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EAxis house of Phail: May 09
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Topic: EAxis house of Phail: May 09 (Read 99232 times)
Blathering Buffoon
Posts: 56
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Re: EAxis house of Phail: May 09
Reply #25 on:
2009 May 03, 00:23:22 »
I followed the link and DLd it fine. I'm not sure, chobeegal. Anyone else have an issue with my lot DLing?
INFJ. European Leo. Chinese Pig. Neat Freak. Control Freak. Simmer. WoWer. Bookworm. B-Movie Addict.
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Asinine Airhead
Posts: 15
Re: EAxis house of Phail: May 09
Reply #26 on:
2009 May 03, 01:21:52 »
pentabet - I like several things you did with your house. I think I shall steal some of your ideas. Two thumbs up for using that oddball wall paper in a creative way. I think I may have to build a pink theme diner based on your dining room.
thegrimtuesday - Your house is so charming!
Faizah -I like your commerical lot. Your grounds are especially nice.
Now I shall present the House of Reasonable Priced Love:
-Lots of fun things for your bunnies to do. On the other side of the house is a bbq and a swimming pool.
-the door to the harem is DISGUISED as a book case.
- The bedroom is slightly different as I added tiny fencing around the bed. I think that it could mean more that one lady can entertain. The floor has been change to tiger yellow and tiger fur to help match the fencing.
This has not been tested. It may suck. But if you download House of Reasonable Love you are probably into sucking, you sick puppy.
I have all EPs and Sps.
<<< Download!
Lipless Loser
Posts: 692
Re: EAxis house of Phail: May 09
Reply #27 on:
2009 May 03, 02:19:01 »
I intentionally sat out last months lot challenge, but I think this Anebrd has just challenged me to a dual. I will now commence operation Build Hooker House. Because, ACR and the "notporn" files are screaming for proper useage.
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 6
Re: EAxis house of Phail: May 09
Reply #28 on:
2009 May 03, 02:58:42 »
pentabet, I scanned the package with CI and it's coming up as an empty package. might you have scanned it and tried to save it with the same filename and in the same place as the original? that always results in an empty package for me. annoying.
Anebrd, a most excellent submission. HURRAH FOR LADIES (and gentlemen) OF ILL-REPUTE!
"Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe." - Albert Einstein
Corpulent Cretin
Posts: 148
ISTJ? Really?
Re: EAxis house of Phail: May 09
Reply #29 on:
2009 May 03, 03:14:27 »
If anyone has tested Anebrd's house, does the little fencing make it impossible for sims to get into the bed? Or do they step over it okay?
Inge:We judge by God's own criteria of correct punctuation and inspired fightliness.
Blathering Buffoon
Posts: 56
Do I look a little sallow to you?
Re: EAxis house of Phail: May 09
Reply #30 on:
2009 May 03, 09:08:59 »
Sorry for the trouble guys - I re-uploaded my file, make sure you use the clean installer and remove the phone line controller (and I think a public phone mesh?). My first house didn't give me this much trouble!
INFJ. European Leo. Chinese Pig. Neat Freak. Control Freak. Simmer. WoWer. Bookworm. B-Movie Addict.
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Exasperating Eyesore
Posts: 206
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Re: EAxis house of Phail: May 09
Reply #31 on:
2009 May 03, 14:38:44 »
pentabet, DL is now fine. Thank-you.
Blathering Buffoon
Posts: 56
Do I look a little sallow to you?
Re: EAxis house of Phail: May 09
Reply #32 on:
2009 May 03, 18:58:44 »
<dabs at forehead>
Phew! Oh good.
INFJ. European Leo. Chinese Pig. Neat Freak. Control Freak. Simmer. WoWer. Bookworm. B-Movie Addict.
I have many Anonymous meetings that I attend.
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Dimwitted Dunce
Posts: 158
Re: EAxis house of Phail: May 09
Reply #33 on:
2009 May 03, 21:31:36 »
I realized that after I added on to the other houses and gutted all the inner walls that I had gutted some walls that were outer walls before. So I put the essential walls back in and readjusted a few things. Now there are entrances with hall closets and a few more plants. I also changed out a kitchen window because the kitchen is now a couple tiles longer. Anyway, the slide show link is here:¤t=973c48bf.pbw
The download link is here:
I checked and there is no phone controller attached now. There is also no phone in the house; so if you decide to play it, it needs a phone.
Used K&B and M&G stuff packs.
No uni, OFB, or pets currently loaded.
Last Edit: 2009 May 03, 21:45:13 by ciane
Axe Murderer
Terrible Twerp
Posts: 2816
Re: EAxis house of Phail: May 09
Reply #34 on:
2009 May 04, 02:21:22 »
Here is my entry, available in 4 flavors: Apartments, Unwanded furnished residential, Wanded furnished residential, and unfurnished.
