Asinine Airhead
Posts: 36
I made this for my own use so that I could track my Legacy Sims's progress. My biggest concerns were remembering to do portraits of everyone, plus the 32(!) unique lifetime wishes. Anyway - I thought it might be handy for others. I'm not a spreadsheet whiz and this has undergone exactly ten minutes of testing, if you find errors let me know and I'll try to fix them. There are no macros to worry about, just straight-up formulas. Sample data for you to copy is included. Just fill in your own details in the pale yellow areas and it will add up your current score. I didn't include a column for 200,000 aspiration points. I'd make up a good reason, but the reason is that I forgot. If you do hit 200K, you could just add another line for that Sim and give them a second "Yes" under the 100K column. There is room for 200 Sims. Should be enough? It's Excel 2003, but since it's so straightforward, I don't think anything is stopping me from saving it as an older version, if someone wanted it. Edit: Re-upload only has one sheet, might be openable in MS Works. Otherwise, check out the Google docs version:
« Last Edit: 2009 June 24, 14:29:01 by infamy »
Blathering Buffoon

Posts: 82
Old School Charm
That is a nice spreadsheet, thank you for posting it here. I printed out the rules and was planning on starting a legacy game today, this will be a great help in keeping track of things.
C++ is designed to allow you to express ideas, but if you don't have ideas, or don't have any clue about how to express them, C++ doesn't offer much help. - Bjarne Stroustrup
Feckless Fool

Posts: 254
ESFP- I'm a speshul snowflake
I use Webspiration ( to make a diagram of my Legacy family. It's handy to have an expanding family tree in it.
My claim to Sims fame? I was featured as a Sims 2 fan on an MTV show about The Urbz. I'm badass like that.
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 27
My open office opens it just fine. I Just wish you had a blank one along with it so i could have been lazy and not deleted your info that was put in as examples.
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 45
My open office opens it just fine. I Just wish you had a blank one along with it so i could have been lazy and not deleted your info that was put in as examples.
lol That's well lazy, you only have to delete about five lines! 
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 27
hehe..ya I know and did. it is more then five lines thou, if you delete the yes stuff names, home value, ect. But lucky for me I found the delete all button and it took out all the one i highlighted. I am just oen of them that fear ill mess it up deleting the wrong thing is all. I seem to made it okie thou. This will alos be my frist time try to play Legacy game, looking forward to the fun. 
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 36
I am just oen of them that fear ill mess it up deleting the wrong thing is all.
I'm not sure about how Open Office deals with spreadsheet locks, but you SHOULDN'T be able to delete the wrong thing. All of the fields are locked other than the ones for you to change.
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 27
Yes I have it working just fine.. (( giggles)) some times my blondness takes over.
Fuzzy Pumpkin
Whiny Wussy
Posts: 8583
Potiron flou
Not bad. It's a little huge and formatted oddly, but I wouldn't have thought of naming names. Also, not enough colors! You should see my personal spreadsheets. It's like a rainbow threw up on them. I do my family trees manually in Photoshop because I'm a masochist.This is my Riverview prosperity family tree:  EDIT: You have Five-Star Chef and Creature-Robot Crossbreeder twice.
« Last Edit: 2009 June 24, 11:36:50 by Zazazu »
Capitalism, Ho!"Continue to beat it in masturbatory ecstasy if you like, but only Pescado can make it go away." - Lemmiwinks My Urinal
Feckless Fool

Posts: 254
ESFP- I'm a speshul snowflake
Yup, that's what I did. Google Documents is a godsend.
My claim to Sims fame? I was featured as a Sims 2 fan on an MTV show about The Urbz. I'm badass like that.
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 36
Not bad. It's a little huge and formatted oddly, but I wouldn't have thought of naming names. Also, not enough colors! You should see my personal spreadsheets. It's like a rainbow threw up on them. I do my family trees manually in Photoshop because I'm a masochist.This is my Riverview prosperity family tree:  EDIT: You have Five-Star Chef and Creature-Robot Crossbreeder twice. Twice in my list of Lifetime Wants? I'm not seeing it. And yeah - now that I look again - it is huge. Those headers look like a child worte them with one of those fat pencils. I'm no-one's idea of a designer, that's for sure. I'll look at Google docs, too. I've never used it before. Edit: Woah. Google Docs is blowing my mind. This is fantastic.
« Last Edit: 2009 June 24, 11:35:55 by infamy »
Fuzzy Pumpkin
Whiny Wussy
Posts: 8583
Potiron flou
Pardon me, I haven't been sleeping. I somehow must have made it twice when I was moving things around. I checked your attachment and could only find them listed once.
Capitalism, Ho!"Continue to beat it in masturbatory ecstasy if you like, but only Pescado can make it go away." - Lemmiwinks My Urinal
Dimwitted Dunce

Posts: 177
Is there any way to make this compatible with Microsoft Works Spreadsheet?
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 36
A quick googling seems to indicate that Works can only open XLS files if they are limited to one sheet. I took out the extras and re-uploaded, so give it a try. Otherwise, there's a Google docs version that you can use, too. The formulas aren't protected on the Google version, so be sure to stick to the yellow areas when entreing data.
Dimwitted Dunce

Posts: 177
The problem my computer is having is due to the encryption, apparently. I'll use the google version.
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 45
Not bad. It's a little huge and formatted oddly, but I wouldn't have thought of naming names. Also, not enough colors! You should see my personal spreadsheets. It's like a rainbow threw up on them. I do my family trees manually in Photoshop because I'm a masochist.This is my Riverview prosperity family tree:  EDIT: You have Five-Star Chef and Creature-Robot Crossbreeder twice. I love the family tree....teach me how to do one too, please, pretty please... 
Dimwitted Dunce

Posts: 177
Saladoor perhaps you should try following the instructions Zazazu gave in the legacy challenge thread? If you don't understand them there are tutorials on the internet that will explain how to use different programs, but I doubt anyone here is going to give you a very basic tutorial on image manipulation.
« Last Edit: 2009 June 25, 15:23:20 by crunk »
Tasty Tourist
Posts: 1
This was very helpful. Thank you so much.