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Kleptos Only Stealing Light Fixtures
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Topic: Kleptos Only Stealing Light Fixtures (Read 41712 times)
Blathering Buffoon
Posts: 57
In Soviet Russia, cupcake laughs at YOU!
Kleptos Only Stealing Light Fixtures
2009 June 23, 01:25:03 »
I've played two Kleptos, and when I instruct them to steal anything on any lot, no matter how much clicking I do, all I can ever seem to get them to steal is the friggin $30 light fixtures, while I hear from other players how their supposedly overpowered Kleptos are stealing $12k worth statues and crap.
, I managed to steal something else, but that was when everything else in the room was depleted - they stoleded all the lights first
I bet it's probably in the code that Sims are hardwired to steal the least expensive items first, (even if they're across the room and that nice shiny $10,000 painting is two steps away, as mine seem to do) to keep from being too overpowered. But am I missing something? Do I just suck? Any tips? I click RIGHTNEXT to the expensive things, but they'll go across the room for the lights. This is frustrating as hell. I feel like I wasted a trait slot.
Any thoughts are appreciated
J. M. Pescado
Fat Obstreperous Jerk
El Presidente
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Re: Kleptos Only Stealing Light Fixtures
Reply #1 on:
2009 June 23, 02:03:25 »
The kleptomaniac swipe distance is tuned a t "6". A valid stealable object within a radius of 6 from your sim's current position will be sadorandomly chosen for theft. To avoid stealing the wrong thing, eliminate incorrect choices.
Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I cannot accept, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of those I had to kill because they pissed me off.
Blathering Buffoon
Posts: 57
In Soviet Russia, cupcake laughs at YOU!
Re: Kleptos Only Stealing Light Fixtures
Reply #2 on:
2009 June 23, 02:53:43 »
So it really is random-ish then? Hrm. Even after multiple clicks, they still go for the lights, but I'll keep trying to see if I can jack a few paintings from the museum.
What do you mean by "eliminate the incorrect choices"? Increase my distance from the lights, and lower my proximity to the desired object I assume. I get what you mean, but it doesn't seem possible when there's like 10 lights overhead my desired object. If you meant retrials, then it's possible to keep trying and get the desired object?
Sorry for the badgering, I'm just anxious to make my Kleptos functional, and not just quirky.
EDIT: Where are my manners? Thank you for the reply
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 28
If only I were better with photoshop...
Re: Kleptos Only Stealing Light Fixtures
Reply #3 on:
2009 June 23, 03:33:40 »
The neighbors across the street from my sim inexplicably bought the best car in the game to park next to their shitty chairs and dishwasher... my sim is a klepto... you might guess how that ended.
Or so you'd think. I didn't have your problem, she swiped it fine, only it didn't show up in the family inventory. She even got a wish to give it back, but it wasn't in the list of things to return on the mailbox either. I loaded and tried again but still no luck. Haven't done any further testing but maybe grand theft auto is just broken.
For your problem I'd suggest you just steal a few lights and come back the next day. With fewer lights nearby you'll probably have better luck getting the painting.
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 21
Re: Kleptos Only Stealing Light Fixtures
Reply #4 on:
2009 June 23, 03:45:07 »
I sent my sim to the graveyard to steal the grimmie statue for his garden, but he had to steal the two benches on either side before he would take the statue. My other sim REFUSED to take the swingset from the park.
Blathering Buffoon
Posts: 57
In Soviet Russia, cupcake laughs at YOU!
Re: Kleptos Only Stealing Light Fixtures
Reply #5 on:
2009 June 23, 04:00:58 »
Hrm. So I suppose official consensus = Kleptoism is teh fail.
Quote from: Blizzaird on 2009 June 23, 03:33:40
Haven't done any further testing but maybe grand theft auto is just broken.
For your problem I'd suggest you just steal a few lights and come back the next day. With fewer lights nearby you'll probably have better luck getting the painting.
For what it's worth, I went to a neighbor's house and she had a very nice car parked in a small garage. After taking the lights of course, my Sim swiped her car and is now driving it without problem. That was one of the items I successfully swiped that wasn't a light. I think you encountered a glitch.
