Enables skilling on community lots with the comm-skilling hack installed.  changes the skilling rates to: Easy = 200 Medium = 250 Hard = 300 Install into downloads For Nightlife & OFB Only
« Last Edit: 2006 April 05, 19:50:18 by crammyboy »
Blathering Buffoon

Posts: 73
Stressed spelled backwards is desserts.
J. M. Pescado
Wow, that's a little unbalanced there. *600* as a continuous rate? That outclasses even the military career reward, and that's a burst-rate object. More reasonable values would be about 200, 250, 300.
Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I cannot accept, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of those I had to kill because they pissed me off.
Yes it is a bit high, I'll change that.
But you have to consider that you need quite a high body skill just to stay on the thing. Especially at the" hard" level.
Ancient Sim
Dead Member

Posts: 1931
Back from the dead ...
What are the levels without the mod installed? I'm not sure that I want townies gaining body skills too rapidly, or (a) they won't keep falling off so my Sims can use it and (b) they'll be more likely to win fights.
Incidentally, why when this item is in use do the Sims carry-on as if their path to it is blocked? They don't seem to realise someone is actually using it. Is this a bug?
Some favourite Sim thingies: Film: Lord of the Sims; Song: Losing My Sim by SIM; Book: Interview With the Sim by Sim Rice; Smell: Fried Simions; Colour: Simple.
It is 200 for all levels without the hack and community skilling will not work.
I'll look at the stomping.
« Last Edit: 2005 November 18, 01:13:06 by crammyboy »
Incidentally, why when this item is in use do the Sims carry-on as if their path to it is blocked? They don't seem to realise someone is actually using it. Is this a bug?
And I just thought they had the s**ts and became all whiny because someone else was using it 
Inge: credit to Kewian for educating me as to where my clitoris is and what it does
J. M. Pescado
But you have to consider that you need quite a high body skill just to stay on the thing. Especially at the" hard" level.
I like watching them fall off, though.  It's as funny as putting them in a blender and hitting frappe.
Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I cannot accept, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of those I had to kill because they pissed me off.
Knuckleheaded Knob
Posts: 549
I love Pokemon! Thus I am a Heretic!
What are the levels without the mod installed? I'm not sure that I want townies gaining body skills too rapidly, or (a) they won't keep falling off so my Sims can use it and (b) they'll be more likely to win fights.
I know nothing about the inner workings of Sims 2 code, but is it possible to make community skilling so only playable sims get the points? Possibly just the sims that you're currently controlling? If this is already how it works then feel free to rip my lips or whatever Crammyboys do instead. (I must admit, his username disturbs me slightly at the best of times, especially as half the time you hear it in conjunction with "Cock hack").
* Pescado is batshit crazy, and thus it's not safe to say what he could or would do.  Pescado: You're a weird and freaky Baratron. Pescado: Also, all Baratrons suck. Read my Sims 2 stories!
What are the levels without the mod installed? I'm not sure that I want townies gaining body skills too rapidly, or (a) they won't keep falling off so my Sims can use it and (b) they'll be more likely to win fights.
Incidentally, why when this item is in use do the Sims carry-on as if their path to it is blocked? They don't seem to realise someone is actually using it. Is this a bug?
Yes, that foot-stomping thing irritates me too. You do know you can shoo the sims off the thing when you want your sim to ride it, though, don't you?
Yes, that foot-stomping thing irritates me too. You do know you can shoo the sims off the thing when you want your sim to ride it, though, don't you? [/quote] Oh, but it's so much fun to see their little screwed up faces contorting with the indignation of it all!
Inge: credit to Kewian for educating me as to where my clitoris is and what it does
Oh, but it's so much fun to see their little screwed up faces contorting with the indignation of it all! Yeah it is, the first few times, but like everything else, it quickly becomes very, very annoying. 
Corpulent Cretin

