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Topic: Traits that matter (Read 95206 times)
Lord of the Nannies
Uncouth Undesirable
Posts: 3509
Re: Traits that matter
Reply #50 on:
2009 July 22, 08:26:17 »
Quote from: chaos on 2009 July 22, 08:16:18
Good sims get a positive moodlet for donating to charity, and also have the "brighten day" interaction, which gives a positive moodlet to those whose days they brighten. Otherwise, they're useless.
Yeah but the donate spot is right near the mailbox and gives a decent enough buff. It's convenient because they have to head out that way every morning to go to work anyway.
I had a good snob in my family who had a daily routine of checking himself out, brushing his teeth, warming has ass in front of the fireplace and then donating 100 simoleans to charity before he went to work every day. All those buffs stacked and it worked out pretty well for him.
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J. M. Pescado
Fat Obstreperous Jerk
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Re: Traits that matter
Reply #51 on:
2009 July 22, 08:29:11 »
Neurotic is pretty uber also, because you the "Freak Out" interaction gives a buff that blocks all fun drain for the next 8 hours and can be recasted at will, so you can cast it, then Work Hard for the shift with no penalty at all!
Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I cannot accept, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of those I had to kill because they pissed me off.
Knuckleheaded Knob
Posts: 573
Re: Traits that matter
Reply #52 on:
2009 July 22, 09:57:58 »
Only I'm starting to get sick of the numerous tooth brushing and hand washing wants that two neurotic sims in my main family roll up several times a day. They take up space from more important wants.
Liz: I'm telling you, this is my year. I feel like the show's going to be great and I'm very positive that I'm going to meet someone else.
Jack: Women your age are more likely to be mauled at the zoo than get married.
Blathering Buffoon
Posts: 60
Re: Traits that matter
Reply #53 on:
2009 July 22, 17:42:49 »
Quote from: daydreamer on 2009 July 22, 06:59:47
Is Loves the Outdoors of any use besides getting a positive moodlet? My Outdoorsy sim did get a want to start gardening and she wasn't a Green Thumb.
Yep - just like artistic sims make better painters, writers, and musicians, outdoorsy sims are better with fishing and gardening. Whether it means speed, quality or both, I'm not sure.
I've noticed it affects their choice of TV programs, too. They'll autonomously tune into the fishing and gardening channels, making for easy skill gain once they've learned it.
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 45
Re: Traits that matter
Reply #54 on:
2009 July 22, 18:39:55 »
Actually I have tested whether or not Loves the Outdoors affects gardening skill (this was from reading a book) and it does not. the only upside to loves the outdoors is that they will be in a better mood than other sims while gardening or fishing, which will give them a slight boost to skill gain while they are performing these gardening/fishing actions, but only if their mood is high enough that they are "In the bubble"
Terrible Twerp
Posts: 2465
ENFP, by popular request.
Re: Traits that matter
Reply #55 on:
2009 August 14, 22:41:16 »
How high does their mood have to be for this to happen? I generally ignore my sim's moods, unless they get close to "whine" level.
Horrible Halfwit
Posts: 368
Re: Traits that matter
Reply #56 on:
2009 August 14, 23:12:24 »
Quote from: Ellatrue on 2009 August 14, 22:41:16
How high does their mood have to be for this to happen? I generally ignore my sim's moods, unless they get close to "whine" level.
If you are "in the bubble" - the part above the choke point - then you skill faster. Aaroc did a study of this you can find elsewhere in Facts and Stategery.
The trait I have come to hate is Snob. I have 3 snobs in this current family (rolling for traits, no rerolls, ugh) and I had to kill one off because all the constant "gussy up" and "check self out" interactions slowed down her skilling. It would be 4 in the afternoon before she would allow SC to get her ass to the easel to paint. The next 2 snobs are toddlers, and they will get booted or killed as soon as I get fed up with them. I have to say the Neurotic is hands-down the best if you want to push a sim thru a career using "work hard."
Blathering Buffoon
Posts: 98
Re: Traits that matter
Reply #57 on:
2009 August 14, 23:21:09 »
Something just happened for the third time with my Absent Minded sim, so I'm convinced it's the trait. I had never noticed any queue dropping either, just a bit of dopiness when I let him do his own thing, but he keeps cooking the wrong damn things. I never see him drop the cooking action, he just doesn't cook what I tell him to cook. Last night the fambly was in the mood for goopy carbonara, so I ordered him off to make some of that, and he made cobbler instead. With life fruit. GRR.