The lots reset every day at 3 p.m. and stolen objects get replaced (at least on community lots, haven't tested it on residential), or I would. But thanks.
Seriously, it's redonkulous that I had my Sim go into the most expensive room of the Riverview museum, and no matter how many times I clicked, she
went for the freakin' light fixtures when there was a $1000 chair sitting in front of her. That's just illogical.
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 28
If only I were better with photoshop...
Re: Kleptos Only Stealing Light Fixtures
Reply #6 on:
2009 June 23, 04:09:50 »
Quote from: Euphemism on 2009 June 23, 04:00:58
The lots reset every day at 3 p.m. and stolen objects get replaced (at least on community lots, haven't tested it on residential), or I would. But thanks.
Oh, that must be community only. What little klepto-ing I've done has been from peoples' yards and I don't think it's ever reappeared even if I send it back in the mail. Probably just sits in their family inventory
EDIT: How many lights are there? If you never get the painting even after using your first two to get lights out of the way, you might try finding an accomplice. That way you'll have six chances instead of three. I'm thinking my next generation might have to be a house full of kleptos...
Last Edit: 2009 June 23, 04:18:19 by Blizzaird
Blathering Buffoon
Posts: 57
In Soviet Russia, cupcake laughs at YOU!
Re: Kleptos Only Stealing Light Fixtures
Reply #7 on:
2009 June 23, 04:18:20 »
Really? Hmm, duly noted. It would be hilarious to go into the Bunch household and steal all their beds *snicker*. Try breeding again now, bitches!!
Kind of off-topicish, but what does returning items do? Does it grant a positive moodlet of any real benefit? Maybe I could find somewhat of a use for all these piles of light fixtures
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 28
If only I were better with photoshop...
Re: Kleptos Only Stealing Light Fixtures
Reply #8 on:
2009 June 23, 04:28:54 »
Positive moodlet and wish fulfillment. My sim is only klepto to give her some quirkiness so she mostly steals small stuff to fulfill the steal something wish, then keeps it until she gets a wish to give it back. Even if you steal for keeps, it's a nice alternative for things you didn't want and are barely worth selling. Although I've never even tried selling stolen goods. Can you sell stolen goods?
J. M. Pescado
Fat Obstreperous Jerk
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Posts: 26292
Re: Kleptos Only Stealing Light Fixtures
Reply #9 on:
2009 June 23, 04:41:00 »
Quote from: Euphemism on 2009 June 23, 02:53:43
So it really is random-ish then? Hrm. Even after multiple clicks, they still go for the lights, but I'll keep trying to see if I can jack a few paintings from the museum.
See: "sadorandom". In Sadorandom Probability, if you have a 50% chance of getting the desired result, then the undesirable result will happen 90% of the time.
Quote from: Euphemism on 2009 June 23, 02:53:43
What do you mean by "eliminate the incorrect choices"? Increase my distance from the lights, and lower my proximity to the desired object I assume. I get what you mean, but it doesn't seem possible when there's like 10 lights overhead my desired object. If you meant retrials, then it's possible to keep trying and get the desired object?
Or you could just get rid of the lights. Why the hell does a room need 10 freaking lights? Are you trying to create your own sim rotisserie roaster?
Quote from: Euphemism on 2009 June 23, 02:53:43
EDIT: Where are my manners? Thank you for the reply
This is MATY. We have a button for that. Use it.
Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I cannot accept, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of those I had to kill because they pissed me off.
Blathering Buffoon
Posts: 57
In Soviet Russia, cupcake laughs at YOU!
Re: Kleptos Only Stealing Light Fixtures
Reply #10 on:
2009 June 23, 05:26:45 »
I know, but come on admit it. Verbal thanks warm your Grinch heart. You love them.
I was intentionally exaggerating on the number of lights, for mildly humorous effect. (Or not.) But on the top floor of the Riverview museum, there's two lights on either side of every painting, which makes at least 8 lights in that one room - the most expensive room. Yeah, I guess I'll have to cut down on the number of lights for all the rooms, or make them inaccessible through moveobjects. Wonder if that would work? Tbh I didn't think of just selling them before. I feel stoopidiful.
