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Author Topic: Correcting the DNA of Strangetown premade characters  (Read 307693 times)
Knuckleheaded Knob
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Correcting the DNA of Strangetown premade characters
« on: 2005 November 11, 20:39:23 »

OK, I put this together some months ago and haven't really looked at it since. Thanks to Ancient Sim, rainbow and xptl297 (from VS) who helped me puzzle this out.

Most of the premade sims in Strangetown have messed-up genetics, which can lead to problems if you make them parents. There are two main issues:
1) A crash can occur while a child is being born. This happens because the game is unable to assign a skintone to the new baby. This error is fixed with the patches.
2) Babies can look inexplicably nothing like their supposed parents. For example, Pollination Tech #9 and Jenny Smith will have a baby with skintone 4, the darkest Maxis skin. This is not fixed, as far as I know.

Strangetown sims with missing DNA:
Jenny Smith, Chloe Singles, Erin Singles, Lola Singles, Kristen Singles, Loki Beaker, Circe Beaker, General Buzz Grunt, (Lyla Grunt),  Ripp Grunt, Vidcund Curious, Olive Specter, Ophelia Nigmos.

Strangetown sims with missing AND extra DNA:
Pollination Tech #9 Smith, Johnny Smith, Jill Smith, Tank Grunt, Buck Grunt.

Strangetown sims that are OK:
Ajay Loner, Nervous Subject, Pascal Curious, Lazlo Curious, all the townies.

Note: Nervous's DNA isn't right considering he is supposed to be Olive Specter's son, but this is probably because Olive is lacking the "Skin tone passed on" options. He is, in fact, just a clone of the Grim Reaper with gender inverted (as always happens with clones - see Brandi Broke's third child for more information).

OK. So what is sim DNA supposed to look like? Here is the DNA of a Maxis-made sim from before Uni (Daniel Pleasant), with comments along side:
1 (dtString): 00000004-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 = Expressed hair colour (Red hair)
2 (dtString): 00000002-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 = Expressed skin tone (Tan skin)
268435457: 00000004-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 = Recessive hair colour (Red hair)
268435458: 00000002-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 = Recessive skin tone (Tan skin)
268435459: 51c4a750-c9f4-4cfe-801c-898efc360cb7 = Recessive eye colour (Green eyes)
268435462: 00000002-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 = Skin tone passed on (Tan skin)
3 (dtString): 51c4a750-c9f4-4cfe-801c-898efc360cb7 = Expressed eye colour (Green eyes)
4 (dtString): -858851246:2143197002:1 = Present in the DNA of all sims that have been moved between Neighbourhoods - don't alter
5 (dtString): mouth,eyes,ears, = characteristics to be passed on
6 (dtString): 00000002-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 = Skin tone passed on (Tan skin)

Like most sims created in Create-A-Sim, he is homozygous for all his characteristics, i.e. he has two identical genes for each characteristic. (All adults made in CAS are homozygous. I'm not sure whether this rule applies also for children that you make in Create-A-Sim by mixing together the genes of the parents you've made.)

Like all premade Maxis sims, he has a couple of extra lines of DNA compared to a sim made in Create-A-Sim. These being the lines that start 268435461 (dtString): and 4 (dtString):. These lines are harmless.

In comparison, let's look at the DNA of a Maxis-made sim that's messed up (Pollination Tech#9 Smith):
1 (dtString): 00000004-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 = Expressed hair colour (Red hair)
2 (dtString): 6baf064a-85ad-4e37-8d81-a987e9f8da46 = Expressed skin tone (Alien skin)
268435457: 00000004-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 = Recessive hair colour (Red hair)
268435458: 6baf064a-85ad-4e37-8d81-a987e9f8da46 = Recessive skin tone (Alien skin)
268435459: 12d4f3e1-fdbe-4fe7-ace3-46dd9ff52b51 = Recessive eye colour (Alien eyes)
3 (dtString): 12d4f3e1-fdbe-4fe7-ace3-46dd9ff52b51
= Expressed eye colour (Alien eyes)
4 (dtString): -858851246:2142037590:1 = Present in DNA of all sims that have moved neighbourhood - do not alter!
5 (dtString): brow,mouth,cheek,cheekbones,eyes,ears,
6 (dtString):
7 (dtString):
8 (dtString):

Poor Pollination Tech #9 is missing both the lines 268435462: Skin tone passed on and the line 6 (dtString): Skin tone passed on. As a result, the game doesn't know what skin tone to assign to his baby, and uses the default - skintone 4. He can be fixed, but to do so requires editing his Sim DNA in SimPE.

