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No Community lot food serve.
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Topic: No Community lot food serve. (Read 56145 times)
Posts: 197
No Community lot food serve.
2005 November 17, 14:05:21 »
Stops sim who have grilled hot-dogs/hamburgers on community lots from wandering from table to table serving. The food will just be placed on the most convenient surface and sims can help themselves.
There is a partial conflict with dizzy's smart-serve. To combat this, this hack must be in the same directory as smart-serve and re-named zzzCBOY_NoCommLotFoodServe.package.
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Last Edit: 2006 March 23, 11:53:26 by crammyboy
Round Mound of Gray Fatness
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Re: No Community lot food serve.
Reply #1 on:
2005 November 17, 14:33:39 »
Do the patches get loaded in alphabetical order?
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Posts: 197
Re: No Community lot food serve.
Reply #2 on:
2005 November 17, 14:35:30 »
Yes, within a directory. I also think the directories get loaded in alpabetical order too.
Lipless Loser
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Re: No Community lot food serve.
Reply #3 on:
2005 November 17, 14:56:47 »
Ah, great. I was wondering if something like this would ever come into existence and behold, here it is.
It certainly is silly for them to go place a plate at the bar when they grill some dogs - that made me nuts.
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Goopy Lover
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Re: No Community lot food serve.
Reply #4 on:
2005 November 17, 14:58:48 »
Oh, this is great!
Illusions of Grandeur
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Re: No Community lot food serve.
Reply #5 on:
2005 November 17, 21:14:34 »
Thank You.
Ancient Sim
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Re: No Community lot food serve.
Reply #6 on:
2005 November 18, 00:48:39 »
VERY welcome. Drives me crazy when they grill something and totally ignore the 3 or 4 tables set-out to the left of the grill, instead choosing to walk all the way across the lot to place them on the bar. And how come I go to Asda leaving my teenager daughter on the pc talking to her friends on Messenger and come back to find my keyboard squeaking? How much talking did she DO?
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Knuckleheaded Knob
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Re: No Community lot food serve.
Reply #7 on:
2005 November 18, 01:56:07 »
Excellent! Another annoyance blasted for when I play Uni again
* Pescado is batshit crazy, and thus it's not safe to say what he could or would do.
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Lipless Loser
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Re: No Community lot food serve.
Reply #8 on:
2005 November 18, 04:10:17 »
I think I love you.
No, seriously, I was about to strangle several of my favorite Sims after I sent them to go use the grill because they were starving and I didn't want them to go home yet, and instead of, you know, ACTUALLY EATING, they ran around all over the goddamn lot looking for places to put plates. Upstairs, downstairs, in circles around the fence!
Troubleshooting info: all EPs and SPs, most hacks Awesome but some not, no inTeen.
Retarded Reprobate
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Re: No Community lot food serve.
Reply #9 on:
2005 November 18, 04:34:53 »
thanks for this one, I am so happy. I also was annoy by all this.
I personally place a counter next to each of my grills so the sim can have access to place the food plate as soon as it is done with the cooking. For some reason it prefers counters than empty table (I guess it feels more like home
I notice on some downtown lots where there are small lights on the table that dishes do not fit on it, this is the main reason why Sims will hunt for the bar to place those plates or if there are not 6 chairs in total near the grill. I updated all the University lots since none of them had 6 chairs or a fiew did. Now I won't need to do that anymore, great!
Feckless Fool
Posts: 277
Re: No Community lot food serve.
Reply #10 on:
2005 November 18, 07:37:48 »
Yay! Yay! Yay!
This has been driving me nuts. I will not put up with that running around so I have to cancel out the serve action and then there's a big pile of hot dogs and hamburgers on the floor that all the Sims help themselves to. Especially disgusting when the pile turns green and steamy.
Yay! Yay! Yay!
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Garrulous Gimp
Posts: 342
Re: No Community lot food serve.
Reply #11 on:
2005 November 18, 11:28:44 »
Oh goodie! Now I can put those grills back on my Community lots. Picnics are just no fun without grills.
Obtuse Oaf
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Re: No Community lot food serve.
Reply #12 on:
2005 November 20, 18:55:39 »
Thank god for that.
Way to go CrammyBoy
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Terrible Twerp
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Re: No Community lot food serve.
Reply #13 on:
2005 November 25, 00:44:12 »
Thank you! I've been desperate for something like this! No more sims peeing/ starving themselves because they spend 3 hours putting plates at all corners of the lot!
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 16
Re: No Community lot food serve.
Reply #14 on:
2005 November 25, 21:52:42 »
Thank you very much, this was a pet peeve of mine whenever I had a sim on a community lot.
Ancient Sim
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Re: No Community lot food serve.
Reply #15 on:
2006 January 28, 22:20:22 »
This is a request that is sort of connected with this, it's something that's been driving me mad since I installed NL.
When a Sim is on an outing, in my game there are usually 7 people altogether (including my Sim). Tonight, for instance, this was the case. The party was at the bowling alley, which has two tables with 3 chairs each and 7 seats at the bar. Two of the bar seats were taken, leaving 5 spare, plus 6 at the tables. In other words, there were 11 seats available for the party of 7. Nevertheless, the stupid woman who greeted my Sim said there wasn't any room, all because the game doesn't allow parties to be split between tables and counters. How stupid is this??? Even worse is the fact that when a visiting Sim is shown to a table, they are nearly always given the largest. I had one occasion where my Sim was told there were no places because the only table big enough (seating
was occupied by a single townie (stupid Goopy, as I recall) and the other seats were 3 tables seating 2 apiece and 6 seats at the bar (in other words, there were 19 seats available, but this wasn't enough to cater for 7 Sims!).
