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Author Topic: EAxis House of Phail: July 2009  (Read 48447 times)
Blathering Buffoon
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EAxis House of Phail: July 2009
« on: 2009 July 04, 17:15:04 »

Since it's already July, and we've had 3 official votes for it (and one unofficial vote from a 12), I'm going to roll with it. This month's EAxis House of Phail challenge is ...

319 Bella Park Road (Belladonna Cove)

A lot smaller, thus more manageable, than last month's. Perhaps we'll have a few more entries this time?

Download: 319 Bella Park Road.rar (543 KB - requires Apartment Life)

For the sake of those few simmers who don't have AL, I've even gone to the trouble of making a rebuild of the lot using base-game only elements: 319 Bella Park Road (Base).rar (436 KB - base-game compatible)

Both of these files should be clean & were made using Any Game Starter. ETA: That means the AL file was created using AL only, and the base-game file using the base-game only. If you actually encounter any compatibility issues, please let me know.

Rules copy and pasted from last month:

1. No CC.  Please indicate stuff packs so people who wish to download your lot know what to expect.  Pictures are required, either available for download, on a slideshow, or posted in this thread.

2. By entering this challenge, you agree to take constructive criticism.  If you wish to judge someone else's entry, you should be respectful but honest.

3. Your lot does not have to be Awesomespec, although it is encouraged.

4. You may move internal walls and add external walls but you may NOT move original external walls.

5. Lots may be furnished, unfurnished, or partially furnished.  You can even upload both furnished and unfurnished versions.

Bonus rules:

1. Do not move the tree.

2. Since it's Independence Day here in the U.S., design a house that reflects some idea of independence or freedom - whether that be national, personal, etc. Or you could do the opposite. Tongue
« Last Edit: 2009 July 04, 22:20:30 by allon_midbar » Logged
Tasty Tourist

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Re: EAxis House of Phail: July 2009
« Reply #1 on: 2009 July 04, 22:01:24 »

Just because you made the lot with base game items, doesn't mean that it's base game compatible!
I hate it when people think it does!

What is your fucking problem? Seriously.

I only have expansions up to FT (I don't have BV either) and no stuff packs and I had no problem downloading or using the recreated lot at all. Any problems that you may be having are yours and yours alone.

Good lord, if it's that damn important to you, recreate the lot yourself (I've done it several times myself just for the challenge). The lot size and layout of the house are right there in the pictures. You can count squares, right (check the sidewalk tiles if you're to stupid to figure it out yourself)?

Do it and shut it.
Blathering Buffoon
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Re: EAxis House of Phail: July 2009
« Reply #2 on: 2009 July 04, 22:16:40 »

Just because you made the lot with base game items, doesn't mean that it's base game compatible!
I hate it when people think it does!

Apparently you didn't notice, but I said that both files were created using Any Game Starter. That means I built the base-game lot in the base-game, without any other EPs or SPs. So it should be compatible. Roll Eyes
Asinine Airhead

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Re: EAxis House of Phail: July 2009
« Reply #3 on: 2009 July 04, 22:18:08 »

Okay, thank you. I'll have a entry soon then.
I will delete my other post then, as I was not sure.

And Tangerine, shut the fuck up.
Tasty Tourist

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Re: EAxis House of Phail: July 2009
« Reply #4 on: 2009 July 04, 22:20:47 »

Okay, thank you.
I will delete my other post then, as I was not sure.

And Tangerine, shut the fuck up.

You're welcome!
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Re: EAxis House of Phail: July 2009
« Reply #5 on: 2009 July 04, 22:28:25 »

Okay, thank you. I'll have a entry soon then.
I will delete my other post then, as I was not sure.

And Tangerine, shut the fuck up.

You can be a pussy and delete your previous post, but the evidence of your hamtardishness will remain forever thanks to the magic of quoting.

[19:30] <sooze> YAY BFFs
[19:30] <sooze> Bestest Foes Forever
Asinine Airhead

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Re: EAxis House of Phail: July 2009
« Reply #6 on: 2009 July 04, 22:41:44 »

Look, I'm sorry. It works great in my game, and I'm currently working on a entry.
I said that because I've had my game crash before by people not stating the right requirements, and yes, I didn't read it properly.