* Pescado is batshit crazy, and thus it's not safe to say what he could or would do. Tongue

Pescado: You're a weird and freaky Baratron.
Pescado: Also, all Baratrons suck.

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Knuckleheaded Knob
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Corrected DNA for the Smith family
« Reply #1 on: 2005 November 11, 20:45:39 »

Here is my corrected DNA for the Smith family. I've put all the comments at the bottom so you can just cut & paste the lines into the Sim DNA in SimPE. Remember that you have to Commit to every single change you make in SimPE, or they don't stick Wink.

PT#9's new DNA
1 (dtString): 00000004-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
2 (dtString): 6baf064a-85ad-4e37-8d81-a987e9f8da46
268435457: 00000004-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
268435458: 6baf064a-85ad-4e37-8d81-a987e9f8da46
268435459: 12d4f3e1-fdbe-4fe7-ace3-46dd9ff52b51
268435462: 6baf064a-85ad-4e37-8d81-a987e9f8da46
3 (dtString): 12d4f3e1-fdbe-4fe7-ace3-46dd9ff52b51
4 (dtString): -858851246:2142037590:1
5 (dtString): brow,mouth,cheek,cheekbones,eyes,ears,
6 (dtString): 6baf064a-85ad-4e37-8d81-a987e9f8da46

I've made him homozygous for alien skin and alien eyes, as he is a "true" alien. He is also homozygous for red hair - I didn't change this from the way the game had him set up already. As alien skin is dominant over normal skin, this version of PT#9 will always have alien-skinned children. If you want to change this, change the line that starts 268435462: to a different skin tone.

Jenny's new DNA:
1 (dtString): 00000003-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
2 (dtString): 00000001-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
268435457: 00000003-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
268435458: 00000002-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
268435459: 51c4a750-c9f4-4cfe-801c-898efc360cb7
268435462: 00000001-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
3 (dtString): 51c4a750-c9f4-4cfe-801c-898efc360cb7
4 (dtString): -858851246:2133502647:0
5 (dtString): brow,cheek,ears,
6 (dtString): 00000001-0000-0000-0000-000000000000

She is homozygous for blonde hair and green eyes. I've made her heterozygous for skin colour (light & tan) to reflect her parentage and the fact that 2 of her brothers are tan skinned. However, I've set the "skin colour to pass on" to be light skin. This is fairly irrelevant in her children, as they will inherit an alien skin gene from their homozygous father, and alien skin is dominant over other skin colours - but depending on her children's partners, her grandchildren may revert to light skin.

Johnny's new DNA:
1 (dtString): 00000003-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
2 (dtString): 6baf064a-85ad-4e37-8d81-a987e9f8da46
268435457: 00000003-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
268435458: 00000001-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
268435459: 51c4a750-c9f4-4cfe-801c-898efc360cb7
268435462: 00000001-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
3 (dtString): 51c4a750-c9f4-4cfe-801c-898efc360cb7
4 (dtString): -858851246:2141648567:1
5 (dtString): brow,mouth,eyes,ears,
6 (dtString): 6baf064a-85ad-4e37-8d81-a987e9f8da46

He is homozygous for blonde hair and green eyes. I've made him heterozygous for skin colour to reflect his parentage. He may pass on alien or light skin.

Jill's new DNA:
1 (dtString): 00000003-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
2 (dtString): 00000001-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
268435457: 00000004-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
268435458: 00000001-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
268435459: 51c4a750-c9f4-4cfe-801c-898efc360cb7
268435462: 00000001-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
3 (dtString): 51c4a750-c9f4-4cfe-801c-898efc360cb7
4 (dtString): -858851246:2133599162:1 = ??!
5 (dtString): nose,brow,cheek,cheekbones,eyes,ears,
6 (dtString): 00000001-0000-0000-0000-000000000000

She is homozygous for skin colour, which is weird - she "should" have one alien skin gene. I've left her as she is, though. She is homozygous for green eyes and now heterozygous for hair colour (expressed = blonde, recessive = red) to reflect her parentage.

Just to prove this works, here is the DNA of Jake Smith, the new third child of PT#9 & Jenny. Note that Jake's DNA is in the new order introduced by University. Each line still codes for the same thing (so the line that begins 1 (dtString): still codes for Expressed hair colour), but the order of lines is different - just to be difficult Cheesy.

