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Author Topic: Programmable Sleep Clock v3.31  (Read 324700 times)
J. M. Pescado
Fat Obstreperous Jerk
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Re: Programmable Sleep Clock v3.31
« Reply #250 on: 2007 June 26, 00:48:21 »

The problem comes in because on the day that kids need to learn how to study, it takes longer to get both a parent and child home at the same time and in good enough condition to get them to study together on the homework. I think macro>do homework is supposed to grab a parent to help them if they don't have the study memory yet, but I haven't had any success with that. They take off to do it alone. Even when I direct a kid to ask for help, it usually drops out of queue long before the two end up near the desk. It often takes 2-3 tries before I am successful at getting the parent to help the child, so when I finally do get them together, I would prefer if the sleepclock didn't stomp it.
The homework action is Defective By Design. Use Macro Concentrate to reduce the ADHD problems or use Do Homework from Macrotastics for the built-in ADHD compensator.

I've also had some inconsistent errors, mostly involving new children. Here is one example:
Error is non-Awesome, remove the non-Awesome.

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Re: Programmable Sleep Clock v3.31
« Reply #251 on: 2007 June 28, 07:28:20 »

Error is non-Awesome, remove the non-Awesome.

Would you mind elaborating please? Non awesome hacks or non-awesome beds or what? My sleepclocks have been a bit dicey about setting bed type lately too. It was saying auto for a while, then there was nothing.

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Re: Programmable Sleep Clock v3.31
« Reply #252 on: 2007 June 28, 07:31:09 »

If it says nothing, it's already set to something. Some beds seem to be automatically detected (without need to manually choose auto).
J. M. Pescado
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Re: Programmable Sleep Clock v3.31
« Reply #253 on: 2007 June 28, 07:46:39 »

The "default" setting used by the Sleep lock is 36, so any E6-36 (Original Colonial Ironwood) bed is already set. This is because the E6-36 bed was treated as the de-facto bed standard in the original game when this was first made.

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Re: Programmable Sleep Clock v3.31
« Reply #254 on: 2007 June 28, 08:09:05 »

So if a cheapish custom bed has the same stats as the ironwood one, the sleepclock would detect that and not display the auto setting?

My fists are named Feminine and Wiles.
J. M. Pescado
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Re: Programmable Sleep Clock v3.31
« Reply #255 on: 2007 June 28, 08:58:06 »

So if a cheapish custom bed has the same stats as the ironwood one, the sleepclock would detect that and not display the auto setting?
If you're using crappy clone content, which some lazy cloner didn't bother to change so its values reflected its cost, yes.

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Re: Programmable Sleep Clock v3.31
« Reply #256 on: 2007 June 30, 13:30:26 »

Can I request a small feature.
I've recently started allowing sims to run free when they have nothing definite to do, like skillinating.  When they wear themselves out, they tend to try to go to sleep in the closest bed, which half the time is not theirs, resulting in bed nazi sending them on a long trek across the lot to the mail box, where they turn around and head for bed again, rinse and repeat.  Is there any way the bed nazi could check how tired a sim is, and directing them to their own bed if needed, in stead of chasing them off to the mailbox?

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J. M. Pescado
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Re: Programmable Sleep Clock v3.31
« Reply #257 on: 2007 June 30, 15:35:58 »

Can I request a small feature.
I've recently started allowing sims to run free when they have nothing definite to do, like skillinating.  When they wear themselves out, they tend to try to go to sleep in the closest bed, which half the time is not theirs, resulting in bed nazi sending them on a long trek across the lot to the mail box, where they turn around and head for bed again, rinse and repeat.  Is there any way the bed nazi could check how tired a sim is, and directing them to their own bed if needed, in stead of chasing them off to the mailbox?
This is possible. It will be looked into.

