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Author Topic: AwesomeMod Config - Stylish  (Read 66897 times)
Blathering Buffoon
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Re: AwesomeMod Config - Stylish
« Reply #25 on: 2009 June 27, 05:03:43 »

Then why the fuck are you at this website? Don't you take offense at the fact that there are mods here that change what EA made? Why don't you give Pescado the same shit you're giving Anach? Using your logic, he should make a new people simulator game from scratch because modifying the Sims is telling people "I'm not saying you're doing it wrong, but here's how you are supposed to do that." Roll Eyes

The fact that Anach posted a stylish script doesn't affect you AT ALL. He didn't tell Pescado to modify anything, he was simply offering something up for people to use.

Did Pescado go on the exchange and tell them they were doing it wrong?  Nope, he made a forum and posted his mods there.  I suggested that if the OP didn't like the site as Pescado designed it, he could make his own version to do what the config page did and host it himself.  Pescado didn't like the bugged version of the sims games so he fixed what he thought needed fixed and hosted his version. 

C++ is designed to allow you to express ideas, but if you don't have ideas, or don't have any clue about how to express them, C++ doesn't offer much help.  - Bjarne Stroustrup
J. M. Pescado
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Re: AwesomeMod Config - Stylish
« Reply #26 on: 2009 June 27, 05:06:07 »

I don't think this level of hostility is necessary merely because someone offered a browser tweak to make the StupidConfig look more blue. Even if I don't personally care for it. It's too blue.

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Knuckleheaded Knob
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Re: AwesomeMod Config - Stylish
« Reply #27 on: 2009 June 27, 11:41:05 »

Then why the fuck are you at this website? Don't you take offense at the fact that there are mods here that change what EA made? Why don't you give Pescado the same shit you're giving Anach? Using your logic, he should make a new people simulator game from scratch because modifying the Sims is telling people "I'm not saying you're doing it wrong, but here's how you are supposed to do that." Roll Eyes

The fact that Anach posted a stylish script doesn't affect you AT ALL. He didn't tell Pescado to modify anything, he was simply offering something up for people to use.

Did Pescado go on the exchange and tell them they were doing it wrong?  Nope, he made a forum and posted his mods there.  I suggested that if the OP didn't like the site as Pescado designed it, he could make his own version to do what the config page did and host it himself.  Pescado didn't like the bugged version of the sims games so he fixed what he thought needed fixed and hosted his version. 

I'm not sure if you are misunderstanding what Stylish does, but I dont understand the logic of your hostility over this. No one came here and said anyone was doing anything wrong either, I havent once said that my theme should be used over anyone elses. The config I made simply edits the page colours to my preference, which is what stylish is all about. It is no different than allowing each person to choose their own forum theme. J.M has done a great job of the config, and having two config pages available to the public would just confuse the whole mod and would most likely be frowned upon by J.M.

Take a look at this Stylish theme for Google.  Simply because I use this, doesnt mean I'm telling Google how to run the show. It's simply a theme. The same if I was to offer a pattern for Sim3, doesnt mean I'm telling the whole world that my Pattern is supperierr to all others. It is simply an entirely optional alternative, which only affects those who choose to use it. It makes sense to offer the script here as it is for this site. If J.M had an issue with it, im sure it would be removed in an instant.


Terrible Twerp
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Re: AwesomeMod Config - Stylish
« Reply #28 on: 2009 June 27, 12:00:08 »

I also like the config page more black-on-white background, but also I didn't know about the Stylish add-on; now I know, I like it and have fun with it in other environments.

Besides, given the nature of MATY, I should be more disappointed by the LACK of negative and offensive content in OP's post. I see, however, that you guys are doing a great job to rebalance the ratio, so everything's well.