Jake's DNA:
6 (dtString): 6baf064a-85ad-4e37-8d81-a987e9f8da46
268435462: 00000001-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
2 (dtString): 6baf064a-85ad-4e37-8d81-a987e9f8da46
268435458: 00000001-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
1 (dtString): 00000004-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
268435457: 00000003-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
3 (dtString): 12d4f3e1-fdbe-4fe7-ace3-46dd9ff52b51
268435459: 51c4a750-c9f4-4cfe-801c-898efc360cb7
5 (dtString): mouth,cheekbones,eyes,ears,

Jake is heterozygous for skin colour and could potentially pass on either alien or light skin. His expressed hair colour is red, but he also has a blonde hair gene. He has alien eyes but a recessive green eye gene. This is what the game generated for me, based on my modified DNA for PT#9 and Jenny.

* Pescado is batshit crazy, and thus it's not safe to say what he could or would do. Tongue

Pescado: You're a weird and freaky Baratron.
Pescado: Also, all Baratrons suck.

Read my Sims 2 stories!
Knuckleheaded Knob
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Corrected DNA for the Singles family
« Reply #2 on: 2005 November 11, 20:51:58 »

All the Singles girls have the same surname of Singles, because until Uni came in it wasn't possible to have a single Household name that was different to a sim's Family name. In correcting their DNA I've also corrected their names.

Chloe "Singles" new DNA: (Curious/Smith)
1 (dtString): 00000004-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
2 (dtString): 6baf064a-85ad-4e37-8d81-a987e9f8da46
268435457: 00000004-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
268435458: 00000003-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
268435459: 32dee745-b6ce-419f-9e86-ae93802d2682
268435462: 00000003-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
3 (dtString): 12d4f3e1-fdbe-4fe7-ace3-46dd9ff52b51
4 (dtString): -858851246:2139289422:1:
5 (dtString): brow,mouth,cheek,cheekbones,eyes,jaw,
6 (dtString): 6baf064a-85ad-4e37-8d81-a987e9f8da46

Chloe is the daughter of PT#9 and Glarn Curious, so I've made her heterozygous for skin colour: expressed skin colour = alien, recessive = medium (3). She is homozygous for red hair. I've made her heterozygous for eye colour so that she cannot (hopefully) have children with alien eyes & normal skin. I've assumed that Glarn Curious had brown eyes, though it's difficult to tell as he has no character data. Studying his other children just makes for a whole mess of confusion:

Pascal has dark blue eyes, Vidcund has light blue eyes, Lazlo has brown eyes and Jenny has green eyes. They're all homozygous for eye colour, which seems a bit impossible if they are supposed to all have the same parents. It's possible that one parent had dark blue & light blue eye genes and the other had brown & light blue eye genes, as brown & dark blue are both dominant, but this doesn't account for Jenny's green eyes. I blame the milkman - or more likely, some Maxoid who wasn't thinking properly when they coded Create-A-Sim. (To be fair, for all we know, it could've been finished at 3am one day by someone who'd been in the office since 8am the previous day).

Lola "Singles" new DNA: (Curious/Smith)
1 (dtString): 00000001-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
2 (dtString): 6baf064a-85ad-4e37-8d81-a987e9f8da46
268435457: 00000001-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
268435458: 00000003-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
268435459: 32dee745-b6ce-419f-9e86-ae93802d2682
268435462: 00000003-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
3 (dtString): 12d4f3e1-fdbe-4fe7-ace3-46dd9ff52b51
4 (dtString): -858851246:2131016629:1:
5 (dtString): mouth,cheekbones,eyes,ears,
6 (dtString): 6baf064a-85ad-4e37-8d81-a987e9f8da46

I've edited her to be heterozygous for skin & eye colour in the same way as Chloe.

Erin "Singles" new DNA: (Beaker)
1 (dtString): 00000003-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
2 (dtString): 00000001-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
268435457: 00000003-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
268435458: 00000002-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
268435459: 51c4a750-c9f4-4cfe-801c-898efc360cb7
268435462: 00000001-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
3 (dtString): 51c4a750-c9f4-4cfe-801c-898efc360cb7
4 (dtString): -858851246:2140914850:1;
5 (dtString): brow,cheek,ears,
6 (dtString): 00000001-0000-0000-0000-000000000000

She is homozygous for blonde hair, light skin and green eyes. She could be Jenny Smith's sister Wink Again, it's weird that she's homozygous for green eyes when her brother Loki is homozygous for light blue eyes - but not actually impossible.

Kristen "Singles" new DNA: (Loste)
1 (dtString): 00000002-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
2 (dtString): 00000003-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
268435457: 00000002-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
268435458: 00000003-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
268435459: 2d6839c5-0b7c-48a1-9c55-4bd9cc873b0f
268435462: 00000003-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
3 (dtString): 2d6839c5-0b7c-48a1-9c55-4bd9cc873b0f
4 (dtString): -858851246:2132641881:1;
5 (dtString): brow,cheek,cheekbones,jaw,
6 (dtString): 00000003-0000-0000-0000-000000000000

Kristen Singles has no living relatives in Strangetown, so it's impossible to be sure what her recessive genes "should" be. I've left her homozygous for brown hair, dark blue eyes and medium skin (shade 3), and just added the extra lines for skin tone to be passed on.

