Irritating Ignoramus
Posts: 402
Well, see, the thing is, none of us really give a fuck if you get your question answered or not. When no fucks are given, laziness on our part is reasonably expected and does us no harm.
On the other hand, you presumably care at least a little if your question gets an answer, and if you do, laziness on your part is not reasonable, as it would lead to you being bothered, at least a little, by the lack of an answer.
How about we all continue to be lazy on the subject of your answer, and we'll see whether it's you or us who has fucks to give?
The Evil Psycho
Feckless Fool

Posts: 292
No fucks given
I swear it's like they don't actually read the boards before they post. This is not Happy Sunshine Sims, this is MATY, and your question is fucking retarded. The info is there and you are just too fucking lazy to read and find it yourself!
« Last Edit: 2012 December 24, 17:58:03 by RebelRed »
Tasty Tourist
Posts: 3
Thanks for your replies. Highly appreciated  For your information, I looked at the manual. Yes, even before I posted. I found no answer. If that's not the description of the mod, please tell me where it is, so I'll stop being lazy and read it. I tried searching for it on google, haven't found it. OK? You guys are great, really
Dimwitted Dunce

Posts: 168
As a side effect of some mod I've started using recently some adult interactions are now unlocked for teenagers. That's okay, I know about the consequences when it comes to those marked with a pedobear and pedophilia is not enabled in my config. But what surprised me was that the "Drink" interaction for vampires shows the pedobear when it appears while a teen vampire converses with an adult. Is this an oversight or does the "Drink" interaction really count as a romantic act?
Grammar Police

Posts: 4931
"Start a new thread" is the new "Search."
It would make sense. It is a sharing of bodily fluids, after all.
<soozelwoozel> Remember the days when jezzer used to have adorable pictures of ratties holding teddy bears as his avatar? Now it\\\'s all eyeless cave vagina spiders and despair.
Dimwitted Dunce

Posts: 190
It is a romantic interaction. Every now and again, I've had vampire sims who had never performed any romantic interactions with a target suddenly wish to kiss them after a drink.
Tasty Tourist
Posts: 2
I'm sorry to be asking stupid questions but I really don't know where I went wrong setting up AwesomeMod. I had it working perfectly fine on my old hard drive. I recently bought myself a SSD and started fresh, Windows, Sims and everything else. I extracted framework.zip to Documents > EA > TS3 and awesome.zip into the TS3 > Mods > Packages and deleted scriptcache.package I thought that's exactly how I did it on my old drive following all the instructions I've read in several places but my Sims game is acting like I never did anything to it at all. Can anyone tell me what I may have overlooked or should try to make awesomemod work? I have never tried to install any other mods and I downloaded both zip files from this forum.
Irritating Ignoramus
Posts: 402
I'm feeling nice today.
If the mod isn't loading at all, it is framework fail. Google the framework installation instructions on modthesims.info and follow them to the letter and it WILL work. If it doesn't, you've done something wrong and we have no way of knowing what.
Tasty Tourist
Posts: 2
Thank you! The instructions from that site did the trick. I bookmarked it so this will hopefully not happen again. I don't know why the framework.zip from this site wasn't working. It seems very similar.
Dimwitted Dunce

