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Topic: Traits that matter (Read 95204 times)
Blathering Buffoon
Posts: 55
Re: Traits that matter
Reply #75 on:
2009 August 19, 11:01:10 »
Well, for me, some sims tend to queue drop. When it happens there will be a thought bubble with an orange question mark in it.
Exasperating Eyesore
Posts: 234
Re: Traits that matter
Reply #76 on:
2009 August 19, 12:06:52 »
Isn't that the point where they're supposedly "contemplating their surroundings"?
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 18
Re: Traits that matter
Reply #77 on:
2009 August 19, 12:28:25 »
To my knowledge, only Genius sims can 'contemplating their surroundings'.
Querulous Quidnunc
Posts: 1154
Re: Traits that matter
Reply #78 on:
2009 August 19, 16:39:56 »
Quote from: Snooty on 2009 August 19, 12:28:25
To my knowledge, only Genius sims can 'contemplating their surroundings'.
I thought it was a klepto thing? What is it kleptos do when they look around, then?
INFP or something
Tasty Tourist
Posts: 1
Re: Traits that matter
Reply #79 on:
2009 August 22, 08:32:29 »
Well I know for a fact that I had a Genius, non-klepto contemplate surroundings. He was also Absent-Minded. Actually I've played two Absent-Minded sims and I've had very little trouble with them. Maybe one instance of queue-dropping. I sent her off to school and settled down to fast forward through the day and next thing I know she's running back inside to pump iron. I was like wtf? I let her do it too. I have seen those bubbles with the orange ?, but I didn't notice her queue-dropping. I will pay more attention next time.
Her mother was Neurotic and would always spawn wishes to clean this or that, or check this or brush her teeth. Which was infuriating because she would never autonomously clean anything, unlike everyone else in the house. Quite frankly I'm getting tired of Virtuoso and Genius. I wish my babies would roll something else.
Her daughter is a Coward. She faints when she sees the family ghosts, and when I told her to view a butterfly her mother caught she cringed and acted disgusted. It amused me.
Terrible Twerp
Posts: 2465
ENFP, by popular request.
Re: Traits that matter
Reply #80 on:
2009 August 22, 22:38:55 »
This clearly needs to be tested properly in sims that have NO other traits.
Corpulent Cretin
Posts: 102
Re: Traits that matter
Reply #81 on:
2009 September 01, 09:30:59 »
I had once a Inappropriate, Insane, Neurotic, Absent-Minded and Slob sim. He was the most difficult sim I encountered, He kept skipping school after getting off the bus, he forgets to report to work, refuse to comply 20% of the time what was queued to him and when I wasn't looking he'd turn on all the house's stereos.
Workaholic is a useful trait if you're goal is just to advance the sim to a desired career level. The sim can work at home and gain enough performance level to ensure promotion without meet any skill or career (reports, research, etc.) requirements.
Coward sims are the funniest for me, They faint at the sight of ghosts and the grim reaper. even playable coward ghost sims, faints at first meeting with another playable ghost sim. (something to add, I did mess around with a grim reaper and remove his brave trait, it was funny seeing the grim reaper run when he saw a playable ghost in the room.)
Terrible Twerp
Posts: 2465
ENFP, by popular request.
Re: Traits that matter
Reply #82 on:
2009 September 01, 21:23:00 »
Given your inability to distinguish between "your" and "you're," or to capitalize your sentences, I'm inclined to think you're also incapable of determining whether these traits had any real effect on queue-dropping.
Cowardly sims ARE hilarious, though. I love the way they faint at the sight of a kitchen fire.
Knuckleheaded Knob
Posts: 563
Re: Traits that matter
Reply #83 on:
2009 September 01, 21:29:35 »
I always feel sorry for coward sims. I can't blame them for fainting at the site of a grim reaper. I think if I saw a walking skeleton in a hood carrying a scythe, I'd faint too. They're not the brightest bulbs on the christmas tree though, and I agree with Ellatrue it's hilarious when they faint in a fire. Not the wisest thing to do.
