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foundation swap (idea, not actual contest)
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Topic: foundation swap (idea, not actual contest) (Read 66291 times)
Uncouth Undesirable
Posts: 3030
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Re: foundation swap (idea, not actual contest)
Reply #25 on:
2009 March 22, 03:27:04 »
Well, those pieces of foundation are close enough to each other so that you could have an uninterrupted second story without gaps in some places, like, for example, the D/E area.
Quote from: Tsenatserix on 2010 December 08, 08:01:19
I was thinking about these things and I am a feminist.
Knuckleheaded Knob
Posts: 580
Re: foundation swap (idea, not actual contest)
Reply #26 on:
2009 March 22, 05:17:47 »
Quote from: rufio on 2009 March 22, 03:27:04
Well, those pieces of foundation are close enough to each other so that you could have an uninterrupted second story without gaps in some places, like, for example, the D/E area.
Yeah, I was going to say, "Surely, you can figure out where to put a double bed? " You can float tiles in the air around a foundation without any sort of cheat whatsoever.
Although not having a bed at all and keeping the house almost all narrow walkway would be pretty fun. Emma and Goopy would fall asleep standing up.
J. M. Pescado
Fat Obstreperous Jerk
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Re: foundation swap (idea, not actual contest)
Reply #27 on:
2009 March 22, 05:21:06 »
The D, the A, and the O are all easily big enough that you can put a double bed and still keep the superstructure of DEATH TO EMMA intact. Preserving the DEATH TO EMMA is, of course, a trick left up to you: It's easily possible to construct something that will blot out EMMA DEATH, but that loses out.
Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I cannot accept, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of those I had to kill because they pissed me off.
Nitwitted Nuisance
Posts: 884
Strangelet watches Star Wars with an iPhone. Geek.
Re: foundation swap (idea, not actual contest)
Reply #28 on:
2009 March 22, 07:07:17 »
Greh.. It looks like I'll have at least a week's worth of non-intarwebz time to dedicate to working on these. We were supposed to be in Future Bunker by now (we signed off on the tenth with "you'll be in by the 13th!" promises) so intarwebz were supposed to be transfered on the 22nd. We're still here, so the new service doesn't go on in the other house. Bah.
Ah, well.. I can get more work done on rebuilding my long-ignored hood and make work on these foundations. I'll lock my office on the way out.
Jelendra: Welcome to the dark side. We have Eric. [True Blood Thread]
[14:26] notovny: Indeed. Pepperidge Farm Breakfast Kittens are delicious.
Om-Nom-Nomed as Throat of #grah 08.07.08
Feckless Fool
Posts: 293
Re: foundation swap (idea, not actual contest)
Reply #29 on:
2009 March 22, 15:10:55 »
Quote from: J. M. Pescado on 2009 March 21, 16:01:02
I dare you to build something on THIS foundation.
DEATH TO EMMA Apartments. Tiny, cheap, and so cramped you could DIE. Rent (furnished of course!) is between 2904-6376 + 375-697 per week. Community area has tv, computers, skilling items, and bathrooms for guests (I do not suggest having many guests in your tiny apartment). I have all EPs and SPs. Easily converted into a deathtrap. (Also they are dark. Because I forgot lights. Whoops.)
Death to Emma Apartments!
(right-click, save-as)
Residential Version
(In case you want to make changes, such as adding the apartment mailbox. I never do because it works without them, lol. It's not like the landlord NOTICES your rent isn't being paid.)
And then, because I already made it and might as well share,
to build your own!
"If at first you don't succeed, try again. Then quit. No use being a damn fool about it."
- WC Fields
Retarded Reprobate
Posts: 1386
Re: foundation swap (idea, not actual contest)
Reply #30 on:
2009 March 22, 16:56:07 »
heh that rocks
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 7
have no picture, nor space for a thousand words
Re: foundation swap (idea, not actual contest)
Reply #31 on:
2009 March 22, 17:17:29 »
Brilliant, damn sight more interesting than any apartments that came with the game, and probably more playable. I will download now.
Dimwitted Dunce
Posts: 150
ENFJ. whupz.
Re: foundation swap (idea, not actual contest)
Reply #32 on:
2009 March 23, 10:14:15 »
I've built a house on the foundation that I posted. Please note that it was built and furnished with full EPs and SPs. I won't be remaking this one, however. It's not my best work, but I think that it's still presentable.
There is no CC present in this house, but it lacks 'decorative touches' such as sculpture or paintings.
Download Adelaide Manor
Constructive feedback is welcomed.
<Kewian> I was desperate.
Quote from: jeromycraig on 2011 September 18, 10:25:27
Silly Wyn! He fucks the farm animals, they don't fuck him! That would just be weird!
Nitwitted Nuisance
Posts: 884
Strangelet watches Star Wars with an iPhone. Geek.
