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Traits Cheat Sheet - Work in Progress
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Topic: Traits Cheat Sheet - Work in Progress (Read 106770 times)
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 46
Re: Traits Cheat Sheet - Work in Progress
Reply #50 on:
2009 June 09, 11:35:44 »
A list of the traits in their code form, taken from the Traits xml in gameplaydata.package. Ie, the word you use for addtrait. (E.g., "addtrait AntiTV")
AntiTV (This is Technophobe)
Burglar (Hidden)
CanApprehendBurglar (Hidden)
CanSalute (Hidden)
HatesOutdoors (Hates THE Outdoors, stupid thing.)
ImmuneToFire (Hidden)
MakesNoMesses (Hidden)
PizzaAppreciator (Hidden)
Pyromaniac (Hidden)
Rocker (Hidden)
And the Lifetime Perks are also apparently "Traits".
J. M. Pescado
Fat Obstreperous Jerk
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Posts: 26291
Re: Traits Cheat Sheet - Work in Progress
Reply #51 on:
2009 June 09, 13:21:39 »
Addtrait will not let you add/remove reward perks. Those fuck up the panel. If you want to add one of those, use the lifetimehappiness cheat and then buy them.
Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I cannot accept, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of those I had to kill because they pissed me off.
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 10
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Re: Traits Cheat Sheet - Work in Progress
Reply #52 on:
2009 June 09, 23:31:13 »
Quote from: Czezechael on 2009 June 06, 03:13:45
I thought I might provide some tangible numbers to a few things:
What it does:
1] Faster learning is faster for logic and chess.
2] Ability to piss time down the drain via maths on the computer is available. Rewards range from roughly $100 to being laughed at. Takes quite a while!
3] "Deep Conversation" available, does nothing particularly remarkable. Geniuses can be complimented on their cleverness.
4] Geniuses will autonomously
Look Around
and sometimes get a +20 moodlet for two hours cos they're FASCIMATED!! with something they saw.
I'm not quiet, everybody else is too loud. (The Quiet One, The Who)
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 45
Re: Traits Cheat Sheet - Work in Progress
Reply #53 on:
2009 June 13, 18:48:55 »
Trait: Unlucky
CAS Description:
Features (Benefits and drawbacks): More likely to be robbed, break things, start fires, and have bad things happen in general.
Associated Interactions: none?
Other Notes: the Grim reaper takes great pleasure in watching misfortune fall upon your sim, and when they kill themselves trying to repair the electronic devices they break, he will probably let them stay alive (the same could possibly be said if they die in a fire they started, but I have insufficient testing for that). Poor Susie Broke has almost died about 9 times and she joined my family with 7 handiness skill points. She breaks everything she touches, but we have yet to be robbed since she joined the family or have any fires though.
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 26
INTP. Delinquent LULZpayer.
Re: Traits Cheat Sheet - Work in Progress
Reply #54 on:
2009 June 13, 21:59:31 »
Learnings from elsewhere, worth noting in this thread:
Traits' influence on genre profitability for writers
Traits' influence on work performance
Blathering Buffoon
Posts: 75
Re: Traits Cheat Sheet - Work in Progress
Reply #55 on:
2009 June 16, 07:44:54 »
Quote from: Czezechael on 2009 June 06, 03:13:45
Green Thumb
What it does:
1] Faster gardening skillup is faster, better harvests are better. Yay gardening.
2] Talking to plants is now an option. I am not sure what the hell this is supposed to do, since I've never run any tests to see its potential effects.
3] Revive plants is a
fat liecake
, the only plants that seem to be revivable are death flower bushes. Only good for one additional harvest.
4] May enthuse others about gardening and brag about prowess with hoes.
Fun Fact: I never had a green thumbed sim autonomously talk to plants until I had an insane green thumbed sim. So, given EAxis views on "Insane" as
lol randome!1
, maybe talking to plants does
If you let your plants die they can be revived, but once plants are barren they're no good.
Heaven for the climate, hell for the company.
Blathering Buffoon
Posts: 68
in my mouf...
