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Author Topic: Gardening and fertilizing  (Read 135552 times)
J. M. Pescado
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Re: Gardening and fertilizing
« Reply #125 on: 2009 September 26, 02:05:02 »

That might be one of the causes of lesser-quality deathflowers, yes.

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Asinine Airhead

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Re: Gardening and fertilizing
« Reply #126 on: 2009 September 28, 10:48:35 »

That might be one of the causes of lesser-quality deathflowers, yes.
Actually, the only deathflowers I have managed to obtain (fishing and Unknown Special Seed) gave me normal and random high quality deathflowers.
In addition, all those who claimed to have three revives for the death plant have misjudged your number of revives. As an experiment, I planted and harvested 120 separate death plants using life fruit fertiliser and constant watering using sprinkler, and NOT ONE of them produced more than 2 death flowers.
If you bother looking into game data, it is obvious the death plant produces a max of 2 flowers before going barren.
Corpulent Cretin
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Re: Gardening and fertilizing
« Reply #127 on: 2009 September 28, 20:10:59 »

That might be one of the causes of lesser-quality deathflowers, yes.
In addition, all those who claimed to have three revives for the death plant have misjudged your number of revives. As an experiment, I planted and harvested 120 separate death plants using life fruit fertiliser and constant watering using sprinkler, and NOT ONE of them produced more than 2 death flowers.
If you bother looking into game data, it is obvious the death plant produces a max of 2 flowers before going barren.

I thought we'd figured out that the more-than-2 revives was a bug.

Knuckleheaded Knob
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Re: Gardening and fertilizing
« Reply #128 on: 2009 November 25, 20:40:01 »

Has anyone dug up the growing and fertilizing details for the new plants and fish from WA?

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Corpulent Cretin
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Re: Gardening and fertilizing
« Reply #129 on: 2009 November 29, 10:17:45 »

Fertilizing is more simple, now, and the quality of fertilizer is shown in the menu.
As I am using AM, and did not read its growing list of benefits, I do not know if it is a game feature or a mods function.
Knuckleheaded Knob
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Re: Gardening and fertilizing
« Reply #130 on: 2009 November 29, 11:38:39 »

It's a game feature, and it is quite helpful. As a pedant, though, I'm still curious to see some actual numbers.

Liz: I'm telling you, this is my year. I feel like the show's going to be great and I'm very positive that I'm going to meet someone else.
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Asinine Airhead

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Re: Gardening and fertilizing
« Reply #131 on: 2009 November 29, 13:43:22 »

It's a game feature, and it is quite helpful. As a pedant, though, I'm still curious to see some actual numbers.
Strangely, perfect life fruit/vampire fish/angelfish(50 fertiliser power) still shows as "Outstanding". Since the fertiliser power quality modifier is considered in the fertiliser grade, this is unusual, as they are undoubtedly the most powerful fertilisers. It could be that one of the new plants (maybe the red grapes?) has higher fertiliser power, but this is unlikely.

-edit- Found the data, in the same file, just in the WA GameplayData.package. Seems that farming most of the EP plants gives inordinate amounts of experience, due to 500 exp per harvest and 2-5 harvests for most plants.

Quote from: Plants
  <PlantName>Grape Vine Char</PlantName>
  <PlantName>Grape Vine Mer</PlantName>
  <PlantName>Grape Vine Blanc</PlantName>
  <PlantName>Grape Vine Blue</PlantName>
  <PlantName>Grape Vine Cab</PlantName>
  <PlantName>Grape Vine Pin</PlantName>
  <PlantName>Pomegranate Tree</PlantName>
  <PlantName>Plum Tree</PlantName>
  <PlantName>Pomelo Tree</PlantName>
  <PlantName>Cherry Tree</PlantName>

MOAR data from "FertilizerComponent_0x2724..."

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <kFertilizerEffectivenessThresholds value="0, 5, 10, 15, 20">
      <!--The boundaries of Fertilizer Effectiveness. Units of measure = (Fertilizer Value as defined in spreadsheets) x (Ingredient Quality multiplier).  Format: (boundaryNeutralToNice, boundaryNiceToGreat, boundaryGreatToExcellent, boundaryExcellentToOutstanding).-->
This explains why lifefruit is only Outstanding.50>20 hence Outstanding. Weird why they didn't program in a Perfect level.