I haven't fixed any of the other Strangetown inhabitants yet because I don't intend for any of them to have children, but hopefully this gives you enough of an idea to work with.

* Pescado is batshit crazy, and thus it's not safe to say what he could or would do. Tongue

Pescado: You're a weird and freaky Baratron.
Pescado: Also, all Baratrons suck.

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Knuckleheaded Knob
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How to use SimPE to edit Sim DNA
« Reply #3 on: 2005 November 11, 21:24:29 »

OK, this will be step-by-step. I hope.

1. Run SimPE by double-clicking on its icon.
2. The menu at the top of the screen says File, Tools, Extra, Window, Help. Choose Tools --> Neighbourhood --> Neighbourhood Browser.
3. Click on the icon of the Neighbourhood you want to edit - in this case, Strangetown.
4. If you don't already take regular backups, choose Create Backup from the options at the bottom of the Neighbourhood Browser. Making a backup takes a few minutes. Don't be alarmed if your SimPE window goes completely blank for a while.
... waiting for mine to finish.

5. OK. The Neighbourhood Browser will still be open. Select Strangetown again, & this time choose Open. Eventually, the Neighbourhood will load.
6. Now, go to the menu at the top again. Select Tools --> Neighbourhood --> Sim Browser
7. Scroll down the list of sims until you find the one you want (e.g. Pollination Tech #9). Double-click to load him.
8. You then get a Sim Description Editor appear in the window at the bottom of the screen. There are 10 icons to choose from. Pick the last one, More --> Open Sim DNA.
9. The DNA editor appears in the window.

To change the contents of a line:
1. Click to highlight it
2. Go to the Value box on the right
3. Click inside the Value box a couple of times until the whole line is highlighted, then hit backspace or delete on your keyboard to remove it.
4. Go to my corrected DNA file. Highlight the new Value, and press CTRL-C to copy it to the Windows clipboard.
5. Back in SimPE, press CTRL-V in the Value box. The new value will paste in.
6. Click Commit at the top to commit the changes.

To delete the contents of a line:
1. Click to highlight it
2. Click "delete" at the bottom.

To add a new line:
1. Click "add" at the bottom. It will add a new line at the end of the DNA.
This becomes quite a pain in the bottom, because there doesn't seem to be any easy way to reorder the lines. The only way I've managed to do it is by cutting and pasting a lot to get the lines into the right order. But you can make it quicker because whatever line is highlighted when you hit "add", that line will be duplicated at the bottom.

When you have finished editing your DNA, go back to the main menu at the top of the screen. Go to File --> Save. And it should save the changes.

I hope that helps. If you need more assistance ask around here until you find someone who's better at explaining than me, or who has the time to make lots of screenshots Smiley.

* Pescado is batshit crazy, and thus it's not safe to say what he could or would do. Tongue

Pescado: You're a weird and freaky Baratron.
Pescado: Also, all Baratrons suck.

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Feckless Fool
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Re: Correcting the DNA of Strangetown premade characters
« Reply #4 on: 2005 November 11, 22:45:20 »

Thank you that was very helpful and explanatory post. Even though I have all ready done the dna fix. I wish that this was around when I was trying to work it out. I hope u dont mind that I give a link back to here If I come across someone that requires the info.
Retarded Reprobate
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Re: Correcting the DNA of Strangetown premade characters
« Reply #5 on: 2005 November 12, 03:51:54 »

Can anyone tell us if indeed these DNA problems where fix with the Nightlife patch or Nightlife itself?
Feckless Fool
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Re: Correcting the DNA of Strangetown premade characters
« Reply #6 on: 2005 November 12, 04:11:15 »

I cant help u there as I have already fixed them.
Breakfast of Champions!
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Re: Correcting the DNA of Strangetown premade characters
« Reply #7 on: 2005 November 12, 04:26:02 »

baratron, thank you. As with Motoki's tutorial, I have saved yours into a document on my hard drive. I hope this is OK with you. I think this is really clear useful info and I'm sort of collecting for my own reference.

I appreciate the time and effort you put in to posting this. Smiley

My fists are named Feminine and Wiles.
Dimwitted Dunce
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Re: Correcting the DNA of Strangetown premade characters
« Reply #8 on: 2005 November 12, 07:09:35 »

Thanks so much. I saw this a while ago on another fourm and couldn't find it again.

