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Correcting the DNA of Strangetown premade characters
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Topic: Correcting the DNA of Strangetown premade characters (Read 307703 times)
Dimwitted Dunce
Posts: 152
Re: Correcting the DNA of Strangetown premade characters
Reply #250 on:
2007 February 27, 16:00:59 »
Ok can someone tell me if I go this right....
I have never played Veronaville but I have all the expansions.
I want to play Veronaville, can I copy the above file now or do I have to uninstall and then just install the base game then put in this file then install the balance of my files??
Thanks for any help.
Lipless Loser
Posts: 659
Re: Correcting the DNA of Strangetown premade characters
Reply #251 on:
2007 February 27, 18:45:51 »
You dont need to uninstall anything. Just replace the original with this one.
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 5
Re: Correcting the DNA of Strangetown premade characters
Reply #252 on:
2008 January 21, 09:37:00 »
I recently restarted my hoods and am fixing the premade characters' DNA using SimPE. I'm having some trouble understanding the Sim DNA options, though, because the format it's shown in is different from what is in the original post in this thread. This is what it looks like now:
Dominant gene:
Recessive gene:
I'm not sure what the difference between Skintone and SkintoneRange is. Which one is dominant/recessive skintone and which one is skintone passed on? According to the original post, P.T.#9's 'skintone passed on' DNA was missing, and in this it would correspond with 'Skintone.' So 'SkintoneRange' is the actual expressed skintone, and the values for both dominant & recessive SkintoneRange would need to be the same? If I wanted to change an in-game Sim's skin color, what would I do?
Sucky Name Person
Whiny Wussy
Posts: 5871
Re: Correcting the DNA of Strangetown premade characters
Reply #253 on:
2008 January 21, 17:37:18 »
Skintone is their actual skintone. This is what you'd change to change their skintone in-game. The skintone range is what would have been inherited from the parents. There is no dominant skintone. If the parents are different skintones, the child can be any skintone between and including the parents' skintones. For example, Dirk is S4,and Lilith is S1. Their children can be any of the four skintones from S1-S4. On the other hand, if Lilith married someone with S2 skintone, their children would be limited to S1 and S2 skintones. For aliens, I think they are dominant, since they are not part of the basic four, kind of like custom skins. You might try searching through this thread or other threads to see how the game handles alien skintones and genetics, since I don't play aliens much and it's been awhile for me.
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 5
Re: Correcting the DNA of Strangetown premade characters
Reply #254 on:
2008 January 21, 22:33:54 »
Thanks, that worked! To test it out, I changed both 'Skintone' values to the alien skintone on Jenny Smith, and when I loaded up the game she had alien skin. But these were the values missing when I first opened her unedited file in SimPE, and correspond to the values that baratron describes in his original post as being 'Skintone passed on.' So 'Skintone'/'Skintone passed on' is basically just what the actual skintone of that Sim is? And both values should be the same, on both the 'Dominant' and 'Recessive' lines as shown in SimPE (although skintone isn't dominant but a blend of the two parents')? What does 'Skintone Range' do then? Does it make a difference what the values of these lines are, on either the Dominant or Recessive lines?
While I was in there, I changed her the Dominant eye color value to that of a custom eye I have in my game, but her eyes remained as the default ones. Is there a way to change an in-game Sim's eye color/choose a custom eye for them? But if she were to have children, they may get that custom eye?
Sucky Name Person
Whiny Wussy
Posts: 5871
Re: Correcting the DNA of Strangetown premade characters
Reply #255 on:
2008 January 22, 06:20:19 »
You'd just put the same thing for dominant and recessive. The dominant doesn't really have any greater effect than the recessive, so must make sure they're the same. I'm not sure that the Skintone range actually does anything. It pretty much just reflects their parents skintones. For CAS sims, these would just be the same as their actual skintone. So you'd be safe just copying the value for their expressed skintone to the field for Skintone Range.
Changing eye colors in-game is a bit more complex. You have to open the individual sim's file and change some data in there. I've done it a long time ago, but I forgot how. I'm sure it's documented somewhere on here. I believe there is a 50% chance her offspring will get the custom eye color though. There are "contacts" that people have made so you can change your sim's eye color in game in the Accessories tab, like glasses. You can also use a graphics program and SimPE to convert your favorite eye color to "contacts" if they aren't already available. Someone has made detailed instructions on this site as well. Sorry I can't give you a direct link, but it should come up if you do a bit of searching.
(BTW, baratron is female.
Blathering Buffoon
Posts: 55
Re: Correcting the DNA of Strangetown premade characters
Reply #256 on:
2008 February 09, 08:18:35 »
Quote from: sindoodoo on 2008 January 21, 09:37:00
I recently restarted my hoods and am fixing the premade characters' DNA using SimPE. I'm having some trouble understanding the Sim DNA options, though, because the format it's shown in is different from what is in the original post in this thread. This is what it looks like now:
Dominant gene:
Recessive gene:
I'm not sure what the difference between Skintone and SkintoneRange is. Which one is dominant/recessive skintone and which one is skintone passed on? According to the original post, P.T.#9's 'skintone passed on' DNA was missing, and in this it would correspond with 'Skintone.' So 'SkintoneRange' is the actual expressed skintone, and the values for both dominant & recessive SkintoneRange would need to be the same? If I wanted to change an in-game Sim's skin color, what would I do?