Sorry, I misunderstood
; I misread it as
. Pah. I thought that's what you meant. Google is my friend.
So I guess I'm just screwed on the Kleptos. Oh well. EA sucks and swallows. What else is new. I'll keep clicking in the meantime.
Blathering Buffoon
Posts: 85
Re: Kleptos Only Stealing Light Fixtures
Reply #11 on:
2009 June 24, 10:01:06 »
I must be having great luck with my klepto, then... one of the first things she did was swipe Nick Alto's §105,000 car. She lives in a shed and drives that baby everywhere and NOBODY EVEN QUESTIONS IT! I should try inviting Nick Alto over and see if he even notices. My guess is no.
She does seem to have a thing for chairs, though. Idk.
In any case, I just return the crap she sometimes ends up with and get positive moodlets. Win/win. I like the klepto trait.
Feckless Fool
Posts: 282
Re: Kleptos Only Stealing Light Fixtures
Reply #12 on:
2009 June 24, 12:42:54 »
I have a klepto with the Handy trait. He steals appliances, upgrades them and returns them. Of course the stuff that is 'returned' just dissolves into the ether, it never goes back to the owner, but it's a great way to fulfill those 'upgrade 15 objects' wishes when you don't actually have that much stuff of your own to fiddle with.
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 27
Re: Kleptos Only Stealing Light Fixtures
Reply #13 on:
2009 June 24, 16:37:01 »
Umm have you looked up what a klepto really is?
They don't steal because they want the cash it's more a ""oooo shiny lets play with it" and when leaving a place they forget to put it down. Some people have this with lighters
. Not all klepto's what the biggest costly items, so swiping lights make tons of scene to me, along with any other small thing.
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 10
Re: Kleptos Only Stealing Light Fixtures
Reply #14 on:
2009 June 24, 17:27:54 »
The community lots do not reset every day, at least not in my experience. I've played two kelptos heavily and it appears they reset about every three to four sim days. The only thing I can think that might make this deifferent between our games is I usually play with long/epic lifespan or with aging off. If you play on something shorter perhaps they reset more often?
Feckless Fool
Posts: 268
Re: Kleptos Only Stealing Light Fixtures
Reply #15 on:
2009 June 24, 17:50:33 »
Quote from: Stormibrooke on 2009 June 24, 17:27:54
The community lots do not reset every day, at least not in my experience. I've played two kelptos heavily and it appears they reset about every three to four sim days. The only thing I can think that might make this deifferent between our games is I usually play with long/epic lifespan or with aging off. If you play on something shorter perhaps they reset more often?
I believe there is a level of chance involved in whether stuff gets regenerated each night.
Set the controls for the heart of the sun.
Fat D
Horrible Halfwit
Posts: 395
Re: Kleptos Only Stealing Light Fixtures
Reply #16 on:
2009 June 24, 18:41:17 »
Quote from: Roflganger on 2009 June 24, 17:50:33
Quote from: Stormibrooke on 2009 June 24, 17:27:54
The community lots do not reset every day, at least not in my experience. I've played two kelptos heavily and it appears they reset about every three to four sim days. The only thing I can think that might make this deifferent between our games is I usually play with long/epic lifespan or with aging off. If you play on something shorter perhaps they reset more often?
I believe there is a level of chance involved in whether stuff gets regenerated each night.
I believe so, too. When playing Stan and Alan, I have noticed that the emptied gym gets filled slowly, but not steadily.
Meet Stan and Alan - now 50% more satinist!
Horrible Halfwit
Posts: 393
Re: Kleptos Only Stealing Light Fixtures
Reply #17 on:
2009 June 24, 19:20:20 »
For some reason, my kleptos like to steal park benches and their one-seated counterparts, but only after playing chess at the park to raise their fun. They almost never roll wants to return the stolen items, but even after returning some of them, the returned items have yet to reappear at their original locations, even after two sim weeks with a normal lifespan. The bookstore looks nekkid without a bench out front, but my kleptos consistently have a positive "fulfilled" moodlet.