Re: Traits Cheat Sheet - Work in Progress
Reply #56 on:
2009 June 16, 08:37:16 »
I was a bit confused on this measure, I'd figured it wouldn't revive plants past their prime, but it revives death flowers after you harvest them, so I figured something was messed.
Can't green thumbs NOT kill plants to begin with? Or am I forgetting something?
Blathering Buffoon
Posts: 75
Re: Traits Cheat Sheet - Work in Progress
Reply #57 on:
2009 June 16, 11:45:04 »
They can kill plants, I'm assuming by not weeding them (the sprinklers are on auto-water so it makes sense that it wouldn't be the cause)
Ironically, it was the Life Plant that died and needed reviving.
Heaven for the climate, hell for the company.
J. M. Pescado
Fat Obstreperous Jerk
El Presidente
Posts: 26291
Re: Traits Cheat Sheet - Work in Progress
Reply #58 on:
2009 June 16, 14:04:47 »
Quote from: Czezechael on 2009 June 16, 08:37:16
I was a bit confused on this measure, I'd figured it wouldn't revive plants past their prime, but it revives death flowers after you harvest them, so I figured something was messed.
Well, the DEath Flower is the only plant you'd WANT to revive. The whole POINT of the trait is to revive the Death Flower bush, so you can get a second flower out of it. Otherwise it's purposeless to plant the the thing in the first place, because you will just get another single flower out of it.
Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I cannot accept, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of those I had to kill because they pissed me off.
Gus Smedstad
Lipless Loser
Posts: 602
Re: Traits Cheat Sheet - Work in Progress
Reply #59 on:
2009 June 16, 16:50:35 »
I've had a Sim end with a Death Flower seed in her inventory after harvesting a "wild" death flower, as well as a Death Flower. By "Wild" I mean one I'd planted on an earlier lot and not stuck around to harvest. So it's possible, but rare, to end up with something beyond simply recycling the Death Flower if you plant it but don't have the Green Thumb trait.
Personally, I don't care much about Death Flowers. Accidental death seems neigh impossible in this game. You have to do it deliberately, i.e. repair an electronic device while still singed, or force them to stay in the water while exhausted. Since it's never
accidental, why would you want to prevent it?
There's an Opportunity that calls for one, but otherwise they seem of little value.
- Gus
Fine, I can see why people hate the Sims 3 sigs.
Knuckleheaded Knob
Posts: 573
Re: Traits Cheat Sheet - Work in Progress
Reply #60 on:
2009 June 20, 04:53:12 »
maybe talking to plants does nothing?
Talking to plants fills the sim's social need bar. I don't think it does anything to the plant, though. I've had a single female gardener get much of her social need fulfilled by talking to her plants. (I'd prefer to make most of my sims Loners so that they wouldn't have to bother with socializing but sometimes I want to use the trait slots for other things, too.)
Liz: I'm telling you, this is my year. I feel like the show's going to be great and I'm very positive that I'm going to meet someone else.
Jack: Women your age are more likely to be mauled at the zoo than get married.
J. M. Pescado
Fat Obstreperous Jerk
El Presidente
Posts: 26291
Re: Traits Cheat Sheet - Work in Progress
Reply #61 on:
2009 June 20, 05:30:46 »
My loner sims get their social the same way the loner-me gets it: From the Internets. This option doesn't even suck anymore, unlike TS2, meaning my sims never actually have to talk to anyone else. Ever. yay Internets!
Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I cannot accept, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of those I had to kill because they pissed me off.
Gus Smedstad
Lipless Loser
Posts: 602
Re: Traits Cheat Sheet - Work in Progress
Reply #62 on:
2009 June 20, 13:18:55 »
I'm grateful that chatting doesn't suck anymore. It used to be one of those useless actions that the Sims would do on their own if you weren't controlling them every second, like napping on the couch.
I'm also grateful that they didn't re-introduce blogs. I never want to see a "blog about..." Wish again. Though they'll probably bring it back in an expansion, knowing them.
- Gus
Fine, I can see why people hate the Sims 3 sigs.
Blathering Buffoon
Posts: 68
in my mouf...
Re: Traits Cheat Sheet - Work in Progress
Reply #63 on:
2009 June 20, 19:29:31 »
Quote from: Gus Smedstad on 2009 June 20, 13:18:55
I never want to see a "blog about..." Wish again.
