: 2009 July 18, 13:39:57 by CheritaChen
Lipless Loser
Posts: 637
Re: Downloaded Sims3 Skins With Links
Reply #7 on:
2009 July 18, 13:51:38 »
Well, I tried deleting SimCompositorCache.package again and it didn't work. However, I then started looking for other cache files in obscure places and looked in DCCache, where there were additional cache files for Riverview (the town I'm currently playing). Deleting Riverview_sims.package fixed the issue, but once again after five minutes of trying out CC's skins, I had to remove them because of the aforementioned missing spine/"shrimp-back" issue that's too difficult to ignore.
INTJ (44/12/38/67).
"We're building into all of our games the ability to pay for things along the way, and consumers are enjoying and embracing that way of the business." -EA CFO Blake Jorgensen
Corpulent Cretin
Posts: 129
Re: Downloaded Sims3 Skins With Links
Reply #8 on:
2009 July 18, 13:54:28 »
The top half of falcoknight's female skin does look fantastic in the pics, but in addition to fixing the shine, he removed the pubes. Just as not all men have six packs, not all women wax and shave down to bare skin. I'll deal with unsightly shine if I can get decent nips and a rug.
Feckless Fool
Posts: 257
Re: Downloaded Sims3 Skins With Links
Reply #9 on:
2009 July 18, 14:55:31 »
Club Crimsyn skins & eyes get my vote. Also, her/their hairy-chest overlay is amazing.
Blathering Buffoon
Posts: 60
Re: Downloaded Sims3 Skins With Links
Reply #10 on:
2009 July 18, 15:31:06 »
I'm using TummyZa's male skins, Seraphita's female skins and Aikea's faces. I've tried others, but these are my favourites so far - I know about the painted-on abs problem, but a) I've yet to see it on bigger sims, and b ) I generally prefer them over Aikea's. Seraphita's has got to be the best female skin out there, IMO, and I anxiously await her male/kids add-on
I don't, however, like the faces from either TZ's or Seraphita's skins, and I still think AG's are the best for those.
As for eyes, I found
these beauties
on MTS. They're the best I've seen so far
Tasty Tourist
Posts: 2
Re: Downloaded Sims3 Skins With Links
Reply #11 on:
2009 July 18, 17:22:04 »
I'm using HP's skins and faces and I couldn't be happier. It adds a very naturalistic kind of tonal variation that makes 'em not look like they're made out of rubber, like the original EA skins do, but they're still stylized enough that they don't look like hyperdetailed uncanny valley monstrosities, so they still fit into the world of the game without looking out of place.
Knuckleheaded Knob
Posts: 505
Re: Downloaded Sims3 Skins With Links
Reply #12 on:
2009 July 18, 18:26:44 »
Personally i've found that all but HP and Seph's skins seem to be lower res and/or arent as good when it comes to darker skin tones.
For male I currently prefer TZ's less muscular skins, and for female I'm using Seph's. Once some better detailed feet are released, id like to see some high detail skins made to suit the feet, nipples, penis models and assembled into one pack. Wishful thinking perhaps
Anach's Sims 3 Mods
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Lord of the Nannies
Uncouth Undesirable
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Re: Downloaded Sims3 Skins With Links
Reply #13 on:
2009 July 18, 19:14:53 »
Meh, most of these have the usual Sims community moist, misted, glazed honey baked ham look like a porn star quality about them.
I was thinking to use the Crymsin ones but since people mentioned the back/lighting issues I think I shall pass.
I'd go for the Falco ones if he ever did males. I agree with Jordi, we're one species. I'm not mixing and matching.
I just want something a little more anatomically correct than Barbie and Ken but that fits within the style of the Sims game world. I don't want some uber glossy trampy looking crap.
In communist China Peggy's hairs cut you!
Anime Fapper
Irritating Ignoramus
Posts: 406
Re: Downloaded Sims3 Skins With Links
Reply #14 on:
2009 July 18, 19:15:32 »
Quote from: CheritaChen on 2009 July 18, 13:54:28
... but in addition to fixing the shine, he removed the pubes. Just as not all men have six packs, not all women wax and shave down to bare skin.
Well then you will also agree not all women have dark hair since one of the issues is if add body hair to the skin then ALL Sims will have that body hair.
Its the same issue with all men having six packs, its not something you can fix but you can go around it ... I seen body hair as a accessory for males so you can have Male Sims were the rug matches the curtains.
Also another problem comes with certain bottoms were the pubes can show and I do think even those women that do not wax or shave will do so instead of showing peeking out.
Right now the main issue is how things are set, things like bodyhair and pubes are using gloves or socks as a base so when a Sim get nude they will be removed so you get the annoying oddities of a Sim "undressing" their body hair to take a bath.
This might sound as a excuse but Falcoknight did something that many people asked and when my options are "all women have black hair" and "all women shave", I take the shave.
Fuzzy Pumpkin
Whiny Wussy
Posts: 8583
Potiron flou
Re: Downloaded Sims3 Skins With Links
Reply #15 on:
2009 July 18, 22:08:35 »
Any pictures of the backs of the Club Crimson skins at night? It seems hers are the only ones, or the only ones I've heard of, that cover kids. That's why I've been waiting to get skins.
For eyes, I'm using the Radiant version of
, by icedmango. They look fantastic in game, much less glassy whites than the default EAxis versions and less cartoony while not being too terribly realistic.
