Hanlon Razor
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 22
You asked for it, you get it in spades! If you need pictures, you have no imagination. Best used with HP's better skins mod. http://linna.modthesims.info/download.php?t=343769&c=1As always, put them where all good mods go, or use the Monkey tool. http://www.modthesims.info/download.php?t=344611These are new CAS parts, do not overwrite any default parts, and do not alter any default parts. They DO have dependencies on default parts, so make sure you don't bung up the defaults. If this should ever become an issue, I can make complete packages but the size will balloon and we don't want that. YA/A F Topless and Bottomless YA/A M Bottomless Only since Topless is already in game They work for both sleepwear and swimwear. Should not cause embarrassment to nude sim or others. I think. More goodies soon. Tutorial a little later. Having too much fun.
Retarded Reprobate
Posts: 1448
Hell yeah.
so they just work for PJs and swim? Or for everyday as well? Gonna make some lulzy nudists 
Hanlon Razor
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 22
I could be arsed to open the categories as is, but I want to do further testing to make it so the nudist is not embarrassed, but the townies will react for full lulz.
Tasty Tourist
Posts: 3
They work for all clothing categories.
Tasty Tourist
Posts: 1
When I click on it it won't open it up for me to open into my folder.
Irritating Ignoramus
Posts: 445
Sweet been waiting for some non overwriting nude clothes. Hope you make them for everyday wear as well then i can make a nudist sim hehe.
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 6
At last, someone with imagination. I can use this to liven up what is so far a boring game. Much appreciated.
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 43
I was expecting this sort of 'nudist' wear, and it didin't take long at all, thanks so much. I will spice up my game no doubt and be good for laughs.
A high post count, proves nothing... your behaviour and actions speak much louder.
Thanks Hanlon Razor! a good half of the clothes I made for TS2 were based off 'invisible clothes' 
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 10
First up, thanks a million, HR! Well done at being the first to crack that barrier!
Request time ... Any chance at seeing these for all age groups and all clothing categories? I like the idea of townies reacting for full lulz, but it would be nice to have the option for simple basic nude clothing as well.
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 46
I do appreciate these files. Thanks. Someday, I hope, it will be possible to make a truly nude outfit, so that my male Sims can be nudists and have genitalia - which I was only able to find here so far.
Don't step on the Mome Raths.
Corpulent Cretin

Posts: 149
Thank you, this looks really good in game. 
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 29
Request time ... Any chance at seeing these for all age groups and all clothing categories? I like the idea of townies reacting for full lulz, but it would be nice to have the option for simple basic nude clothing as well. I second that. Would be interesting to be able to make a proper naturist family - not for perving, just because in many places in the world nudity (even of children) isn't seen with the same view that it is in some western countries. Nudity is after all, a natural state we all have. Of course EA will never release this because they'll get all the hysterics claiming it's pornography, but if plain nudity is pornography that would mean victorian cherubs, or even (heaven forbid) Michaelangelo's David was pornography, which is just ridiculous. So yeah, if anyone of a less prudish nature knows how to make releastic nudes and no clothes work for all ages that would be appreciated. 
Any typographical errors in the above post are likely caused by excess alcohol consumption.
Anime Fapper
Irritating Ignoramus
Posts: 406
Oh dont worry, PEGI is hard on being the European ESRB ... you WILL see that because both PEGI and ESRB are the exact same crap, a self-regulatory organization.
The BBFC just fallen, now only IGAC and USK remain.
... Well least ESRB knows the difference of Nudity and Sex, Unlike PEGI that lumps it on the same category ... and CERO is not much better that PEGI ...
Anyway, moving away from the "western world" rating system ...
The problem with nude clothing is this, you can create nude clothing ... that is somewhat easy since the nude meshes end up being used for clothing meshes.
The trick on nudism is making it so Sims became nude as the GAME understand them as being nude (in TS3 that happens when showering/bathing so the game does realize the "nude" state existing) and that means having to play around with the game code so the Sims are "nude", not wearing invisible clothing.
Tasty Tourist
Posts: 1
I do appreciate these files. Thanks. Someday, I hope, it will be possible to make a truly nude outfit, so that my male Sims can be nudists and have genitalia - which I was only able to find here so far. I was searching for the exact same thing, but with no success. The penis mod only appears during "nude" actions such as showering (blur removed, of course). Now, I'm trying to figure out how to edit the penis mod to apply to normal bottom meshes such as nightwear bottoms. Is this possible? 
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 46
The trick on nudism is making it so Sims became nude as the GAME understand them as being nude (in TS3 that happens when showering/bathing so the game does realize the "nude" state existing) and that means having to play around with the game code so the Sims are "nude", not wearing invisible clothing. That was a fun surprise in TS2 when certain Sims would get naked for the hot tub.
Tasty Tourist
Posts: 2
Just noticed, when selecting these "nude" clothing options, my sims manhood is cut out, and I revert back to barbie mode (apart from when in the shower or bath). I have the updated penis model thats floating round on Sexy Sims with the "adjusted positioning" etc.
Does this happen for everyone, or is this just a "me" thing?
Tasty Tourist
Posts: 2
Ah ha, thanks! I thought as much, but no harm in asking!  ...or is there? 