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Pudding Submission Policy
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Topic: Pudding Submission Policy (Read 50701 times)
J. M. Pescado
Fat Obstreperous Jerk
El Presidente
Posts: 26292
Pudding Submission Policy
2009 June 02, 18:57:53 »
1. The Launcher is Evil. We will not accept Sims3Pack puddings here. Your Pudding should be submitted by zipping the .Sim file out of the SavedSims directory. Avoid the Launcher!
2. 640K is all anyone should ever need!
3. Who the hell are you, anyway?
Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I cannot accept, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of those I had to kill because they pissed me off.
Smackable Punbot
Terrible Twerp
Posts: 2580
Re: Pudding Submission Policy
Reply #1 on:
2009 June 03, 05:15:07 »
I don't actually see a SavedSims directory.
Quote from: Esoteric PolarBear
"I don't believe in the edit button; it goes against the very core of my being."
Retarded Reprobate
Posts: 1368
WaffleCat's ambassador to the Artichoke Kingdom
Re: Pudding Submission Policy
Reply #2 on:
2009 June 03, 05:31:47 »
\My Documents\Electronic Arts\The Sims 3\Saves
What, are you dense? Are you retarded or something? Who the hell do you think I am? I'm the goddamn Rhayden.
Retarded Reprobate
Posts: 1397
brainless piece of sack of fruitcakes
Re: Pudding Submission Policy
Reply #3 on:
2009 June 03, 07:30:02 »
Down with Sims3Pack!
With my frock coat and cane I look rather dashing / And my dapper burnsides make me truly look smashing / I keep an eye peeled to see urchins for thrashing / Then I say to them "Good day, sir!" as an epic tongue-lashing. -
Dark Trepie
Posts: 1705
Re: Pudding Submission Policy
Reply #4 on:
2009 June 03, 12:24:50 »
Maybe we should retool ye olde
Fact Sheet
to be more pudding friendly.
J. M. Pescado
Fat Obstreperous Jerk
El Presidente
Posts: 26292
Re: Pudding Submission Policy
Reply #5 on:
2009 June 03, 13:29:06 »
Update on Puddingcraft: I have overcome the feeble pedestrian limitations on trait maximum in Awesomemod. Now you can reflect the true you with as many traits as it takes, at least on the list. Feel free to list additional traits you rightfully deserve...although if they're bad ones, I'm sure we already can supply them for you. Sic Semper Tyrannosaurus!
Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I cannot accept, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of those I had to kill because they pissed me off.
Retarded Reprobate
Posts: 1448
Hell yeah.
Re: Pudding Submission Policy
Reply #6 on:
2009 June 03, 14:32:53 »
Quote from: J. M. Pescado on 2009 June 03, 13:29:06
Update on Puddingcraft: I have overcome the feeble pedestrian limitations on trait maximum in Awesomemod. Now you can reflect the true you with as many traits as it takes, at least on the list. Feel free to list additional traits you rightfully deserve...although if they're bad ones, I'm sure we already can supply them for you. Sic Semper Tyrannosaurus!
Will this feature be available to peasants?
Grammar Police
Posts: 6512
I like pie. A cake is fine, too.
Re: Pudding Submission Policy
Reply #7 on:
2009 June 03, 15:09:10 »
Found online, and posted to help MATYzens pick their traits.
* Absent-Minded
o Absent-Minded Sims get lost in their thoughts and occasionally forget what they are doing, or where they are going.
* Ambitious
o Ambitious Sims dream big and are more rewarded when their wishes are satisfied in life. They are driven to move up the corporate ladder more quickly, but fall prey to low mood if they don't quickly receive the promotion they desire.
* Angler
o Anglers catch fish better then other Sims. They also like fishing more then anyone else.
* Artistic
o Artistic Sims are naturally gifted artists with a paint brush. They also make pretty good writers and musicians!
* Athletic
o Athletic Sims are the best athletes in town. They can push themselves harder and longer than others, and will do so to feel the burn.
* Bookworm
o Bookworms have a passion for reading that surpasses their other desires. They also tend to become good writers.
* Brave
o Brave Sims are fearless individuals that will fight fires, wrangle burglars and work to protect those around them.