Oh, and Steele, I don't think that you're right about the queue dropping at all. Are you sure it wasn't a glitch? And by the way, you're = you are, your = belonging to you.
Corpulent Cretin
Posts: 102
Re: Traits that matter
Reply #84 on:
2009 September 02, 02:00:25 »
Quote from: Georgette on 2009 September 01, 21:29:35
Oh, and Steele, I don't think that you're right about the queue dropping at all. Are you sure it wasn't a glitch? And by the way, you're = you are, your = belonging to you.
I'm hoping it's a glitch, it would rather be irritating if it's not. That sim has been dead for 2 generations, so I might try again one of these days to verify.
Anyway, thanks for the grammar correction.
Jank Falcon
Tasty Tourist
Posts: 3
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Re: Traits that matter
Reply #85 on:
2009 September 03, 19:12:19 »
I recently discovered another function of the Never Nude trait. Since they change into whatever swimwear category you have selected, you can retain things like tattoos, bits, and custom body shapes when bathing.
Terrible Twerp
Posts: 2465
ENFP, by popular request.
Re: Traits that matter
Reply #86 on:
2009 September 04, 05:52:23 »
Quote from: Georgette on 2009 September 01, 21:29:35
I always feel sorry for coward sims. I can't blame them for fainting at the site of a grim reaper. I think if I saw a walking skeleton in a hood carrying a scythe, I'd faint too. They're not the brightest bulbs on the christmas tree though, and I agree with Ellatrue it's hilarious when they faint in a fire. Not the wisest thing to do.
Oh, and Steele, I don't think that you're right about the queue dropping at all. Are you sure it wasn't a glitch? And by the way, you're = you are, your = belonging to you.
Don't coddle them! It makes the gremlins dance!
J. M. Pescado
Fat Obstreperous Jerk
El Presidente
Posts: 26292
Re: Traits that matter
Reply #87 on:
2009 September 04, 06:28:10 »
Quote from: Jank Falcon on 2009 September 03, 19:12:19
I recently discovered another function of the Never Nude trait. Since they change into whatever swimwear category you have selected, you can retain things like tattoos, bits, and custom body shapes when bathing.
Depending on how the tattoos are implemented, you can already do that.
Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I cannot accept, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of those I had to kill because they pissed me off.
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 34
Re: Traits that matter
Reply #88 on:
2009 September 04, 07:25:52 »
One of these days I'm going to make a comprehensive list of all effects of every trait including numerical values if applicable. You can already get tons of information from the XML files and the rest through playtesting.
The best thing about Awesomemod is definitely putting more traits above the regular maximum of 5. I couldn't stand always having to give my Sims "useful" traits for career and skilling, but now I can make everyone in my family Clumsy, Never Nude, Coward, and Absent Minded to keep me amused.
Does anyone know if Evil sims autonomously use the "Scare" interaction on other Sims even if they are family members or very good friends? I've been having trouble trying to figure out if it's only the Mean Spirited Trait that does that. I removed it so they are only Evil, but I remember almost certainly my previous Evil but non-Mean Sims autonomously scaring others.
J. M. Pescado
Fat Obstreperous Jerk
El Presidente
Posts: 26292
Re: Traits that matter
Reply #89 on:
2009 September 04, 09:06:51 »
If they don't, they SHOULD. I try to do that to the wife all the time, just because it's funny.
Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I cannot accept, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of those I had to kill because they pissed me off.
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 48
Re: Traits that matter
Reply #90 on:
2009 September 04, 16:08:08 »
I might actually be able to give some handy dandy input here. Woah. (I've been combing this site for hours just sucking in data on sim 2 glitches, caveats, restores, etc. This site is a goldmine The possibility of actually contributing is awesome. Especially as I might have stupid questions in the future. <_<)
At the very least, I have some observations that I will run further tests on, now that I have a good & proper test town. CAS up some sims with just one trait and see how they go a Ellatrue's suggestion. Maybe some other kind/cruel soul would see if they can get the same results. Yay for repeatability!