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Re: Programmable Sleep Clock v3.31
« Reply #258 on: 2007 July 07, 14:45:31 »

Sims who die are not unassigned from the Sleep Clock.
I don't know if this actually causes any problems, but I did notice a ghost on my lot (who was assigned to the sleep clock before she had died) float over to the bed in the middle of the day and wondered if the sleep clock might have had something to do with it.
After I noticed this, I checked the sleep clock and I was able to unassign the deceased Sim.

Edit - I'm a Seasons nub, and after playing that lot a little more I'm guessing that ghosts come out during the day if it rains...  This probably had nothing to do with the sleep clock after all, although she was still assigned to it while dead (I doubt it actually did anything though)
« Last Edit: 2007 July 07, 20:14:51 by MasterDinadan » Logged
Terrible Twerp
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Re: Programmable Sleep Clock v3.31
« Reply #259 on: 2007 July 08, 04:11:04 »

MasterDinadin, if lightning strikes the tombstone then the ghost will come out whether it's day or night.  Ghosts do like to haunt their own beds, with or without the sleepclock.  This is why they usually head there pretty much straight away when they come out to haunt, and why they get upset if you sell their bed.

Pescado, while we're on the subject of beds and ghosts: I've noticed I can have the ghostbuster picture in all the bedrooms (and in all the rooms leading to the bedroom area), but the ghosts seem to get the "haunt bed" interaction while still outside and make a beeline for the bed.  They don't notice the ghostbuster until after they've haunted the bed.  Which kind of defeats the purpose - the main reason I use the ghostbuster poster is to stop the ghosts haunting the beds and scaring my simkids.  I want roaming ghosts, I just want them to leave the beds alone.

<br />Also, thank god for Google spellcheck. Otherwise, this post would be intelligible. <br />
<br />Declared \\\\\\\"Male\\\\\\\" by Pescado on 8th April, 2009
J. M. Pescado
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Re: Programmable Sleep Clock v3.31
« Reply #260 on: 2007 July 08, 04:56:03 »

The ghost doesn't seem to respond to being zapped until after it stops moving, that's the thing. However, it will usually expel the ghost before it can manage to do anything except stop.

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Terrible Twerp
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Re: Programmable Sleep Clock v3.31
« Reply #261 on: 2007 July 08, 15:44:32 »

Also, any chance of making the bed nazi not kick out sims who are merely trying to make the bed?

I think I told you already, but anyway; assigning servos to coffins still does not work.  They go to bed, then immediately get back out (not bed nazi, they just "wake up"); sending them to bed manually works fine.  I'm wondering if it has to do with the difference between energy and power.

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J. M. Pescado
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Re: Programmable Sleep Clock v3.31
« Reply #262 on: 2007 July 08, 20:06:08 »

The Sleep Clock does not wake up sims, so not sure what's going on there. Are they fully recharged? Perhaps it's the coffin code which is wonky, and Servos were not meant to use coffins.

Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I cannot accept, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of those I had to kill because they pissed me off.
Terrible Twerp
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Re: Programmable Sleep Clock v3.31
« Reply #263 on: 2007 July 09, 12:44:11 »

It's definitely not recharged; that's why I'm sending it to bed in the first place.  I to use beds to recharge servos, and the coffin is just standing there unused all night anyway; not to mention that it's a very good source of energy, without any of that comfort fuzz that servos don't need anyway.
It's definitely a sleep clock issue.  The servo doesn't have anything queued, and sending it to sleep manually works fine, even in the exact same coffin.

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Re: Programmable Sleep Clock v3.31
« Reply #264 on: 2007 July 09, 18:56:14 »

Is there any way to manually set bed time, like there is for wake time?

This object confuses me, because I'm stupid. It doesn't work for me or something. and people sleep in other people's beds even when I assign them to a specific clock. does that matter?
J. M. Pescado
Fat Obstreperous Jerk
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Re: Programmable Sleep Clock v3.31
« Reply #265 on: 2007 July 10, 03:55:16 »

There's no manual bedtime. The bedtime is calculated based on the recharge rate of your bed combined with the desired wake time. The clock automatically makes the calculations to determine when that is, which changes based on your sim's energy status.

