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Author Topic: Kid's error after school on Driveway  (Read 11188 times)
Querulous Quidnunc
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Kid's error after school on Driveway
« on: 2009 March 22, 22:41:51 »

Most of my kids get off the bus and put away their homework without problems. But sometimes the game will choose one kid to walk onto the driveway after school.  Once that happens, that same kid will always walk to the driveway when getting off of the bus. When they hit the driveway, I get this error. Reset makes everyone lose their homework and brings home any kids that are still at school.
« Last Edit: 2009 March 24, 22:13:54 by J. M. Pescado » Logged

Running: Sims2, University, Nightlife, OFB, Pets, Seasons, BV, FT and AL
Axe Murderer
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Re: Kid's error after school on Driveway
« Reply #1 on: 2009 March 24, 15:55:20 »

Try this fix: Fix - All Games, Get Parents.

It's the global function that finds the parents on the lot.  It never worked very well to begin with.  EA tried to improve it in AL and borked it even worse.  So your kid is thinking that it is the spawn of driveway and wanting to do the A+ cheer with it.

There's another issue I noticed in your log too that I'd be concerned about.  There are about 40ish pregnancy controllers!  That doesn't look normal to me  Undecided

Querulous Quidnunc
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Re: Kid's error after school on Driveway
« Reply #2 on: 2009 March 24, 21:02:05 »

Thank you so much for taking time to make a fix. So one kid thinks the driveway is her parent? Come to think of it, this child is an orphan. So was her mother, and her grandmother, who were the other 2 Sims that consistently errored. Actually, their mothers, who lived in the house, died and their fathers were townies. Each time, the kid remained in the house and were raised by their relatives. All genealogy charts are correct. Thinking back, each of these kids had no errors until after their mom died.

As to the pregnancy controllers, I'm assuming that they should be deleted when a pregnancy ends, so yes 40 controllers is wrong. This hood was made from a clean, empty template. There are only two houses. One is mine and the other is played by my daughter. She wanted us to write an intertwined story. We agreed to legacy type play to keep this from dragging on forever. This hood is on generation 4 and no unawesome things have been done, so there should be little to no corruption.

As 12's tend to do, she over-spawns. Her founder had 14 kids and her lot has 2 current pregnancies. I only have one or two kids per generation and no current pregnancies. I have nothing concerning pregnancy in my mods other than TwoJeff's quads and trips. Wait. recently I traded off Smonoff's mod (females get alien pregnant instead of males) for the one by Rufio which does the same but includes dance sphere abductions.  My daughter did have an alien pregnancy via telescope. Should I ask Rufio to look at that part of her mod or am I barking up the wrong tree?

Thanks again for the fix. Hopefully, I will have time to try it out this evening.

ETA: I clicked the download link after I wrote the post. I didn't realize that you were completely aware of the problem being related to dead parents.

Running: Sims2, University, Nightlife, OFB, Pets, Seasons, BV, FT and AL
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Re: Kid's error after school on Driveway
« Reply #3 on: 2009 March 24, 23:00:32 »

Well, I didn't change anything about the dance sphere abduction BHAV other than to remove the part that checked the sim's gender - I'm not on a computer with SimPE on it right now, but IIRC it just calls something called "Make Pregnant" with the ID of the PT and I didn't do anything to that one.

Tuna, does this child-thinking-their-parent-is-the-driveway have anything to do with an error I've gotten in the past where the wants controller seems to be trying to figure out if a sim has a spawn with/is related to an inanimate object, like a light, or the driveway, or a piece of apple pie?  In my extendedfamily hack I overwrote the BHAV that is called by the wants controller to find out if two sims are related, and it kept barfing on the call to Verify - Neighbor ID, where the value being passed was an inanimate object.  I eventually just "fixed" it by rewriting the BHAV that was calling it to call the relationship primitive instead, and I don't think I've had that error since.

I was thinking about these things and I am a feminist.

Axe Murderer
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Re: Kid's error after school on Driveway
« Reply #4 on: 2009 March 25, 17:38:29 »

@magicmoon, I'd guess at a hack conflict as there seemed to be a bunch of the controllers with consecutive ID's.  So most of them are probably just idling waiting to be initialised.  I'd keep an eye on them.  I doubt it's anything to do with rufio's hack if it doesn't show in the HCDU.

... and it kept barfing on the call to Verify - Neighbor ID, where the value being passed was an inanimate object.

That would be a bug yes.  I just looked and didn't spot anything like that your mod or the EA BHAVs.
Are you sure it was an Object ID being passed and not a Neighbor ID?

The wants controller didn't call the BHAV I fixed, so that's not related.