* Can't Stand Art
o Sims that Can't Stand Art will never appreciate the latest masterpiece of expensive home decor. They are the anti-connoisseur.
* Charismatic
o Charismatic Sims love to socialize with others and often know the perfect thing to say in every conversation. They also like to throw parties!
* Childish
o Childish Sims find it difficult to ‘act their age'. They love playing with children's toys, see things through the eyes of a child and need to be constantly entertained.
* Clumsy
o Clumsy Sims muck up both precious and every day moments in life with shady footwork and poor planning.
* Commitment Issues
o Sims with Commitment Issues don't really want to settle down into a long-term relationship or a lifelong career. Marriage is out of the question!
* Computer Wiz
o Computer Wizs love spending time on the computer. They are great at tinkering with computers and can even make money as hackers if they choose.
* Couch Potato
o Couch Potatoes are perfectly happy sitting on the couch to watch TV and eat junk food. They'll need additional prodding to lead active lives.
* Coward
o Cowards are terrified of everything that can and will go bump in the night. They are scared of the dark and will frequently faint in ‘dire' situations
* Daredevil
o Daredevils seek the extreme side of life, even if it means taking an everyday chore extreme. They also love fire.
* Dislikes Children
o Sims that dislike children do not want to have anything to do with children. No talking, no playing and certainly no reproduction.
* Easily Impressed
o Easily impressed Sims are easily astounded by everyday stories and are always pleased with the smallest of accomplishments.
* Evil
o Evil Sims love the dark, take great delight in the misfortune of others and prefer to lead a life as far away from goodness as possible.
* Excitable
o Excitable Sims get excited about… pretty much everything. They enjoy an extra dose of self-satisfaction when good things happen for them in life.
* Family-Oriented
o Family-Oriented Sims make great parents. They have big families and being surrounded by their children.
* Flirty
o Flirty Sims are constantly looking for romance and are most often quite successful in this endeavor.
* Friendly
o Friendly Sims smile frequently at others and are quick to make friends.
* Frugal
o Frugal Sims love to clip coupons to save money, relish a good deal and hate being wasteful.
* Genius
o Geniuses are logical thinker, masters of chess and excellent hackers. They saviour pursuit of the mind.
* Good
o Good Sims go out of their way to help friends and family in need, are charitable with their money, and frequently comfort those around them.
* Good Sense of Humor
o Sims with a Good Sense of Humor tell the best jokes that never fall flat or fail to entertain.
* Great Kisser
o Great kissers kiss better then any other Sims. They give kisses that are not easily forgotten.
* Green-Thumb
o Green-thumbs are the best gardeners. They find solace and comfort amongst their garden and can revive plants in the worst of conditions.
* Grumpy
o Grumpy Sims are rarely in a good mood. It's quite difficult to make them happy because they simply don't want to be happy.
* Handy
o Handy Sims are the best tinkerers. They will never fail when repairing or upgrading a household item which makes electrical objects far less dangerous!
* Hates the outdoors
o Sims that hate the outdoors despise being outside and will always remain indoors whenever possible.
* Heavy Sleeper
o Heavy Sleepers will sleep through any situation, no matter how loud or alarming. They also tend to snore.
* Hopeless Romantic
o Hopeless romantics passionately seek their soul mate. They want romance, true love and surround themselves with cheesy romantic television and novels.
* Hot-Headed
o Hot headed Sims are quick to anger. Broken household items, conversations gone awry or even the slightest negative mood let will all send them into a boiling rage.
* Hydrophobic
o Hydrophobic Sims are terrified of swimming. They loathe every second they have to spend in the pool.
* Inappropriate
o Inappropriate Sims talk about the wrong thing the wrong time, never think to dress properly, and never think to apologize when they've wronged someone. They enjoy mocking others with harsh words.
* Insane
o Insane Sims respond to events in life unpredictably. They say what they want, do what they want and even wear what they want. Even if it doesn't make sense to anyone else.
* Kleptomaniac
o Kleptomaniacs ‘accidentally' end up with things owned by others. They often ‘permanently borrow' items from work, school or even their neighbor's homes!