It would make all the difference in the world if (a) they seated single townies at the bar whenever possible, or at least used the tables for 2, and (b) if they seated people together instead of putting single people all on separate tables. I've had occasions when two Sims in the household have gone in a party and I've had to end the outing so they could eat (as I had to do tonight), yet they've still put my two Sims on separate tables, even though they arrived together and live together. Same thing happens when married couples are on the lots as visitors, they get put on separate tables too, whereas it would look far more realistic if they ate together. Things like that really bug me!
I'd really love to see something done about this if it's at all possible.
Last Edit: 2006 February 02, 14:16:42 by Ancient Sim
Some favourite Sim thingies: Film: Lord of the Sims; Song: Losing My Sim by SIM; Book: Interview With the Sim by Sim Rice; Smell: Fried Simions; Colour: Simple.
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Re: No Community lot food serve.
Reply #16 on:
2006 February 01, 02:57:15 »
I second Ancient Sim's request above!
Irritating Ignoramus
Posts: 434
Re: No Community lot food serve.
Reply #17 on:
2006 February 01, 10:59:31 »
I third it! I never understood the choice of seating arrangements too, bloody annoying.
Posts: 197
Re: No Community lot food serve.
Reply #18 on:
2006 February 01, 16:34:13 »
Not a particularly simple request, but I'll look into it.
Dimwitted Dunce
Posts: 184
Re: No Community lot food serve.
Reply #19 on:
2006 February 14, 05:48:04 »
This is great! Highly annoying when sims go up and down 1-2 flight of stairs carrying plates to serve :/
Ty Ty!
"Life has taught us that love does not consist in gazing at each other, but in looking outward together in the same direction". ~Antoine de Exupery
Knuckleheaded Knob
Posts: 536
Re: No Community lot food serve.
Reply #20 on:
2006 February 14, 10:46:16 »
Quote from: crammyboy on 2005 November 17, 14:35:30
Yes, within a directory. I also think the directories get loaded in alpabetical order too.
This seems to be so.
I have most of my hacks divided into subfolders by creator and have simply named your folder ZzCrammyboy.
I haven't
any problems with any of the other hacks that mention potential conflicts (in folders such as twoJeffs, dizzy and not even with the 'kitten-killing' Inteeminator in the main Download folder)
Are there specific conflicts I should be looking for before deeming it a safe method?
Remember first that the greatest inequality is to treat unequal things equally
J. M. Pescado
Fat Obstreperous Jerk
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Re: No Community lot food serve.
Reply #21 on:
2006 February 14, 14:26:28 »
The seating arrangements are such that, by default, any sim visiting a community lot will automatically be seated with and only with some damned townie, regardless of relationship level with anyone else.
There's a hack in the Director's Cut, "nodiningwithscum", that suppresses the eat-with-a-townie behavior in favor of selecting a friend visiting the lot who is hungry when autodining.
An interesting side effect observed is that sims thus tend to eat alone more often than not with is in place, since it is a rare occurrence that one of their friends is A: Present, and B: Hungry (the alternative being to forcefeed them until they blow up like balloons, which is equally unappealling!).
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Terrible Twerp
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Re: No Community lot food serve.
Reply #22 on:
2006 February 14, 18:09:45 »
Quote from: J. M. Pescado on 2006 February 14, 14:26:28
There's a hack in the Director's Cut, "nodiningwithscum", that suppresses the eat-with-a-townie behavior in favor of selecting a friend visiting the lot who is hungry when autodining.
So this works for autodining, but what about when sims arrive in a group, such as the situation described by Ancient Sim. Will the nodiningwithscum help keep them together? I guess large groups will just be screwed unless people redesign the comm lots?
Is there anyway to optimize the seating? So single sims/townies get placed at objects where there is only one or valid slots/seats?
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J. M. Pescado
Fat Obstreperous Jerk
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Re: No Community lot food serve.
Reply #23 on:
2006 February 15, 12:04:37 »
Splitting up large groups to seat seperately is infeasible, but it may be possible to improve the seating algorithm to choose the smallest possible table capable of seating any diner. Accomodating GINORMOUS groups, however, remains fundamentally infeasible.
Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I cannot accept, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of those I had to kill because they pissed me off.
Terrible Twerp
Posts: 2365
ISTJ - what a crazy random happenstance
Re: No Community lot food serve.
Reply #24 on:
2006 February 15, 19:56:40 »
What is the maximum sized party that can be
seated? If you actually build your own comm lot or redecorate/remake/remodel the existing ones, and you place the realy large/long tables, can a party of say 8 be all seated at the same table?
And I would definately be down for an improvement to the seating algorithm. Choosing the smallest possible table would be best, and directing all single sims to a counter seat, if a available, should probably come first, before choosing tables.
Besides, what constitutes a GINORMOUS group anyways, and how would you even have a GINORMOUS group? I thought those weren't possible really without creating one in a very cumbersome manner. Group Outings by phone seem limited to a max of 4 people? Or so I had read. Random Group Outings via
call seems to go up to as large as 6-8 sims. I guess you could ask more to join your group while you are on a comm lot, but GINORMOUS groups would seem unwieldly anyways, so why would you want to do that?
I'm a homosexual, and I want to marry a fireman.
Jack, I swear...
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