Asinine Airhead
Posts: 38
My klepto steals useless objects, I thought it was her insane trait.
I was excited to play my first klepto that married into my Legacy family. She had an "opportunity" come up to eat at the Bistro. When she returned home, I discovered that she had picked up "a little something" while she was there. It was a plate. I couldn't do anything with it except put it on the table and have them stick it in the dishwasher. What a disappointment.
Not all those who wander are lost. --J R R Tolkien
J. M. Pescado
I'm not sure what you expected to steal out of a restaurant. The napkins?
Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I cannot accept, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of those I had to kill because they pissed me off.
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 38
I'm not sure what you expected to steal out of a restaurant. The napkins?
True. At least the family gets to use that plate daily.
Not all those who wander are lost. --J R R Tolkien
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 10
My sim ended up with two mugs, and I couldn't get rid of them or pick them up or anything. I ended up selecting "Drink from" and then canceling it once they'd picked it up so they went to wash up.
Mushroom Girl

Posts: 1506
My Klepto got a shower, bath and bar when he went to the gym for the first time, now he only gets lights. I'm stuck waiting for them to regenerate it's been 3 sim weeks and nothing has come back.
Blathering Buffoon

Posts: 85
My klepto steals useless objects, I thought it was her insane trait.
I was excited to play my first klepto that married into my Legacy family. She had an "opportunity" come up to eat at the Bistro. When she returned home, I discovered that she had picked up "a little something" while she was there. It was a plate. I couldn't do anything with it except put it on the table and have them stick it in the dishwasher. What a disappointment. I find that returning bistro plates is just about the cheapest buff I can get... so I'm fairly pleased with it.
Dimwitted Dunce

Posts: 158
I had a klepto take the sink out of a bathroom one night and then the light on another night. When just the toilet stall remained, it didn't have the option to be swiped. Maybe toilets, counters, and fridges are sacred.
Tasty Tourist
Posts: 1
Well i not seen this posted anywhere else so i thought i let you all know wat i do to get wat i want for FREE lol
I go to edit town and in my first lot i place a floor (No Walls) then load it up with top of the range cars lot comes to just under 1.5 mill lol and in the second lot again just a floor No Walls i place items i need for my house I.E beds, tv, fridges, expensive decor then i return back to the game and each night i send me sims out to steal from these lots and it cost me nowt to decorate my house of course so far none of these items has regenerated so i just place 3 items at a time in the second lot so i get wat i defenly need for my house.
Blathering Buffoon

Posts: 85
Well i not seen this posted anywhere else so i thought i let you all know wat i do to get wat i want for FREE lol
I go to edit town and in my first lot i place a floor (No Walls) then load it up with top of the range cars lot comes to just under 1.5 mill lol and in the second lot again just a floor No Walls i place items i need for my house I.E beds, tv, fridges, expensive decor then i return back to the game and each night i send me sims out to steal from these lots and it cost me nowt to decorate my house of course so far none of these items has regenerated so i just place 3 items at a time in the second lot so i get wat i defenly need for my house.
So, basically, you just cheat in a very troublesome way? If I wanted to cheat, I would just do so without lying to myself about it.
Well i not seen this posted anywhere else so i thought i let you all know wat i do to get wat i want for FREE lol
I go to edit town and in my first lot i place a floor (No Walls) then load it up with top of the range cars lot comes to just under 1.5 mill lol and in the second lot again just a floor No Walls i place items i need for my house I.E beds, tv, fridges, expensive decor then i return back to the game and each night i send me sims out to steal from these lots and it cost me nowt to decorate my house of course so far none of these items has regenerated so i just place 3 items at a time in the second lot so i get wat i defenly need for my house.
So, basically, you just cheat in a very troublesome way? If I wanted to cheat, I would just do so without lying to myself about it. Thanks for the translation MissKitty. I couldn't be bothered attempting to read thedevilsim's post since it doesn't appear to be written in English. Kudos to you for working your way through it and explaining what it is about (a lengthy, troublesome, and time-consuming way to cheat).
<br />Also, thank god for Google spellcheck. Otherwise, this post would be intelligible. <br /> <br />Declared \\\\\\\"Male\\\\\\\" by Pescado on 8th April, 2009
Thanks for the translation MissKitty. I couldn't be bothered attempting to read thedevilsim's post since it doesn't appear to be written in English. Kudos to you for working your way through it and explaining what it is about (a lengthy, troublesome, and time-consuming way to cheat).
Meh, don't you know that "lol" is the new period/full stop? Be MOAR hip!
I say that a wise, when he does not know what he is talking about, should know enough to keep his mouth shut. -- C. Collodi, Pinocchio. ------  The one and only Rhayden's AIDE. Accept no substitutes.
Blathering Buffoon