Doc Doofus
Garrulous Gimp
Posts: 310
Re: Traits that matter
Reply #58 on:
2009 August 15, 00:54:34 »
Ok, I'm curious. Did everybody who ate a serving gain a day of life?
Medusa stared at the two creatures approaching her across the Piazza and, instantly recognizing them as Spanish Gorgons, attempted to stall them by greeting them in their native tongue, "Gorgons, Hola!"
Blathering Buffoon
Posts: 98
Re: Traits that matter
Reply #59 on:
2009 August 15, 01:15:43 »
Yes, delicious life fruit cobbler. In fact, cobbler is always what he makes instead of whatever I actually told him to make, it's his favorite food. But this was the first time he used life fruit, he had some in his inventory he had just picked. And no, no extra days on the lifespan, apparently the life fruits lose their magic properties if you chop them up and apply heat.
I think I'm just going to ban him from the fridge before there's another incident. Deathfish roll sushi, anyone?
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 37
Re: Traits that matter
Reply #60 on:
2009 August 15, 23:32:08 »
I played an evil legacy for about five generations, and I grew pretty annoyed with the trait. Their desire to steal candy from babies is just over the top. The first few times are amusing, but it gets old when they're constantly waking up the babies to steal their candy.
Knuckleheaded Knob
Posts: 563
Re: Traits that matter
Reply #61 on:
2009 August 17, 16:06:02 »
Does stealing candy actually have an benefit for the sim that steals it? I've only done it once and saw no effect, but maybe I'm missing something.
That Eighties Guy
Corpulent Cretin
Posts: 103
Re: Traits that matter
Reply #62 on:
2009 August 17, 16:11:21 »
Fun? Social?
No moodlet?
Querulous Quidnunc
Posts: 1154
Re: Traits that matter
Reply #63 on:
2009 August 17, 20:14:55 »
There's a moodlet.
INFP or something
Feckless Fool
Posts: 297
Re: Traits that matter
Reply #64 on:
2009 August 17, 22:42:26 »
You probably didn't notice the moodlet (Fiendishly Delighted) if your sim was already lulzing over someone's misery. The icon is the same.
J. M. Pescado
Fat Obstreperous Jerk
El Presidente
Posts: 26292
Re: Traits that matter
Reply #65 on:
2009 August 18, 00:30:17 »
Quote from: IgnorantBliss on 2009 July 22, 09:57:58
Only I'm starting to get sick of the numerous tooth brushing and hand washing wants that two neurotic sims in my main family roll up several times a day. They take up space from more important wants.
Well, in TS3, want triggering is event-based more than it is slot-based. While there ARE a finite number of slots (3 unlocked, 4 locked), as long as you have cleared space, either because you satisfy them or cancel them, the boundary constraint is hitting trigger events that make them roll, not how many actually appear. So while in TS2, such a want would block a slot without any means of getting rid of it, this is not the case in TS3 where you can flush a slot at any time.
Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I cannot accept, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of those I had to kill because they pissed me off.
Exasperating Eyesore
Posts: 234
Re: Traits that matter
Reply #66 on:
2009 August 18, 00:32:33 »
Pescado so is this why making them play chess will generate the want to increase their skill points regardless of their traits, whereas with TS2 it wouldn't usually generate unless their personality was inclined in that direction?
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 31
Re: Traits that matter
Reply #67 on:
2009 August 18, 02:10:40 »
lately Absent-Minded has been inducing homicidality from me. CONSTANT dropped actions, as in forgeting to eat mid meal when starving, forget to woohoo mid action, forgetting to go to work/school five times in one morning, etc. etc. >.>
Querulous Quidnunc
Posts: 1154
Re: Traits that matter
Reply #68 on:
2009 August 18, 04:27:32 »
Quote from: saraswati on 2009 August 18, 00:32:33
Pescado so is this why making them play chess will generate the want to increase their skill points regardless of their traits, whereas with TS2 it wouldn't usually generate unless their personality was inclined in that direction?
Likely that as well as the fact that logic now influences how fast you skill other things.