One thing I didn't see mentioned, but possibly because it was seen as obvious: Just as Good sims can donate to charity, Evil sims can donate to undermine charities. The result is the fiendishly delighted buff. Also, they can "Troll on forums". If they get a response, again, the same buff. I know they aren't the only sims who can access that interaction (I think Mean-Spirited and Inappropriate also get it), but I haven't yet had the chance to reap rewards from a response to the others so I don't know what they are. Actually that interaction is kind of frustrating, if cute in the beginning, in that I often either check back too early, or forget to check back at all.
Just ran a check and the Talk To Self action also increases social as well as fun, as expected. Also they get four friendly Insane social options with other sims right off the bat: "Catch Anything?", "Tell Ghost Story", "Talk About Conspiracy Theories", and "Speak Madness". All of the above are generally well received. Nice for padding the social queue. You can also argue right off the bat. (And they just might, on their own. Good times.)
I have another observation, that is
anecdotal it's not even funny. I know I will have to run some tests to be sure about this, but my insane sim has this nasty habit of just randomly eating produce in her inventory. Normal, if she was hungry, but not so normal when she's already Stuffed, just ate another head of lettuce after being Stuffed, and tried again though that time I was quick enough to cancel it. And I was wondering why she kept getting phantom stuffed moodlets and where my produce was running off to. I'm afraid that since then, I've made sure my insane sims don't hold produce so... yeah. Again, I really need to run some tests. I'll let people know my findings, but in the meantime, has anyone run into this issue with a sim who is
insane? I haven't.
Checking sinks also gives a mood buff, which is great, because, along with freaking out, my neurotic sims do it autonomously all the time. Though they do get the occasional anxious debuff, which is remedied by checking the appliance anyway. Also they seem to be compatible with Insane sims, as IIRC the compatibility animation/action/thing gets triggered by the "Talk About Conspiracy Theories" with an Insane sim.
Spongebath interactions for the sinks. Awesomely handy if applied right, but they shoo people out of the room. Kind of disappointing, as I was hoping to shock a few house guests by using that in an open kitchen. However, they don't seem to get embarrassed, evar. Again, handy, particularly when getting ready for work/school in crowded households. They also appear to have early access to some rude socials, and will use them autonomously. Something to keep in mind.
Okay another anecdotal thing. Has anyone here tried killing a Daredevil by fire? Have they
? I was making a ghost household, and decided I wanted my fire ghost to be a daredevil. Ugh. First off, he kept trying to put out the fire. Also, he was cheering it on. Now, I had researched, and expected the extended timer for the "On Fire" moodlet. What I didn't expect was that when it expired,
didn't. Instead, he got Adrenaline Rush. Seriously, I put at least a rl hour into it, clicking as fast as I could to cancel actions. Maybe my click-fu is just insufficient, but even that is something someone may want to consider if they plan to make a poetically pyromaniacal fire ghost. I mean, I'm not a Quake god, but I did my time in Karazhan...
Completely hazy half-remembered thought. Don't Genius sims have less fun depletion during homework/studying? Do they complete it faster? I thought I tested it, but as I recall, the test cases had multiple variables, so it doesn't really count. Also they get the "Solve the Unsolveable" or somesuch interaction on the computer. On top of potentially being a itty bitty source of extra income, the text revolving around the problems they solve can be kind of cute/funny, depending on what you get.
That's all I can think of atm. I apologize if my grammar/spelling was off, or if I left dangling sentence fragments all over this post. I do that sometimes, especially when I've been awake for far too long.
J. M. Pescado
Fat Obstreperous Jerk
El Presidente
Posts: 26292
Re: Traits that matter
Reply #91 on:
2009 September 04, 16:33:51 »
Quote from: scandalicious on 2009 September 04, 16:08:08
I have another observation, that is
anecdotal it's not even funny. I know I will have to run some tests to be sure about this, but my insane sim has this nasty habit of just randomly eating produce in her inventory.