Posts: 118
The guide says that if the sim's been abducted a lot, they'll disappear whilst using the Sphere. Is this true, or are they talking a load of bollards (again)?
"We could remove the bugs, but we're not going to. Let's leave them in and call them features."
Lipless Loser
Posts: 610
Don't look now but they're going to kill you.
The guide says that if the sim's been abducted a lot, they'll disappear whilst using the Sphere. Is this true, or are they talking a load of bollards (again)?
I have heard situations where people have said that their male sims have become alien pregnant while using the thing if they have been abducted before. No idea to the truth behind it..don't have many abducted sims to try it out on.... Not to take the thread completely OT..but since somebody mentioned the foot stomping there any hacks or mods out there that get rid of this? I am completely sick of seeing sims whine and stomp about things. I currently have a house now where the wife stands around the computer and whines and stomps ANY TIME somebody else is on it. In fact the only time she wants to play on the computer or sit in that damned chair is when somebody else is occupying it heh.
Not here, not yet Skandelouslala, but hopefully JM will get around to fixing the 'lesswhiny' mod soon. By the way, don't install the current one if you have NL. They don't like each other much ;)
P.S. Sorry to hear about your pudding :D
Sims can be abducted from the sphere if they have previously been abducted. It varies from 1.65% to 2.5% depending on how many times the sim has been abducted. (Up to 5 times, after that it doesn't matter) I did apply Pescado's less-whiny values to the nightlife ones. It is in the podium somewhere.
« Last Edit: 2005 November 18, 17:01:04 by crammyboy »
I must've missed that one, darn it. That'll teach me to read more carefully, thank you CBoy, much appreciated. I hate the whining more than anything. Just show me what the problem is, if I want to fix it for them I will, but usually my obstacles are placed quite intentionally 
Not meaning to continue the derailment here, but there is a less whiny mod on SimLogical that's NL compatible. The only thing is, it doesn't seem to have any effect on the computer! Like you, I have a sim who seems only to want to use the computer when someone else is.  Hmmm. Interesting about abductions on the sphere. Zoiks! (My hubby hates my game because his sim-self ended up abducted by aliens! ROFL)
Dimwitted Dunce

Posts: 185
The guide says that if the sim's been abducted a lot, they'll disappear whilst using the Sphere. Is this true, or are they talking a load of bollards (again)?
I have heard situations where people have said that their male sims have become alien pregnant while using the thing if they have been abducted before. No idea to the truth behind it..don't have many abducted sims to try it out on.... Not to take the thread completely OT..but since somebody mentioned the foot stomping there any hacks or mods out there that get rid of this? I am completely sick of seeing sims whine and stomp about things. I currently have a house now where the wife stands around the computer and whines and stomps ANY TIME somebody else is on it. In fact the only time she wants to play on the computer or sit in that damned chair is when somebody else is occupying it heh. I had this happen to one of my sims....didn't realize that was the cause at the time....I had my male sim use the sphere and he had high body points....late that nite I had him woohoo with his wife....the next morning he runs to the toliet to puke....I'm thinking what the hell is going on?! I knew he didn't get abducted by the telescope (though at the time I had a hack for that) I checked his stats with insim (not inteen) and sure enough he was pg with an alien baby....needless to say my sims now use the sphere very sparingly.... OH and I really hate their whining espically when the want to use the same computer that someone else is using while there are extras that are readily available.....why do they do that? tgdry6
Lurking since 2005...and proud of it!
Sims2, Uni, NL, OFB, Glamour,Pets, Seasons , BV, Freetime, Celebration, K&B, Ikea
Why do they do that? Because they're sims, and not really terribly bright!
Zephyr Zodiac
Corpulent Cretin

Posts: 110
We are all just monkeys...
Did this get changed after the recent NL patch? There was something about the electro sphere in the patch???
Dimwitted Dunce

Posts: 174
Did this get changed after the recent NL patch? There was something about the electro sphere in the patch???
Indeed they did. They made it so that young-adults could no longer become pregnant as a result of using the dance sphere. You can undo this "feature" here:'Course you'll have to jump some hoops to make the pregnancy stick unless you have the kitten-killer installed, in which case, that detail is taken care of for you.
Isn't it about time you did your part in God's plan? Go on, install InTeen today. What would Jesus do?
Terrible Twerp
Posts: 2365
ISTJ - what a crazy random happenstance
Wait, I'm confused. Ok... so will your hot "fix" now enable pregnancy via the electro sphere? By "feature" do you mean the fact that YAs can get pregnant, or that they now can't get pregnant. Usually "feature" is used in the context of something that is unexpected and most likely not wanted. Which is what I think people in general would want it "fixed" so that their YA sims do NOT get pregnant. You're saying that something was indeed changed, and that it was made so that they no longer become pregnant. Are you calling the original "bug" the "feature" or the "fix" is now the feature?  My brain is all fried thinking about the kittens! The kittens! My GOD the KITTENS! Freakin' annoying cutesy buggers! KILL 'EM ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! * syberspunk pants and raves like a lunatic foaming at the mouth. Huh? What was I saying again? Oh, yeah. So what does this mean now. I thought this particular hack had something to do with the skilling part. I didn't realize it also fixed a pregnancy bug? Or it doesn't? I'm all confused!  Ste