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Topic: Sustainably Simming (Read 40490 times)
Furry Lover
Obtuse Oaf
Posts: 949
Re: Sustainably Simming
Reply #25 on:
2009 March 28, 15:37:57 »
Or, since this challenge is specifically allowing plant sims, you simply make your founder a plant sim and have them make a plantbaby. Plant sims don't have to eat and, if you have more than one, neither does anyone else on the lot. If you have two adult plant sims use Spores of Happiness (avaliable whenever they're in a really good mood, which isn't hard to do thanks to their three simple needs) on eachother, the result is a net increase in mood unless the bar was already fuller than the automatic penalty applied when they're done spouting off spores. If you have more than two it only enhances the effect. Any non-plant sims simply need to stand around the same area while they're doing this to meet all their needs. Therefore no food is actually required in this challenge aside from enough to last first sim until they turn into a plant sim and, therefore, this challenge cannot be challenging until plantsims are specifically not allowed.
All generalizations are false, including this one.
Insanity Prelude
Juvenile Jackass
Posts: 488
Re: Sustainably Simming
Reply #26 on:
2009 March 29, 20:38:18 »
Quote from: nekonoai on 2009 March 17, 14:39:22
\I'm playing a stricter, more end of the world, incestuous clowncar now. No electrics. No indoor plumbing. Only an empty pantry. Gas stove. Fish'n hole. No schoolin', cept what you learns at home (locked gate keeps them in and the pesky world out). Marry yer sister, etc. It's quite fun, actually. LOL
I don't think I've heard of a hack that allows incest.
Dead Member
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Re: Sustainably Simming
Reply #27 on:
2009 March 29, 21:43:49 »
Quote from: Insanity Prelude on 2009 March 29, 20:38:18
I don't think I've heard of a hack that allows incest.
Try this:,8196.0.html
Quote from: J. M. Pescado on 2009 June 27, 05:06:07
I don't think this level of hostility is necessary
Irritating Ignoramus
Posts: 449
Re: Sustainably Simming
Reply #28 on:
2009 April 22, 20:40:51 »
You should allow limited electronics if you have the windmill or solar panels from M&G. I don't know, 1 per solar panel. 3 per windmill. You decide.
"Of course I'm alright! But supposing I wasn't alright! I mean, this thing makes me feel in such a way that I'd be very worried if I felt like that about somebody else feeling like this about that. Do you understand?"
Blathering Buffoon
Posts: 50
Re: Sustainably Simming
Reply #29 on:
2009 April 23, 06:01:08 »
Quote from: Insanity Prelude on 2009 March 29, 20:38:18
Quote from: nekonoai on 2009 March 17, 14:39:22
\I'm playing a stricter, more end of the world, incestuous clowncar now. No electrics. No indoor plumbing. Only an empty pantry. Gas stove. Fish'n hole. No schoolin', cept what you learns at home (locked gate keeps them in and the pesky world out). Marry yer sister, etc. It's quite fun, actually. LOL
I don't think I've heard of a hack that allows incest.
Closer Family
from MTS2 tries to do this, but it's non-awesome, because it won't let you fall in love with your siblings, and the Pleasant sisters, for instance, will reject WooHoo attempts because they are friends/best friends only. hunter240x's Orgy Rug and Sinful Shower could be optioned not to check for family ties.
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 20
Re: Sustainably Simming
Reply #30 on:
2009 April 23, 08:46:50 »
Closer Family at MTS is no longer supported and hasn't been updated since OFB. There is no guarantee that it will work with all the expansions that have been released since then, let alone whether it will work nicely with other romance mods that
been updated for recent expansions, like ACR and Jenflower's Woohoo Teens. To put that mod in one's game at this point would be just asking for BFBVFS.
Exasperating Eyesore
Posts: 226
Re: Sustainably Simming
Reply #31 on:
2009 April 23, 14:49:42 »
Well considering that family relations would probably end in VBT for your game you could just remove the no random love hacks and have your sims use a tent or finger print device. Both of which have ended up with siblings in my game falling in love informing me that I hadn't updated hacks for a while.
Blathering Buffoon
Posts: 50
Re: Sustainably Simming
Reply #32 on:
2009 April 24, 23:58:51 »
Quote from: Treble on 2009 April 23, 08:46:50
Closer Family at MTS is no longer supported and hasn't been updated since OFB. There is no guarantee that it will work with all the expansions that have been released since then, let alone whether it will work nicely with other romance mods that
been updated for recent expansions, like ACR and Jenflower's Woohoo Teens. To put that mod in one's game at this point would be just asking for BFBVFS.
Oh shit.
*runs to remove Closer Family from Downloads folder*
HDCU hadn't reported any hack conflicts, but I know that isn't an end-all to everything.
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 20
Re: Sustainably Simming
Reply #33 on:
2009 April 26, 08:48:10 »
Well, if your game is playing happily with Closer Family, it's no skin off my nose if you don't take it out. It was just a warning, really, and you probably shouldn't advise people to use years out-of-date hacks without some kind of warning about potential game damage.
Closer Family was the only hack of its kind, that I know of, and I do wish someone with adequate knowledge of game modding would update it. The Wedding of Convenience is good for what it does, but it still requires marriage for romantic interactions between relatives.
Uncouth Undesirable
Posts: 3030
More Nonstandard Than You
Re: Sustainably Simming
Reply #34 on:
2009 April 26, 20:36:35 »
Well, it might be possible to make an incest hack by just modding various family-checking BHAVs to always return false - at least I know it's possible to recognize more people as family by having them return true in additional cases.
ETA: I made an incest hack by basically just having all the Are We Family? BHAVs return false 100% of the time. It seems to work as expected, with romantic interactions available for everyone; I started testing it, got creeped out, and had to stop (yes, I know they're just pixels). Not compatible with my other family hacks. You may experience wants weirdnesses related to family relationships.
(1.18 KB - downloaded 682 times.)
Last Edit: 2009 April 26, 21:11:21 by rufio
Quote from: Tsenatserix on 2010 December 08, 08:01:19
I was thinking about these things and I am a feminist.
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 20
Re: Sustainably Simming
Reply #35 on:
2009 April 27, 10:43:06 »
Cool, thanks rufio, it was nice of you to do this. I know you're busy with all the other hacks you've been posting. I will try it out right away.
As for the creepiness of it, I always though that's why no one updated it for recent expansions. Definitely not everyone's cup of tea, even if they are just pixels.
Retarded Reprobate
Posts: 1389
Lost in Middle-earth
Re: Sustainably Simming
Reply #36 on:
2009 April 27, 20:35:25 »
Quote from: parrot on 2009 April 22, 20:40:51
You should allow limited electronics if you have the windmill or solar panels from M&G. I don't know, 1 per solar panel. 3 per windmill. You decide.
I agree with this idea, it would make sense.
Also, Plantsims are impossible without sunlamps, so I won't be having any Plantsims around if I can avoid it.
Telephones do not require electricity to function, so I do not see the rationale behind not allowing them. (Maybe because I have many childhood memories of going places where there was no electricity, but inevitably there was a "party-line" telephone in even the remotest spot.)
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