* Light Sleeper
o Light sleepers toss and turn throughout the night and are woken up by the slightest bump in the night.
* Loner
o Loners enjoy time spent alone more than time spent with others. Quite shy, they will never approach anyone that isn't a close friend. They prize their solitude and get nervous around large groups.
* Loser
o Losers encounter woo and misfortune throughout their lives beginning with school and continuing into their careers. They will fail and fail often. They wont'get mad even when life falls apart. They'll just cry.
* Loves the Outdoors
o These Sims love spending time outdoors and find a special joy amidst nature that others do not.
* Lucky
o Lucky Sims are closely followed through life with a comforting sense of luck. They win often and they win big.
* Mean
o Mean Sims love to fight, mostly because they never lose in a brawl. They take satisfaction with every new enemy made and dream of new ways to be nasty to others.
* Mooch
o Moochers can mooch food and money from their neighbors who for the most part just go along with it.
* Natural Cook
o Natural Cooks are able to kick any dish up a notch, making their food the most delicious to eat. They learn to cook more quickly than others, and never burn down the kitchen in the process!
* Neat
o Neat Sims always find time to clean, regardless of their mood. They are easily devastated by filthy surroundings, but will never leave a mess behind.
* Neurotic
o Neurotic Sims will freak out at the most minor of provocations. They can become stressed easily and can be difficult to mellow. Luckily they take solace in sharing their worries with others.
* Never Nude
o Never Nudes despise nudity and will never, ever, completely remove all of their clothing.
* No Sense of Humor
o Sims with No Sense of Humor tell terrible jokes, so they tend not to tell them. They also don't enjoy the jokes of others. Humor is simply wasted on them.
* Over-Emotional
o Over-Emotional Sims experience greater mood swings than other Sims when both good and bad things happen to them. They are constantly shedding tears of joy whether it's of a wedding or just on their couch watching romantic television.
* Party Animal
o Party animals love to party, and others love to party with them. When a party animal hosts a party, everyone comes and has a great time. Woo!
* Perfectionist
o Perfectionists spend more time cooking, writing or even painting, but what they eventually finish is noticeably better than something created by other Sims. Perfectionists accept nothing shy of perfection.
* Slob
o Slobs constantly leave messes in their wake. To make matters worse, they won't offer to pick up or clean! Luckily common filth won't offend their senses.
* Snob
o Snobs are very hard to impress though they love hearing about themselves and will never turn down a compliment. They dream of owning only the finest things and being associated with the highest echelon of neighborhood Sims.
* Technophobe
o Technophobe Sims hate television. They will never watch television except in dire circumstances and will always look for an alternative source of entertainment.
* Un-flirty
o Un-flirty Sims do not appreciate the romantic advances of others and will be difficult to woo. It's not that they don't want to love, just that it's difficult for them.
* Unlucky
o Things rarely go right for unlucky Sims. They often lose at everything they touch. Though some do take pity on their misfortune.
* Vegetarian
o Vegetarian Sims never choose to eat meat, and doing so causes them to quickly become ill.
* Virtuoso
o Virtuosos have a natural gift with musical instruments and are often considered the best musicians. As such, they earn more as musicians when playing for tips and learn more quickly.
* Workaholic
o Workaholics love to work and rarely become stressed from working. Their mood stuffers when they miss work, but they are able to make it up by working from home. Workaholics make the best employees.
Remember, you can't contradict the traits for Ex…: You can't be a coward and brave at the same time. That's silly.
Super INTJ.
MATY's Big Cat.
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Fuzzy Pumpkin
Whiny Wussy
Posts: 8583
Potiron flou
Re: Pudding Submission Policy
Reply #8 on:
2009 June 03, 19:53:19 »
I fail. Cannot find Saved Sim folder. Looked under Saves, but I only see the world files. I have her saved in a Sims3Pack, but need to edit her again.
Capitalism, Ho!
"Continue to beat it in masturbatory ecstasy if you like, but only Pescado can make it go away." - Lemmiwinks
My Urinal
Posts: 2176
A flock of crapped nerds
Re: Pudding Submission Policy
Reply #9 on:
2009 June 03, 20:06:38 »
It is not under Saves for me. It's just in "The Sims 3" folder.
