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Author Topic: How-to: Evicting a household from a lot  (Read 11114 times)
Asinine Airhead

Posts: 22

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How-to: Evicting a household from a lot
« on: 2009 July 12, 23:35:38 »

You want to evict a household from a lot so that you can either bulldoze it and put a different lot there, or you just want to hand place a different household in that lot (via Edit Town mode), or you want to do an in-game cellphone > Move into the now-empty lot.  Here's how (pretend the following bullets are a numbered list):

  • Edit Town
  • Change Household if necessary so that your current household is *not* the household you are about to evict from their lot. Strange things happen if you evict the household you're currently controlling. If you do need to change households, go back into Edit Town mode before continuing.
  • Select the household that you want to evict, and in the household properties window that appears, click the Evict button. When asked whether to bring the lot too, choose the option that says Household Only. (Otherwise, you'll be stuck with their house lot too and will be constrained to only placing them on an empty residential lot.)
  • The household you just evicted becomes a transparent white box in the upper left of your Edit Town window. This is called "the clipboard".
  • Click that box and a household properties window opens for them. You now have a choice: either you delete them from your town or you place them in another household:
    • To delete them entirely, click the Delete button.
    • To place them in another household, click the Place button. They'll have a lot of money from "selling" their old home (don't ask me why they get all this money when you "evict" them, but hey, there it is), so you shouldn't have any trouble placing them in some unoccupied lot. After placing them and you're back in the game out of edit mode, you can optionally use the familyfunds command to reset their net worth to something you think is reasonable.
« Last Edit: 2009 July 12, 23:45:56 by shannong » Logged
Exasperating Eyesore
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Re: How-to: Evicting a household from a lot
« Reply #1 on: 2009 July 28, 10:18:41 »

It is going on a very nasty problem with every household modification in TS3. Of course you get a message that all the households will have all their interactions interrupted but it goes worse:
everytime you split a household or evict or any other modification it causes work performance of all sims to go drastically red, the same with school kids that get school performance directly to red and the message about disciplinary measures. Some kids are reported missing school day, when they had been to school that day. Not happening to all sims but at least to 1 or 2 sims in each household. Anyone having the same?
Mire Krisma
Pancake Fucker
Retardo Lander
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Re: How-to: Evicting a household from a lot
« Reply #2 on: 2009 August 13, 05:11:32 »

edalbformat is right. I've had Sims fired for this! Maybe we should suggest a solution to Pescado to include in AwesomeMod?
Asinine Airhead

Posts: 48

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Re: How-to: Evicting a household from a lot
« Reply #3 on: 2009 September 05, 05:40:31 »

It is going on a very nasty problem with every household modification in TS3. Of course you get a message that all the households will have all their interactions interrupted but it goes worse:
everytime you split a household or evict or any other modification it causes work performance of all sims to go drastically red, the same with school kids that get school performance directly to red and the message about disciplinary measures. Some kids are reported missing school day, when they had been to school that day. Not happening to all sims but at least to 1 or 2 sims in each household. Anyone having the same?

Same.  I'd done something which caused their actions to get interrupted and went back into the town, with that same family.  Turns out, work/school not immune to the interrupt.  These guys were all hanging out outside of their respective rabbit holes!  Annoying, but a surprise that wasn't so surprising in retrospect.  I sent them all back, which was fine except that now my kid had to redo the day's homework.  I guess because they get new hw assigned on "leaving" school, no matter the circumstance, and it's due upon return.  Again, no matter the circumstance.  That was irritating.
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