Thank you for the base game version, very appreciated.
Corpulent Cretin
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Re: EAxis House of Phail: July 2009
« Reply #7 on: 2009 July 05, 10:22:54 »

Done with mine, went for a 'free movement' theme.

EDIT: You're probably wondering why the tree is boxed in, well, I considered making the entire lot modern, so I thought of adding a 'cubist' touch to the tree.  Cheesy

Download: Here!
« Last Edit: 2009 July 05, 13:34:00 by Erry » Logged

"I go to his page and I see 'Hot Lesbians' as a tab... keep your sex life to yourself, bitch."
Dimwitted Dunce
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Re: EAxis House of Phail: July 2009
« Reply #8 on: 2009 July 05, 15:34:53 »

Erry, I like the two story height on the main living area. I'd like a bedroom into which one could fit a double bed though, so I think the stairs could be placed one tile over to left without cramping the kitchen or changing the style much. Also, it might be nice to have a second bedroom or loft that is over the kitchen but looks down into the living room. Overall, I like the mostly white decor and the tall narrow windows.

It is a lot different from mine. I didn't find the original house that phail and only moved one interior wall upstairs making the closet into a nursery. I also added front porch to the left to make a symmetrically look that fit the traditional wood theme.

(I managed to delete the upper floorplan while keeping two of the lower.)

Dimwitted Dunce
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Re: EAxis House of Phail: July 2009
« Reply #9 on: 2009 July 06, 15:01:15 »

Hooray for just installing AL.

(but thank you for having a non AL version)

This looks like a good specimen.  My goal:  NO FLAT ROOF!  (I'm roof impaired, so Flat Roof is rampant in my neighborhoods)

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Corpulent Cretin
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Re: EAxis House of Phail: July 2009
« Reply #10 on: 2009 July 09, 06:31:51 »

I made a second home:

Medium wood themed, fit for a family of 5 and a dog.

Download: Here!

"I go to his page and I see 'Hot Lesbians' as a tab... keep your sex life to yourself, bitch."
Asinine Airhead

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Re: EAxis House of Phail: July 2009
« Reply #11 on: 2009 July 13, 19:49:11 »

Hi, I'm a long time lurker and this time I decided to have a go  Grin

This is my first post here, so I'm hoping I'm doing it right.

I have all ep's and stuff packs and here's how the house turned out. I didn't move the tree and kept all the original outside walls. Note the star shaped deck with a palm tree in the middle. There's a glass roof, you can see it better in some of the slideshow pictures.

This is the downstairs

And here's upstairs.

And a night time view (yes the house is playtested just a bit)

Here's a link to a slideshow

Any comments would be welcome.
Right now I'm feeling a bit too lazy to put the house up for download, but I can do that if somebody wants to grab it.  Cheesy

« Last Edit: 2009 July 13, 20:07:14 by Sipu_von_Sapu » Logged

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Dimwitted Dunce
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Re: EAxis House of Phail: July 2009
« Reply #12 on: 2009 July 14, 16:52:03 »

Sipu_von_Sapu:  Beautiful house.  Is that greenhouse roofing?

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Asinine Airhead

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Re: EAxis House of Phail: July 2009
« Reply #13 on: 2009 July 14, 23:46:46 »

Mine's almost done I think maybe ayayayayaya

Erry, well I don't really go for contemporary houses but I'll tell you what I think anyway. I like the little bit of color you added with the carpet and I wish there was some more elsewhere. I mean yeah duh it's supposed to have that sterile look I guess but I think you could make things a little more interesting with like, maybe some architectural details maybe or something idk. Not necessarily with color but I kind of think of comtep houses as geometrical sculptures or some shit and right now your house is just feeling a little bland for me. I'm not sure exactly what I mean by architectural details but I might play around with stages and fences or something. I think when used with the constrainfloorelevation false cheat you can get some cool results but I suck at that stuff so I hate it. The soccer net feels like a space filler to me and I think some kind of garden or decorated yard would look better.

ciane, I'm someone who can occasionally appreciate Maxian architecture and decorating, but I still wish your house deviated more from the original. The cute exterior along with the indoor deck flooring make your house feel very cozy despite the fact that it is rather spacious. The kitchen sink by the window on a separate counter space is cool and interesting, but realistically (because The Sims is ALL about realism dontcha know) I think you should have another on the other counter group. It just seems like kind of a long walk from the stove or the fridge to the sink. And that like doesn't matter at all I guess, it just feels awkward. Also, that bathroom NEEDS a sink.

