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Programmable Sleep Clock v3.31
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Topic: Programmable Sleep Clock v3.31 (Read 324704 times)
Town Crier
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Re: Programmable Sleep Clock v3.31
Reply #275 on:
2007 August 18, 17:39:38 »
I've noticed that too, Gwill, and yea, the common denominator seems to be that the sim's energy bar is almost completely red. And yes, it's on multiple lots.
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J. M. Pescado
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Re: Programmable Sleep Clock v3.31
Reply #276 on:
2007 August 18, 18:01:36 »
Complete energy fail tends to cause queue stompage under normal Maxis conditions. Sims should normally not reach that point, since they normally refuse to do anything before that point and Power Idle will send them to recharge.
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Goopy Lover
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Re: Programmable Sleep Clock v3.31
Reply #277 on:
2007 August 18, 18:19:44 »
I've noticed that if the bar is almost fully red then it will send the sim to go potty before going to bed. Of course the stupid sims always fall asleep in the shower. Mostly happens to pregnant sims though.
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Town Crier
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Re: Programmable Sleep Clock v3.31
Reply #278 on:
2007 August 18, 21:04:50 »
Quote from: J. M. Pescado on 2007 August 18, 18:01:36
Sims should normally not reach that point, since they normally refuse to do anything before that point and Power Idle will send them to recharge.
In all the cases I've seen it happen, they weren't on power idle, but they were usually skillinating. The skillinator seems to let them go pretty far before it finally says 'time to do something else, like sleep!'
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Re: Programmable Sleep Clock v3.31
Reply #279 on:
2007 August 18, 21:18:37 »
I whined about that some weeks ago, JM said the sleepclock will not stop skillinating to send sims to bed, it has to be done manually.
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Town Crier
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Re: Programmable Sleep Clock v3.31
Reply #280 on:
2007 August 18, 21:28:03 »
yea, and if you catch them and stop them too late, then this problem happens.
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J. M. Pescado
Fat Obstreperous Jerk
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Re: Programmable Sleep Clock v3.31
Reply #281 on:
2007 August 19, 01:51:15 »
Skilling normally does not run that far down. Skilling actions normally abort at the point at which your sims go low energy, returning processing to Macrotastics, whereupon it sees the low-energy and does something about it.
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Breakfast of Champions!
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Re: Programmable Sleep Clock v3.31
Reply #282 on:
2007 August 19, 02:22:27 »
They often don't get sent to bed at the right time to get up, if the skillinator runs them right down in energy.
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Terrible Twerp
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Re: Programmable Sleep Clock v3.31
Reply #283 on:
2007 August 19, 15:56:38 »
OK, further testing shows it's not just a critical energy issue. I just had a sim at more or less half energy drop it from the queue 10 times before he decided it was OK to go to bed. I thought it might be a routing issue (I use only Targa's stairs on that lot), but the same thing happened when I manually directed him to stand right next to the bed. On this particular lot it's even a maxis bed (and one I haven't fiddled with at all).
Interestingly, both the bed action and the BUY action normally drops, but sometimes the BUY action stays, and that does not seem to be related to how badly the sim needs to pee.
Any suggestions at all?
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Re: Programmable Sleep Clock v3.31
Reply #284 on:
2007 August 20, 15:28:17 »
Quote from: Gwill on 2007 August 19, 15:56:38
OK, further testing shows it's not just a critical energy issue. I just had a sim at more or less half energy drop it from the queue 10 times before he decided it was OK to go to bed.
I've had this happening in my game too from time to time. First, it happens mostly on dorm lots and lots that have quite a few Sims living there. Something gets a little confused, usually from some idiot sleeping/napping in the wrong bed or from Sims who slept in that bed in the dorm, but now have moved out and the bed now belongs to someone else.