Uncouth Undesirable
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Re: Kid's error after school on Driveway
« Reply #5 on: 2009 March 25, 20:06:21 »

Well, regarding pregnancy controllers:  I looked at my mod again, and there is a line in the abduction-by-telescope BHAV that creates a pregnancy controller that isn't in the abduction-by-dance-sphere BHAV, but this is also in the EA AL BHAV, as well as the Seasons, Pets, and OFB one (and probably earlier, but I didn't check).  So if it's a bug, it's an EA bug.  I don't know whether its a bug, so I'm not going to try and fix it.

Tuna - looking back through the logs, I seem to be misremembering, or else there were multiple errors and I only remembered some of them.  I've attached some examples, if you can make more sense of them than I did.  These ones seem to indeed be from the Get Parents BHAV, although the problem is the input; Node 2 of GGAuntUncle etc. BHAV is calling Get Parents with Param 0, which in that error seems to refer to something called "Memory - Family - Birth", while Param 1 is a driveway; Node 5 of the Second Cousins BHAV is calling Get Parents for Param 1, which appears to be "Window - Four Tile Wide Atrium 0,0,1".  Basically, the Rel - NID A and NID B Related - T[0] BHAV used to just call the Relationship primitive, but when I overwrote it to have it call BHAVs that called Get Parents, it would throw errors like this.  I eventually just rewrote the Has a Child? BHAV to call the Relationship primitive directly, since it was really just determining whether the sim had a child, and didn't need my cousin-calculating BHAVs for that anyway.

I was thinking about these things and I am a feminist.

Axe Murderer
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Re: Kid's error after school on Driveway
« Reply #6 on: 2009 March 26, 06:10:10 »

Ah right, yeah ignore what the log says about the object names Smiley

The "Has a child?" BHAV cycles over all the nID's in your hood, and uses the Stack Object to store the number.  So as long as there other BHAV's that it is passed to actually treat it as an nID then that's fine.  When an error occurs then there's no way for the engine to tell what the number in the SO is refering to.  There are no 'variable types' in simantics, so it assumes that it is an object ID as that is normally what it holds most of the time.

These logs are 'Too many iterations' errors.  Basically just taking too long and will be terminated at a random point in the code.
To make sense of them you'd need to take the numbers in the SO, and then look at those characters in your hood to find out why they confuse your code (and possibly send it into an endless loop).

Editing 'Has a Child?'... yeah good thing efficiency wise as you say Smiley [**]

/pedantic mode on
You have bypassed the Verify Neighbour call though, so it might be worth putting that back.
That filters out Sims with an invalid age, and there are a few of those in in the EA Pleasantview hood and maybe elsewhere. SimPE shows them as 'Unknown" potatoheads.
It's very unlikely that they'd also return true as a child, but I've coded in places where 'very unlikely' is not acceptable and should always be changed to 'never'.

Querulous Quidnunc
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Re: Kid's error after school on Driveway
« Reply #7 on: 2009 March 26, 19:23:21 »

I'm trying to track down the pregnancy controller problem. I last played a few days ago. Error logs from that session show over 100 pregnancy controllers on my lot, none on comm lots. My daughter played last night. Her error logs show 1 pregnancy controller, which would be correct as she has one pregnant Sim.  No one is pregnant on my lot, not even a pet. Error logs from before this time have already been deleted so aren't available for comparison.

Could it be a corrupt lot? Corrupt play session? If a mod is causing it, wouldn't it be consistent across lots? If not, what could cause this type of discrepancy? Could I have done something different on my lot to set off such a chain of controllers? My lot had the first pregnancy that occurred in the hood. It was her lot that had the alien pregnancy, not mine where the excess controllers are showing up.

A more thorough inspection of my mods did reveal one other hack that touches pregnancy controllers. That is fwiffo's mod that chooses from 4 alien fathers instead of always using the default one. It shouldn't conflict with Rufio's as it didn't conflict with Smonoff's and doesn't show up in HCDU. Plus again, the excess controllers are on the lot where no alien abductions have ever happened.

I need to understand this better to track down what is causing it since HCDU isn't showing a problem.

Running: Sims2, University, Nightlife, OFB, Pets, Seasons, BV, FT and AL
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Re: Kid's error after school on Driveway
« Reply #8 on: 2009 March 26, 19:53:23 »

Ah right, yeah ignore what the log says about the object names Smiley

The "Has a child?" BHAV cycles over all the nID's in your hood, and uses the Stack Object to store the number.  So as long as there other BHAV's that it is passed to actually treat it as an nID then that's fine.  When an error occurs then there's no way for the engine to tell what the number in the SO is refering to.  There are no 'variable types' in simantics, so it assumes that it is an object ID as that is normally what it holds most of the time.