Pascal has dark blue eyes, Vidcund has light blue eyes, Lazlo has brown eyes and Jenny has green eyes. They're all homozygous for eye colour, which seems a bit impossible if they are supposed to all have the same parents. It's possible that one parent had dark blue & light blue eye genes and the other had brown & light blue eye genes, as brown & dark blue are both dominant, but this doesn't account for Jenny's green eyes. I blame the milkman - or more likely, some Maxoid who wasn't thinking properly when they coded Create-A-Sim. (To be fair, for all we know, it could've been finished at 3am one day by someone who'd been in the office since 8am the previous day).

Couldn't the parents be Dk Blue/Lt Blue and Brown/Green?

Or I could be totally wrong...
Knuckleheaded Knob
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Re: Correcting the DNA of Strangetown premade characters
« Reply #9 on: 2005 November 12, 21:26:02 »

Yeah, yeah, yeah - link to it, save it on your hard drive, do whatever you like with it as long as you give me & the others who worked on it credit. Pointless posting it on a public forum and then saying "no, no, it's all mine, you can't use it" Cheesy.

Pascal has dark blue eyes, Vidcund has light blue eyes, Lazlo has brown eyes and Jenny has green eyes. They're all homozygous for eye colour, which seems a bit impossible if they are supposed to all have the same parents. It's possible that one parent had dark blue & light blue eye genes and the other had brown & light blue eye genes, as brown & dark blue are both dominant, but this doesn't account for Jenny's green eyes.

Couldn't the parents be Dk Blue/Lt Blue and Brown/Green?

Not if Sims genetics work the same way as real life, as both light blue and green are recessive, and for a recessive trait to be shown, you need 2 identical copies of the gene. Having said that, Sim genetics clearly don't work as real life, because real life genes only come in two possible forms, not 4 or 5. To get more than 2 eye colours in real life, there's actually 4 or 5 genes all working together.

So, er, I don't know what colour eyes a sim with one light blue & one green gene would have. Probably if one of us could wade through the horrendously long Mysteries of Sim DNA Revealed thread over at MTS2, MaxoidTom might have said something there. But I can't really be bothered Smiley.

* Pescado is batshit crazy, and thus it's not safe to say what he could or would do. Tongue

Pescado: You're a weird and freaky Baratron.
Pescado: Also, all Baratrons suck.

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Dark Trepie
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Re: Correcting the DNA of Strangetown premade characters
« Reply #10 on: 2005 November 12, 22:24:53 »

Alien genetics has always confused me.  Stella Terrano for example will always have alien children no matter who the father is (although they will inherit facial structure features from the father).  But her children, when paired up with another human sim, will be normal human sims. 

So, lets see if I understand this right.

Stella (alien/alien skintone/eyes, dark hair) + Human Male (the guy in my avatar - lightest/lightest skintone, light blue/light blue eyes, red hair) = Child (alien/lightest skintone, alien/light blue eyes, dark/red hair) With the dominate genes in bold.  The child always seem to be an exact copy of Stella here, but with some of the father's facial features like I said before.

Now lets take the child and pair them up with a human.  In my game the child of the two above was a girl and I paired her up with Alexander Goth.

Alien girl (alien/lightest skintone, alien/light blue eyes, dark/red hair) + Alexander (second lightest/second lightest skintone, brown/brown eyes, dark/dark hair) = A child that was almost an exact clone of Alexander.

So do the three human skintones and eyes overtake the one alien skintone and eyes in the third generation?  Or is my assumption here completely off?   Huh

Also, do you think you can conjure up a list like this for Veronaville?  Those poor pre-mades there seem to have a lot more DNA screwups than the ones in Strangetown.   Smiley
Knuckleheaded Knob
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Re: Correcting the DNA of Strangetown premade characters
« Reply #11 on: 2005 November 12, 23:10:18 »

Stella (alien/alien skintone/eyes, dark hair) + Human Male (the guy in my avatar - lightest/lightest skintone, light blue/light blue eyes, red hair) = Child (alien/lightest skintone, alien/light blue eyes, dark/red hair) With the dominate genes in bold.  The child always seem to be an exact copy of Stella here, but with some of the father's facial features like I said before.

Now lets take the child and pair them up with a human.  In my game the child of the two above was a girl and I paired her up with Alexander Goth.

Alien girl (alien/lightest skintone, alien/light blue eyes, dark/red hair) + Alexander (second lightest/second lightest skintone, brown/brown eyes, dark/dark hair) = A child that was almost an exact clone of Alexander.

