Blathering Buffoon

Posts: 52
Creator of the Legacy Challenge
There is apparently some risk when applying spcific upgrades too. I had a sim with a very low handiness skill try to apply the self-cleaning upgrade to the toilet at the end of the progress bar, instread of getting the upgrade the toilet instantly went to a dirty state and the progress was reset to 0%
What kind of Legacy will YOU leave?
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 18
For my site, I had to check all the upgrade options. Still don't have all of them but at least I can confirm the following: better food quality at stove is indeed 7 Auto light fireplace is indeed 7 Boost channels for tv is 7 but I suspect it's different with each tv. Expensive tv's may already have more channels. Improve graphics for PC is indeed 8 Wire house with speakers is indeed 8 Faster cooking microwave is 7 (I really didn't see a speed increase though). Trashcompactor is indeed 6
As for unbreakable (6) and self cleaning (3); It's for all objects the same.

Posts: 2486
There is apparently some risk when applying spcific upgrades too. I had a sim with a very low handiness skill try to apply the self-cleaning upgrade to the toilet at the end of the progress bar, instread of getting the upgrade the toilet instantly went to a dirty state and the progress was reset to 0%
Sims upgrading electrical objects and stoves run the risk of getting singed.
There is apparently some risk when applying spcific upgrades too. I had a sim with a very low handiness skill try to apply the self-cleaning upgrade to the toilet at the end of the progress bar, instread of getting the upgrade the toilet instantly went to a dirty state and the progress was reset to 0%
Sims upgrading electrical objects and stoves run the risk of getting singed. or dying. Rest in peace, Test Sim #3.
Stupid Schlemiel
Posts: 1942
I can confirm that ALL upgrades to the PC ("sturdiness" or "improved graphics") are possible from Handiness level 0 if you are a Computer Whiz and choose the "overclock" option, you just don't get a choice in what upgrade it is that you get - you either fail to improve it, make it unbreakable or improve the graphics.
"I feel sorry for people that don't drink. When they wake up in the morning, that's the best they'll feel all day." - Dean Martin<Pescado> Because hey, sometimes you have fun, and sometimes fun has you. 
There is apparently some risk when applying spcific upgrades too. I had a sim with a very low handiness skill try to apply the self-cleaning upgrade to the toilet at the end of the progress bar, instread of getting the upgrade the toilet instantly went to a dirty state and the progress was reset to 0%
Sims upgrading electrical objects and stoves run the risk of getting singed. Upgrading the stove to be anti-fire carries a risk of setting the stove on fire. Fortunately (or maybe unfortunately?) the house had a fire alarm - it was my first day's play and I hadn't been checking to see if the houses had the basics such as fire or burglar alarms.
<br />Also, thank god for Google spellcheck. Otherwise, this post would be intelligible. <br /> <br />Declared \\\\\\\"Male\\\\\\\" by Pescado on 8th April, 2009
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 45
Fortunately (or maybe unfortunately?) the house had a fire alarm - it was my first day's play and I hadn't been checking to see if the houses had the basics such as fire or burglar alarms.
I believe every premade house now has a fire alarm, and they're consideredf part of the unfurnished cost of a house, so as long as a fire alarm is ever installed in a house, it will be there forever unless you delete it. (Which i did in order to kill my second gen's first husband when he moved in to her house with a day left before becoming an elder >_<)
Tasty Tourist
Posts: 1
has anyone found the underworld gate upgrade or how to do it? it just popped up as a wish for my sim and i'm really confused as to how to upgrade the thing...please help!!!
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 5
Any modder want to make the repairman be able to tinker with your stuff? I don't really want to learn that skill for some simmies but would like to have a Posh doorbell, upgrade the computer or have music throughout the house. Would be nice to have the Geek Squad come by. I haven't tried it with a tinkerer but I have invited myself into another simmie's house, was chatting and notice some family members were hungry so my simmie, a good cook, helped herself to their kitchen and they told me I was doing something inappropriate. I'm sure it would be the same with a tinkerer or computer expert.
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 18
You won't get inapropriate behaviour from Sims you visit if you tinker something there. For example, as a joke, I changed the doorbell on my neighbor into a very silly sound and they didn't react to my banging on their door with a hammer.
Blathering Buffoon

