Who am I? Madame Mim - and if you haven't seen me about there's nothing I can do to explain me now.
Who is the Sim? Meggie Who or Mimi Shill or any variation. Call her George for all I care it's not like I could stop you.
Personal Details Of course Meggie is stylised but anybody who knows Engram, Data or Roswynn (none of which
come here are regular posters here, and I ain't telling you where to find these specific Simmers) can check for authenticity of portrayal. I will tell you that my breasts are bigger, my arse is a lot bigger, and my hair isn't that vibrant in RL.
Traits Absent Minded - sorry but it's me
Family OrientatedOptional Extra TraitsNatural Cook
Green Thumb
LTWProfessional AuthorFavouritesCookies
Custom Music (because I don't like the actual choices)
Rededit - it helps to add link to pudding -