Posts: 85
Thanks for the translation MissKitty. I couldn't be bothered attempting to read thedevilsim's post since it doesn't appear to be written in English. Kudos to you for working your way through it and explaining what it is about (a lengthy, troublesome, and time-consuming way to cheat).
Worst bit is that I'm fairly sure I was able to ignore the atrocious grammar. Or, rather, I barely noticed it. This depresses me.
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 19
I've a legacy sim that I gave the klepto trait to simply as he wasn't going to be starting out with more than 1k and no house. I thought he could at least steal some useful items for himself. So what does a klepto with exactly one tile of wall on his home lot steal? Wall light fixtures, and hanging towels for the most part along with an occasional mirror. Took him an awful long time with the three theft a day limit to get his shower and a few other things that were useful. I think it irritates me most when I've got him at the park or something and I'm planning on making him steal things from somewhere specific later on that day and he randomly steals something stupid on his own.
Blathering Buffoon

Posts: 75
I've discovered the best way to steal is to place them a fair distance away from what you want them to steal, within the 6 square limit obviously, but far enough for them to walk to it. Watch where they go and if they head towards and item you don't want just cancel the action and you save one of your precious 3 steals from being wasted on something like curtains. Repeat until they steal the right thing. If they start to do the pre-steal action though you've left it too late.
Also the best house to steal from: the Alto's in Sunset Valley. You can get the Margaret Vaguester pretty much instantly without stress, because there is nothing else around it to steal, provided you're smart enough NOT to start the action directly under the wall light.
Heaven for the climate, hell for the company.
Blathering Buffoon

Posts: 66
Thanks for the translation MissKitty. I couldn't be bothered attempting to read thedevilsim's post since it doesn't appear to be written in English. Kudos to you for working your way through it and explaining what it is about (a lengthy, troublesome, and time-consuming way to cheat).
Meh, don't you know that "lol" is the new period/full stop? Be MOAR hip! **dies a little more inside**
First they came for the Wal-Marts, and I said nothing because I was not tacky...
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 10
And after reading this thread I have the image of a kleptomaniac who's the most beloved person in town because they keep returning things in better condition than when they stole them. Rather like those burglars in an old show who when they first visted the house were appaled at how there was nothing worth stealing so every now and then during the series they'd come back and put in something new (stereo, tv, coffee machine etc) until the last episode when they stole the lot back.
Malodorous Moron
Posts: 783
Do you see a midget Hitler?!
Well I tried going to the art gallery and see if my klepto would steal the lights. He stole two paintings. It took me awhile to figure out how to make him steal. At first I tried clicking on objects but after reading this thread I realised that wouldn't work since they randomly steal objects. Then I tried clicking on the sim, finally I saw the light and clicked on the floor. 
Do you need someone to organize your sock drawer?
Tasty Tourist
Posts: 3
I have a quick question. I was playing a klepto, and I tried to have her steal from a house that was unoccupied, but it didn't work. Can kleptos only steal from houses that are occupied by other Sims?
Retardo Lander

Posts: 215
I have a quick question. I was playing a klepto, and I tried to have her steal from a house that was unoccupied, but it didn't work. Can kleptos only steal from houses that are occupied by other Sims?
How the hell did you get her inside the unoccupied house? I don't think you quite grasp the Klepto trait. You can click a space near your sim and select "Steal something". You must be able to get there in order to do it, they will not break and enter.
Tasty Tourist
Posts: 3
She didn't get inside the house, that was the problem  I've already figured out that I had to click a space near my Sim and have her "Swipe Something", but I was just wondering if there was some way to get her inside an unoccupied house. I guess not, it seems.
Tasty Tourist
Posts: 2
Kleptos are fun, found it pretty effective with a pair, one keep the owners occupied while the other steal, then they switch. One problem is that some days they don't want to steal three objects, perhaps because I stole to late the day before? You often have to return many days to get the item you want, have a strong feeling that the sims prefer to steal smaller objects before large furniture. Price doesn't mater much; just as well steal a laptop as a flower. And they have to steal the items on a table before taking the table. Best advice is to search out places with little clutter, many rich sims has loads of clutter in their rooms making if less economical than a middle class house with little clutter.
Tasty Tourist
Posts: 1
I love playing with the klepto traits and i find having two klepto can be beneficial. I had one Sim go to the neighbors and swipe something damn it she took the stupid light fixture.Then i had her view the statue .Then i had her male counter part come to the same neighbors house and clicked swipe something and he stole the statue ;-) also when they are at work if one of them acquires something from work it will show up in the others inventory. I love it when they are carted off to jail Lol