Posts: 90
has anyone found the underworld gate upgrade or how to do it? it just popped up as a wish for my sim and i'm really confused as to how to upgrade the thing...please help!!!
What is the underworld gate? The crypt in the cemetery?
Is there a list of what the science experiment upgrades do and which objects are upgradable? It seems like from experimentation, either something bad happens, it makes the object much more attractive or higher environment score, makes it more effective, or makes it make a funky electronic sound. 
In communist China Peggy's hairs cut you!
Tasty Tourist
Posts: 4
oh my god there's a sprinkler? I've been watering all my damn plants by hand >:c
I had the hardest time finding it at first. If you're looking at objects grouped by room, it's under "Outdoors". Then click on the football icon (Activities). The water sprinkler is there. I guess it's there because Sims can play in it, but it works perfectly well as a garden sprinkler. Am I the ONLY person who cannot use the Upgrade option on the sprinklers? I'm not even kidding. I have had several sims, handy or not, up to level 10 handiness... and they have never had the option on the sprinklers to upgrade them. o.o I really want to upgrade my sprinklers! How come I can't? I tried removing all my mods, but that didn't do anything.  It boggles my mind.
The chairs, the tables, all confused We hear the words and must speak them We take them and arrange them But still... they will not be quiet
Blathering Buffoon

Posts: 82
Necatur Americanus - and I vote!
oh my god there's a sprinkler? I've been watering all my damn plants by hand >:c
I had the hardest time finding it at first. If you're looking at objects grouped by room, it's under "Outdoors". Then click on the football icon (Activities). The water sprinkler is there. I guess it's there because Sims can play in it, but it works perfectly well as a garden sprinkler. Am I the ONLY person who cannot use the Upgrade option on the sprinklers? I'm not even kidding. I have had several sims, handy or not, up to level 10 handiness... and they have never had the option on the sprinklers to upgrade them. o.o I really want to upgrade my sprinklers! How come I can't? I tried removing all my mods, but that didn't do anything.  It boggles my mind. Was the sprinkler on, in use, or already upgraded?
Horrible Halfwit
Posts: 368
oh my god there's a sprinkler? I've been watering all my damn plants by hand >:c
I had the hardest time finding it at first. If you're looking at objects grouped by room, it's under "Outdoors". Then click on the football icon (Activities). The water sprinkler is there. I guess it's there because Sims can play in it, but it works perfectly well as a garden sprinkler. Am I the ONLY person who cannot use the Upgrade option on the sprinklers? I'm not even kidding. I have had several sims, handy or not, up to level 10 handiness... and they have never had the option on the sprinklers to upgrade them. o.o I really want to upgrade my sprinklers! How come I can't? I tried removing all my mods, but that didn't do anything.  It boggles my mind. Make sure the sprinkler is turned off. You won't get the option to upgrade it when it is on.
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 9
doorbell needs more than handyness skill. It seems to require creativity as well or something. I have 10 handyness with only default doorbell option on the menu, but another sim with a 6 or 7 handyness and about that in creativity as well had 4 different options.
Blathering Buffoon

Posts: 75
I don't think so, my Sim had no creative and still got all the options (Jokester, Haunted, Posh and something else)
Heaven for the climate, hell for the company.
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 26
doorbell needs more than handyness skill. It seems to require creativity as well or something. I have 10 handyness with only default doorbell option on the menu, but another sim with a 6 or 7 handyness and about that in creativity as well had 4 different options.
Were you trying on your front door? I *think* if you have set a front door, that's the only door with the doorbell upgrade option. But I could be wrong :p
Doc Doofus
Garrulous Gimp
Posts: 310
I want to know what that "underworld gateway" post was talking about.
Medusa stared at the two creatures approaching her across the Piazza and, instantly recognizing them as Spanish Gorgons, attempted to stall them by greeting them in their native tongue, "Gorgons, Hola!"
Knuckleheaded Knob
Posts: 573
I want to know what that "underworld gateway" post was talking about.
I bet it was just a translation into English from some other language meaning the mausoleum or catacombs at the cemetary.
Liz: I'm telling you, this is my year. I feel like the show's going to be great and I'm very positive that I'm going to meet someone else. Jack: Women your age are more likely to be mauled at the zoo than get married.
I think it's the name of one of the gates, probably the large stone and iron one at/near the end of the catalogue.
From context, it does sound like gates. I've had sims get wants to upgrade gates, but they can't be upgraded.
Malodorous Moron
Posts: 783
Do you see a midget Hitler?!
I got all excited when I read that you could upgrade the coffeemaker so there's always fresh coffee in the morning. I was really disappointed when I realised it cannot be done. Though if you serve coffee and don't drink everything they won't go bad so there really is no deed ofr that upgrae I believe.
Another thing that annoys me is that you can't preview the sounds of the doorbell. How the heck am I supposed to choose what I want if I don't know how it my options sounds like? It also takes too darn long to upgrade the doorbell. You'd figure for something as easy as just chasning the sound the'd shorten the time needed.
Do you need someone to organize your sock drawer?
I want to know what that "underworld gateway" post was talking about.
I wonder if this part of the patch fixes (1.3) "Upgrade Object" wish correctly filters out gates. is somehow related.
I say that a wise, when he does not know what he is talking about, should know enough to keep his mouth shut. -- C. Collodi, Pinocchio. ------  The one and only Rhayden's AIDE. Accept no substitutes.