Re: foundation swap (idea, not actual contest)
Reply #33 on:
2009 March 23, 12:15:07 »
Wyn, I snagged a copy. I know just the sim to move into that particular lot, once I've got all the EPs. It's exactly the sort of place a family friend of ours would dream of living in.
Jelendra: Welcome to the dark side. We have Eric. [True Blood Thread]
[14:26] notovny: Indeed. Pepperidge Farm Breakfast Kittens are delicious.
Om-Nom-Nomed as Throat of #grah 08.07.08
Dimwitted Dunce
Posts: 150
ENFJ. whupz.
Re: foundation swap (idea, not actual contest)
Reply #34 on:
2009 March 23, 12:23:12 »
Quote from: Strangel on 2009 March 23, 12:15:07
Wyn, I snagged a copy. I know just the sim to move into that particular lot, once I've got all the EPs. It's exactly the sort of place a family friend of ours would dream of living in.
I think that the house is substantially less awesome than it appears, but fly at 'er.
If even one person likes it, it was worth the effort. I hope it requires very little remodelling. Also, I'd very much recommend SmarterLights from MTS2, by Numenor. It does wonderful things for this house, and even better - no conflicts with Pescado's AL Director's Cut.
I'm looking for something to do tomorrow night, so I hope someone uploads a non-"Death To Emma" foundation.
<Kewian> I was desperate.
Quote from: jeromycraig on 2011 September 18, 10:25:27
Silly Wyn! He fucks the farm animals, they don't fuck him! That would just be weird!
Nitwitted Nuisance
Posts: 884
Strangelet watches Star Wars with an iPhone. Geek.
Re: foundation swap (idea, not actual contest)
Reply #35 on:
2009 March 23, 13:34:15 »
I'll add one to the list later today, if I still have Internet.
Jelendra: Welcome to the dark side. We have Eric. [True Blood Thread]
[14:26] notovny: Indeed. Pepperidge Farm Breakfast Kittens are delicious.
Om-Nom-Nomed as Throat of #grah 08.07.08
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 20
Re: foundation swap (idea, not actual contest)
Reply #36 on:
2009 March 23, 14:07:51 »
Wyn, eaglezero posted a download link to the Death To Emma foundation about five posts above this.
Sorry, reading comprehension fail on my part.
Death to Emma looked too fun to pass by, so I took a stab at it (nothing personal against Emma). It does not take good pictures, due to the strangeness of the layout. It is not AwesomeSpec at all:
Exterior. Should be obvious that I wasn't aiming for aesthetically pleasing landscaping.
The main bedroom and the greenhouse. There was no room in this place at all for a double bed that would be accessible, so Emma and Goopy will just have to do singles
I love Lucy
Kitchen. No fire alarm for fun fiery goodness.
Nursery and Music/Trophy room.
Room for 12s, the study with desk, and the library.
The Entry halls and Entertainment room. In this picture you can also see the fire jet walkways of doom. The sim I play-tested with died within 12 hours because of those.
The bathroom, which unfortunately is not accessible. So sad. I thought it would be more tortuous to have a bathroom but not be able to reach it.
Full view of the interior layout. "To" in the middle is a deck with telescope, treadmill and chess board.
Made with all expansions and stuff packs. No cc, costs $185, 378, fully furnished throughout. It's available for download on mediafire
, and--just for nekonoai--on 4shared
Edit just for nekonoai
-- the sucker all cleaned out. Some assembly required for playability.
Death to Emma.rar
(632.82 KB - downloaded 571 times.)
Last Edit: 2009 March 27, 15:21:43 by Treble
Goopy Lover
Dead Member
Posts: 6109
All Pescados Suck.
Re: foundation swap (idea, not actual contest)
Reply #37 on:
2009 March 23, 20:30:35 »
Wyn, I'll upload a foundation tomorrow, promise. I just haven't had much computer time, I've had fun (!) putting together flat-pack furniture this weekend. Oh and I went to see Marley and Me. Yeah, I cried buckets.
Illusions of Grandeur
Laverwinkle Sims
Nitwitted Nuisance
Posts: 884
Strangelet watches Star Wars with an iPhone. Geek.
Re: foundation swap (idea, not actual contest)
Reply #38 on:
2009 March 24, 03:01:09 »
Flat edged lot, all EPs and SPs up to Seasons/Glamour Life.
Jelendra: Welcome to the dark side. We have Eric. [True Blood Thread]
[14:26] notovny: Indeed. Pepperidge Farm Breakfast Kittens are delicious.
Om-Nom-Nomed as Throat of #grah 08.07.08
Exasperating Eyesore
Posts: 206
And there shall be blood!
Re: foundation swap (idea, not actual contest)
Reply #39 on:
2009 March 24, 09:05:28 »
I am posting this one that I made for fun in my own game as a response to Pes.
I do so only with Emma's permission and blessing as she also intends posting her own one later.
I hope y'all enjoy!
(259.43 KB - downloaded 558 times.)
