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Author Topic: How can we de-lard fat townies?  (Read 34505 times)
Gus Smedstad
Lipless Loser
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Re: How can we de-lard fat townies?
« Reply #25 on: 2009 July 10, 17:12:58 »

I don't care about healthy or unhealthy, I just want their to be some point to the desserts.  It annoys me that they are just like any other meal, and you might as well ignore them.  Except for Baked Angel Food, of course, since it gives you an extra +Warmth moodlet.

Or contrarywise, you can subsist on nothing but desserts, but that feels wrong.

I can justify mentally some things that have no in-game reason, like eating breakfast foods at breakfast and dinners at night, rather than having lobster for breakfast every morning.  I just can't manage that with desserts, because dessert and dinner are an either-or situation.  Eat one, don't eat the other.  If you eat both, you gain no additional moodlet, and just force your Sim to get fat pointlessly.

As I've said before, ideally you'd want some additional benefit to eating both, like stacked moods, but at the cost of fat points.  But that's not going to fit into the existing code.

Next-best, I suppose, would be higher moodlets for dessert, but automatic fat even if you're not stuffed.  I'm not sure that's doable either.

 - Gus

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J. M. Pescado
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Re: How can we de-lard fat townies?
« Reply #26 on: 2009 July 12, 08:13:25 »

So basically, yeah, getting overstuffed on salad and fruit like the sims do in this game is stupid. There's a huge difference between being overstuffed on fruits and vegetables vs being overstuffed on cakes and pies but the game doesn't consider this at all.
Well, in real life, you can't actually overeat on salad because salad is composed entirely of indigestable cellulose and you will get absolutely nothing out of eating it. If you eat nothing but salad, you starve to death. They must use a lot of dressing.

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Blathering Buffoon
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Re: How can we de-lard fat townies?
« Reply #27 on: 2009 July 12, 09:37:57 »

Would it be possible to mod foods so each fulfills hunger differently? We could then feed them on salads and stuff that don't fulfill their hunger meter fully so they will stay in shape for longer. Though it is good having all foods fulfill hunger fully, it's less time consuming.
Feckless Fool
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Re: How can we de-lard fat townies?
« Reply #28 on: 2009 July 12, 10:09:32 »

Would it be possible to mod foods so each fulfills hunger differently? We could then feed them on salads and stuff that don't fulfill their hunger meter fully so they will stay in shape for longer. Though it is good having all foods fulfill hunger fully, it's less time consuming.

Eating a single meal past the hunger bar does not cause weight gain, so having a less satisfying food makes little sense.  Sims only get fat if they eat a different plate of food while full, (or, I believe, eating a second plate of food that subsequently pushes them past full), which will also give them the "stuffed" moodlet.

If you want quick hunger satisfaction, go for a quick meal. 

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Lord of the Nannies
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Re: How can we de-lard fat townies?
« Reply #29 on: 2009 July 12, 15:51:53 »

I think it's just if you eat twice within a certain time period. I had a sim once cancel eating his food, get up and take a call. His food bar was not filled. When he went back to finish the same plate of half eaten food he got overstuffed.  Roll Eyes

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