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Author Topic: Miscellaneous hacks by rufio [New 12/24/11: New job hacks and inlaws fix update]  (Read 107132 times)
Nitwitted Nuisance
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Re: Miscellaneous hacks by rufio [New 1/7/2011: NoLTAPermaplat and NoAutoFishing]
« Reply #75 on: 2011 February 07, 23:58:05 »

I love the family fix hack you have here--bummer that it conflicts with Inteen, which I can't, won't live without.  It isn't the first time I've had to choose inteen instead of a shiny new hack I fallen for.  D--- you Inteen for being so freaking amazing!  And so conflicting!!  Anyway, thanks for everything--the hacks look amazing.  I may have to try out the buyable novel and the bookshelf fix.   Cheesy

Seriously, the Inteenimater is a buggy piece of shit that conflicts with everything because it does far more than it needs to, and it's terribly written besides.  Please TRY to abandon it.  Pretty much anything USEFUL conflicts with it unless the modder bends over backward so it doesn't.

"Terminate the erroneous data" is an awesome euphemism for an abortion.
Grammar Police
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Re: Miscellaneous hacks by rufio [New 1/7/2011: NoLTAPermaplat and NoAutoFishing]
« Reply #76 on: 2011 February 08, 01:44:26 »

I love the family fix hack you have here--bummer that it conflicts with Inteen, which I can't, won't live without.  It isn't the first time I've had to choose inteen instead of a shiny new hack I fallen for.  D--- you Inteen for being so freaking amazing!  And so conflicting!!  Anyway, thanks for everything--the hacks look amazing.  I may have to try out the buyable novel and the bookshelf fix.   Cheesy

Did you seriously edit out the word "damn"?  Are you fucking six?  Do you have an elderly spinster aunt who reads all your internet postings and gets The Vapors when you use "salty" language?

<soozelwoozel>  Remember the days when jezzer used to have adorable pictures of ratties holding teddy bears as his avatar? Now it\\\'s all eyeless cave vagina spiders and despair.
Asinine Airhead

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Re: Miscellaneous hacks by rufio [New 1/7/2011: NoLTAPermaplat and NoAutoFishing]
« Reply #77 on: 2011 February 10, 03:00:06 »

More or less. She uses Inteen and "can't, won't live without it". That says it all.

Thanks a lot for all the detailful info on BHAV. I don't really care so much to keep their motives up as to make them use the guest room. In most cases the Sims invited to stay the night will take a shower and finally go to sleep in the available bed, but others, for some strange reason, won't. I don't have banned any bed, as you have, that's why it has always had me wondering what's wrong, and if there was something I could do to prevent their complains.  But your explanation makes perfect sense:
and as of AL it seems like they will attempt to autonomously seek out beds at certain times of day regardless of actual energy level.  If they are otherwise occupied or distracted, or cannot use beds or find a bed to use or something to foodnap in before their energy gets too low, you get the dialog and they will leave.

Stupid Sims get distracted too often, too easily.
Asinine Airhead

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Re: Miscellaneous hacks by rufio [New 1/7/2011: NoLTAPermaplat and NoAutoFishing]
« Reply #78 on: 2011 February 22, 12:08:34 »

I used the sellablenovels hack, and found out that cloned novels don't appear in sims' inventories. I.e. a sim buys a novel, but it disappears instead of being put in her inventory. Is that intentional, is it how the hack supposed to work?

Also no sims actually pay for bought novels, they ignore the cash register, although it's not that important, but what's the point of selling novels if they don't get put into sims inventories? I hoped to have my playable sims gather cloned custom novels in their households...

