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Author Topic: Traits Cheat Sheet - Work in Progress  (Read 107299 times)
Asinine Airhead

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Re: Traits Cheat Sheet - Work in Progress
« Reply #25 on: 2009 June 04, 13:53:43 »

Too bad naps have no tangible benefits because their energy regeneration rate is slower than beds, and therefore, there is no point to them.
It's convenient for making sims nap on couches, benches, ect. Example: 'homeless' sims sleeping on park benches. Husbands sleeping on couch.

Mal: "Well, look at this! Appears we got here just in the nick of time. Whaddya suppose that makes us?"

Zoe: "Big damn heroes, sir."

Mal: "Ain't we just!"
Asinine Airhead

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Re: Traits Cheat Sheet - Work in Progress
« Reply #26 on: 2009 June 04, 14:01:20 »

Neat sims get an option to clean the house by clicking on the floor, this seems to work exactly as macrotastics.
Vegetarian sims are able to cook fish dishes which make them sick, although they can also cook ambrosia which doesn't. And since meat apparently grows on trees now vegetarianism seems rather obsolete.
Slobs appear to flood the bathroom after bathing/showering 100% of the time, they can lick plates clean but these don't magically vanish as in sims 2.
Evil sims can steal candy from babies, and keep getting wants to donate money to undermine charities which seems largely cosmetic as it works the same as good sims donating to charity.
Asinine Airhead

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Re: Traits Cheat Sheet - Work in Progress
« Reply #27 on: 2009 June 04, 14:23:09 »

Trait: Great Kisser
CAS Description: Self-explanatory Tongue
Features: Other sim gets an extra moodlet when kissed by them

This one's a little quirky.  The great kisser sim also gets the moodlet.  Kissing in bed does not count.
Tasty Tourist

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Re: Traits Cheat Sheet - Work in Progress
« Reply #28 on: 2009 June 06, 02:02:20 »

Be aware that sometimes the description of traits are sometimes misleading, so some of this cheat sheet doesn't actually affect the game- it's just described by the developers in that way.

For example: I have a sim with the insane trait and she doesn't seem to make decisions any more randomly than a normal sim with free will- there are just a couple new interactions for her to go to (like fishing in the pool) but she does wear a randomly decided outfit everytime she changes.

I've seen my daredevil in the bath suddenly duck under the water, then come back up gasping for air Cheesy He doesn't always do it though.

All sims will duck under water from time to time, regardless of their traits.
Edit:  Maybe not hydrophobic ones...I'll have to try that. Hmm
Insanity Prelude
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Re: Traits Cheat Sheet - Work in Progress
« Reply #29 on: 2009 June 06, 02:10:49 »

Pretty much any cleaning action when done by a Perfectionist sim has the little Perfectionist icon by it in the pie menu. I didn't really pay attention to whether the cleaning takes longer, though.
J. M. Pescado
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Re: Traits Cheat Sheet - Work in Progress
« Reply #30 on: 2009 June 06, 02:12:22 »

It's convenient for making sims nap on couches, benches, ect. Example: 'homeless' sims sleeping on park benches. Husbands sleeping on couch.
Personal amusement falls short of a tangible benefit to actual gameplay, though.

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Insanity Prelude
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Re: Traits Cheat Sheet - Work in Progress
« Reply #31 on: 2009 June 06, 02:13:31 »

Also, "Tell Ghost Story" is not an Insane-exclusive action. My Sims get the ability to do it for a while after seeing ghosts.