Posts: 168
AwesomeMod has a clean-up routine similar to twallan's Overwatch, doesn't it? Is there any specific time in-game when this fires?
Insanity Prelude
Juvenile Jackass
Posts: 488
Okay, search has failed me.
Can inactive (non-Chosen) famblies adopt pets on their own when Awesomestory is active? Does this require pet supplies on the lot, as per the crib/bed requirements for human spawning? After a couple in-game weeks or so in one of my saves, the only dog I ever saw around besides the strays was the one belonging to my active Sim.
Tasty Tourist
Posts: 4
I received the notice upon logging into the game that AwesomeMod would expire on May 2. Rather than wait to see what happened I removed the mod, downloaded again, did a new config, and deleted scriptcache.package. Well, I no longer have the Mod that I have become so dependent upon. Should I have reinstalled the framework deal? I'm playing Sims 3 with only the Supernatural EP on a Mac.
I'll very much appreciate help with this. Frankly, when I Googled 'Awesomemod expires' I expected a flood of results. I'm flummoxed among other things.
« Last Edit: 2013 May 02, 08:07:50 by Akrontru »
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 47
Jummy, mhmm!
I don't understand what you are trying to say. You say, you downloaded a new file of awesomemod but at the same time you say, now you don't have the mod any longer??
Any way, normally I just wait for the expiration to occur (= I can't start my game, I get a message saying I need to download a new version). I download a new version, delete the old and plop the new one into my usual awesomemod folder (which is in Mods/Packages/awesomemod). Delete scriptcache and start the game. I have never had it not work and I certainly never had to rearrange my folders in any way because of it. The only thing I can think of is, that you did in fact unknowingly rearrange something in your Mod folder setup/hierarchy this time around, so it doesn't correspond to what you have specified in the resource.config. And therefore the game can't see the awesomemod file any more.
« Last Edit: 2013 May 02, 09:23:33 by pepsihamster »
Tasty Tourist
Posts: 4
Thank you, pepsihamster, for helping me. I freaked for no reason. What I meant by not having the mod was that when I entered the game I control clicked on a couple of my sims and the Supreme Commander option didn't come up. I just went back and realized that they weren't my selected sim. I was afraid to continue playing until I was sure everything was Awesome again.
Sorry for being a dumbass, but very much appreciate you helping me.
J. M. Pescado
Can inactive (non-Chosen) famblies adopt pets on their own when Awesomestory is active? Does this require pet supplies on the lot, as per the crib/bed requirements for human spawning? After a couple in-game weeks or so in one of my saves, the only dog I ever saw around besides the strays was the one belonging to my active Sim. Sims don't adopt pets on their own, because, obviously, a horse weding itself into an apartment would be absurd.
Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I cannot accept, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of those I had to kill because they pissed me off.
I've been having a problem with this. If my sim gets a NEW job, say at 10 AM, and the job starts at 3 PM, the game will say work "starts tomorrow" but my sim's work performance will start plummeting when work hours kick in with the warning that my sim is "Missing Work!" However, if I try to instruct the sim to go to work manually, I get an error: "It's not your work hours. Come back in (hours to next work day) hours."
I don't believe this is an AM issue, but I'm posting here since this was the only hit I got when SEARCHING MOAR. Feel free to split. I'm having "It's not your work hours. Come back in 1 hour." problems. It's affecting two sims, and happens every day. Once the time comes for work actually to start, it changes to "Come back in 1 day." I'm not getting any missing work message, nor any penalty (but both sims have Vacationer and ProfessionalSlacker). backtowork does not fix it, nor does quitting their job and taking up a new career. It's not the good old "custom uniform" issue. I'm pretty damn sure it's got to do with travel. The first time I encountered it was after a sim returned from university. Moving the whole family to a new neighbourhood fixed it, but is not an acceptable solution. The second time it happened (and this time to two sims) was after another member of the household returned from China. There must be something about my lifestyle that EA doesn't approve of, because no matter how loose my pants are, I never get to play beyond a generation or two before my game fucks up and becomes unplayable.
Tasty Tourist
Posts: 3
Sorry if this has already been addressed somewhere...  I cannot find the answer anywhere! I know that the "Enable 12Woohoo "disables hardcoded check against 12-woohoo. Does not actually enable it without additional XML hacks not included here." But where in heaven's name are those required XML hacks?
Sorry if this has already been addressed somewhere...  I cannot find the answer anywhere! I know that the "Enable 12Woohoo "disables hardcoded check against 12-woohoo. Does not actually enable it without additional XML hacks not included here." But where in heaven's name are those required XML hacks? Since they're obviously not available here, why would you ask here? Go ask a search engine or two.
Horrible Halfwit
Posts: 361
How is the "chown" command intended to be used? I can't even get the game to recognise it as an actual command in my game. With or without testingcheats enabled it always throws up that it is an unrecognised command. I've always assumed it would be useful for stuff like allowing playable Sims to decorate community lots with personal paintings, sketches and photos by making the game believe they belong to the lot and not the Sim but I don't know seeing as how I've never got it to function.
I've always assumed it would be useful for stuff like allowing playable Sims to decorate community lots with personal paintings, sketches and photos by making the game believe they belong to the lot and not the Sim but I don't know seeing as how I've never got it to function.
Those can be placed on any lot straight from the inventory, can't they?
Horrible Halfwit
Posts: 361
Yes but if you then later enter Edit Town mode to alter the lot in any way they then get returned to the Sim's inventory. The game pops up a message along the lines of "Your Sim left something behind. The missing objects have been returned to their inventory." The only way I managed to decorate my public gallery with Sim-made paintings was to make it residential, have the Sim hang all of the paintings and then evict him before turning the lot back into a public gallery.
Dimwitted Dunce

Posts: 168
chown is available after 'setconfig enabledebugcommands true'. I think it is similar to SetLotOwner:Null in NRaas DebugEnabler.
Horrible Halfwit
Posts: 361
I wondered if another command needed to be activated first but only thought of trying testingCheats. I checked the Awesomemod Console & Debug wiki page but it doesn't mention anything about activating the debug commands.
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 8
Hate to be a pain in the ass but I am finding that lifetimehappiness that is mentioned in the first thread does not work, any suggestions on how to make it work?
Hate to be a pain in the ass but I am finding that lifetimehappiness that is mentioned in the first thread does not work, any suggestions on how to make it work?
Works fine for me. Must be a problem on your end. A bit difficult to offer suggestions when no one knows what you have done yourself to solve your problem.
I am not a complete idiot, some of the parts are missing.