Corpulent Cretin

Posts: 109
I have purchased the full Hewnsman set - will upload in a few minutes to this post. Posting now so that no one else buys it. Hewnsman set here http://www.mediafire.com/?rqd2ndzy2tmNOTE - Neither file has been ran through Pescado's wonder tool as I is retard and have not yet been able to figure out how it works. I did not see a RTFM but I could have missed it as I is retard.
« Last Edit: 2009 June 02, 23:51:05 by Cerridwen »
Tasty Tourist
Posts: 1
Cerridwen, both links says it's the Hewnsman set. I clicked on the short choppy hair with bangs link, and it says it's the Hewnsman set.
It's this link: http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?xnxdzo1zmztBut that hairs already got upped. Still doesn't works  But thanks for your tries.
Blathering Buffoon

Posts: 76
There seems to be some confusion regarding the steps you need to take to install content from the store. The answers are spread out over a few posts, so I thought I would make 1 post to consolidate them. Below is a step by step walkthrough of what I've been doing (note: I have installed a legal copy, but this seems to be working people with the RZR version as well). If you are having problems, I hope this helps. How to install custom content- 1. Download the file. It will probably be a .zip or .rar file, but it could be a .Sims3Pack file as well.
- 2. Is it a .Sims3Pack file? If yes, skip this step and go to #3. If no, unzip the file (using 7zip, winrar, etc.) and extract the .Sims3Pack file(s) to someplace you can find again.
- 3. Launch Compressorizor Redux (http://forum.jfade.com/viewtopic.php?f=51&t=468) and click on the "Add Files to List" button in the lower left hand. Browse to the file where you extracted the .Sims3Pack file(s) (note: some files have already been through this tool before they were uploaded, but it doesn't hurt to do it again if you are not sure).
- 4. Click the "Go" button in the middle bottom. Some windows will flash up and disappear. You will get a pop up box saying that the operation was successful. Click OK.
- 5. Is the .Sims3Pack a Patterns, Lots, Households and Sims? If yes, install using the 3Viewer http://forum.jfade.com/viewtopic.php?f=51&t=466 and you're done, I think (I haven't done this yet, so I have no further details on it). If no, go to step #6.
- 6. Double click on the .Sims3Pack, the Sims 3 Launcher will run and you will see your .Sims3Pack listed as a new item in the download section. A second window, the installer, will pop up and if everything works, will give you a Success! message. Click okay and you're done. I'm blocking the launcher from phoning home and everything is still installing correctly, I'm not sure what happens if you don't block it.
- 7. You can delete/move the .Sims3Pack files in the Downloads folder in your "My Documents" folder and you can delete all files from the DCBackup file without removing the CC you just installed.
Also, AFAIK the Tiki set and Riverview does not seem to be working for anyone that is trying to install them without offiically getting them from the store. This is fixed now, but the .exe's still aren't compiled for Macs.
« Last Edit: 2009 June 03, 20:10:14 by Gelina »
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 21
Life's to short not to Laugh!!
If there are any other MAC users out there or maybe any windows users having trouble, this is what I did to get all the files to work for me, except the Tiki Set. You will have to have a Windows Computer to use the Programs but your game doesn't have to be installed on the Windows to use them, I used my Husbands work computer and didn't have any problems. 1 Run Compressor 2 Use the Multi Installer ( I just used a folder on my desktop to extract the files) 3 Put .package files in the DC Backup 4 Launch Installer & Install That's it. Links to Programs http://forum.jfade.com/viewtopic.php?f=51&t=468http://www.simlogical.com/Sims3ToolsForum/index.php?topic=53
Tasty Tourist
Posts: 1
Hi, guys! I've got several woman's clothes - share with you enjoyably. http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?1koqqmywzkmFile List;blousecollarround halterbeads halterurban jacket34sleevebandcollar tanksport sweaterplungeback JacketClosed_quiltedLeather jacketmilitary bottomskirtvamp DressBohemian dressmodernlayers dressopenback
Tasty Tourist
Posts: 3
I've bought the following: Adult female: afbottompantsyoga afbodyoutfitrocker afbottompantsbootcut_leather afbodyjacketpencilskirt afbottomskirtpencil_lacedup afbodydresstennis aftopblousecorset aftopjacketafternoon Adult male: amtopshirtshortsleevetie amtopvestshirttie amtophenleyjohnnycollar amtopteelongsleevescarf amtopjacketshirtuntucked_vest Compressorized with the newest version. Download: http://www.mediafire.com/?n5idkzzymzj
« Last Edit: 2009 June 03, 23:29:29 by ladyshiva »
Blathering Buffoon