I've noticed that when the 'confusion' starts, the sleepclock will reflect it. When I have a Sim who keeps dropping the bed from their queue, even when standing next to the bed, I check the sleepclock. Usually the 'bed type' is forgotton. Instead of saying 'auto' under bed type, or disappearing from the menu like it does when set properly, it will have every bed type listed like it did in the old days back before we had auto detect, and auto detect will be missing from the choices.
When I first saw this, I assumed that the sleepclock was the problem, but selling it and rebuying another one left the sleepclock still showing all the bed classes, and the Sim still unable to go to bed unless manually directed. But sell that bed instead of the sleepclock, and the clock will immediately start showing 'auto detect' the way it used to. I think there is some issue with retaining ownership of another or previous resident. The minute I buy a new bed, 'go to bed' stops dropping from the queue and the Sim has no further problems. Also, when the bed is at fault, I often notice that 'Relax' is not available on the Sim's bed or their side of the bed, until a new bed is bought.
Oh, this has been happening with Maxis beds. I rarely use custom ones. I think the reason BUY stays in the queue is because the bed dropped out when the action could not be fulfilled. However, there is no reason that using the bathroom can't be fulfilled, so it stays in the queue.
I've tried forcing errors on the bed instead of buying a new one, but it doesn't help the situation at all. Only buying a new bed fixes the problem for me.
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J. M. Pescado
Fat Obstreperous Jerk
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Re: Programmable Sleep Clock v3.31
Reply #285 on:
2007 August 20, 20:28:52 »
I have seen beds become "jammed" in use before, yes. But this is not an issue produced by the sleep clock, it is a Maxian problem.
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Re: Programmable Sleep Clock v3.31
Reply #286 on:
2007 August 21, 09:05:08 »
This sounds like the kind of problem that the toilet has without my flush-fish fix. What happened is that the code tries to do a Standard Entry before the routing, then if the routing fails, it exits without doing a Standard Exit (which is why it leaves it marked "in use").
The proper way to Enter an object that requires routing is to do the Route To first, then check for In Use again, then do a Standard Entry (which is how I fixed that problem).
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Re: Programmable Sleep Clock v3.31
Reply #287 on:
2008 October 08, 04:29:54 »
I don't think the sleepclock is talking to the babby controller.
The baby controller was making the sim feed the baby, then the sleepclock took over. The sleepclock is not on Max.
My fists are named Feminine and Wiles.
J. M. Pescado
Fat Obstreperous Jerk
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Re: Programmable Sleep Clock v3.31
Reply #288 on:
2008 October 08, 04:38:29 »
Quote from: dizzy on 2007 August 21, 09:05:08
The proper way to Enter an object that requires routing is to do the Route To first, then check for In Use again, then do a Standard Entry (which is how I fixed that problem).
Actually, it's best to Standard Entry first, then route to, and if failed, standard exit, otherwise, do stuff, then exit. Otherwise the item could become in use by someone else, simultaneously, creating a race condition, and making checking for this much more computationally expensive.
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Knuckleheaded Knob
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Re: Programmable Sleep Clock v3.31
Reply #289 on:
2008 October 08, 05:03:16 »
Quote from: witch on 2008 October 08, 04:29:54
I don't think the sleepclock is talking to the babby controller.
The baby controller was making the sim feed the baby, then the sleepclock took over. The sleepclock is not on Max.
I've had the same thing a couple times: if the baby controller queues up Feed Baby and the Sleepclock sends a Go To Bed after the sim picks up the baby, but before completing the action, the mother takes the baby to bed.
Doesn't seem to cause any problem, other than the baby can't sleep.
Breakfast of Champions!
Posts: 11638
Shunning the accursed daystar.
Re: Programmable Sleep Clock v3.31
Reply #290 on:
2008 October 08, 05:41:19 »
No, it was fine in the morning, he just fed and changed the baby's nappy the same as normal. What was weird, was seeing the baby moving under the blankets, with bits of it surfacing through the covers.
My fists are named Feminine and Wiles.
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