I say that a wise, when he does not know what he is talking about, should know enough to keep his mouth shut. -- C. Collodi, Pinocchio.
The one and only Rhayden's AIDE. Accept no substitutes.
Asinine Airhead

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Re: AwesomeMod Config - Stylish
« Reply #29 on: 2009 June 27, 12:20:44 »

Science tells us black (boldish) text on pale yellow (slightly paler than Excel pale yellow) is easiest to read, closely followed by dark purple on same.
For large text san serif is better, for small print serif.
The contrast between background and text should not be to large, black on light grey is easier on the eyes than black on glaring white.
This is at least true for printed matter (subtractive blending), screens (additive blending) don’t seem to chance the result.

One drawback with colour is that if you look at one colour for a long time and then look at a white wall, you will se a shadow image in its complement colour.
Green is the complement colour of blood red, so operating theatres usually have pale green walls and scrubs.

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and the eyesight to tell the difference.
Blathering Buffoon
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Old School Charm

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Re: AwesomeMod Config - Stylish
« Reply #30 on: 2009 June 27, 13:00:09 »

It seems I have misunderstood your presentation.  Originally I thought you were saying the config page should be redesigned.  However, from your last post I gathered that Stylish isn't something that has to be implemented by the site but rather something implemented by an individual.  That being the case, my observations were completely wrong.  I apologize for taking umbrage and speaking out of turn. 

C++ is designed to allow you to express ideas, but if you don't have ideas, or don't have any clue about how to express them, C++ doesn't offer much help.  - Bjarne Stroustrup
Round Mound of Gray Fatness
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Re: AwesomeMod Config - Stylish
« Reply #31 on: 2009 June 27, 13:04:54 »

I prefer the original.

Pescado I can hardly believe you posted what you posted!  I am too old for these shocks.

\"They\'re here, on the forum. A question riddled, spoiler giving, speculative cancer of sim evil\" -- redearth, Snooty Sims, 2009
Terrible Twerp
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Re: AwesomeMod Config - Stylish
« Reply #32 on: 2009 June 27, 13:09:46 »

Sans Serif please, not "San Serif". It's not a saint, but "without Serif", referring to the little extra details present in Serif typefaces,

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I say that a wise, when he does not know what he is talking about, should know enough to keep his mouth shut. -- C. Collodi, Pinocchio.
The one and only Rhayden's AIDE. Accept no substitutes.
Asinine Airhead

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Re: AwesomeMod Config - Stylish
« Reply #33 on: 2009 June 27, 13:49:03 »

Sorry! Excuse my (non) French.
I seem to be able to spell only one language at a time.

Grant me the senility to forget the people I never liked anyway,  the good fortune to run into the ones I do,
and the eyesight to tell the difference.
Knuckleheaded Knob
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Re: AwesomeMod Config - Stylish
« Reply #34 on: 2009 June 27, 14:38:33 »

It seems I have misunderstood your presentation.  Originally I thought you were saying the config page should be redesigned.  However, from your last post I gathered that Stylish isn't something that has to be implemented by the site but rather something implemented by an individual.  That being the case, my observations were completely wrong.  I apologize for taking umbrage and speaking out of turn. 

Not at all. I'm just thankful that we have a config page in the first place Smiley

Science tells us black (boldish) text on pale yellow (slightly paler than Excel pale yellow) is easiest to read, closely followed by dark purple on same.
For large text san serif is better, for small print serif.
The contrast between background and text should not be to large, black on light grey is easier on the eyes than black on glaring white.
This is at least true for printed matter (subtractive blending), screens (additive blending) don't seem to chance the result.

One drawback with colour is that if you look at one colour for a long time and then look at a white wall, you will se a shadow image in its complement colour.
Green is the complement colour of blood red, so operating theatres usually have pale green walls and scrubs.

Black on yellow might be ok, but for me (at least in this scenario), it was about staying up late and having sore eyes from the monitor glare in a dark room, i didnt really plan it very much, other than choosing a colour from another stylish I use on another similar site. However, the good thing about stylish is that each person can edit the fonts and almost every other page element to their liking.


Dark Trepie
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Re: AwesomeMod Config - Stylish
« Reply #35 on: 2009 June 27, 15:36:01 »

Even if I don't personally care for it. It's too blue.