Jesus Jones, fo' serious. I did not realise the folly of installing a "hobby enthusiasm doesn't decay" hack until one sim had nothing but blogging wishes. Chained. Did you blog about one of your six hobbies? Great, you want to blog about it again! Did you blog about everything, are your fingers a little sore? Okay, take a break, you want to eat hamburgers.
Did you eat the hamburgers? Now you want to blog! Blogs are the meat of the internet, like hamburgers are the meat of the world.
Dimwitted Dunce
Posts: 154
Re: Traits Cheat Sheet - Work in Progress
Reply #64 on:
2009 July 05, 01:13:48 »
Is it possible via addtrait to give a sim two conflicting traits, such as good and evil both? Or is this something that would lead to VBTs?
"Outside of a dog, a book is man's best friend;
Inside of a dog, it's too dark to read." - Groucho Marx
Feckless Fool
Posts: 265
Re: Traits Cheat Sheet - Work in Progress
Reply #65 on:
2009 July 05, 04:46:56 »
Quote from: dadditude on 2009 July 05, 01:13:48
Is it possible via addtrait to give a sim two conflicting traits, such as good and evil both? Or is this something that would lead to VBTs?
Selecting some traits renders others unselectable. Good and evil is one such combination; neat and slob is another obvious one I recall.
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 46
Re: Traits Cheat Sheet - Work in Progress
Reply #66 on:
2009 July 05, 13:27:20 »
Quote from: dusty on 2009 July 05, 04:46:56
Quote from: dadditude on 2009 July 05, 01:13:48
Is it possible via addtrait to give a sim two conflicting traits, such as good and evil both? Or is this something that would lead to VBTs?
Selecting some traits renders others unselectable. Good and evil is one such combination; neat and slob is another obvious one I recall.
In simple terms, no. Awesomemod will give you a... a "meh!" or a "bah!" or some such message upon trying to addtrait the incompatible second trait.
Dimwitted Dunce
Posts: 154
Re: Traits Cheat Sheet - Work in Progress
Reply #67 on:
2009 July 05, 23:31:10 »
Quote from: Zucabr on 2009 July 05, 13:27:20
In simple terms, no. Awesomemod will give you a... a "meh!" or a "bah!" or some such message upon trying to addtrait the incompatible second trait.
Good to know.
"Outside of a dog, a book is man's best friend;
Inside of a dog, it's too dark to read." - Groucho Marx
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 20
Re: Traits Cheat Sheet - Work in Progress
Reply #68 on:
2009 July 12, 05:56:19 »
Quote from: ladyshiva on 2009 June 06, 12:27:16
Insane sims will queue up strange actions if you leave them alone, like "put away" with an icon of a space ship, or a beach ball, or some other random thing that isn't there. There will get a little upset when they can't do it. I also once had an insane sim get a want to imply someones mother was a llama.
Mine also get bizarre queues when left alone.
Has anyone else noticed Insane sims getting fetishes? I have one Insane sim who, when left to her own devices, sits in every chair in the house. She sits down for 5 minutes, gets up, and moves to another chair, and she'll do this until her motives decay enough to force her to do something else. I've yet to see another sim behave this way. Are Insane sims prone to queueing up the same actions over and over?
J. M. Pescado
Fat Obstreperous Jerk
El Presidente
Posts: 26291
Re: Traits Cheat Sheet - Work in Progress
Reply #69 on:
2009 July 12, 08:11:37 »
Insane sims don't always pick a sensible thing to do, they will instead sadorandomly pick from a list of actions. This is part of their thing.
Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I cannot accept, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of those I had to kill because they pissed me off.
Knuckleheaded Knob
Posts: 573
Re: Traits Cheat Sheet - Work in Progress
Reply #70 on:
2009 July 26, 09:25:57 »
It appears the ability to autonomously fight burglars (CanApprehendBurglar (Hidden)) can also be passed down to kids. I have several sims that don't have the brave trait, but yet they autonomously line up to fight a burglar. Their mother/grandmother was brave (and also in the Law Enforcement career).