INFP or something
That Eighties Guy
Corpulent Cretin
Posts: 103
Re: Traits that matter
Reply #69 on:
2009 August 18, 14:47:24 »
Quote from: shinygobonkers on 2009 August 18, 02:10:40
lately Absent-Minded has been inducing homicidality from me. CONSTANT dropped actions, as in forgeting to eat mid meal when starving,
forget to woohoo mid action
, forgetting to go to work/school five times in one morning, etc. etc. >.>
*Oh yeah, baby, oh yeah*
*Brings up a crossword, starts writing*
"What are you doing?"
"Who are you?"
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 31
Re: Traits that matter
Reply #70 on:
2009 August 18, 19:58:05 »
I keep seeing where Snob is the trait that supposedly makes sims want to "gussy up" and "check self out" but I have not used Snob yet and I had a sim you wanted to do these all the time. If given free will, he was in front of a mirror. As a matter of fact, he went from room to room to check himself out in every mirror in the house. Finally I used droptrait on the Flirty trait and he stopped.
The early bird gets the worm but the second mouse gets the cheese.
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 31
Re: Traits that matter
Reply #71 on:
2009 August 19, 03:51:25 »
Quote from: That Eighties Guy on 2009 August 18, 14:47:24
Quote from: shinygobonkers on 2009 August 18, 02:10:40
lately Absent-Minded has been inducing homicidality from me. CONSTANT dropped actions, as in forgeting to eat mid meal when starving,
forget to woohoo mid action
, forgetting to go to work/school five times in one morning, etc. etc. >.>
*Oh yeah, baby, oh yeah*
*Brings up a crossword, starts writing*
"What are you doing?"
"Who are you?"
I personally imagined it as a "woahhh, how did that get in there? 0__o"
J. M. Pescado
Fat Obstreperous Jerk
El Presidente
Posts: 26292
Re: Traits that matter
Reply #72 on:
2009 August 19, 06:28:35 »
I have not actually noticed anything which suggests absent-minded sims queuedrop. Where are you getting this from?
Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I cannot accept, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of those I had to kill because they pissed me off.
Horrible Halfwit
Posts: 392
Re: Traits that matter
Reply #73 on:
2009 August 19, 06:40:31 »
Quote from: J. M. Pescado on 2009 August 19, 06:28:35
I have not actually noticed anything which suggests absent-minded sims queuedrop. Where are you getting this from?
In my game absent-minded sims quedrop all the frickin' time. Especally when they are supposed to be going to work or school. I use the stand allone work pusher thing allongside Awesomemod and it is the same list of sims every freaking day constantly getting multiple pushes by both mods to get their asses where they're supposed to be. I've watched some of them sometimes and when they drop the cue to go to work/school they run the "um, duh?" animation (the one where they make a really stupid facial expression and sort of point at thier head with their finger).
I also took control of one absent-minded sim and told her to jog to the gym, use the toilet, and then work out on the weights. I was issuing some commands to others in the household and when I came back to her she was only a few steps from her starting point and was in the process of cuedropping the "use toilet" command (there was a big red "X" over the icon) even though she was showing the moodlet for needing to use the toilet. I got so disgusted, I just told her to go back home and switched back to my main household; helping her build some skills for her career certainly wasn't worth the frustration for me.
TS3: it's really cool if you don't look too closely! - bottles
Exasperating Eyesore
Posts: 208
Re: Traits that matter
Reply #74 on:
2009 August 19, 08:56:48 »
This happens to me too and also Sims that have the couchpotato trait also drops any kind of queue that would make them to stand up from a chair if they are sitting at the moment.
I ignore them and let them fall. I suppose it was meant to have trouble with such traits, so I let it happen. I also supposed that when we choose traits we should choose a balance of all available traits so that one compensate the other. Unfortunately it is very difficult to find a balance in the availability given us. Besides those uncertain sims traits, there's also the advertisement of all the objects around that sometimes can be so strong that pushes them to other directions.
For example: before I made gardening totally autonomous, the sims living in the neighbor houses to the house I'm playing, simply stand straight outside doing nothing, just standing out there.
Reason: they had a garden or just some vegetables planted in front of the house and could not attend to them though it was advertising hell. After the autonomy, they are always outside gardening no matter which trait they have. After gardening they go play catch. I observe them from distance.
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