Wouldn't it match your desktop though?  :p

That Google page looks awesome.  I prefer white text with black background.  I'ma tryin' this Stylish addon out.
Knuckleheaded Knob
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Re: AwesomeMod Config - Stylish
« Reply #36 on: 2009 June 27, 15:46:57 »

Simplified. Black background, white sans-serif font, with fixed px rather than percentage size changes. Keep in mind that this is to suit my widescreen and screen res, so make your own adjustments accordingly.

@namespace url(;

@-moz-document url("") {

/* set background color */
html {
  background: #000000 !important;

/* body padding & fonts*/
body {
  color: #FFFFFF !important;
  font-family: Sans-Serif !important;
  padding: 0 2em !important;

table {
 font-size:18px !important;

p {
 font-size:14px !important;

/* link colors */
#Comments .CommentHeader span a {
  color: #82BDFF !important;
  text-decoration: none !important;
#Comments .CommentHeader span a:visited {
  color: #72DFAD !important;
  text-decoration: none !important;
a:hover {
  text-decoration: underline !important;

Asinine Airhead

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Re: AwesomeMod Config - Stylish
« Reply #37 on: 2009 June 27, 17:19:55 »

That being the case, my observations were completely wrong.  I apologize for taking umbrage and speaking out of turn. 

While we're being all contrite, could we fix your sig?  Harpo never spoke - that was his whole thing.  That's a Groucho quote.
Exasperating Eyesore
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Re: AwesomeMod Config - Stylish
« Reply #38 on: 2009 June 29, 01:32:01 »

I think it's nice the stylish option for sites such as google but kind of silly to bother changing the lone Config page. Why would you be spending large amount of time on the Config page anyways? Should it not only take a few clicks to use and be done with it? If the text is too small though, there is a text only zoom option in Firefox (and most browsers?) under View > Zoom. I do use that, because my eye-sight is poor and the text becomes so small on my large widescreen monitor sometimes.
Knuckleheaded Knob
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Re: AwesomeMod Config - Stylish
« Reply #39 on: 2009 June 29, 04:09:10 »

I think it's nice the stylish option for sites such as google but kind of silly to bother changing the lone Config page. Why would you be spending large amount of time on the Config page anyways? Should it not only take a few clicks to use and be done with it? If the text is too small though, there is a text only zoom option in Firefox (and most browsers?) under View > Zoom. I do use that, because my eye-sight is poor and the text becomes so small on my large widescreen monitor sometimes.

It is true that zoom will increase font size and I still use it frequently, but unfortunately (Even in FF), it will increase the zoom for every page, not just one you are viewing. Stylish allows to tailor a specific page without altering others. For example, my zoom level is set to a comfortable level for most sites, but I still found awesomeconfig to be a little too small for me to view comfortably, so stylish allows me to alter that and bring it up to a level I find comfortable.  Most my reasons for doing so for the awesomeconfig have already been stated in above posts, and it really only took a minute to do, so it's not really a bother to do so. Also the fact that sometimes us geeks enjoy tweaking anything and everything Smiley

Asinine Airhead

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Re: AwesomeMod Config - Stylish
« Reply #40 on: 2009 June 29, 06:38:36 »

Opera has zoom per tab, and some other nice features, but lack others.
I use FF, Opera and when forced to, IE, depending on what I need of my browser for the moment.

Grant me the senility to forget the people I never liked anyway,  the good fortune to run into the ones I do,
and the eyesight to tell the difference.
Knuckleheaded Knob
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Re: AwesomeMod Config - Stylish
« Reply #41 on: 2009 June 29, 07:44:40 »

Opera has zoom per tab, and some other nice features, but lack others.
I use FF, Opera and when forced to, IE, depending on what I need of my browser for the moment.

I have tried Opera in the past, but at the time it wasnt the browser for me. I used to use maxthon back in IE6 days, but then got tired of its instability and incompatibility. I went back to IE7/8 for a bit, but found it took ages to load, it kept hanging on certain sites and was generally a pain. Gave chrome a try, but didnt like its lack of features. I've been using FF for a while now, and mostly use it due to its high level of customization and available plugins. I have no need for IE at all, as IE Tab does that trick at a click of a button. Customization is a big thing for me, and in FF i have made an entirely custom skin based upon the default skin, but using stylish scripts. Even when it comes to gaming, all my installed games are heavily modded,  and there is always something im tweaking or modding on my PC.