Erry again, I like this entry better than your first. I like the open kitchen/dining area, and the stairs coming up from the basement floor next to that area. And the colors. It gives me a cozy posy feeling.

Sipu von Sapu, really cool man. I love the kitchen, it's so cozy. I never thought of placing a rug like you did at the front door, really cool man. This may sound dumb and is probably only a personal peeve, but maybe if someone agrees with me then I wouldn't feel so dumb anymore, but those chairs you used in the dining area... They are so kitchen-y. Those are totally kitchen chairs right? It wouldn't bother me if you didn't already have that little nook in the kitchen, but as a separate dining area maybe it could be a little more formal? Ugh sorry I got nothing. You totally work Maxis shit. I love the way the objects are kind of clashing with each other but at the same time making sweet love. Check out that fugly ass table by the grill! So ugly, who even uses that?! I know many would just plop down the same old wooden deck table, but gurl u so unique. Also, second floor hall flooring choice as opposed to more hardwood: mmmm. I would normally find your abuse of the flowery terrain texture offensive and hurtful, but yeah mmm I'm feelin' it tonight.
Asinine Airhead

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Re: EAxis House of Phail: July 2009
« Reply #14 on: 2009 July 15, 07:00:54 »

MadameUgly: Tks, yes it's greenhouse roofing.

Horsey: Wow such a long comment, thank you for taking the time. I appreciate your eloquence.  Wink

The theme was freedom, right? To me, letting the grass grow flowers freely is an expression of freedom. Sorry, I should have mentioned that in the post.
Also placing that fugly plastic table next to an expensive grill is a wild and free act. Glad you noticed...  Grin

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Lipless Loser
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Re: EAxis House of Phail: July 2009
« Reply #15 on: 2009 July 15, 08:56:16 »

I went for the optional 'opposite of freedom' theme, and tried to build an oppressive castle type of lot. Complete with tower 'cells'.

Lot price: $71,591 (wanded)
Bedrooms: One with expensive double bed; one with two expensive single beds; four cheap single beds in the cells; twin nursery.
Bathrooms: One with toilet and bath; three with toilet, shower, sink; four toilets in the cells.

Download it here. (Note: I have all EPs and SPs.)

Dimwitted Dunce
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Re: EAxis House of Phail: July 2009
« Reply #16 on: 2009 July 16, 01:15:22 »

ciane, The kitchen sink by the window on a separate counter space is cool and interesting, but realistically (because The Sims is ALL about realism dontcha know) I think you should have another on the other counter group. It just seems like kind of a long walk from the stove or the fridge to the sink. And that like doesn't matter at all I guess, it just feels awkward. Also, that bathroom NEEDS a sink.

In the real world, a corner sink with cabinets between it and both the fridge and stove would be perfect. However, in the Sim world, they get in each other's way getting a second plate and cleaning up, so this keeps the traffic pattern uncongested. There is room for a sink on off the stove or the fridge though.

As for a sink in the bathroom, my Sims go directly from the toilet to the shower. They don't just wash their hands, they wash everything. Note this was in a "base game only" environment with no SPs or CC, and I can't stand the cheap shower that lets you put a sink next to it. I did think about putting the sink right outside the door to the bathroom in the hallway and putting the chess set outside; but then if you play seasons, it might rain or snow on them. The unpictured upstairs bath does indeed have a sink though.
Asinine Airhead

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Re: EAxis House of Phail: July 2009
« Reply #17 on: 2009 July 25, 23:42:01 »

Faizah, I normally find completely symmetrical buildings kind of boring and uninspired, but considering the theme it makes sense. When building this were you thinking of like a prison kind of lot or just a typical castle? Sorry I don't know anything about castles. Would the people housed on the first floor be prisoners of some sort or just like crappy servant peasants? I think this thing would look a lot cooler if it was more tower-like, going up a few more levels. Though that requires cheats and idk if you're adverse to those or something.

Anyway I finished mine. Actually it was mostly done a long time ago but then I installed AL and spent a really gross amount of time building unnecessarily large tenements for my urban sims before coming back to the challenge. Also I'm just a really slow builder.