So do the three human skintones and eyes overtake the one alien skintone and eyes in the third generation?  Or is my assumption here completely off?   Huh

You're almost right. It's not guaranteed that the human skintones will overtake in the third generation, but it's happened this time because of Alexander's boring homozygous DNA.

As far as I know, it's random which of the lines of DNA gets chosen to be passed on to the offspring. One line of DNA comes from each parent for each of the characteristics. However, for some reason in this particular case, the game decided that the child was going to have skintone 2. Because the child has a human skintone, it theoretically cannot have alien eyes. We know this doesn't always work because there have been some scary-looking sims born who had alien eyes in human skintones, or had alien-sized eyes with human-coloured pupils. But in theory, it shouldn't happen.

Now, as for why Alexander's other traits dominate, it's because he's homozygous dominant for eye colour and hair colour. If he had a recessive light blue eye gene, or a recessive red hair gene, you'd d have a lot more mixing in the children. So if you had instead had Alien girl (alien/lightest skintone, alien/light blue eyes, dark/red hair) + A boy (lightest/second lightest skintone, brown/light blue eyes, dark/red hair), you might well get a child who had red hair or light blue eyes. But because he has brown eyes and black hair which dominate over other colours, those characteristics are expressed in the offspring.

The offspring may well have a recessive light blue eye or red hair gene, though. And if paired up with another heterozygous sim, the fourth generation of kids could have the red hair or light blue eyes from their great-grandfather.

Also, do you think you can conjure up a list like this for Veronaville?  Those poor pre-mades there seem to have a lot more DNA screwups than the ones in Strangetown.   Smiley

Er, maybe. I don't ever play Veronaville, because the premade story doesn't appeal to me. But I could probably poke around in SimPE one evening. Can't promise anything because I'm ill and I have several sim projects on the go already (getting anything done is subject to not being stoned out of my brain on strong painkillers).

I can certainly make a list of which sims are problematic, but working out what the DNA "should" be takes a fair bit longer Smiley.

* Pescado is batshit crazy, and thus it's not safe to say what he could or would do. Tongue

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Re: Correcting the DNA of Strangetown premade characters
« Reply #12 on: 2005 November 12, 23:43:47 »

Interesting.  I'm pretty sure I understand it now.  The next time I restart Pleasentview (which will be soon) I think I'll let all of the pre-mades get together and breed for a couple of generations before I throw my own sims into the mix so everyone isn't so homozygous.  That way I'll get a little more variety in genetics in the neighborhood.  And maybe Stella can have some grandchildren with alien features.

Because the child has a human skintone, it theoretically cannot have alien eyes. We know this doesn't always work because there have been some scary-looking sims born who had alien eyes in human skintones, or had alien-sized eyes with human-coloured pupils. But in theory, it shouldn't happen.

Heh, the first time I ever had a human sim and alien sim have a baby together in my game I was actually hoping this would happen.  Because if two people from totally different species have a child together you would think the child would have traits from both species.
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Re: Correcting the DNA of Strangetown premade characters
« Reply #13 on: 2005 November 12, 23:47:31 »

I don't really known if it's possible to have a sim with human skin and alien eyes without resorting to using custom content to do it. The alien eyes seem to be exclusively tied to the skintone and you can't select them in the CAS in debug mode unless you've also selected the alien skintone. And then if you change the alien skintone back to human, the eyes changed too.

However, I have extracted the texture for the Maxis alien eyes and made 'contact lenses' out of them so you could always do that.

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Re: Correcting the DNA of Strangetown premade characters
« Reply #14 on: 2005 November 14, 06:55:22 »

I've never understood why a game that had so much hype concerning the genetic angle saw fit to make such a mess of the genetics of the Sims that came with it.  I remember at the beginning, before I had SimPE, waiting patiently in the hope that Dina or Nina would produce a kid with green skin ... now I know it isn't possible because their grandfather never had it in the first place, even though he was apparently the result of alien abduction.  By the time I knew what to do to alter it, it was too late as I'd gone forward too many generations.

Some favourite Sim thingies:  Film:  Lord of the Sims; Song: Losing My Sim by SIM; Book: Interview With the Sim by Sim Rice; Smell: Fried Simions; Colour: Simple.
Blathering Buffoon
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Re: Correcting the DNA of Strangetown premade characters
« Reply #15 on: 2005 November 14, 07:19:01 »

Can anyone tell us if indeed these DNA problems where fix with the Nightlife patch or Nightlife itself?

they weren't, as I just followed this now and I have both NL and the patch.