I was actually quite surprised over the reaction to my stylish script, as it's a pretty common thing for me to use and this being a modding forum, i thought i'd find some folks that appreciate a small custom tweak Smiley. However, i have been and still am Admin for a couple forums around the planet, so I completely understand the miss-communication issues that arrise from all the different cultures around the world, which is why i've tried to explain myself as calmly as possible. Hopefully everyone understands now that this wasn't a request post, but simply an optional mod Smiley

Knuckleheaded Knob
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Re: AwesomeMod Config - Stylish
« Reply #42 on: 2009 June 29, 12:30:14 »

Updated the script and added screenshots (I know we all love screenshots Tongue )

Asinine Airhead

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Re: AwesomeMod Config - Stylish
« Reply #43 on: 2009 July 01, 13:31:27 »

Thanks for the intro to Stylish!  I much prefer white text on dark background, and didn't know a feature was available that would allow one to change the settings in a global way like that!

Even not directly related to AwesomeMod, this will help my entire browing experience.
Asinine Airhead

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Re: AwesomeMod Config - Stylish
« Reply #44 on: 2009 July 11, 04:46:09 »

I like this because I'm an environmental freak and black light uses less energy than white. Which would mean that more black than white would be saving energy.
As for the white-on-black Google page, you've been beat to it.  Wink
Check out

Exasperating Eyesore
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Re: AwesomeMod Config - Stylish
« Reply #45 on: 2009 July 12, 14:31:05 »

I hope all this discussion remain on personal taste only. Besides people that are stylish, there are people that has problem with colors, like me. Nothing against colors but just that I simply cannot read or even see some color combinations. Many times I lost completely the texts just because I couldn't see it. I prefer simply the old typewriter style - black over white.
J. M. Pescado
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Re: AwesomeMod Config - Stylish
« Reply #46 on: 2009 July 12, 14:38:01 »

I don't really think it serves any purpose to discuss whether you like it or not, since this "Stylish" thing is not an official implementation of anything and has no effect on anyone else, so is purely a personal thing. Plus, you visit the config page that often? I don't actually HAVE a style on the config page, it's just raw simple HTML.

Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I cannot accept, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of those I had to kill because they pissed me off.
Knuckleheaded Knob
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Re: AwesomeMod Config - Stylish
« Reply #47 on: 2009 July 12, 14:38:25 »

I hope all this discussion remain on personal taste only. Besides people that are stylish, there are people that has problem with colors, like me. Nothing against colors but just that I simply cannot read or even see some color combinations. Many times I lost completely the texts just because I couldn't see it. I prefer simply the old typewriter style - black over white.

Stylish is a plugin for firefox that allows one to change a website style to suit their own tastes. It would be especially helpful for you, as you could change many sites (all those hard to read sites) to suit your colour preferences. This is all I have done. I have changed the awesomeconfig page to suit my own tastes on colour and brightness to make it easier to read for me. Each person prefers different colours, and with stylish you can do it.

Exasperating Eyesore
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Re: AwesomeMod Config - Stylish
« Reply #48 on: 2009 July 12, 19:48:28 »

Yeah, explained this way it sounds really interesting. Lately many sites are using an explosion of colors and it would be useful if I could turn them all into simple black and white. I'm really color blind for some combinations. I had a problem once visiting MTS2 and there was something like a warning in the screen. I changed all the buttons available in my monitor and could not read it.
Got too embarassed to ask someone to read it for me. It would have sound like a joke. Until today I don't know what was written there. It was very small letter in yellow over white. I can only see yellow if the background is absolutely black.
Asinine Airhead

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Re: AwesomeMod Config - Stylish
« Reply #49 on: 2009 July 12, 21:14:51 »

I like this because I'm an environmental freak and black light uses less energy than white. Which would mean that more black than white would be saving energy.
That's not necessarily true:
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