More pictures and download
Dimwitted Dunce
Posts: 162
Re: EAxis house of Phail: May 09
Reply #35 on:
2009 May 04, 03:08:51 »
I've lurked these threads forever but this is the first time I've ever decided to participate. I also have to preface this with a note on my LOVE of this lot. Yes, I've had it cloned (in its maxis-ness) for a long time and use it as non-AL apartments WITHOUT making it over (because I'm lazy like that). So for me its not as phail as a lot of the Showcase of Phail homes chosen for these challenges.
OK, here we go.
From the street.
Bird's eye of the whole lot.
First floor overview, complete with sitting area and bedroom.
Inside the bedroom (just wanted to show off the funky window being used in place of wall art).
On the stairs to the second floor, looking back at the living/sitting room.
At the top of the stairs looking into the kitchen/eating area.
Overview of kitchen area. (sadly there is no smoke detector or sprinkler system thanks to the greenhouse roof--cook with caution)
On the bridge, looking back at the kitchen.
On the bridge, looking into the greenhouse/art area.
Overview of greenhouse/art area.
Overview of the dungeon-like bathroom and sauna area (down the stairs from the greenhouse/art area).
Dressing area (door leads to bathroom).
Overview of just the bathroom.
And last but not least, turn left off the stairs to get to the sauna.
Now, the garden.
A view kind of from the sidewalk (just wanted to show off the frogs, they amuse me).
Zen garden thing (why yes, Bon Voyage is still new to me, what gave it away?).
Finally, a little reverse shot from the back of the garden looking out.
I haven't play tested this lot so I can't say how annoying it might be to work with. I have all EPs EXCEPT AL and all stuff packs EXCEPT M&G and Ikea. (oh and I just realized it doesn't have a phone--oops)
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Posts: 2996
warm n jiggly
Re: EAxis house of Phail: May 09
Reply #36 on:
2009 May 04, 03:46:32 »
Love your lot MadameUgly! Very neat look to it, and I like the idea of using funky windows instead of wall art.
[19:30] <sooze> YAY BFFs
[19:30] <sooze> Bestest Foes Forever
Exasperating Eyesore
Posts: 248
Re: EAxis house of Phail: May 09
Reply #37 on:
2009 May 04, 17:02:38 »
When I saw the lot name, I thought these two houses do not look like a danish house (Thatched Roof House). So I tried to create the look of one and the furnishing of modern danish homes, but I have never been to Denmark. I only adore the pictures on design sites. With some recolors installed the furnishings could look nicer to your taste. It is not a starter house, but just a bit over the cost of two starter house in one. It would be a good mother/daughter cottages I think, for a YA who studies from the home lot.
It contains no CC but require all the eps listed below.
EP Needed:
University Nightlife OFB Pets Seasons BV
Left Cottage, Right Cottage has utilities/amenities.
Basement, Kitchen, Garden Plot
Feature Details:
Click to View
Ground Floor
Basement Floor
(858kb Archive .zip of sims2pack)
Posts: 2996
warm n jiggly
Re: EAxis house of Phail: May 09
Reply #38 on:
2009 May 04, 21:59:44 »
The Apartments at 4 Danish Drive
(rar format).
I have all expansions and all stuff packs.
The apartment complex features four apartments ranging in price from §660 to §884/wk. Each apartment is designed with a different sort of family in mind.
Outside ammenities include a playground for children, a relaxing hot tub for adults, a courtyard for bbq's and chess playing.
Two sun rooms provide climate controlled lounging and study.
Apartment 1 is for the plant loving sim. Main colors of this apartment are cheerful green, warm yellow, and soothing cream, and vibrant red. The balcony outside is completely covered with plants.
Apartment 2 is perfect for a small family with a young daughter. Princess bedroom, cheerful kitchen, piano for that budding genius, and a restful bedroom for the parents (tiny bathroom not shown).
Apartment 3 was designed for the single knowledge Sim. A computer, telescope and easel are provided to facilitate learning, while the warm brown colors stimulate the mind. The cool blue bathroom and grey bedroom provide a place to relax after a long day.
Finally, Apartment 4's occupant is the quintessential Pleasure Sim. A poker table, stereo, and guitar provide the perfect setup for wild late night parties, while the weight machine keeps your Sim looking fit and buff. A spacious bathroom and bedroom with a double bed gives potential dates a reason to come back for more.
[19:30] <sooze> YAY BFFs
[19:30] <sooze> Bestest Foes Forever
Dimwitted Dunce
Posts: 158
Re: EAxis house of Phail: May 09
Reply #39 on:
2009 May 04, 22:51:05 »
Jesslla, I really like the way they are combined with glass windows. It helps keep the seperate look. I also like those front balconies and the way the apartment juts out in the middle of the balcony and the balcony wraps around it.
Dimwitted Dunce
Posts: 197
Re: EAxis house of Phail: May 09
Reply #40 on:
2009 May 04, 23:45:45 »
MadameUgly, I would really like to download your house, but esnips requires sign up. Can
you put it somewhere else? <whine>
Exasperating Eyesore
Posts: 206
And there shall be blood!
