No one cares about your requests. But if you must ask for something, do it in this thread. Requests will be periodically deleted: if no one wants to make it after a month or two, you'd better learn to do it yourself.
You can also post "Where Can I find" questions for TS3 content here.
« Last Edit: 2009 July 11, 06:22:09 by BastDawn »
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 16
Does anyone have plans to create a Lifetime Want corresponding to the education career? Or is there one already out there?
Thanks very much :-)
Is there a mod out there that multiplies the body sliders? They may not be the best functioning, but it'd be fun to play with, I think. Super skinny sims and super buff sims.
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 28
Did anyone ever do anything with the crazy science vat thing in awesomemod? The RTFM said something about needing a 3rd party mod to actually work.
Those are a core mod, though. 
Horrible Halfwit
Posts: 392
AM's slider multipliers appear to be functioning just fine.
If you're not playing in lieu of a ready version, you can always pop it in just to play in CAS. Otherwise, I'm not sure I understand why you would be looking for multipliers outside of AM to begin with.
AwesomeMod does not multiply the weight/muscle sliders, is why. I have seen sims with hugemongous muscles from multiplied muscle sliders, and I want some of those, but awesomemod does not provide this.
Horrible Halfwit
Posts: 392
Really? I could have sworn changing the slider max in the config effected weight and muscle mass. I'll have to experiment now.
Nope. I've been at 5x sliders as long as I can remember, and sims cant go past the base skinniness/muscleness/fatness.
Horrible Halfwit
Posts: 392
So it is. Found this at MTS too: Originally Posted by J. M. Pescado Facial sliders must be core to function, but this feature is alreay included in AwesomeMod. Bodysliders are XML-based and do not require a core hack to function. However, they are not terribly useful for gameplay because the game will snap back those values to their "legal" range anytime a bodyshape update occurs. Because such sliders would not actually work in the long-term, and the fact that bodysliders are an XML deal and not core, this particular feature will not be added to AwesomeMod, as it would not function correctly. Probably why no one has bothered to make an xml of it. ETA: If you are determined, though, Drakah includes instructions in the readme that comes with his core sliders on how to create your own non-core. I haven't looked at it myself but this is his claim in the comments at MTS.
« Last Edit: 2010 June 07, 07:06:37 by myskaal »
Dimwitted Dunce

Posts: 194
Grey pride
So it is. Found this at MTS too: Originally Posted by J. M. Pescado Facial sliders must be core to function, but this feature is alreay included in AwesomeMod. Bodysliders are XML-based and do not require a core hack to function. However, they are not terribly useful for gameplay because the game will snap back those values to their "legal" range anytime a bodyshape update occurs. Because such sliders would not actually work in the long-term, and the fact that bodysliders are an XML deal and not core, this particular feature will not be added to AwesomeMod, as it would not function correctly. Probably why no one has bothered to make an xml of it. ETA: If you are determined, though, Drakah includes instructions in the readme that comes with his core sliders on how to create your own non-core. I haven't looked at it myself but this is his claim in the comments at MTS. Someone did. I didn't make it, nor do I remember who did. I got it off MTS a long time ago, and it's always worked for me. It's quirky, but not useless.
« Last Edit: 2010 June 07, 07:25:50 by Greyform »
Horrible Halfwit
Posts: 392
Very nice, pack rat. That's probably Rick and Delphy's original slider hack. They pulled it because they felt Johna's replaced it's needs.
Oh, cool. I'll try that one. Too bad there's not a "stop this sim from changing physically" mod or anything to make it unable to fail. I hope it looks nice, though.
Blathering Buffoon

Posts: 97
More Tryhard Than You.
Oh, cool. I'll try that one. Too bad there's not a "stop this sim from changing physically" mod or anything to make it unable to fail. I hope it looks nice, though. Just don't get the ones with the buffed up bodies to excercise. Rick and Delphy's original one worked wonders for me. I still need a multiplier though, waiting for Pes to release a stable version of AM. WCIF: May and June store files in .package format? A link posted in this thread led me to all of the .package files up until March. Installed Ambitions, reducing custom clutter. HALP?
Shouty Vole/Teh Goddess - My OTP <333

Posts: 2024
Success Weasel, School of notovny '11
May I just say, I lol every time I see your name, Cunty. I am not sure yet whether it is a good lol, or a bad lol yet though.
Corpulent Cretin

Posts: 113
How about a hack that removes the crappy shower moodlet (at least from the showers that aren't CHEAP!)
Something like twoftmama's better nights sleep but for showers!
« Last Edit: 2010 June 07, 19:16:41 by Perez Hilton »
Blathering Buffoon

Posts: 97
Read through this thread at MTS: you're already using the non-default skintone hack, it's really easy to alter it to also increase the body sliders. It also works with Ambitions in the My Documents mod folder in my game.
I am looking at the "Motives" xml, and am dreaming of the day when I can make my own custom motives that decay and give sims negative moodlets when they are neglected. I want a flirt motive that requires sims to flirt once in a while, a 'pester enemy' motive, several fun acitivities like 'watch TV', 'look through telescope', and 'play video game' motives, all of which would give sims negative moodlets when the motive is at low levels. So sims would be forced to comply to their natural instincts. Also thinking about 'spend time on particular type of lot' motives.
 Join the Oona Klostermann High Society Club
So what is this hidden Baker career? Any chance of unlocking it?
 Join the Oona Klostermann High Society Club
Grammar Police

Posts: 4931
"Start a new thread" is the new "Search."
So what is this hidden Baker career? Any chance of unlocking it?
Maybe it's a self-employment career, like sculptor, etc.
<soozelwoozel> Remember the days when jezzer used to have adorable pictures of ratties holding teddy bears as his avatar? Now it\\\'s all eyeless cave vagina spiders and despair.
Corpulent Cretin

Posts: 113
So what is this hidden Baker career? Any chance of unlocking it?
I think its related to the children's bakesale object. Its like the old lemonade stand.
Clara M Johnson
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 12
Hi I was wondering if someone here could put all the Store stuff from the first to the latest stuff as of June 9th 2010, in Package format, decrapified. and maybe even compressed, I have tried to do this stuff myself but I just cant, I guess just too stupid, it never works when I tried it, so Please could someone do it or show where someone else has.
I noticed everyone here stopped doing it for some reason, but I cant use any of the stuff if someone else doesn't help me, I know this is a stupid thing to ask you all, but I'm sure I am not the only one who can't do it, and would like it done for them, and I know its a allot of work to do for nothing but someone thanks, but I would really be thankful to who ever does do it for me.
I thought of just going ahead and buying everything at the store then I realized it would cost at least a hundred dollars to do it, so I ether have to go with out allot of stuff, or come here and admit I'm too stupid to do it myself, and asked one of you guys to do it for me, so here I am begging for you guys help.
So Please Help!
Blathering Buffoon

Posts: 56
n00b Queen
I second pookysimslover's request. You guys must remember not all of us are brilliant. This would be great.