Not quite anecdotal. Insane sims will perform available actions at random regardless of their motive values, so if the action appears, they may do it, just because.
Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I cannot accept, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of those I had to kill because they pissed me off.
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 48
Re: Traits that matter
Reply #92 on:
2009 September 05, 04:08:49 »
Quote from: J. M. Pescado on 2009 September 04, 16:33:51
Quote from: scandalicious on 2009 September 04, 16:08:08
I have another observation, that is
anecdotal it's not even funny. I know I will have to run some tests to be sure about this, but my insane sim has this nasty habit of just randomly eating produce in her inventory.
Not quite anecdotal. Insane sims will perform available actions at random regardless of their motive values, so if the action appears, they may do it, just because.
Ahh, that makes sense. She was at the relatively boring and empty food&bookstore lot during the particularly notable incident. (I scatter my larger households on various errands, and bring them back mostly en masse.) Limited options = greater odds of nom nom nom?
Also, just remembered: does the option for sleeping at work occur with anyone other than the light/heavy sleepers? I know students will have the option when tired, but I haven't gotten it with the adults unless they had that trait. In which case, I'd call it a notable thingie. Though it's not an efficient method of filling the sleep bar, it's proven handy occasionally when I had "Plans for them
!" right after work, and didn't want them complaining. Though it probably helped in those cases that none of them were "breadwinners", so promotions where kind of an afterthought.
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 34
Re: Traits that matter
Reply #93 on:
2009 September 06, 07:07:46 »
Okay, I can confirm that Sims with only the Evil trait will autonomously scare others, even with perfect relationship scores. My Sim is always scaring his husband even though he isn't Mean Spirited, though the husband is a Coward. I have no idea if the Coward trait makes them higher priority scare targets.
Edit: Childish sims also autonomously scare others.
Last Edit: 2009 September 07, 19:24:33 by byronh
Tasty Tourist
Posts: 4
Re: Traits that matter
Reply #94 on:
2009 September 09, 06:58:33 »
I think the excitable moodlet is pretty useful for a quick boost. The anticipation moodlet is +15, iirc. In my experiences, my sims have gotten from woohooing (anticipation from seeing lover) so that's great if you have enought time before work.
Jank Falcon
Tasty Tourist
Posts: 3
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Re: Traits that matter
Reply #95 on:
2009 September 09, 17:35:30 »
Quote from: J. M. Pescado on 2009 September 04, 06:28:10
Depending on how the tattoos are implemented, you can already do that.
Aye, that's news to me, El Presidente. Care to enlighten the peasantry as to how this is done?
J. M. Pescado
Fat Obstreperous Jerk
El Presidente
Posts: 26292
Re: Traits that matter
Reply #96 on:
2009 September 10, 04:58:40 »
If you implement it as a clownpaint, it will work. This is how I implemented The Lala.
Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I cannot accept, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of those I had to kill because they pissed me off.
Retardo Lander
Posts: 38
Re: Traits that matter
Reply #97 on:
2009 September 10, 13:34:20 »
If you have the unlucky trait, you can cheat death. Sort of speak.. Live only to die again to amuse the Grim Reaper. In that only way that it is useful. Charismatic and friendly sims build friendships faster. Snobs are good at keeping themselves clean. Ambitious and Workaholic sims seem to climb the job ladder faster than other sims. Ambitious sims sometimes have a wish to raise to the next level of their skills.
Jank Falcon
Tasty Tourist
Posts: 3
Shit on a sticky
Re: Traits that matter
Reply #98 on:
2009 September 11, 18:08:32 »
Quote from: J. M. Pescado on 2009 September 10, 04:58:40
If you implement it as a clownpaint, it will work. This is how I implemented The Lala.
Ah, I see the light now. Did you figure out how to make it re-colorable as well?
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