Edit: Since it hasn't been mentioned yet, Great Kissers always have the option to kiss someone (under Special...) regardless of relationship values or how the other sim sees them at the moment.
« Last Edit: 2009 June 06, 02:22:30 by Insanity Prelude » Logged
Blathering Buffoon
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Re: Traits Cheat Sheet - Work in Progress
« Reply #32 on: 2009 June 06, 03:13:45 »

I thought I might provide some tangible numbers to a few things:

What it does:
1] Be a bit better at the criminal lifestyle than other sims. (Bar goes up faster)
2] Donate to anticharities, granting the "Fiendishly Delighted (+15)" moodlet.  
3] "Fiendishly Delighted" moodlet when relatively bad things happen to surrounding sims.  Evil babies will become fiendishly delighted upon pissing other sims off with stench, crying, etc.  Lasts for six hours.  
4] Win moar in fights?  Not enough to override a general lack of athletic skill, apparently, as my evil!sim failed to beat the tar out of her jocky classmates routinely.
5] May troll forums via a computer.  Hooray!  If successful (must check back later on a computer), you get fiendishly delighted: 1 ea.  If failboat, get a 24 hours negamoodlet that is arooound -15 or so.
6] "Mastermind Plot" social.  Seems to bore people almost every time used.  Woo.
I have yet to have found a baby to steal candy from.  Evil sims also do not get the negamoodlet when it's dark in the house.

Overly Emotional:
What it does:
1] Additional 25% effect to all moodlets, positive and negative.  Useful!

What it does:
1] Always clean up after self.
2] Extra sad when environs become dirty, I think it's around 20% more enturbulation.
3] Cleaning up is always an option, even if they are urine-soaked and dead tired.
4] As mentioned before, macrotasticaloid "clean house" floorclick option.  Better than having to do it manually, but they always skipped over the nastiness in the fridge.
5] Many, many wishes cropping up to clean things.  Goes well with neurotic, as that also brings up wishes to clean stuff.
IIRC the game text says that it makes them find cleaning somewhat fun, but it did not have a very noticeable effect on stress levels in the two neat sims that I had.

What it does:
1] +10 moodlet when enemies are near, as opposed to the usual -10 moodlet.
2] Slightly better at fighting?  Again, no muscles + Mean + Evil != better than some muscles.  Jock's traits, are, however, unknown.
3] Enjoy being mean to people, wishes will routinely crop up to be mean, will autonomously be mean to just about anyone, even friends from my experience.
Comes with a handy li'l tally of how many enemies the sim has.
Fun Fact: An ambitious, mean, evil sim had a want, on his first day of work, to see the ghost of his boss.  I am not sure what factored into that, and they did not have any lower than normal relationship with each other.

What it does:
1] "Freak Out" -> go "nyyerrrraaaagh" and get a +15 moodlet for 8 hours.
2] Complain about things to anybody and get a +10 moodlet for a little while (2 hours?)
3] Get OCD (wash hands x3, brush teeth x3, also in x2 variations)
4] Lots of wants to clean things, make beds, etc.
5] Ability to check stove, tap, fireplace for a +20 moodlet for three hours.  Sometimes gets a -20 (IIRC) "worried about _____" moodlet for 6 hours, which can be corrected by checking the ______.
6] Ability to talk about conspiracies.  Woo.

What it does:
1] -25 or so moodlet when around 3 other sims.
2] +15 moodlet with condiational duration when alone (infinite unless somebody comes and mucks it up).
3] Every now and again, wishes will crop up to be in a certain room for a certain number of hours.  In my experience, it does not have to be the bedroom, as my first loner sim had the wish, stayed in the graveyard for 3 hours, and got it granted.

I've had Flirty sims, which just get to be better at flirting (seems to lead to fewer rejections earlier on), I'm not sure what quantifiable difference there is with "great massage" v. "massage".

I'll post more when I get a chance. So apparently the paper+pencil icon is not "edit" but some mysterious other function.  What a pisser.

What it does:
1] Faster learning is faster for logic and chess.
2] Ability to piss time down the drain via maths on the computer is available.  Rewards range from roughly $100 to being laughed at.  Takes quite a while!
3] "Deep Conversation" available, does nothing particularly remarkable.  Geniuses can be complimented on their cleverness.
4] Geniuses will autonomously Look Around and sometimes get a +20 moodlet for two hours cos they're FASCIMATED!! with something they saw.

What it does:
1] +20 moodlet for three hours when seeing or experiencing something exciting.  Exciting things include lovers and promotions, in my experience.