- ElenaRoan
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Re: Correcting the DNA of Strangetown premade characters
« Reply #16 on: 2005 November 16, 11:27:54 »

re Veronaville.  I had a look at the DNA of the Maxis characters.  They have the same missing 2 lines as PT#9.  As all the Monties and Capps are "purebred", there aren't any difficult choices.  That also means you keep pasting the same skin colour - think it was 1 for the Capps and 3 for the Monty's.  I've never had a crash at birth - Bianca is nearly up to 10 babies and Juliet has 1.  Oops - just realised I forgot the Summerdreams.   

Sick of Bluewater?  Try Sedona or Meadow Lawns instead.  Meadow Lawns is a whole neighbourhood built to explore OFB.  Sedona is a sub'hood you can install as a permanent alternative to Bluewater - it's an "out of this world" experience!
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Re: Correcting the DNA of Strangetown premade characters
« Reply #17 on: 2005 November 16, 12:32:09 »

Thanks baratron, this is really helpful, but does anyone know where I could get a list of all the information for sim DNA? I would like to change a couple of my old CAS sims, but dont want to mess about without enough information about it.

Knuckleheaded Knob
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All the DNA attributes
« Reply #18 on: 2005 November 17, 06:33:16 »

Rainbow posted a list over at VS. I'll copy & paste it here:

32dee745-b6ce-419f-9e86-ae93802d2682 = Brown eyes - Dominant
2d6839c5-0b7c-48a1-9c55-4bd9cc873b0f = Dark Blue eyes - Dominant
51c4a750-c9f4-4cfe-801c-898efc360cb7 = Green eyes - Recessive
e43f3360-3a08-4755-8b83-a0d37a6c424b = Light Blue eyes - Recessive <-- note corrected value
0758508c-7111-40f9-b33b-706464626ac9 = Gray eyes - Recessive
12d4f3e1-fdbe-4fe7-ace3-46dd9ff52b51 = Alien eyes

00000001-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 = Light skin
00000002-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 = Tan skin
00000003-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 = Medium skin
00000004-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 = Dark skin
6baf064a-85ad-4e37-8d81-a987e9f8da46 = Alien skin

00000001-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 = Black hair - Dominant
00000002-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 = Brown hair - Dominant
00000003-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 = Blond hair - Recessive
00000004-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 = Red hair - Recessive

I think that's all the possibilities. Is that what you wanted?
« Last Edit: 2005 November 18, 01:47:32 by baratron » Logged

* Pescado is batshit crazy, and thus it's not safe to say what he could or would do. Tongue

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Blathering Buffoon
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Re: Correcting the DNA of Strangetown premade characters
« Reply #19 on: 2005 November 17, 07:46:29 »

just all the dna 'strands' follow the same pattern? 8-4-4-4-12?

- ElenaRoan
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Re: Correcting the DNA of Strangetown premade characters
« Reply #20 on: 2005 November 17, 08:18:48 »

Yeah, thats great thanks. (bene! lol) Im presuming that now i know what each of the maxis ones are, I can find out my custom ones and change those as well if i need to?
Knuckleheaded Knob
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DNA with custom content
« Reply #21 on: 2005 November 17, 21:25:24 »

Hmm! Y'know, I've never even thought about how custom hair, eyes & skintones are coded. Probably because until a few weeks ago, I didn't have any sims that were using them.

OK, let me open up SimPE & look at my Sean sim - a guy who has custom everything. And of course, he was created post-Uni, so he has his DNA in the new order - gah. But at least he was made in Bodyshop, so he's homozygous for everything Smiley.

SimSean's DNA:
6 (dtString): b039c364-4ccb-089e-7dcf-f18d82a769b4 = Skintone to be passed on line 1 (Custom from SimCribbling)
268435462: b039c364-4ccb-089e-7dcf-f18d82a769b4 = Skintone to be passed on line 2
2 (dtString): b039c364-4ccb-089e-7dcf-f18d82a769b4 = Expressed skintone
268435458: b039c364-4ccb-089e-7dcf-f18d82a769b4 = Recessive skintone
1 (dtString): 43289ad5-4a5f-4b2d-804c-38841a4f03f2 = Expressed hair colour (Crammyboy's Messy Hair - blond)
268435457: 43289ad5-4a5f-4b2d-804c-38841a4f03f2 = Recessive hair colour
3 (dtString): 3e3dd36a-42f7-3993-abec-d186355ae5f0 = Expressed eye colour (Custom from Helaene)
268435459:  3e3dd36a-42f7-3993-abec-d186355ae5f0 = Recessive eye colour
5 (dtString): brow,cheek,cheekbones,

As you can see, the only way to be certain how the custom content matches up is to use a first generation sim from Create-A-Sim or Bodyshop - because you need the identical lines of DNA. I have no idea whether the same skintone or eyes in someone else's game would have the same number assigned to it - I'm thinking probably not. Unfortunately, the Short Messy Hair from Crammyboy is the only custom content that I'm sure of the name of - I didn't make the sim to know which actual skintone from SimCribbling or eye colour from Helaene was used.