Dimwitted Dunce
Posts: 150
ENFJ. whupz.
Re: foundation swap (idea, not actual contest)
Reply #40 on:
2009 March 24, 10:44:27 »
Quote from: Strangel on 2009 March 24, 03:01:09
Flat edged lot, all EPs and SPs up to Seasons/Glamour Life.
Welcome to
Jericho Lodge
- a wonderful home for those well-to-do people wishing for a vacation in the mountains, or simply wanting to have a mini-vacation every day. For just over $130,000, this home can be yours. It has four bedrooms and one and a half baths. Any one of the bedrooms is capable of being turned into a home office, including the guest bedroom located next to the dining room. The majority of the house has been left relatively undecorated to permit the creativity and personality of the new owner shine forth.
Requires all EPs/SPs. MaryLou's extended "Independent Expressions" set from MTS2 is used, but items used are included in the lot.
Obtain the extended set:
Constructive criticism appreciated.
<Kewian> I was desperate.
Quote from: jeromycraig on 2011 September 18, 10:25:27
Silly Wyn! He fucks the farm animals, they don't fuck him! That would just be weird!
Nitwitted Nuisance
Posts: 884
Strangelet watches Star Wars with an iPhone. Geek.
Re: foundation swap (idea, not actual contest)
Reply #41 on:
2009 March 24, 11:39:58 »
Spifftastic on Jericho Lodge.. I downloaded it for future vacation lots. I especially like the kitchen and bathrooms. I MUST learn how you decide internal walls. It always comes off interesting and stylish, unlike my general internals.. boxes within boxes or an entirely open floor plan. lol
Jelendra: Welcome to the dark side. We have Eric. [True Blood Thread]
[14:26] notovny: Indeed. Pepperidge Farm Breakfast Kittens are delicious.
Om-Nom-Nomed as Throat of #grah 08.07.08
Retarded Reprobate
Posts: 1448
Hell yeah.
Re: foundation swap (idea, not actual contest)
Reply #42 on:
2009 March 24, 12:10:33 »
Treble, will you please attach it to MATY instead of using mediafire?
Some of us can't get to mediafire. xD
Exasperating Eyesore
Posts: 206
And there shall be blood!
Re: foundation swap (idea, not actual contest)
Reply #43 on:
2009 March 24, 16:41:35 »
Quote from: nekonoai on 2009 March 24, 12:10:33
Treble, will you please attach it to MATY instead of using mediafire?
Some of us can't get to mediafire. xD
The 792.68 KB .rar attachment is too large for them to put on MATY.
Retarded Reprobate
Posts: 1448
Hell yeah.
Re: foundation swap (idea, not actual contest)
Reply #44 on:
2009 March 24, 17:52:14 »
Well, clean the sucker out. WTF?
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 20
Re: foundation swap (idea, not actual contest)
Reply #45 on:
2009 March 24, 18:03:16 »
I've just modified the post. Can you get to 4shared? If not, I suppose I could upload an unfurnished version, but it won't be until tomorrow. I really didn't think anyone would be that interested in downloading it since the tiny hallway-like living spaces will cause sim traffic jams from hell, so actually playing the thing will be the most tortuous part about it.
And Emma, I really don't hate you.
Nitwitted Nuisance
Posts: 877
Re: foundation swap (idea, not actual contest)
Reply #46 on:
2009 March 25, 23:50:45 »
Damn ya'll are talented. I have to try the Death to Emma lot this weekend. I really like the apartment concept with that one.
High Priestess of The Way of the Son of Perdition
Smackable Punbot
Terrible Twerp
Posts: 2580
Re: foundation swap (idea, not actual contest)
Reply #47 on:
2009 March 27, 08:48:45 »
As per request, here is my entry:
I have all EPs and SPs except for Ikea.
Not to Scale by Aggie.Sims2Pack
(474.12 KB - downloaded 578 times.)
Last Edit: 2009 March 27, 08:54:35 by Aggie
Quote from: Esoteric PolarBear
"I don't believe in the edit button; it goes against the very core of my being."
Goopy Lover
Dead Member
Posts: 6109
All Pescados Suck.
Re: foundation swap (idea, not actual contest)
Reply #48 on:
2009 March 27, 08:52:16 »
Those are some really tiny bollocks in comparison to the peen.
Illusions of Grandeur
Laverwinkle Sims
Dimwitted Dunce
Posts: 150
ENFJ. whupz.
Re: foundation swap (idea, not actual contest)
Reply #49 on:
2009 March 27, 09:03:28 »
Quote from: Emma on 2009 March 27, 08:52:16
Those are some really tiny bollocks in comparison to the peen.
Maybe it's simply an extremely long and thick penis.
<Kewian> I was desperate.
Quote from: jeromycraig on 2011 September 18, 10:25:27
Silly Wyn! He fucks the farm animals, they don't fuck him! That would just be weird!
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