... Double posting due to length restriction
« Last Edit: 2009 November 30, 01:12:26 by mindtempest » Logged
Asinine Airhead

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Re: Gardening and fertilizing
« Reply #132 on: 2009 November 30, 01:12:43 »

In addition, here are the new fish fertiliser values:

Quote from: Fishing
  <Bait>Grapes Char</Bait>
  <Bait>Grapes Mer</Bait>

Easily seen that Dragon fish and Mummy fish are equivalent to Vampire fish for purposes of fertiliser. Other fish all SUCK.
Blathering Buffoon
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Re: Gardening and fertilizing
« Reply #133 on: 2010 July 12, 07:05:57 »

Which fertilizer is the best? Life fruit? I read it can fertilize by 6 days but they are not soy easy to grow and fertilize a big garden... what should I use considering quality but days too? I usually use Lobster, is vampire fish better?
Garrulous Gimp
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Re: Gardening and fertilizing
« Reply #134 on: 2010 July 12, 07:23:17 »

Which fertilizer is the best? Life fruit? I read it can fertilize by 6 days but they are not soy easy to grow and fertilize a big garden... what should I use considering quality but days too? I usually use Lobster, is vampire fish better?

Blathering Buffoon
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Re: Gardening and fertilizing
« Reply #135 on: 2010 July 13, 04:00:40 »

Thanks, I'll try, but the grade maybe too low...
Asinine Airhead

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Re: Gardening and fertilizing
« Reply #136 on: 2011 April 12, 02:44:00 »

Edited for updates from Pets, Showtime, and Supernatural.

Thread necro to update Rothchild's easy to read list for WA and LN.  Other information I found but isn't definitively posted here follows.

It's worthwhile to note that with LN installed, Plasma Fruit replaces Lobster as the highest strength fertilizer available from the grocery store.  With Supernatural installed, Truffles join Plasma Fruit as the new best from your grocer fertilizer.

The numbers stand for "Fertilizer_Value"-"Fertilizer_Days":
  25-6 = Lifefruit*
  25-4 = Angelfish*, Sea Sludge (LN)*
  25-3 = Vampirefish*, Dragonfish (WA:C), Mummyfish (WA:E)
  20-6 = Glow Orbs (SN-M)#
  20-4 = Shark*, Plasma Fruit (LN)$, Truffles (SN-M), Ninja Starfish (ST)*
  20-3 = Lobster
  15-6 = Garlic
  15-4 = Steak, Bell Pepper, Flame Fruit*, Blowfish*,  Piranha*, Red Herring*, Siamese Catfish*, Tragic Clownfish*, Cherries (WA:C), Spotlight Mushrooms (SN-M)#
  15-3 = Renoit (WA:F)+, Meloire (WA:F), Sewer Trilobite (LN)*, Ghost Chili (SN), Purple starfish (ST)*
  12-5 = Pomelo (WA:C), Mycenas (SN-M)#
  12-3 = Black Goldfish, Salmon, Swordfish
  10-6 = Red Toadstool (SN-M)*
  10-5 = Watermelon
  10-4 = Jellyfish*, Minnow*, Porcinis (SN-M), Fairy Damsel (SN)*
  10-3 = Tuna, Cranerlet Nuala (WA:F)+, Cherimola Blan (WA:F)+, Wolfsbane (SN)#, Horse Fertilizer (Pets)*?, Orange Starfish (ST)
   8-3 = Rainbow Trout, Plum (WA:C)
   7-3 = Pomegranate (WA:E)
   5-6 = Lime, Onion, White Caps (SN-M), Banana (ST), Carrot (Pets)
   5-5 = Potato
   5-4 = Burger Patty, Cheese, Egg, Apple, Lettuce, Tomato
   5-3 = Grapes, Alley Catfish, Anchovy, Goldfish, Gralladina Fran (WA:F), Avornalino (WA:F), Snails (WA:F), Kissing Gourami (LN), Koi (All) (WA:C), Frogs (WA:F), Crawfish (WA:F), Crocodile (WA:E),
      Red Valerian (SN)#, Mandrake (SN)#, Luminous Salamander (SN)*, Toad (SN)*
-200-4 = Deathfish*