What it does:
1] Trip randomly over absolutely nothing.  No moodlets of any sort result.  The only result is clipping through nearby walls and objects.  Ace.

What it does:
1] NEVAR!1 want to be mean to anybody, ever.
2] "Brighten Day" interaction gives, IIRC, a +10 moodlet for two hours.  Similar to the moodlet gained when complaining about things to other sims.
3] Donate to random charity when clicking the mailbox, $100/$250/$1000.  Moodlet is, if I recall, +15 and lasts for a day.

Great Kisser
What it does:
1] +15 moodlet for three hours upon ensmoochination for both the macker and the mackee.  I did not notice it not applying in bed, though my sims woohoo and kiss there about as often as celibate octagenarians what "everything else" in the game taking so damn much time and the fact that you have to set the mood prior to sexytimes.

What it does:
1] Shirk dress codes for parties and perhaps some other things.  I did not notice shirking work dress codes.
2] Enjoy making fun of people and get many "late relationship only" options under "Special\Inappropriate...".  Many more options for insulting people than mean and evil sims.
3] Alternative version of trolling forums, works the same as discussed under "Evil".

What it does:
1] Take about fifteen minutes to RNG up one outfit out of all available to the sim prior to going to any non-work venue.  Boo.
2] Randomly do stuff that is actually not very nonsensical at all.  Randomly eat a lot of fruit if it's in the sim's inventory.
3] LOL RANDOME!1 social options, pretty much all the special ones save for a few.
I did not notice any nonsensical wishes.

Green Thumb
What it does:
1] Faster gardening skillup is faster, better harvests are better.  Yay gardening.
2] Talking to plants is now an option.  I am not sure what the hell this is supposed to do, since I've never run any tests to see its potential effects.
3] Revive plants is a fat liecake, the only plants that seem to be revivable are death flower bushes.  Only good for one additional harvest.
4] May enthuse others about gardening and brag about prowess with hoes.
Fun Fact: I never had a green thumbed sim autonomously talk to plants until I had an insane green thumbed sim.  So, given EAxis views on "Insane" as lol randome!1, maybe talking to plants does nothing?

Natural Cook
What it does:
1] Faster cooking skillup is faster.
2] Will never enshitenate food (burn) or cause fires in the kitchen (hooray).  Food always ends up being remarkably better than that made by plebeian unnatural cooks, with much less effort.
3] "Kick it Up a Notch" does just that, one quality level to the next.  Perfect foods may not be kicked.
4] May do the following socials about cooking: enthuse, brag about prowess.  Woo.

I'll add moar when I experience moar.

(Cze-cze can't do maths. -ed)
« Last Edit: 2009 June 09, 22:22:46 by Czezechael » Logged
Blathering Buffoon
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Re: Traits Cheat Sheet - Work in Progress
« Reply #33 on: 2009 June 06, 03:16:14 »

The frugal sims will also turn off lights in empty rooms. They do it by clapping and you will see it in queue.

Horrible Halfwit
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Re: Traits Cheat Sheet - Work in Progress
« Reply #34 on: 2009 June 06, 11:37:28 »

Any chance we could get the codes for the addtrait cheat?

Ones with multiple words (eg. Great Kisser) seem to have a diffent code.
Asinine Airhead

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Re: Traits Cheat Sheet - Work in Progress
« Reply #35 on: 2009 June 06, 12:20:06 »

Evil sims in the crime field can (and often do) receive the fiendishly delighted moodlet while at work.  I'm not sure they actually get a performance increase just because they are Evil, I think they just get free moodlets.  Not completely sure, but it doesn't SEEM to be any easier.

Evil sims can indeed steal candy from babies.  This is one of the best ways to get "Fiendishly Delighted" as I believe the value is +15, it doesn't seem to negatively affect the baby in any way whatsoever (It might hurt the relationship, but if it does then not by much) and the baby can't do a damn thing about it.  This can be used on your own baby.  In fact, I recommend it for a free mood boost before you head off to work (it's better than beating your spouse anyway Tongue)
Tasty Tourist

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Re: Traits Cheat Sheet - Work in Progress
« Reply #36 on: 2009 June 06, 12:27:16 »

Insane sims will queue up strange actions if you leave them alone, like "put away" with an icon of a space ship, or a beach ball, or some other random thing that isn't there. There will get a little upset when they can't do it. I also once had an insane sim get a want to imply someones mother was a llama.