Posts: 53
What updated tool? Link please  You will find it here Techno http://www.moreawesomethanyou.com/smf/index.php/topic,15100.25.htmlExtract the s3rc.exe, drag & drop a sims3pack file over the top of it. Once you have done that just double click the file to install. The TS3 launcher will open, then the ingame installer will pop open & install for you. As a side note i do have the launcher blocked with my firewall so it can't call home.
Blathering Buffoon

Posts: 53
LadyShiva: when I click on your link I make it through to the media fire page, but after the download link is processed I get a broken link message.
Try here Madame http://www.mediafire.com/?n5idkzzymzj
Dimwitted Dunce

Posts: 179
Here is what I have so far Adult Male: Long Mandarin Coat Resort Pants Men's Genie Pants Kung Fu Pants Vest Jacket with T-Shirt Men's Henley Shirt (green) Henley Shirt with Laced Collar Baseball Jacket Blazer Jacket with Hoodie Adult Female: Maxi Dress Modern Skirt with Swirls Teen Female: Sun Dress with Necklace for Teens T-Shirt over Tank uploading now, will edit in a few minutes with linkedit: re-uploading files, they will be found here Sorry I forgot to run them through Pescado's tool.
« Last Edit: 2009 June 03, 22:40:10 by mistyk »
Corpulent Cretin

Posts: 103
Due to the experimental nature of this tool, do not distribute Sims3packs modified by it. Previously damaged sims3packs can be repaired using -r, which should force-repair on it. This option is also experimental and may not work, and possibly will fuck it up more, so don't distribute THAT either!
Can people who shared content ran through s3rc share it again, in an unaltered state? Especially catfish who used outdated version of the tool. I tried the -r, but it doesn't work, thanks! Catfish stuff worked like a charm but I got a bit paranoid, because of this piece of info. 
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 9
Don't worry guys, we already have all the sets, most clothes and we're almost finishing the hairs (if nobody gets them until friday I'll get the missing hairs myself and some clothes). I'll be uploading a torrent with all the stuff ran through Pescados tool and tested when we're done collecting & converting. Also, the tiki set already ran through Pescados tool since somebody asked: http://www.mediafire.com/?ywnm0y24vyi
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 9
Even run through the newer compression tool, tiki set will not install. I get the same error about needing an update.
It needs to be a pure version, if you try to run a Tiki Set that you put on Pescados tool old version on the new version it will still not work. It needs to be a pure version and then run it through Pescados updated tool. Either way, I posted a link for a working on a few posts above.
Tasty Tourist
Posts: 2
Riverview.. if you havnt succeeded to get Riverview to work properly this might be the answer.. I havnt tried it yet but I found it on a website: 1. first you need this program s3rc that repairs corrupted .sims3pack's like this one heres the link ( http://www.moreawesomethanyou.com/ts3/tools/s3rc-win.rar) 2. unrar s3rc.exe to your desktop 3. open the download location for this torrent, open Downloads folder, and drag and drop Riverview.Sims3Pack to your desktop 4. IF YOU ALREADY HAVE TRIED INSTALLING THIS THROUGH TS3 LAUNCHER, IM PRETTY SURE YOU MUST REOPEN THE LAUNCHER AND GOTO DOWNLOADS AND DELETE RIVERVIEW, I HAD TO (you also may want to delete the riverview file if you just dragged it to Shared\NonPackaged\Worlds previously) 5. start > run > cmd.exe (or start > find > cmd for vista/7) 6. goto your desktop folder in cmd prompt, "cd desktop" for me as i'm already at Users\Name 7. type "s3rc -f Riverview.Sims3Pack" into cmd prompt 8. type "s3rc -d Riverview.Sims3Pack" into cmd prompt 9. then I disabled my internet connection and double-clicked the Riverview.Sims3Pack on my desktop and voila! it installed flawlessly!! with a full working 2nd city and all buildings and descriptions fixed it installs all the missing buildings and objects for riverview in your installed content tab as well  EDIT: internet connection doesnt even need to be disabled, i just did it to be safe BTW when I registered it asked me what is the capitol of assyria.. the correct answer is None .. Because Assyria doesnt exist anymore
Fuzzy Pumpkin
Whiny Wussy
Posts: 8583
Potiron flou
Even run through the newer compression tool, tiki set will not install. I get the same error about needing an update.
You might be doing something wrong as many people have installed it. I had a little trouble with the program failing to really update. Delete old version of Pescado's program and redownload. New version should have a modified date on June 3. Then apply to fresh Riverview/Tiki files. I still had my .rars.
Capitalism, Ho!"Continue to beat it in masturbatory ecstasy if you like, but only Pescado can make it go away." - Lemmiwinks My Urinal
Dimwitted Dunce