Why do you like to invent the wheel again? The DNA corrected neigborhood files is in this thread.
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 5
Re: Correcting the DNA of Strangetown premade characters
Reply #257 on:
2008 February 09, 20:26:23 »
Because I wanted to give my own homozygous/heterozygous values to the characters.
Stupid-to-English Translator
Uncouth Undesirable
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"Darn! That's the end!"
Re: Correcting the DNA of Strangetown premade characters
Reply #258 on:
2008 April 19, 19:09:16 »
Yes, I know: old topic, blah, blah, blah.
I thought, however, that posting in this thread would be more helpful to discussion than a new topic....
So, the question I have is: "Has anyone looked into the DNA of the newer hoods or binned sims to see if they are also borkened?"
I haven't died. I moved to the American South. Rumors to the contrary are highly exaggerated.
Member 960. Admitted to the MATY Senate by a 10-0 vote: 2006 August 10. Expelled by a 15-12 vote: 2008 May 30.
Should that mean anything?
Dimwitted Dunce
Posts: 188
Re: Correcting the DNA of Strangetown premade characters
Reply #259 on:
2008 April 20, 22:33:02 »
It's unlikely that they are.
Pleasantview, Strangetown and Veronaville were built on an old version of CAS, before the genetic coding was set in stone, and certain Sims weren't updated later on. The new hoods were built on a fully-functional CAS engine, so shouldn't have genetic issues.
Lipless Loser
Posts: 659
Re: Correcting the DNA of Strangetown premade characters
Reply #260 on:
2009 March 28, 20:08:44 »
I don't care what anyone says you're all right after all. I can't get Simpe to work anymore and I was wondering if I made changes to some of the dead sims too and I see that I did.
Dimwitted Dunce
Posts: 159
Re: Correcting the DNA of Strangetown premade characters
Reply #261 on:
2009 April 13, 09:13:45 »
Question: I read through this thread and saw it was mentioned that some of the offspring in Veronaville would have to have changes to them because they can't possibly be products of their parents... so if I use the heterozygous file for Veronaville... will there be in game changes to some of them?
Lipless Loser
Posts: 659
Re: Correcting the DNA of Strangetown premade characters
Reply #262 on:
2009 May 11, 21:04:18 »
Yes, if you use the heterozygous file their DNA has been changed so that they will have DNA that matches their parents.
Tasty Tourist
Posts: 1
Re: Correcting the DNA of Strangetown premade characters
Reply #263 on:
2011 May 31, 13:54:27 »
I know necromancy is bad. I want to ask one single question, because people were talking about downloading a fix file would be better than fixing sims in simpe.
If I have my Strangetown played for years, and got many offsprigs of mentioned sims with DNA errors as well as sims made by me. Is it better in my case to download the fix or fix them in simpe? I'm not reinstalling the game nor starting neighbourhood from scratch, so I would rather NOT replacing my neighbourhood file (it would cause error, isn't it right? or revert my neighbourhood to maxis premade stage?)
And Yes, I still want Lola Singles to have more kids... don't ask why.
Knuckleheaded Knob
Posts: 537
Re: Correcting the DNA of Strangetown premade characters
Reply #264 on:
2011 May 31, 15:59:21 »
Quote from: Akeakamai on 2011 May 31, 13:54:27
I know necromancy is bad. I want to ask one single question, because people were talking about downloading a fix file would be better than fixing sims in simpe.
If I have my Strangetown played for years, and got many offsprigs of mentioned sims with DNA errors as well as sims made by me. Is it better in my case to download the fix or fix them in simpe? I'm not reinstalling the game nor starting neighbourhood from scratch, so I would rather NOT replacing my neighbourhood file (it would cause error, isn't it right? or revert my neighbourhood to maxis premade stage?)
And Yes, I still want Lola Singles to have more kids... don't ask why.
If you want to keep your neighbourhood, you'll have to fix the DNA in SimPE yourself. Downloads with fixed DNA are unplayed and otherwise (aside from assorted other fixes) untouched Strangetown templates as made by Maxis. Like you predict, trying to use anything from these templates to replace your played Strangetown's files will make everything go asplode.
Blathering Buffoon
Posts: 74
Re: Correcting the DNA of Strangetown premade characters
Reply #265 on:
2011 June 16, 04:12:41 »
A lot of genetics don't seem to match up.
Take Riverblossom Hills. Gabe O'Mackey has both genes for brown hair, his daughter Jules has red, wtf? I gave him a recessive for red. I also found out that Jules' mother Alexandra's parents had, for father, red hair and green eyes, and for mother, blond hair and blue eyes, which would explain the recessive gene for green in Jules' DNA.
I gave Alexandra recessives for blond/green, and it's interesting. Now they have a set of twins, a red-haired boy and a brown-haired girl in addition to Jules. (Yes, I get them back together. I can't stand Patricia. LOL And once I get this safely deleting Sims thing figured out, Rose Greenman's going down the memory hole. I get Jason married off to another Sim and I gave him a recessive for red too, why not?)
I have never had a problem with General Buzz having children in Strangetown. I match him up with a Sim I created, and their kids turn out fine. I just give him a recessive gene for blond hair, since Buck is a blond, and it's all good. If you notice Tank's and Ripp's DNA, they have brown from their father and blond from Lyla.
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