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Re: Programmable Sleep Clock v3.31
« Reply #266 on: 2007 July 16, 13:19:53 »

I know this hasn't been updated since mid-June, so maybe it's the latest Seasons patch causing it, but the bed nazi suddenly seems much more agressive.  It's kicking out parents who autonomously go into the kid's bedroom to tuck them in, or neat sims autonomously going into another bedroom to make the beds.  It wouldn't be bad if it didn't send them all the way to the curb, but I've been surprised many times to see a sim heading for the door that currently wasn't under my control, only to find a 'No bed for you!' icon in their queue.  I've had to turn off the bed nazi in pretty much every lot with kids or a particularly neat sim.

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Re: Programmable Sleep Clock v3.31
« Reply #267 on: 2007 July 16, 16:28:22 »

I have seen this behavior as well. This was a parent heading up to "Tuck in".
Terrible Twerp
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Re: Programmable Sleep Clock v3.31
« Reply #268 on: 2007 July 19, 21:44:19 »

The Sleep Clock does not wake up sims, so not sure what's going on there. Are they fully recharged? Perhaps it's the coffin code which is wonky, and Servos were not meant to use coffins.
Sim will not awaken even if
   his energy bar is full/you queue stuff until the appointed time, unless
   his energy bar is full 6 hours in advance of the time (as standard).

Could it be as simple as the fact that servos are "assign only" and thus do not have a wake hour, and therefore is awakened?  Possibly in combination with power/energy confusion?  I refuse to leave mysteries unsolved!

Oh, and I've also noticed parents suddenly getting kicked out when trying to tuck in a child.  I'm pretty sure it didn't use to do that; I think it changed when I installed the latest seasons patch.

Dibs on Darth Telligent!
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Re: Programmable Sleep Clock v3.31
« Reply #269 on: 2007 July 19, 22:52:08 »

Now a while ago, people were saying Bed Nazi wasn't working properly, I certainly found it wasn't. Maybe JM updated it and the patch has now fixed something and we're getting a double whammy?

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Re: Programmable Sleep Clock v3.31
« Reply #270 on: 2007 July 20, 00:06:39 »

If I tell my sims to macro-go to bed, should I have to manually wake them? My sims always seem to be in bed with full energy at noon, despite the BUY being queued up

Queued is a funny word.. looks like it should be pronounced "cyou-ee-you-eee-d" or something...

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Re: Programmable Sleep Clock v3.31
« Reply #271 on: 2007 July 20, 01:01:41 »

They will stay asleep even with full energy until the set wake time. If you set the wake time for 1pm, then they will stay asleep until then. Otherwise you have Sims wanting to get up in the middle of the night. BUY only kicks in after they wake.

Check their wake time.

I have to turn off bed nazi in any house where neat Sims live or they get kicked to the curb. I've also recently started seeing the tuck-in get kicked as well. The other day 4 Sims went outside at the same time. Curious, I checked to see what they were all doing. It was a family of neat-nics all trying to make each others beds!

Running: Sims2, University, Nightlife, OFB, Pets, Seasons, BV, FT and AL
Terrible Twerp
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Re: Programmable Sleep Clock v3.31
« Reply #272 on: 2007 August 18, 15:15:35 »

Lately, go to bed keeps dropping from the queue.  It happens almost every time, on any lot, using any bed.  I get no jump, or error message, the bed action just drops.  Same thing happens if I use the macro menus.

Dibs on Darth Telligent!
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J. M. Pescado
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Re: Programmable Sleep Clock v3.31
« Reply #273 on: 2007 August 18, 15:21:00 »

Cannot reproduce issue. Does this happen to all sims? All lots?

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Terrible Twerp
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Re: Programmable Sleep Clock v3.31
« Reply #274 on: 2007 August 18, 15:51:35 »

I haven't had a chance to test it very thouroughly, I've been getting used to letting my sims run loose, but I think it's happening when sims are drop-dead-tired.

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