P.S. Btw thanx for noPermaPlat, I was forced to cut sims' age durations to avoid them going permaplat previously, and I was forced to never ever teach toddlers to walk\talk\go potty, just to avoid the fast acquisition of LTA milestones. Finally now my sims can afford to raise their toddlers properly Smiley
« Last Edit: 2011 February 22, 12:18:26 by Babahara » Logged
Uncouth Undesirable
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Re: Miscellaneous hacks by rufio [New 1/7/2011: NoLTAPermaplat and NoAutoFishing]
« Reply #79 on: 2011 February 28, 04:26:11 »

I used the sellablenovels hack, and found out that cloned novels don't appear in sims' inventories. I.e. a sim buys a novel, but it disappears instead of being put in her inventory. Is that intentional, is it how the hack supposed to work?

They should go into their inventory, just like any other OFB purchase.  Inventory is not actually accessible while your playable is on a non-owned community lot buying a novel, though, and it won't appear in their inventory at home if they didn't actually pay for it.  Just like with every other OFB purchase.

Also no sims actually pay for bought novels, they ignore the cash register

You have to actually click on the cash register to get them to pay, just like with other OFB purchases.  It's not like clothes, where they just go to the cash register by themselves.

I was thinking about these things and I am a feminist.

Asinine Airhead

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Re: Miscellaneous hacks by rufio [New 1/7/2011: NoLTAPermaplat and NoAutoFishing]
« Reply #80 on: 2011 March 05, 05:30:46 »

They should go into their inventory, just like any other OFB purchase.  Inventory is not actually accessible while your playable is on a non-owned community lot buying a novel, though, and it won't appear in their inventory at home if they didn't actually pay for it.  Just like with every other OFB purchase.
You have to actually click on the cash register to get them to pay, just like with other OFB purchases.  It's not like clothes, where they just go to the cash register by themselves.
Sorry for late reply, I had PC problems and now I still don't have access to the game. Thanx, but I still don't understand, what do you mean that you need to click on the register? You mean your sim needs to click, even though she's selling the novels? It sounds like you're talking of going to a set up community lot with your sim to buy novels of another sim instead, is that how it's supposed to work and not the other way around?

What I tried to do was to set up a business of novel-selling, but all customers ignored the register although they took the novels and they had to be restocked. So in effect they never bought them and never had them in their inventory. When I closed the business, they just headed home.
Uncouth Undesirable
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Re: Miscellaneous hacks by rufio [New 1/7/2011: NoLTAPermaplat and NoAutoFishing]
« Reply #81 on: 2011 March 05, 18:26:35 »

If you're playing the community lot from the business side, they should buy the novels and pay for them automatically when they leave, and it works just fine in my game.  This sounds like a problem with businesses and/or cash registers in your game.  Sims will occasionally walk out of businesses with un-paid-for objects, but it doesn't happen all that often, and they will eventually wander back and pay.

I was thinking about these things and I am a feminist.

Uncouth Undesirable
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Re: Miscellaneous hacks by rufio [New 12/24/11: New job hacks and inlaws fix update]
« Reply #82 on: 2011 December 25, 00:48:38 »

* rufio dusts off year-old thread

Merry Christmas to you, too, Necromancer.

I finally got around to updating InlawsFixNew, which I meant to do ages ago.  Also, a hack to make it easier to hire OFB employees, and a hack to keep townies from being auto-employed by the game.  (I still have future plans for other things for when I get time to work on them.)

I was thinking about these things and I am a feminist.

Asinine Airhead

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Re: Miscellaneous hacks by rufio [New 12/24/11: New job hacks and inlaws fix update]
« Reply #83 on: 2018 February 20, 02:41:33 »

Well this thread is only 9 years old, so I figured it was ok to resurrect it...

Rufio's dropbox files are gone, can anyone please tell me if sellablenovels is around anywhere? Can someone send it to me? I would love to have it in my game for my book store. Thanks!
Asinine Airhead

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Re: Miscellaneous hacks by rufio [New 12/24/11: New job hacks and inlaws fix update]
« Reply #84 on: 2019 April 21, 20:59:34 »

Google it. I found it on the first link. Maybe it wasn't Rufio's, but I think it would do the job just the same.
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