Dimwitted Dunce

Posts: 176
I haet F-ly retarded snowflaek
 ISTJ Imma Ee Ass Elle Don't Abuse The Search Box!
Grammar Police

Posts: 4931
"Start a new thread" is the new "Search."
I second pookysimslover's request. You guys must remember not all of us are brilliant. This would be great.
Yeah, but in order for the species to remain strong, people who are completely unable to read and comprehend detailed written instructions need to be culled. Know that as I'm playing my game with all my shiny store content intact, I am appreciative of the sacrifice you have made.
<soozelwoozel> Remember the days when jezzer used to have adorable pictures of ratties holding teddy bears as his avatar? Now it\\\'s all eyeless cave vagina spiders and despair.
Seriously, how fucking hard is it to take a sims3pack, run it through the decrapifier and install it through the installer? You can even use the Compressorizer if you want a graphical front end. That's what I did and guess what? I got them all installed in no time. It's not rocket science people. It's nothing to do with being smart or not being smart. You just need to spend a few minutes researching things instead of expecting other people to hold your hand and wipe your ass. I will spell out how I did it: Get thisGet thisExtract the second file into the same directory as the first. When prompted say yes to overwrite the older src.exe with the newer one. Run CompressorizerRedux.exe Click the "Add Files to List" box and then browse to the directory where the sims3pack files you want to install are located. Hit OK. Change the mode from Normal to Decrapify. Hit the Go button and wait. Once the program is done processing, move your sims3pack files to My Documents\Electronic Arts\The Sims 3\Downloads (if they aren't already there) and install with the TS3 launcher via the downloads button. That's it.
In communist China Peggy's hairs cut you!
You may also have to modify your resource.cfg to look for .dbc files and place them with your other custom content. I had issues when I just left them in DCCache.
One day in college I was feeling very stupid. So I drove with Ben down to Maitland and toured EA Tiburon for an hour as an 'honorary intern'. I left feeling MUCH smarter. I recommend the experience to everyone. -this is a quote from an Ex-boyfriend of mine..
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 43
I recall seeing a link for a lot that has ambitions buildings all on one lot, but for the life of me I cannot recall where. I searched every inch of this board and I am thinking my google-fu is lacking because i cannot find it again. Anyone know where I can find that link ?
Thanks in advance.
Feckless Fool

Posts: 288
Is it possible to make a mod that prevents your sims from spawning extra puddings while in the Time Machine? (By that I mean sometimes randomly when they go to the future or past, they end up coming back with some kid and it's annoying!)
High Distinctions for Forensic Analytical Science? CHECK! Honours? CHECK! Scholarship for PHD after completing my Majors? CHECK!
Tasty Tourist
Posts: 2
Does anyone know of a mod for naked woohoo that would work for teen on up to work with ambitions. i had the inteen 3 core mod before the new ep but I think I would like to stay away from core mods going forward. I have found non cores to play my game how I want and that is the only type of mod i am missing. Thanks for any help.
See this link won't give it to you if he doesn't know you. I tried.
« Last Edit: 2010 June 13, 12:04:53 by xenoware »
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 38
I am looking for the creator of a hack that in it's original rar name is called ShowHiddenSkillsWA. This particular hack has most of the qualities that regular skills have in that it allows hidden skills to appear in the skills window, except the hidden skill icons are invisible. It also shows a progress bar over the sims head and the sims get wants to fulfill hidden skills. Also, the game notifies you when your sim levels up on whatever hidden skill they are working on. Unfortunately this hack is now obsolete with the new expansion pack. I've been directed to other places in search of the creator of this hack which has turned up dead ends so far. Someone said to use Twallan's SC which I am using already and even though the SC is quite useful for many things, I do not like the SC version of hidden skills. I am so used to playing the game with this hack, the game seems incomplete without it. So, if I can find the creator of this hidden skills hack, I could ask if they will update it for Ambitions. Better yet, if anyone here know's of a hack that acts just like the one described in the first paragraph, I would be interested in looking into it. Thanks.
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 6
Can someone direct me to the Sun, Surf & Sand: Life's a Beach (Swim + Sleep) set? I have Beach Bummin' and Island Villa. I tried searching. The bundle I downloaded titled Beach Living didn't include this set. Thanks.
Corpulent Cretin

Posts: 133
Can someone direct me to the Sun, Surf & Sand: Life's a Beach (Swim + Sleep) set? I have Beach Bummin' and Island Villa. I tried searching. The bundle I downloaded titled Beach Living didn't include this set. Thanks.
How lazy are you? Everything you need is right here in this section,try fucking reading the posts.
Blathering Buffoon