Let's compare him to SimKasson, another sim with custom eyes & skintone but Maxis default hair.

SimKasson's DNA:
6 (dtString): b039c364-4ccb-089e-7dcf-f18d82a769b4 = Skintone to be passed on line 1 (Custom from SimCribbling)
268435462: b039c364-4ccb-089e-7dcf-f18d82a769b4 = Skintone to be passed on line 2
2 (dtString): b039c364-4ccb-089e-7dcf-f18d82a769b4 = Expressed skintone
268435458: b039c364-4ccb-089e-7dcf-f18d82a769b4 = Recessive skintone
1 (dtString): 00000002-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 = Expressed hair colour (Maxis brown)
268435457: 00000002-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 = Recessive hair colour
3 (dtString): 46474682-4ab9-9837-c2e0-b9901dc182b5 = Expressed eye colour (Clear blue eyes by Echo66)
268435459:  46474682-4ab9-9837-c2e0-b9901dc182b5 = Recessive eye colour
5 (dtString): nose,mouth,eyes,ears,

He uses the same skintone as SimSean, so he gets the same numbers in his DNA. This is hardly a surprise, but it was probably worth checking!

OK. SimLiz. Again, custom eyes & skintone but Maxis default hair:

SimLiz's DNA:
6 (dtString): ba6256f3-4790-1e3e-2013-16a4c66fc1cb = Skintone to be passed on line 1 (Custom from SimCribbling)
268435462: ba6256f3-4790-1e3e-2013-16a4c66fc1cb = Skintone to be passed on line 2
2 (dtString): ba6256f3-4790-1e3e-2013-16a4c66fc1cb = Expressed skintone
268435458: ba6256f3-4790-1e3e-2013-16a4c66fc1cb = Recessive skintone
1 (dtString): 00000001-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 = Expressed hair colour (Maxis black)
268435457: 00000001-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 = Recessive hair colour
3 (dtString): b5b12e70-4cd7-5ebe-c3d9-7c9677ac19da = Expressed eye colour (Custom by Helaene)
268435459:  b5b12e70-4cd7-5ebe-c3d9-7c9677ac19da = Recessive eye colour
5 (dtString): nose,brow,cheek,jaw,

SimLiz uses a different skintone from the boys, but it's also made by SimCribbling. Sadly, it can be seen that there is no relationship between custom content made by the same creator. If you can spot a similarity between ba6256f3-4790-1e3e-2013-16a4c66fc1cb and b039c364-4ccb-089e-7dcf-f18d82a769b4, you're better at maths than me. Likewise, 3e3dd36a-42f7-3993-abec-d186355ae5f0 and b5b12e70-4cd7-5ebe-c3d9-7c9677ac19da for the two eye colours by Helaene? Nah Roll Eyes.

But at least if you start with first generation sims, you'll be able to find out the relevant code numbers for each of your bits of custom content, and that'll be useful for... something Cheesy.

* Pescado is batshit crazy, and thus it's not safe to say what he could or would do. Tongue

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Knuckleheaded Knob
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Re: Correcting the DNA of Strangetown premade characters
« Reply #22 on: 2005 November 17, 21:29:06 »

just all the dna 'strands' follow the same pattern? 8-4-4-4-12?

Looks like it Smiley. The Maxis tones and the custom ones are all doing that.

Don't ask me why, I have no idea...

* Pescado is batshit crazy, and thus it's not safe to say what he could or would do. Tongue

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Blathering Buffoon
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Re: Correcting the DNA of Strangetown premade characters
« Reply #23 on: 2005 November 17, 21:48:25 »

Looks like it Smiley. The Maxis tones and the custom ones are all doing that.

Don't ask me why, I have no idea...

thanks, someone might want to double check the light blue eyes's 9-4-4-4-12...any of the standard sims have light blue eyes? none of my created sims do, they tend to have custom eyes...

and no...I didn't sit here and count every single 'strand'  Smiley

- ElenaRoan
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Re: Correcting the DNA of Strangetown premade characters
« Reply #24 on: 2005 November 17, 23:35:32 »

Nice..I'm going to go fix them now.  One of the reasons I haven't dealt with Strangetown in a while...didn't want to bother with the screwy genetics.
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