Re: EAxis house of Phail: May 09
Reply #41 on:
2009 May 05, 01:38:01 »
Quote from: BattyCoda on 2009 May 04, 23:45:45
...esnips requires sign up.
I had no problem downloading without having to sign up. In fact I downloaded it twice because I closed without saving the first time because the phone rang and I forgot I hadn't saved when I came back.
Posts: 6420
Son of Perdition
Re: EAxis house of Phail: May 09
Reply #42 on:
2009 May 05, 13:04:21 »
I really like the apartment's, jesslla. Very euro-chic. The glass "breezeway" effect is very good. Unfortunately, this was going to be my idea as well. Ho hum. Back to the drawing board.
Tribulatio proxima est
Dimwitted Dunce
Posts: 197
Re: EAxis house of Phail: May 09
Reply #43 on:
2009 May 05, 14:21:45 »
Quote from: chobeegal on 2009 May 05, 01:38:01
Quote from: BattyCoda on 2009 May 04, 23:45:45
...esnips requires sign up.
I had no problem downloading without having to sign up. In fact I downloaded it twice because I closed without saving the first time because the phone rang and I forgot I hadn't saved when I came back.
Hmmm. Perhaps it is because I keep my browser security settings locked down so tight. Husband always
complains about that when he uses my rig. Will check when I get home.
Dimwitted Dunce
Posts: 162
Re: EAxis house of Phail: May 09
Reply #44 on:
2009 May 05, 19:55:32 »
Quote from: BattyCoda on 2009 May 05, 14:21:45
Quote from: chobeegal on 2009 May 05, 01:38:01
Quote from: BattyCoda on 2009 May 04, 23:45:45
...esnips requires sign up.
I had no problem downloading without having to sign up. In fact I downloaded it twice because I closed without saving the first time because the phone rang and I forgot I hadn't saved when I came back.
Hmmm. Perhaps it is because I keep my browser security settings locked down so tight. Husband always
complains about that when he uses my rig. Will check when I get home.
If you still can't get it to work (I just checked the link and it worked for me so I'm not sure how to help you), I can try and host it somewhere else (hmm, I think I have another spot I use for sims stuff. . .I'll have to look that up).
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Posts: 2996
warm n jiggly
Re: EAxis house of Phail: May 09
Reply #45 on:
2009 May 05, 20:02:50 »
I can also host houses on my site.
[19:30] <sooze> YAY BFFs
[19:30] <sooze> Bestest Foes Forever
Ferret Impersonator
Terrible Twerp
Posts: 2408
Re: EAxis house of Phail: May 09
Reply #46 on:
2009 May 05, 20:29:37 »
I've been lurking in these threads a long time, I really love what you guys do with the Maxis houses, the Curious Bro's house was probably my favourite.
I did start work on this one, though if I ever finish it is another matter. I only recently arrquired Mansion and Garden stuff so I was playing with the new roofs (which annoyingly appear to not really be roofs, but objects which don't go away if you put the walls down, though I'm probably doing it wrong). I had in mind the lot belonging to a good witch and a bad witch, with epic battles on the opposing balconies a la Sims 1. I've only done the outside, not windowed the whole thing yet, mostly just exploring the roofs.
I extended the front foundations, not sure about the porch yet, might scrap it.
A proud thread pirate.
Dimwitted Dunce
Posts: 158
Re: EAxis house of Phail: May 09
Reply #47 on:
2009 May 05, 23:07:47 »
Uhm, I like it, Trubble. I love an interesting roof and balconies!
Posts: 6420
Son of Perdition
Re: EAxis house of Phail: May 09
Reply #48 on:
2009 May 06, 01:34:49 »
Yes, indeed, Trubble. Looks very Terry Gilliam-esque. I half expect a giant hedgehog to jump up from behind them and growl, "Dinsdale!" I think it's the roof shape. Anyhow, a fine idea. I like the bottomless chasm particularly. For is it not written, "Doesn't everyone want a bottomless pit?"
Tribulatio proxima est
Exasperating Eyesore
Posts: 206
And there shall be blood!
Re: EAxis house of Phail: May 09
Reply #49 on:
2009 May 06, 06:09:02 »
Here is what I came up with for this. Actually it is my second effort. I realized I absolutely hated my first attempt after I got it done, so I nuked it into cyber oblivian. I like this though, but I did use some CC in building it the way I really liked best so I am posting two versions; one with the CC (which is in the pics) included and one clean version. I have
EPs and SPs installed and no idea what I might have used from which of them. I just kind of went with a
theme that might have been more appropriate for a month and a half ago.
Oh, well so what...Kiss Me, I'm Irish!
Second Floor
Ground Floor
Last Edit: 2009 May 08, 03:27:02 by chobeegal
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