Terrible Twerp
Posts: 2145
ISTP. Officially male since she plays MUDs
Re: Pudding Submission Policy
Reply #10 on:
2009 June 03, 20:21:49 »
When you're in CAS, you need to click on the "save in bin" or something like that - you'll then find the xxx.sim file in the SavedSims folder.
I say that a wise, when he does not know what he is talking about, should know enough to keep his mouth shut. -- C. Collodi,
The one and only Rhayden's AIDE. Accept no substitutes.
Dimwitted Dunce
Posts: 152
Re: Pudding Submission Policy
Reply #11 on:
2009 June 03, 20:45:55 »
My Sims show up in a Library Folder. Every sim I create is in there.
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 13
Re: Pudding Submission Policy
Reply #12 on:
2009 June 03, 21:20:33 »
Quote from: imyourboy on 2009 June 03, 20:45:55
My Sims show up in a Library Folder. Every sim I create is in there.
How do you tell what they are? I have a Sim and a lot now and because they are numerically named, I cannot figure out which is which. Do I need one of the new tools floating around to read it?
Stupid Schlemiel
Posts: 1942
Re: Pudding Submission Policy
Reply #13 on:
2009 June 03, 22:20:38 »
Quote from: ChillyzGrrl on 2009 June 03, 21:20:33
Quote from: imyourboy on 2009 June 03, 20:45:55
My Sims show up in a Library Folder. Every sim I create is in there.
How do you tell what they are? I have a Sim and a lot now and because they are numerically named, I cannot figure out which is which. Do I need one of the new tools floating around to read it?
Ur doin it rong.
If you go into the Saved Sims folder (or equivalent), it should be "Firstname_Lastname.sim" as the file name.
"I feel sorry for people that don't drink. When they wake up in the morning, that's the best they'll feel all day." - Dean Martin
<Pescado> Because hey, sometimes you have fun, and sometimes fun has you.
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 13
Re: Pudding Submission Policy
Reply #14 on:
2009 June 04, 12:06:22 »
Quote from: kiki on 2009 June 03, 22:20:38
Ur doin it rong.
If you go into the Saved Sims folder (or equivalent), it should be "Firstname_Lastname.sim" as the file name.
I do not doubt that in the least. I don't have a Saved Sims folder, only a Saves folder and the only thing in the Saves folder is back ups of my game.
The things in my Library folder have long stupid numerical names and are saved as .package files. Also, to ad to my bewilderment, the icon for them is same as the ones Sims 2 .package files, if you have SimPE (which I do). I have checked every folder in there and no where is a .sim file.
It makes me wonder if I need to uninstall SimPE.
J. M. Pescado
Fat Obstreperous Jerk
El Presidente
Posts: 26292
Re: Pudding Submission Policy
Reply #15 on:
2009 June 04, 14:47:46 »
These instructions are sort of irrelevant to you at this point: No one knows you well enough to want your pudding yet. Due to the fact that if we just had random people no one knows constantly posting random sims here, it would become impossible to find those of people we actually want, random people cannot post one here until they are better known.
Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I cannot accept, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of those I had to kill because they pissed me off.
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 13
Re: Pudding Submission Policy
Reply #16 on:
2009 June 04, 15:47:40 »
*bows to El Presidente's wisdom*
I just want know how I can do it, so I can share with people who I know would want want them, or on my website, without uploading them to the Exchange or subjecting people to the Launcher.
I totally appreciate being leery of all the random newcomers, which despite my pathetic post count, I am not one of. I have been happily lurking here since 2006.
Retarded Reprobate
Posts: 1368
WaffleCat's ambassador to the Artichoke Kingdom
Re: Pudding Submission Policy
Reply #17 on:
2009 June 04, 15:58:05 »
Quote from: ChillyzGrrl on 2009 June 04, 15:47:40
I just want know how I can do it, so I can share with people who I know would want want them, or on my website, without uploading them to the Exchange or subjecting people to the Launcher.