Expansion Pack info should be self-explanatory.
* = Can not be purchased from a store.
@ = Growing Plasma Fruit for fertilizer is inefficient as the plants yield only two single fruit harvests before going barren.
+ = Can be purchased from the Special Merchant; while everyone knows this by now, I've included it for accuracy.
# = May appear in alchemy consignment shop.
? = This is base value for a horse without the reward Gardener's Delight, for which I can't find the information.  However, the box stall's XML indicates that additional weight is given towards producing nice, very nice, and great quality fertilizers.

For Supernatural, mushrooms are noted as (SN-M).  I have made this distinction because of how mushrooms restart their growth cycle when harvested, which makes them poor choices to grow for use as fertilizer.

My apologies if I have the names of the starfish from Showtime wrong, I don't have it installed, so I was simply working from the lines in the gameplaydata.package.

Other useful gardening information I found in the Gameplaydata.package while updating the list:

The "Revive Plant" interaction has a 70% chance of success, and is available at gardening skill 5.

The gardening XML doesn't indicate that weeds actually kill plants, they reduce the performance by 50%.  This can contribute to the wilting state (particularly for plants that suffer in neutral soil), but if weeds affect plant neglect in the scripting, I can't find it.  In other words, if growth time/quality isn't an issue, you can neglect weeding plants so long as they get watered.

Provided this holds true, the state of the soil (dry, neutral, wet) is all that really matters for plant neglect:

Soil is Dry at -50 and lower.
Soil is Neutral from -49 to 49.
Soil is Wet from 50 to 100

Additionally, most plants grow faster in wet soil over neutral, and take a growth penalty in dry soil.  The amount varies by plant, and I'm not compiling it into something easy to read without others expressing an interest.

The Botanical Boss and Master Farmer challenges have the following effects on watering and fertilizing:

Master Farmer adds 2 days to fertilizer duration.
Master Farmer waters plants to 175 instead of the normal 100.

Botanical Boss allows plants to survive until their performance reaches -175 (normally they die at -100).

Note that while completing both skill challenges effectively nearly doubles the amount of water in the soil, plants "consume" water at different rates, so YMMV.

When digging up the new numbers, I noticed a reference in the GameplayData.package file for an EAxis store Lemon Tree, but since I don't have the tree, I don't have the information for where it falls in the list.
« Last Edit: 2012 October 20, 12:11:40 by trenchmouth » Logged
Madame Mim
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Re: Gardening and fertilizing
« Reply #137 on: 2011 April 12, 04:06:55 »

I'd be interested in knowing what sprinklers do as to water value, if the presence of a master farmer in the household increases watering value for sprinklers and whether (for any plants at all) optimum wetness would be better acheived by 'manually' using the sprinkler in the evening as well as it doing an auto-water in the morning.

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Garrulous Gimp
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Re: Gardening and fertilizing
« Reply #138 on: 2011 April 12, 04:35:51 »

I'd be interested in knowing what sprinklers do as to water value, if the presence of a master farmer in the household increases watering value for sprinklers and whether (for any plants at all) optimum wetness would be better acheived by 'manually' using the sprinkler in the evening as well as it doing an auto-water in the morning.

What I've notice about weeds (which seems like it would also apply for water) is that the gardening challenge benefits effect plants that have been planted by the sim who has completed the challenge, regardless of who tends the garden.

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Asinine Airhead

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Re: Gardening and fertilizing
« Reply #139 on: 2011 April 12, 05:23:42 »

I can't find a fixed value for what level the sprinkler waters to, but it's a safe assumption that it only waters to the default 100, similar to how self-cleaning objects only seem to clean to the default 0, versus the neat trait's "clean until pristine" (which is usually 30).  However, since plants only update their growth state once a day, and the sprinkler starts watering an hour before the update and continues for two hours after, it should adequately keep most plants in the better growing "wet" state without additional watering.  This may be a case of a low-level upgrade trumping a skill challenge, as sims don't seem to water a plant until the water level falls below a certain threshold (the -50 for dry, I think), while the sprinkler waters everything in range every day.

