I now present a whole fambly of cheesy puddings for your Simming pleasure.
Please note: all of these Sims were made with AwesomeMod installed and the face slider tweak enabled at x4 multiplication. I take no responsibility for how they wind up looking if you do not use the mod.
And yeah, my Sim's nose looks a bit odd. I must have a really weird nose, as it seems well-nigh impossible to duplicate it accurately... :pSim Ambular:
Traits: Computer Whiz, Loner, Neat, Unflirty, (Demanded by Pescado) Good
May be added via Awesome Mod: Frugal, Light Sleeper, Perfectionist
LTW: Illustrious Author
Favorites: Grilled Cheese, Pop, Blue
Voice: 1, slightly below middle pitch
Job: Bookstore or Grocery Store Clerk would be good, or Business or Education if you insist on a real career.
Appropriate Skills: Writing
Sim Amberspouse:
Traits: Natural Cook, Handy, Family Oriented, Heavy Sleeper, Friendly
LTW: The Culinary Librarian
Favorites: Grilled Cheese, Indie, Blue
Voice: 2, about 1/4 pitch
Job: Culinary
Appropriate Skills: Cooking, Fishing, Gardening, Handiness
Sim Amberspawn:
Traits: Artistic, Computer Whiz, Friendly
Favorites: Mac and Cheese, Pop, Red
Voice: 2, about 1/6 pitch
Important Note: Amberspawn will definitely need to be sent back to CAS for tweaking when she ages up. :p
Download Babu Cheese, since Pes is a fat obstreperous jerk:
Sim Babu