Based on Possible Gem Worth of X to Y, multiplied by 1.25, 1.5, 1.75, 2, 2.3, 2.6, 3.5 and 5, rounded to the nearest, then subtracted by 10, 20, 35, 50, 75, 100, 250, 1000,
You're forgetting one component: What about the price on simply dumping it without cutting? You have to subtract that from the profit, too.
then further subtracted by X to Y (base gem worth), followed by the arithmetic mean of the values.
Bolded is the highest average (arithmetic mean) profit range, so it
might well be the best cut for that type.
AquaEmerald Cut Profit: -8 to -5 , -6.5Oval Cut Profit: -15 to -9 , -12
Pear Cut Profit: -28 to -19 , -23.5
Plumbbob Cut Profit: -41 to -29 , -35
Marquis Cut Profit: -63 to -48 , -55.5
Crystalball Cut Profit: -86 to -66 , -76
Brilliant Cut Profit: -227 to -197 , -212
Heart Cut Profit: -964 to -916 , -940
Smoky QuartzEmerald Cut Profit: -6 to -4 , -5Oval Cut Profit: -12 to -7 , -9.5
Pear Cut Profit: -24 to -16 , -20
Plumbbob Cut Profit: -35 to -25 , -30
Marquis Cut Profit: -55 to -42 , -48.5
Crystalball Cut Profit: -76 to -60 , -68
Brilliant Cut Profit: -212 to -187 , -199.5
Heart Cut Profit: -940 to -900 , -920
EmeraldEmerald Cut Profit: -5 to -2 , -3.5Oval Cut Profit: -10 to -5 , -7.5
Pear Cut Profit: -20 to -12 , -16
Plumbbob Cut Profit: -30 to -20 , -25
Marquis Cut Profit: -49 to -36 , -42.5
Crystalball Cut Profit: -68 to -52 , -60
Brilliant Cut Profit: -200 to -175 , -187.5
Heart Cut Profit: -920 to -880 , -900
RubyEmerald Cut Profit: -4 to -1 , -2.5Oval Cut Profit: -7 to -2 , -4.5
Pear Cut Profit: -16 to -9 , -12.5
Plumbbob Cut Profit: -25 to -15 , -20
Marquis Cut Profit: -42 to -29 , -35.5
Crystalball Cut Profit: -60 to -44 , -52
Brilliant Cut Profit: -187 to -162 , -174.5
Heart Cut Profit: -900 to -860 , -880
YellowEmerald Cut Profit: -1 to 5 , 2
Oval Cut Profit: -2 to 10 , 4Pear Cut Profit: -9 to 10 , 0.5
Plumbbob Cut Profit: -15 to 10 , -2.5
Marquis Cut Profit: -29 to 3 , -13
Crystalball Cut Profit: -44 to -4 , -24
Brilliant Cut Profit: -162 to -100 , -131
Heart Cut Profit: -860 to -760 , -810
TanzaniteEmerald Cut Profit: 6 to 14 , 10
Oval Cut Profit: 13 to 28 , 20.5
Pear Cut Profit: 14 to 36 , 25
Plumbbob Cut Profit: 15 to 45 , 30Marquis Cut Profit: 10 to 49 , 29.5
Crystalball Cut Profit: 4 to 52 , 28
Brilliant Cut Profit: -87 to -12 , -49.5
Heart Cut Profit: -740 to -620 , -680
DiamondEmerald Cut Profit: 15 to 40 , 27.5
Oval Cut Profit: 30 to 80 , 55
Pear Cut Profit: 40 to 115 , 77.5
Plumbbob Cut Profit: 50 to 150 , 100
Marquis Cut Profit: 55 to 185 , 120
Crystalball Cut Profit: 60 to 220 , 140Brilliant Cut Profit: 0 to 250 , 125
Heart Cut Profit: -600 to -200 , -400
LuminorousEmerald Cut Profit: 28 to 78 , 53
Oval Cut Profit: 55 to 155 , 105
Pear Cut Profit: 78 to 228 , 153
Plumbbob Cut Profit: 100 to 300 , 200
Marquis Cut Profit: 120 to 380 , 250
Crystalball Cut Profit: 140 to 460 , 300
Brilliant Cut Profit: 125 to 625 , 375Heart Cut Profit: -400 to 400 , 0
RainbowEmerald Cut Profit: 103 to 165 , 134
Oval Cut Profit: 205 to 330 , 267.5
Pear Cut Profit: 303 to 490 , 396.5
Plumbbob Cut Profit: 400 to 650 , 525
Marquis Cut Profit: 510 to 835 , 672.5
Crystalball Cut Profit: 620 to 1020 , 820
Brilliant Cut Profit: 875 to 1500 , 1187.5
Heart Cut Profit: 800 to 1800 , 1300 PinkEmerald Cut Profit: 290 to 403 , 346.5
Oval Cut Profit: 580 to 805 , 692.5
Pear Cut Profit: 865 to 1203 , 1034
Plumbbob Cut Profit: 1150 to 1600 , 1375
Marquis Cut Profit: 1485 to 2070 , 1777.5
Crystalball Cut Profit: 1820 to 2540 , 2180
Brilliant Cut Profit: 2750 to 3875 , 3312.5
Heart Cut Profit: 3800 to 5600 , 4700