As an example (I admit my knowledge of the scripts is severely lacking, so anyone with a better knowledge of the formula should feel free to correct and spork me):


This is assuming no fertilizer or weeds and a sim that hasn't completed any skill challenges.
The apple tree gains 45 performance in neutral soil, and 90 in wet soil.  It loses 30 performance in dry soil.  It consumes water at a rate of 2 (I'm assuming per sim-hour).  All plants get a base performance of 10.  It takes 25.5 hours for a freshly watered apple tree to go "neutral", and another 51 to go dry.  Because the update occurs every 24 hours, the tree will grow best on the first update, less the second, and need watering on the fourth update to maintain its performance, which resets the cycle.  By adding a perfect life fruit as fertilizer, an apple tree could potentially maintain positive (if only average) growth until it died of neglect from going 6 days without water.  What I'm not sure of is how the thresholds work, although I assume that they determine how well a plant has to be doing to grow faster, and once mature, how much better the produce is at harvest time.

Interestingly, while looking this part up, it seems that the tomato vine is the only common base game plant that requires fertilizer to achieve its optimal growth Common plants need any fertilizer of at least normal quality will do the trick.   Exceeding their "great" growth threshold may be what pushes improvements in produce quality, but if all that matters is reaching the threshold, then exceeding it is wasting fertilizer better used on the more difficult plants.  It also seems like it would be best to water plants later in the day (if you're not using a sprinkler upgraded to automatically water), so that they're guaranteed to have wet soil in their morning update.

Eeyore: That's true for the botanical boss challenge which lets their plants survive until the performance reaches -175, which should be an extra 2 days for my apple tree example.  As noted above, a sim that isn't a master farmer will only water to 100.  I'm still trying to find the data for how the master planter challenge and super green thumb reward affect plants, so I can't provide better than anecdotal information on how they affect behavior.

Edited twice because I'm a nimrod.
« Last Edit: 2011 April 13, 05:57:50 by trenchmouth » Logged
Retarded Reprobate
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Re: Gardening and fertilizing
« Reply #140 on: 2011 June 15, 02:46:44 »

So given all this wonderfully helpful information....... how do you succeed at the bad apple challenge?  The restaurant gives you one bad apple and you have to produce 10 fairly quickly.  Basically you need to lower the quality of produce rather than increasing it.

1. If your sim has access to a putrid/horrifying quality omni plant, you can feed your bad apple to it and hope it produces more bad apples. What are the odds?  Would not watering the omni plant make any difference?  Fertilising is essential and doesn't affect quality.  Are you saying that tending makes no difference to quality either?

2. If there's no putrid omni plant and your sim (or a house mate) has no/(low?) gardening skill, can you just plant the bad apple and treat it badly as above?  Getting 10 bad fruit in the time is hard, so you'd probably need to hunt for bad quality seeds and plant those as well.

3. If your sim has good gardening skill, but no putrid omni plants, what then?  This is situation normal for me, given that you can't re-order omni seeds and can only buy normal plants in debug.  Planting the bad apple gives a normal plant, so what then?  I had a couple of ideas - probably impractical.....
a. send your sim trash rummaging and hope they find bad, horrifying or putrid apples.  Is it likely?  NB I suspect the supreme commander may helpfully dispose of them for you, so trash rummaging manually is indicated!
b. Send your sims seed hunting for putrid or horrifying quality apple seeds.  Do they exist?   I'm playing custom hoods and not seeing them.  Do they get spawned by the "common seed 1" spawner?

Sick of Bluewater?  Try Sedona or Meadow Lawns instead.  Meadow Lawns is a whole neighbourhood built to explore OFB.  Sedona is a sub'hood you can install as a permanent alternative to Bluewater - it's an "out of this world" experience!
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