I use one from Simlogical. This page was very helpful :
http://simlogical.com/slforum/index.php?topic=2762EDIT: Here are:
NoAutonomousSprinkler -no one can use autonomously,
NoVisitorsSprinkler - active household can still use autonomously,
ActiveChildrenOnlySprinkler - only children of the active household can use autonomously.
In first two cases any sim can be directed to use a sprinkler and be asked to join to play without any problem. With ActiveChildrenOnly mod non active children can't use autonomously, but can be asked to join, while other ages can't use at all. Use only one!
This is my first attempt, so if there is anything wrong or not working as it should, please let me know. It did seem to be fairly easy and it worked flawlessly in my game, so I don't expect any problems.