Posts: 179
I got the missing hairs. The Shaggy look for Toddlers The Straw Boater Hat with a Choppy Hairstyle for Boys The Straw Boater Hat with a Shaggy Hairstyle for Boys Bucket Hat for Boys Baker Boy AM The Straw Boater Hat with a Choppy Hairstyle AM The Straw Boater Hat with a Shaggy Hairstyle AM Baker Man Short and Choppy for girls AF Bucket Hat with Tucked in Hair AF Flat Cap with Tucked in Hair edit: re-uploading files, they will be found here I still have plenty of points if anyone can figure out what we are missing I can get those items also.
« Last Edit: 2009 June 03, 22:42:12 by mistyk »
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 9
I'm currently uploading: Clothes: Lord Sponge Graphic Tee (Male) Orange(TM) Tanks (Male) Lord Sponge Graphic Tee (Female) Fanta(R) T-Shirt (Female) Orange(TM) Tanks (Female) Hairs (Female): The Shuffle Ponytall and Ribbon The Beautiful Split Flat Cap with Medium Length Hair Bucket Hat with Medium Length Hair Flat Cap with Long Hair Bucket Hat with Long Hair Link: http://www.mediafire.com/?zwomymm30mmPS: One of the hair files seems to be corrupted, gonna redownload it to see if that fixes it and I'll upload it later. Gonna get working on missing clothes list now.
« Last Edit: 2009 June 03, 18:12:47 by Technopath »
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 21
Life's to short not to Laugh!!
Thank you this version worked on MacOSX Don't worry guys, we already have all the sets, most clothes and we're almost finishing the hairs (if nobody gets them until friday I'll get the missing hairs myself and some clothes). I'll be uploading a torrent with all the stuff ran through Pescados tool and tested when we're done collecting & converting. Also, the tiki set already ran through Pescados tool since somebody asked: http://www.mediafire.com/?ywnm0y24vyi
Tasty Tourist
Posts: 1
Will be adding clothes ( they are already purchased):These have been compressed with Pescado's tool Male:Cargo Pants Blazer Blazer and Rugby Shirt Topcoat and Sweater Link: http://www.box.net/shared/i158afgtb0
« Last Edit: 2009 June 04, 18:00:21 by Jazzy »
Download here. Edit: Seems misty and I got them at the same time but I already uploaded so I thought I'd share the link anyhow.
the ones from BlueSoup are corrupted (bad download from TS3 Store)
I'll re-up them. Make sure you try the s3rc if they don't work, also, since I do not run them through that first myself before I upload. Edit: table sponge, floor sponge.