Ok, so when a sim is listed as the Stack Object in an error log, it's because the SO ID is the sim's object ID (rather than the sim's NID)?  And I'm guessing that setting the SO to an NID and then trying to access "Stack Object's person data..." will not work, right - because you have to set it to the sim's Object ID?

These logs are 'Too many iterations' errors.  Basically just taking too long and will be terminated at a random point in the code.

Yeah, that's the other thing that doesn't make sense to me, since the value listed for "Iterations" is always low, and there's nothing in any of the BHAVs called that would seem to make a loop, unless it's Set to Next that's taking too long, but that's a primitive.  Or is it just that the calls to the extended family BHAVs inside the Set to Next loop is taking too long?  I don't think I actually call Set to Next in any of those BHAVs, although they do call Get Parents, which I believe calls Set to Next.  Would that be problematic?

You have bypassed the Verify Neighbour call though, so it might be worth putting that back.
That filters out Sims with an invalid age, and there are a few of those in in the EA Pleasantview hood and maybe elsewhere. SimPE shows them as 'Unknown" potatoheads.
It's very unlikely that they'd also return true as a child, but I've coded in places where 'very unlikely' is not acceptable and should always be changed to 'never'.

Ahh, ok.  I thought that that just verified that the number in the SO referred to a valid NID, and that if I Set to Next'd the SO to a neighbor ID, there wouldn't be any reason to verify it.  I'll add that in.  By "invalid age" do you mean they have their lifestage set to something other than baby/toddler/child/teen/adult/elder?

I was thinking about these things and I am a feminist.

Axe Murderer
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Re: Kid's error after school on Driveway
« Reply #9 on: 2009 March 27, 05:20:15 »

I need to understand this better to track down what is causing it since HCDU isn't showing a problem.

I don't envy you in that task.  I'd wave the logs under the noses of some modders more intimate with the pregnancy code Smiley

Ok, so when a sim is listed as the Stack Object in an error log, it's because the SO ID is the sim's object ID (rather than the sim's NID)?  And I'm guessing that setting the SO to an NID and then trying to access "Stack Object's person data..." will not work, right - because you have to set it to the sim's Object ID?

Yep Smiley
If you want the person data from an nID, then use "Neighbors person data", unless the sim is on the lot.

<snip>the value listed for "Iterations" is always low..
<snip>although they do call Get Parents...

Weird.  Yeah two of those logs show 0 Interations as too much!  I didn't notice that.
Still, to make sense of them you'd be better off looking at the character to see what it contains that could cause this.
Also, as geneology algorithms tend to be headfucks, it would be worth labeling your new globals.  Use the 'labels' button in SimPE (Special buttons).

The Get Parents call is to the NID's gobal (0x337), not the one that was broken that was for Obj ID's (0x1E0).  Yeah it does use Set To Next.
I did look at that one too to see if it needed fixing, but it's fine.
Just be aware though that if it returns true, that does not mean that both parent nID's were found.
T2 will be a valid parent, T3 will be 0 if there was no second parent.

By "invalid age" do you mean they have their lifestage set to something other than baby/toddler/child/teen/adult/elder?

Yep, their age field was 0.  I've no frigging idea who they are or what they do.

J. M. Pescado
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Re: Kid's error after school on Driveway
« Reply #10 on: 2009 March 27, 06:20:18 »

The iteration count in a Too Many Iterations error will be totally wrong if it's being run as a check tree or "instant" action tree.

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Re: Kid's error after school on Driveway
« Reply #11 on: 2009 March 27, 16:45:59 »

Also, as geneology algorithms tend to be headfucks, it would be worth labeling your new globals.  Use the 'labels' button in SimPE (Special buttons).

These ones actually weren't that bad - they basically boiled down to:
1st cousins once removed: is Sim A's parent Sim B's cousin (or vice versa)
2nd cousins: is Sim A's parent Sim B's parent's cousin?
GGParents/Children: is Sim A's parent Sim B's grandchild (or vice versa)
GGAunt/Niece: is Sim A's parent Sim B's niece (or vice versa)
At most there were 4 local variables, for the NIDs of the parents of both sims.

Just be aware though that if it returns true, that does not mean that both parent nID's were found.
T2 will be a valid parent, T3 will be 0 if there was no second parent.

Well, I did do a Verify NID check for every value returned from Get Parents, so that should catch that too, right?

The iteration count in a Too Many Iterations error will be totally wrong if it's being run as a check tree or "instant" action tree.

Like the "Run Tree by Name" calls?  Is that how the wants controller does it?

I was thinking about these things and I am a feminist.

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