My Hopeless-romantic sim sometimes gets wants to write romance novels. It could be possible they are better at writing them.

Terrible Twerp
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Re: Traits Cheat Sheet - Work in Progress
« Reply #37 on: 2009 June 06, 12:37:31 »

I also once had an insane sim get a want to imply someones mother was a llama.

This happens with the Inappropriate trait, too. My simself insults the whole neighborhood this way, if I'm not quick enough to cancel the action.

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Blathering Buffoon
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Re: Traits Cheat Sheet - Work in Progress
« Reply #38 on: 2009 June 06, 17:29:37 »

Any chance we could get the codes for the addtrait cheat?

Ones with multiple words (eg. Great Kisser) seem to have a diffent code.

I tried it last night, and it works like so: addTrait GreatKisser. Simply put no spaces and mind the capitalization.

Blathering Buffoon
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Re: Traits Cheat Sheet - Work in Progress
« Reply #39 on: 2009 June 06, 19:53:07 »

Evil sims in the crime field can (and often do) receive the fiendishly delighted moodlet while at work.  I'm not sure they actually get a performance increase just because they are Evil, I think they just get free moodlets.  Not completely sure, but it doesn't SEEM to be any easier.

Interesting note, I'd just assumed that it factored into the bar being raised at a higher rate cos my evil sim had managed to snag promotions on, sometimes, only the first or second day.  Having an athletic skill level of 10 may have helped with that venture more, though.  She was part of a household of five so I just kind of ignored her while she was working, that's interesting to note about the fiendishly delighted moodlet.
« Last Edit: 2009 June 06, 22:02:26 by Czezechael » Logged
Stupid Schlemiel
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Re: Traits Cheat Sheet - Work in Progress
« Reply #40 on: 2009 June 07, 02:57:55 »

I had a slob/evil toddler that ended up with a "fiendishly delighted" moodlet after they got the desire to "soil themselves" (and completed it BEFORE I could get them to a potty for training...little bastard).

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Asinine Airhead

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Re: Traits Cheat Sheet - Work in Progress
« Reply #41 on: 2009 June 07, 03:17:28 »

Well the Evil bonus to criminal may be applied in addition to the free moodlets, I just know that you do get the moodlets.  If there's a performance increase then it is probably pretty small.  Brave supposedly gives a bonus to Law Enforcement and Military, but there are no moodlets for it.  Although it could also be that it's helping you earn RAISES in the associated career, and not necessarily promotions.  We really cannot say without doing some testing.

Testing evil vs non-evil in criminal should be easy enough.  Just make sure they are both at the same quality for mood (you can really only control this by keeping them both at excellent, which should be easy) and the same athletic level (obviously easy).  Unless there are performance bonuses for going above and beyond what qualifies "excellent" mood, the Evil one will either have better progress, or the exact same progress.  Even if there is a performance bonus above and beyond excellent, it should be pretty easy to just max out the mood on both, so that presumably they get the same bonuses (unless there is no actual maximum for mood and the bar just cuts off arbitrarily).

Getting them to max mood long enough to go to work should be easy with a well-timed baby larva and an expensive trip to the spa.
Stupid Schlemiel
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Re: Traits Cheat Sheet - Work in Progress
« Reply #42 on: 2009 June 07, 03:27:49 »

Getting them to max mood long enough to go to work should be easy with a well-timed baby larva and an expensive trip to the spa.

If you're just looking for testing purposes, just use testingcheatsenabled to pull all their sliders up before they get in the carpool - the "squeaky clean" and "having a blast" moodlets they get from having all their needs maxed out sets them right into the highest plateau for their moods. Once you're done testing you can just let their moods decay and regen naturally.

