Corpulent Cretin

Posts: 127
The DDS Thumbnail Viewer from Nvidia that is linked to in the tutorial will not work with Windows Vista or Windows 7 but I have found another viewer that will.This is another viewer that can be used instead of the nvidia viewer. It will add thumbnail view to several other formats as well as DDS. http://mysticcoder.net/mysticthumbs/ You need to have DirectX 9c runtime installed for Vista or Win 7. Yes you can and should install Directx 9 with Vista and Win 7. You can install either 1.7 or 1.5 of the viewer. I've tried each one and they both seem to work fine. This will give you the same thumbnail view functionality as the Nvidia viewer for XP.
« Last Edit: 2009 June 21, 05:21:11 by Kralore »
DDS viewer/converter for Mac OS X : good ol' Graphic Converter.DDS converter for Mac OS X: Aorta (c/o Sourceforge), SquishDDS.
I say that a wise, when he does not know what he is talking about, should know enough to keep his mouth shut. -- C. Collodi, Pinocchio. ------  The one and only Rhayden's AIDE. Accept no substitutes.
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 10
Thanks a ton! Works like a charm!
Dimwitted Dunce

Posts: 177
Given your contributions to the forum, the "dirty" part of the thread title made me LOL.
Blathering Buffoon

Posts: 60
Hanlon Razor is awesome. I ask for tutorial and he give me this, a very detail + picture too. Thank you so much. I'm try to convert some of TS2 CC undies, and see if it work.  The DDS Thumbnail Viewer from Nvidia that is linked to in the tutorial will not work with Windows Vista or Windows 7 but I have found another viewer that will. nVidia DDS Thumbnail Viewer work from me, I'm using Windows 7 Build 7100. May be it's because I already install DX9, since I want to play TS3 and other games.
Corpulent Cretin

Posts: 127
nVidia DDS Thumbnail Viewer work from me, I'm using Windows 7 Build 7100. May be it's because I already install DX9, since I want to play TS3 and other games.
This is very strange. I just tried the nVidia DDS Thumbnail Viewer with both Vista and Windows 7 and it does work. I can only assume that either Microsoft has made some sort of change starting with vista sp1/sp2 or nvidia updated the viewer and made no mention of it. It was quite awhile ago that I had tried this with Vista and I know I couldn't get it to work. This would have been pre sp1. There are even several threads at the nvidia forums with complaints that the viewer doesn't work with Vista. MysticThumbs is still an alternative though, as it will also add thumbnail display to several other picture formats that Windows XP/Vista/7 won't do by default and the nvidia viewer will only do DDS.
Tasty Tourist
Posts: 1
Thank you for the tutorial. Based on your tutorial I manage to create this:  By reading the tutorial I manage to modify the BikiniTie bottom by removing the tie and make it into 2 tone texture. And I succeed, but I haven't finish it well.  I also manage to import TS2 undies to TS3. It's taken from one of Bruno undies at MTS. It's not finish yet, just for preview.
Tasty Tourist
Posts: 2
One thing to note about NVidia's DDS photoshop plugin. If you are using Photoshop CS4 x64, make sure to run it in 32-bit mode or otherwise it won't work.
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 21
I was able to modify a bikini to be sheer but when I tried to modify the crew style t-shirt every combination I tried was unsuccessful. Any hints on what I could be doing wrong?
Tasty Tourist
Posts: 1
This doesn't seem to work on all meshes for now.
I spent days trying to reskin the BurglarGlove for both male and female, and it just doesn't work.
I then repeated the exact same steps on other gloves types, and it works!
I can get the modify BurglarGlove to appear in game, but for some reasons it cannot be recoloured/retextured. Nothing happens when I select other patterns for it. I even copied the exact same Pattern settings in the Unitool from a working glove to this BurglarGlove, but it still doesn't work.
I'm just going to work on other parts until the professionals figure out exactly what went wrong.
« Last Edit: 2009 June 27, 06:16:26 by Nigel_Corke »
Tasty Tourist
Posts: 4
I was hoping one of you photoshop guru's would be kind and merciful.. I followed the tutorial, but i fall apart when you get to creating the layers. The docs say create a layer, fill with yellow twice, then add another layer, fill with yellow. When I do that, they just seem to be two layers of solid colors. There is no yellow on red article of clothing like the tutorial says. I cannot figure out the correct procedure to create these layers correctly, and ALSO cannot figure out how to 'merge these and save as their own file'. Can someone whip up a paragraph with more detail ? pweease? Im ok with directions, I just don't know much about layers. Sounds dumb I know because I know its simple, just something I am doing out of order. Thanks for your help!
Tasty Tourist
Posts: 4
One thing to note about NVidia's DDS photoshop plugin. If you are using Photoshop CS4 x64, make sure to run it in 32-bit mode or otherwise it won't work.
 It still doesn't work for me. I can't change anything in the Alpha 1 channel only in the RGB channels. Any ideas anyone? 
Tasty Tourist
Posts: 4
You have to select the alpha channel to edit it, or it is locked. Unless there is something else going on I forgot, when you uncheck the RGB channels (under channels tab) be sure to click the alpha channel box (not the select icon, but highlight the channel itself) then you can edit it. Hope that helps.
Tasty Tourist
Posts: 4
Thanks for your help. This is the result. 
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 29
Back when I used to hack TS2 I made some things like personalised skins and clothes for my sims. So now I've got a chance to get TS3 out of the box, I downloaded the above guide and the CAS Unitool, but haven't had a chance to fiddle with it yet since I've been stuck at work all week. So I was just wondering if someone could help end my suffering and tell me two things I'm keen to know:
1) Combining the CAS unitool with a standard raster image editor, have I now got the right tools to import the custom clothes I made for TS2 into TS3.
2) Have I got the right stuff I'll need to make/import my own custom skins?
« Last Edit: 2009 July 10, 07:35:49 by Luisa »
Any typographical errors in the above post are likely caused by excess alcohol consumption.
Tasty Tourist
Posts: 2
Hi, I read the tutorial, but had some trouble because I use paint.net. Would you happen to know the steps required for paint.net? thanks
Exasperating Eyesore

Posts: 234
debra_s, forget about paint.net, it is useless for anything custom content related. You are much better to use the Gimp, it's still free and closer to Photoshop in terms of the functions it offers.
I have to add my voices to the others, I've just read this tutorial and it's absolutely outstanding.
Tasty Tourist
Posts: 2
Okay, I'll check that out. thanks