[18:37] * @Pescado wonders if there is a Zucabr Pudding.[18:38] <Zucabr> There is, but not on MATY.
[18:39] <Zucabr> Erm, why does the FOJ wonder?
[18:39] <@Pescado> Why not?
[18:39] <Zucabr> Didn't think I was interesting enough.
[18:40] <Zucabr> Wait, are you saying there should be one?

[18:41] <@Pescado> Yes.
Zucabr Pudding:
Basic Information:Username: Zucabr
Sim name: Zucabr Anon
Real gender; Sim gender: M
Real age group; Sim age group: YA
Real preferences; my Sim is attracted to: M, somewhat F (Kinsey 5)
Real body shape; Sim body shape: Thin-as-crap
Voice: Voice2, at about 40%, or slightly deeper than the middlepoint
Data crunching:Core Traits: BookWorm, Friendly, HopelessRomantic, Loner, Perfectionist
Extended Traits: Childish, Clumsy, CouchPotato, FamblyOriented, HeavySleeper, Mooch, Slob
Auxiliary Traits: Artistic (I can draw, and I like doing it), Brave (I'm not easily rattled or squicked), Genius (People tell me this; I was the highest IQ in my batch as a 6/12 in a Jesuit school with stringent entrance standards, dunno what that says about their supposed quality)
* all traits mentioned above come with the .sim
Lifetime Want: (in order of importance) Renaissance Sim (this SHOULD come packaged), Illustrious Author, Professional Author, World Renowned Surgeon, Master of the Arts
Jerb (jorb?): (in order of importance) Writing from Home, Painting at Home, Medical track, Science track, Part-time at Bookstore, Collecting RockGemMetals
Favorite Music: Custom (could be Indie or Pop or Electronica or Classical too, I'm not too fussed.)
Favorite Food: Sushi
Favorite Color: Black