"I feel sorry for people that don't drink. When they wake up in the morning, that's the best they'll feel all day." - Dean Martin
<Pescado>   Because hey, sometimes you have fun, and sometimes fun has you.
Asinine Airhead

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Re: Traits Cheat Sheet - Work in Progress
« Reply #43 on: 2009 June 07, 08:25:36 »

Loser infomation

-May get bad events more likely at work
-You gain a huger moodlet from victory or prevailing over others
-You will gain more difficult oppurtunities at your level for lesser gains
-Can't be murdered by freak accidents, death will pity you and revive you.
-You will more likely to fail in certain things than others. Although natural talent can migitate the situation, murphy's law will be taken into account
Asinine Airhead

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Re: Traits Cheat Sheet - Work in Progress
« Reply #44 on: 2009 June 08, 17:01:04 »

evil sims will get "Fiendishly Delighted" too for training/teaching other sims.

Tasty Tourist

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Re: Traits Cheat Sheet - Work in Progress
« Reply #45 on: 2009 June 08, 19:33:24 »

No one's mentioned this yet, but it seems that for Evil Sims, when learning the painting skill, they will paint "evil" versions of paintings.  These tend to be darker and almost entirely in shades of red when at higher painting skill levels (around 5 or 6).  I have one Good Sim, and one Evil Sim both gaining painting skill:
Good Sim painted things like a bird, a father and son fishing, a clock, a cat lying next to a pile of books, and a scene from "Hey Diddle Diddle."
Evil Sim painted these same pictures, however the way the colors, shading, and lighting are make her paintings appear to be on fire.  She is now at level 10 and has the painting bonuses, yet will randomly either paint a normal picture or a reddish "evil" version.  Also, when first learning, her second picture was a red creature with horns; the Good Sim never painted anything like it.
Blathering Buffoon
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Re: Traits Cheat Sheet - Work in Progress
« Reply #46 on: 2009 June 08, 21:11:10 »

Trait: Loner
CAS Description:  Needs less social interaction.
Features:  Slower social decay, Gets a positive moodlet when alone, Gets a negative moodlet when in crowded places, which includes school and possibly work.
Associated Interactions:
Other Notes:

Definitely includes work; Loner Sims will generally get a negative moodlet at any workplace, although specific courses of action (Relax in Specimen Closet was one, in Science, and there's at least one more) will alleviate it. Pretty much anything where they'd be alone, so all of the options at the bottom of the list that are some variant of "fuck about on your own to try and RNG some Opportunities" seem to work.

Doesn't always trigger at work, at least in the Science career.  A 'crowd' is apparently 3 other sims or more.

- ElenaRoan
J. M. Pescado
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Re: Traits Cheat Sheet - Work in Progress
« Reply #47 on: 2009 June 08, 22:15:37 »

Whether or not it triggers at work depends on how many other sims are sharing the rabbit hole at the time. If there are not enough people in your career track that share your work hours, you will not get it. It is even possible to be the only person and get the Alone moodlet, if nobody else has your work hours because you have a graveyard shift.

Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I cannot accept, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of those I had to kill because they pissed me off.
Blathering Buffoon
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Re: Traits Cheat Sheet - Work in Progress
« Reply #48 on: 2009 June 09, 08:48:31 »

Whether or not it triggers at work depends on how many other sims are sharing the rabbit hole at the time. If there are not enough people in your career track that share your work hours, you will not get it. It is even possible to be the only person and get the Alone moodlet, if nobody else has your work hours because you have a graveyard shift.

Odd, it seemed nearly random to me.  She wasn't on graveyard shift and I thought her co-workers had roughly the same hours.  I'll have to record the work times of the various levels and double check when I get a chance.

- ElenaRoan
J. M. Pescado
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Re: Traits Cheat Sheet - Work in Progress
« Reply #49 on: 2009 June 09, 10:02:09 »

Well, it's "random" in the sense that the player possesses no direct means of detecting the outcome, and presumably not one for effectively influencing it.

Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I cannot accept, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of those I had to kill because they pissed me off.
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