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Asinine Airhead
Posts: 5
Re: Downloaded Sims3 Skins With Links
Reply #16 on:
2009 July 18, 23:29:16 »
I use:
PeggyZone Female Skin: Looks awesome ingame, lovely color and finish. Matte, no shine. Anatomical mods are very nicely done.
TummyZa Male Hairy/Peggy Mod Skin: Incredible!! Best skin for male sims yet. Ninja turtle and all... It is Peggy's skin with hair placed over it. It is a muscular skin and makes even your schlubby sims look good. Overly obese sims do have the shaded areas, just looks like bubbles of fat.
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 10
Re: Downloaded Sims3 Skins With Links
Reply #17 on:
2009 July 19, 02:41:34 »
I use Aikea's female body, faces and eyes and Tummyza's male body (mostly because my main CC hunting ground is GOS) Tummyza's skins are awesome, definitely a lot less... well, EAxis-y.
I used Aikea's male body before then too, and I didn't notice any lighting problem.. but then again, I probably wasn't looking properly.
Lord of the Nannies
Uncouth Undesirable
Posts: 3509
Re: Downloaded Sims3 Skins With Links
Reply #18 on:
2009 July 19, 03:00:02 »
Well you people who think those Tummy skins are all that and a bag of chips explains a lot to me about why we get the kinds of skins we do in this community.
I would rather not have my sims look like glistening oiled porn star bodybuilders or even worse, disturbing flesh toned ninja turtles, but to each his own I guess.
In communist China Peggy's hairs cut you!
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 27
Re: Downloaded Sims3 Skins With Links
Reply #19 on:
2009 July 19, 03:06:26 »
Quote from: Sadie on 2009 July 18, 15:31:06
I'm using TummyZa's male skins, Seraphita's female skins and Aikea's faces. I've tried others, but these are my favourites so far - I know about the painted-on abs problem, but a) I've yet to see it on bigger sims, and b ) I generally prefer them over Aikea's. Seraphita's has got to be the best female skin out there, IMO, and I anxiously await her male/kids add-on
I don't, however, like the faces from either TZ's or Seraphita's skins, and I still think AG's are the best for those.
As for eyes, I found
these beauties
on MTS. They're the best I've seen so far
I'm sorry, where do I get Aikea's faces from? I checked MTS, but all that's on there are eyes. So, are they on some forum somewhere?
Edit: Oh, I see. Aikea = Club Crimson.
I just visited it.
Corpulent Cretin
Posts: 129
Re: Downloaded Sims3 Skins With Links
Reply #20 on:
2009 July 19, 03:51:39 »
Quote from: Drakron on 2009 July 18, 19:15:32
Well then you will also agree not all women have dark hair since one of the issues is if add body hair to the skin then ALL Sims will have that body hair.
Yes, it's a matter of personal preference. I prefer to see even the palest blond Sims with dark pubes than have ALL female Sims run around looking like eight-year-olds.
I seen body hair as a accessory for males so you can have Male Sims were the rug matches the curtains.
You saw body hair as an accessory? I'll have to look for that and see how it's done. It's ultimately the answer for both genders, in my opinion.
Right now the main issue is how things are set, things like bodyhair and pubes are using gloves or socks as a base so when a Sim get nude they will be removed so you get the annoying oddities of a Sim "undressing" their body hair to take a bath.
Oh. Never mind, then. The only time my Sims are nude is when they're, well, nude. You know, to bathe.
As someone mentioned a while back, the best solution would be if we could get the body hair to function like eyebrows and beards. Then it would be adjustable in the mirror rather than at the dresser, too.
Also another problem comes with certain bottoms were the pubes can show and I do think even those women that do not wax or shave will do so instead of showing peeking out.
Anyone wearing something so skimpy that
every single hair
must go in order not to show might as well go about nude anyway.
Falcoknight did something that many people asked and when my options are "all women have black hair" and "all women shave", I take the shave.
And you aren't the only one. I'm not questioning that some people prefer that style; I just presented my opinion in explanation of why I'm not interested in a particular skin which was recommended to me. I'm glad you've found one that you like.
I've put the TummyZ males and the HP females into my game today, and while I see some improvement, I still wish the abdomen of the males weren't so painted-on. I too find the males a bit oily, but until I get around to doing it myself or someone else does even better, I think they'll stay. The females are still on probation.
Retarded Reprobate
Posts: 1274
Re: Downloaded Sims3 Skins With Links
Reply #21 on:
2009 July 19, 05:55:53 »
I use the 234jiao skins. They look pretty good, more detailed, but not overly, than say HP's.
I really didnt like like Peggy or Crymson skins...but thats just my opinion
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 11
My Bite Is Your Delight
Re: Downloaded Sims3 Skins With Links
Reply #22 on:
2009 July 19, 06:06:44 »
Club Crimsyn Body Hair Overlay...
The pic is now up... just search there site for it... its under accessories
All sorts of goodies on there...
Might take some in game shots for there skins too... so everyone can see what they look like ingame
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 7
French Speaking Tourist
Re: Downloaded Sims3 Skins With Links
Reply #23 on:
2009 July 19, 09:20:43 »
Which skins look good for darker skins too? p.s. sorry fot my bad english...
Irritating Ignoramus
Posts: 448
Re: Downloaded Sims3 Skins With Links
Reply #24 on:
2009 July 19, 10:32:37 »
I haven't really come across a single one that I like. Aikea's have this annoying effect where everyone, regardless of bodyweight, has these gouged-out clavicules. Do not want.
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