Quote from: Marhis on 2009 June 03, 20:21:49
When you're in CAS, you need to click on the "save in bin" or something like that - you'll then find the xxx.sim file in the SavedSims folder.
Reading the whole thread before posting helps reduce the amount of stupidity you leak all over the place.
Quote from: ChillyzGrrl on 2009 June 04, 15:47:40
I totally appreciate being leery of all the random newcomers, which despite my pathetic post count, I am not one of. I have been happily lurking here since 2006.
What, are you dense? Are you retarded or something? Who the hell do you think I am? I'm the goddamn Rhayden.
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 21
Re: Pudding Submission Policy
Reply #18 on:
2009 June 04, 16:36:00 »
How does one add more than 5 traits?
J. M. Pescado
Fat Obstreperous Jerk
El Presidente
Posts: 26292
Re: Pudding Submission Policy
Reply #19 on:
2009 June 04, 17:03:39 »
Quote from: linz on 2009 June 04, 16:36:00
How does one add more than 5 traits?
You need AwesomeMod.
Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I cannot accept, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of those I had to kill because they pissed me off.
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 24
Re: Pudding Submission Policy
Reply #20 on:
2009 June 04, 18:42:29 »
This is going to sound stupid but once you have downloaded the sims of here, What file do you put them in, i put them into my savedsim folder but they never appeared on my game.. Please help.
I think I'm lost!
Captain Swooptie
Blathering Buffoon
Posts: 66
Re: Pudding Submission Policy
Reply #21 on:
2009 June 04, 18:50:45 »
Quote from: Brick_town on 2009 June 04, 18:42:29
This is going to sound stupid but once you have downloaded the sims of here, What file do you put them in, i put them into my savedsim folder but they never appeared on my game.. Please help.
1. Copy the .sim file to your documents/.../Savedsims folder
2. Go to Create-A-Sim
3. Click on the "premade sims" button
4. Click the various filter buttons until your search matches the downloaded sim's properties (age, sex, etc.)
(tip) Click the little custom content star icon to only show sims that you've created or downloaded
5. Select the portrait of the desired sim and whack the checkmark button
Quote from: Nailati on 2009 June 04, 18:55:03
the SavedSims folder doesn't appear until you either save a CAS sim to the bin, or create the folder manually.
Last Edit: 2009 June 04, 19:07:59 by Captain Swooptie
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 24
Re: Pudding Submission Policy
Reply #22 on:
2009 June 04, 18:54:48 »
Quote from: Captain Swooptie on 2009 June 04, 18:50:45
Quote from: Brick_town on 2009 June 04, 18:42:29
This is going to sound stupid but once you have downloaded the sims of here, What file do you put them in, i put them into my savedsim folder but they never appeared on my game.. Please help.
1. Copy the .sim file to your documents/.../Savedsims folder
2. Go to Create-A-Sim
3. Click on the "premade sims" button
4. Click the various filter buttons until your search matches the downloaded sim's properties (age, sex, etc.)
(tip) Click the little custom content star icon to only show sims that you've created or downloaded
5. Select the portrait of the desired sim and whack the checkmark button
Thank you very much.. =]
I think I'm lost!
Retarded Reprobate
Posts: 1397
brainless piece of sack of fruitcakes
Re: Pudding Submission Policy
Reply #23 on:
2009 June 04, 18:55:03 »
I think the SavedSims folder doesn't appear until you either save a CAS sim to the bin, or create the folder manually. IIRC this was also the case in TS2.
With my frock coat and cane I look rather dashing / And my dapper burnsides make me truly look smashing / I keep an eye peeled to see urchins for thrashing / Then I say to them "Good day, sir!" as an epic tongue-lashing. -
Smackable Punbot
Terrible Twerp
Posts: 2580
Re: Pudding Submission Policy
Reply #24 on:
2009 June 05, 07:34:20 »
Quote from: Nailati on 2009 June 04, 18:55:03
I think the SavedSims folder doesn't appear until you either save a CAS sim to the bin, or create the folder manually. IIRC this was also the case in TS2.
That is correct.
Quote from: Esoteric PolarBear
"I don't believe in the edit button; it goes against the very core of my being."
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