The passing down of the hidden traits seems to go on for a (seemingly) unlimited number of generations. I'm now playing the sixth generation of a game where the founding sim was in the Criminal career, and nobody ever since. All the kids still get the "Sneak here" option.
Liz: I'm telling you, this is my year. I feel like the show's going to be great and I'm very positive that I'm going to meet someone else.
Jack: Women your age are more likely to be mauled at the zoo than get married.
Horrible Halfwit
Posts: 368
Re: Traits Cheat Sheet - Work in Progress
Reply #71 on:
2009 July 27, 08:31:51 »
Quote from: IgnorantBliss on 2009 July 26, 09:25:57
It appears the ability to autonomously fight burglars (CanApprehendBurglar (Hidden)) can also be passed down to kids. I have several sims that don't have the brave trait, but yet they autonomously line up to fight a burglar. Their mother/grandmother was brave (and also in the Law Enforcement career).
The passing down of the hidden traits seems to go on for a (seemingly) unlimited number of generations. I'm now playing the sixth generation of a game where the founding sim was in the Criminal career, and nobody ever since. All the kids still get the "Sneak here" option.
I've got this with one family. The grandfather was an astronaut, and all his descendants have the"salute" option. I'm thinking of making up a challenge for myself where I'd have to get all the hidden traits into a single individual - obviously without using the addtrait command. So, I'd have to marry (or become) a burglar, cop, fireman, maid, astronaut, pizza deliverer, etc, etc. Anyone know of a command that shows hidden traits?
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 19
Re: Traits Cheat Sheet - Work in Progress
Reply #72 on:
2009 August 09, 02:14:05 »
Hopeless Romantic is not what it suggests. The Hopeless Romantic sim is not as Prima Guide states....'Looking for their one true love'.
Below is funny when you think that the opposite of HR is Commitment HR certainly has those as you will read.
Even when married (one then assumes the HR has found that one true love) and with children a Hopeless Romantic will continue to flirt in front of spouse with all and sundry which obviously causes a relationship negative hit. In fact I fail to see much difference between a flirty sim and a HR. Ths very slight difference I do see is that the HR is slighty more susceptible to advances than normal and flirty sims. Otherwise they seem to be the same to me. Early flirt interactions etc.
At parties the flirty sim and the HR act exactly the same way even when spouse is present. Thats why I hate the relationships being two way, another words if the spouse takes a neg hit the flirter partner does too, annoying that. I prefer S2 style where they could feel differently towards each other.
I honestly believe that EA made a mistake with the HR and that they were not supposed to carry on flirting once in a relationship, and perhaps be the only type of sim that actually will not respond to any other flirts once in a relationship. Otherwise the flirty sim was good enough, not need for a HR.
The prima guide also states that they take a greater hit when a relationship breaks up, they do not, its the same as all the rest...2 days. So if they got that wrong my theory is possible.
Kind regards
Last Edit: 2009 August 09, 09:05:12 by loopsydoo
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 18
Re: Traits Cheat Sheet - Work in Progress
Reply #73 on:
2009 August 09, 09:55:05 »
The prima guide is full of errors. The possible reason is that the guide was already finished and then EA delayed the game. Prima then just slapped another cover on it and let the original contents intact.
As for traits. Good and Friendly, Evil and Mean, Loser and Unlucky, Brave and Daredevil are also way too similar.
J. M. Pescado
Fat Obstreperous Jerk
El Presidente
Posts: 26291
Re: Traits Cheat Sheet - Work in Progress
Reply #74 on:
2009 August 09, 10:25:17 »
Quote from: loopsydoo on 2009 August 09, 02:14:05
Hopeless Romantic is not what it suggests. The Hopeless Romantic sim is not as Prima Guide states....'Looking for their one true love'.
Below is funny when you think that the opposite of HR is Commitment HR certainly has those as you will read.
That's what it's SUPPOSED to be, but...
Quote from: loopsydoo on 2009 August 09, 02:14:05
Even when married (one then assumes the HR has found that one true love) and with children a Hopeless Romantic will continue to flirt in front of spouse with all and sundry which obviously causes a relationship negative hit.
And this is actually a bug. One that AwesomeMod stomps and burns.
Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I cannot accept, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of those I had to kill because they pissed me off.
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