Posts: 80
I am looking for the creator of a hack that in it's original rar name is called ShowHiddenSkillsWA. This particular hack has most of the qualities that regular skills have in that it allows hidden skills to appear in the skills window, except the hidden skill icons are invisible. It also shows a progress bar over the sims head and the sims get wants to fulfill hidden skills. Also, the game notifies you when your sim levels up on whatever hidden skill they are working on. Unfortunately this hack is now obsolete with the new expansion pack. I've been directed to other places in search of the creator of this hack which has turned up dead ends so far. Someone said to use Twallan's SC which I am using already and even though the SC is quite useful for many things, I do not like the SC version of hidden skills. I am so used to playing the game with this hack, the game seems incomplete without it. So, if I can find the creator of this hidden skills hack, I could ask if they will update it for Ambitions. Better yet, if anyone here know's of a hack that acts just like the one described in the first paragraph, I would be interested in looking into it. Thanks.
I've done that mod before, and it sound like one of my dumb ass naming conventions. I'm a bit neurotic so I have to expose as much of the game as I can, and I can't play without showing the hidden skills. I normally don't upload it since it's incredibly easy to make, but here's a current copy.
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 7
My weiner's longer than your's.
I've been looking everywhere for a risky woohoo mod for The Sims 3. I've found it for The Sims 2, but the few other places I thought I found it, the thread had been deleted or whatever. Woohoo in real life is never for sure to not have a child! Does anyone know where I can find a mod for this? Thank you so much motoki, I will try it right now 
« Last Edit: 2010 June 17, 03:40:51 by Veeree »
I've been looking everywhere for a risky woohoo mod for The Sims 3. I've found it for The Sims 2, but the few other places I thought I found it, the thread had been deleted or whatever. Woohoo in real life is never for sure to not have a child! Does anyone know where I can find a mod for this?
Twallan's Woohooer has risky woohoo.
In communist China Peggy's hairs cut you!
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 7
I really love the alarm clocks from Sims Store, but I want to kick asses of the programmers, who did forget making them functional. They look like alarm clocks, but you can't use them  Is there someone who could change them into real alarm clocks or knows a mod/fix (Ambitions compatible), that give store alarm clocks a "aim in life"? (And sorry for my [possible] horrible English *fall down and lick shoes*  )
Blessed are the barmys - they don't need a hammer.
You don't need the alarm clock to function. By default it's built into the game that your sim will automatically sleep until 1 hour before the carpool arrives for work or until they are fully rested, whichever is earlier.
If it defaults to fully rested and for some reason you want them to waste time when their sleep bar is full and keep sleeping until they need to go to work you can just pull the bar on the sleep action over to the right and then they will sleep until 1 hour before work.
To get a TS1/2 style alarm clock you'd actually have to re-write the sleep action to remove functionality, then add functionality to the decorative alarm clock. That's a lot of trouble to go to for a feature that already exists in the game in a simpler implementation (ie less clicks and objects to mess with).
In communist China Peggy's hairs cut you!
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 25
I've been searching high-and-low for items that come with the German Sims 3 magazine. I have a few but the trail has been stone cold for the last couple of months. Has anyone found any yet?
Breakfast of Champions!

Posts: 11638
Shunning the accursed daystar.
Do you mean these:  
My fists are named Feminine and Wiles.
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 25
Do you mean these:   AND I have items up until I believe December, but I have found nothing since.
Breakfast of Champions!

Posts: 11638
Shunning the accursed daystar.
I'm not 100% sure they're all from the German Magazine (I see a stray Riverview there) and they're quite old, but I'll upload them tomorrow if you're interested.
My fists are named Feminine and Wiles.
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 35
The bitter sinner from Purgatory
Those Ikea study-room items from the German Sims Magazine are very interesting. I would like to know, are these files EA made, or some fanmade stuff, like they did it before in the Sims2 era.
Life is too short to taste it out all alone, but you have to!
Those Ikea study-room items from the German Sims Magazine are very interesting. I would like to know, are these files EA made, or some fanmade stuff, like they did it before in the Sims2 era.
I just said above they weren't EA. It's fan made content from users at Apparently they made it exclusively for the magazine so it's not on their site. As for that older German mag stuff from last year (ie Hippie Romantik, Nautic, Furter, Appleton, etc) it's all recolors of clothes, packaged sims and packaged lots with families on them. Essentially it's nothing new so people stopped including it with the store update packages. However if you really must have it, it's on MistyK's 4Share directory:'s the German Sims 3 Magazine file. She also has similar packages for the August, October/November, and December issues, but again there's not any original new content in it. Basically everything that comes out of the Sims 3 German mag is either a recolor, prepackaged sim or lot and/or fan created content. To my knowledge, no original, new EA content has come out of the German Sims magazine, but there has occasionally been some on actual official German website for the game.
In communist China Peggy's hairs cut you!
Breakfast of Champions!

Posts: 11638
Shunning the accursed daystar.
Thanks Motoki, that makes more sense now. I'm a compulsive downloader and packrat so I often end up with content for games and I'm not at all sure why I have it. I won't bother with the magazine stuff again in terms of keeping it with the original EAxis stuff.
My fists are named Feminine and Wiles.