IN T/F J/P. Yeah, I know.
Blathering Buffoon
Posts: 81
Re: Kleptos Only Stealing Light Fixtures
Reply #18 on:
2009 June 25, 15:40:12 » klepto mainly stole bistro chairs and some stuff from the art gallery.That annoyed me so much that I changed his trait
But perhaps if you marry off the right ones you can move into an empty house and over time you'll be fully furnished and ready to trade up
wash - rinse - repeat as necessary
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 46
Re: Kleptos Only Stealing Light Fixtures
Reply #19 on:
2009 June 25, 15:49:49 »
I had a game message pop up when my klepto was on his way home from work saying that he had stolen a Volkswagen (sim version of...) and that it'd be in my family inventory, so I go to the "box" and the only thing there was a desk phone... tagged with my workplaces name no less.
Malodorous Moron
Posts: 703
Re: Kleptos Only Stealing Light Fixtures
Reply #20 on:
2009 June 25, 19:37:49 »
Quote from: wendylady on 2009 June 24, 16:37:01
Umm have you looked up what a klepto really is?
They don't steal because they want the cash it's more a ""oooo shiny lets play with it" and when leaving a place they forget to put it down. Some people have this with lighters
. Not all klepto's what the biggest costly items, so swiping lights make tons of scene to me, along with any other small thing.
Yes, because people inadvertantly steal screwed in fixtures without realising it in real life.
Quote from: Fat D on 2009 June 24, 18:41:17
Quote from: Roflganger on 2009 June 24, 17:50:33
Quote from: Stormibrooke on 2009 June 24, 17:27:54
The community lots do not reset every day, at least not in my experience. I've played two kelptos heavily and it appears they reset about every three to four sim days. The only thing I can think that might make this deifferent between our games is I usually play with long/epic lifespan or with aging off. If you play on something shorter perhaps they reset more often?
I believe there is a level of chance involved in whether stuff gets regenerated each night.
I believe so, too. When playing Stan and Alan, I have noticed that the emptied gym gets filled slowly, but not steadily.
This seems to be the case for me. One of my sims stole three items one night in the park in the middle of Riverview. He stole the big statue, the little garden light beneath it and a park bench. They were replaced about a week later, over the course of several days (as opposed to all at once). Another set of items were replaced in days.
Bass Junkie
Blathering Buffoon
Posts: 59
Re: Kleptos Only Stealing Light Fixtures
Reply #21 on:
2009 June 26, 04:09:12 »
Quote from: wendylady on 2009 June 24, 16:37:01
Umm have you looked up what a klepto really is?
They don't steal because they want the cash it's more a ""oooo shiny lets play with it" and when leaving a place they forget to put it down. Some people have this with lighters
. Not all klepto's what the biggest costly items, so swiping lights make tons of scene to me, along with any other small thing.
I don't think you have, either. Kleptomania is a psychological disorder that drives a compulsion to steal - not absent-mindedness.
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 11
Re: Kleptos Only Stealing Light Fixtures
Reply #22 on:
2009 June 26, 13:31:37 »
My klepto steals useless objects, I thought it was her insane trait.
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 17
Re: Kleptos Only Stealing Light Fixtures
Reply #23 on:
2009 June 26, 15:08:54 »
Are there objects that are unstealable? My klepto needed a counter, so I sent him to the gym where there's a little kitchette down by the pool. Over several nights he stole all the lights, tables, chairs, hot drink machine, bars and barstools. But he will not steal the counters or the fridge. The Swipe Something option is not available in that area anymore.
I thought maybe it was because they are "built-in", but he's stolen showers and sinks in the past...
Tasty Tourist
Posts: 3
Re: Kleptos Only Stealing Light Fixtures
Reply #24 on:
2009 June 26, 18:32:34 »
So far, I've had no luck trying to steal refrigerators, bookcases or beds either. (Maybe beds have to be "unassigned?") I was only able to steal surfaces like end tables, dining tables and desks, after I had stolen everything that was on them, and any chairs that were tucked in around them first. No problem swiping dishwashers and trashcompactors from under counters, though.
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