Okay this is 16 Blood Tooth Road, semi-furnished (parlor, dining, kitchen, 2 1/2 baths, 2 bedrooms, 1 spare (nursery, bedroom, den, whateva), attic):

More: parlor, master bedroom, dining room, kitchen, 1/2 bath, hall, bath 1, upstairs hall, bath 2, bedroom 2, attic. I got snap happy Embarrassed

Price: §74,491

- I added ceilings during and after picture-taking.
- I'm pretty sure the armoire in the 2nd floor bedroom will be missing if you download. I deleted an armoire when I was packaging the file with Clean Installer and I realized it's probably because I'm using Lord Darcy's More Deco Slots. I'm not entirely sure what will happen to the little horse decoration that I placed on top, but look out for any floating objects.
- Lol: The curtains in the living room can be placed diagonally without cheats, but when I playtested, the fucktards that sims are were not able to devise a way to pass the diagonal curtains. I had to cheat-place them so that they only took up 1 tile.

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Lipless Loser
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Re: EAxis House of Phail: July 2009
« Reply #18 on: 2009 July 26, 06:29:56 »

Faizah, I normally find completely symmetrical buildings kind of boring and uninspired, but considering the theme it makes sense. When building this were you thinking of like a prison kind of lot or just a typical castle? Sorry I don't know anything about castles. Would the people housed on the first floor be prisoners of some sort or just like crappy servant peasants? I think this thing would look a lot cooler if it was more tower-like, going up a few more levels. Though that requires cheats and idk if you're adverse to those or something.

More castle than prison. The middle level is the family level - parents, children, toddlers. The towers are the 'cells', or servant quarters if preferred. I could have gone higher, but I didn't really think I needed to. I did ponder building a dungeon underneath, but I couldn't decide where to place the stairs.

Exasperating Eyesore
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Re: EAxis House of Phail: July 2009
« Reply #19 on: 2009 July 26, 17:07:56 »

I didn't find the original house that phail and only moved one interior wall upstairs making the closet into a nursery. I also added front porch to the left to make a symmetrically look that fit the traditional wood theme.

I like your take on this and think you have probably stayed truer to the spirit of the challenge than any of us because you didn't radically change the floorplan or enlarge the original house but simply altered it sufficiently to be unphail.

My own remakes are done but with dial-up I've just not had the patience to put them up. Maybe later today I'll "get 'er done".

Emma Torturer
Corpulent Cretin
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Re: EAxis House of Phail: July 2009
« Reply #20 on: 2009 July 29, 11:38:05 »

I was busy and/or gone all month, so I just started on this. Should be done and posted in a couple days.
Hey, not too many houses posted this time. I like Erry's white one, seems like it fits the freedom theme more than the others.
I was outside watching the swallows flying and racing through the sky, and thought they would be the perfect symbol for freedom. So I've designed my house with birds and flight in mind.
Here's a photo in progress. See, I've kept the tree.  Wink
« Last Edit: 2009 July 29, 17:43:33 by SalixTree » Logged

why be normal?
Dimwitted Dunce
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Re: EAxis House of Phail: July 2009
« Reply #21 on: 2009 July 29, 13:49:46 »

SalixTree:  I'm liking the looks of your house already.  (and underwater tree amuses me greatly)

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Blathering Buffoon
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Re: EAxis House of Phail: July 2009
« Reply #22 on: 2009 July 30, 00:25:30 »

I went where my muse happened to take me.

In early America, pioneers looked for freedom to live their lives as they wanted and headed out across the country setting up house along the way.

All EP's, SP's are Ikea, K&B, Celebrations and M&G.

Available for download HERE
Dimwitted Dunce
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Re: EAxis House of Phail: July 2009
« Reply #23 on: 2009 July 30, 01:02:33 »

@Minena: I really like your house, especially the pictures and other little touches, which gave the house a little more character. The use of landscaping was nice as well, though I don't know how well that might do on a lower quality machine. Also, the one diagonal wall being stone instead of the green siding was an interesting touch that I would never have thought of. I'm snagging this house for my prosperity neighboorhood, it's perfect for one of my couples that are about to start a large family.
Emma Torturer
Corpulent Cretin
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Re: EAxis House of Phail: July 2009
« Reply #24 on: 2009 July 30, 08:30:48 »

Minena, that's lovely. Looks real American.

Here's my "Flight Delight"

I have all expansions and M&G

why be normal?
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