Horrible Halfwit
Posts: 392
The hotfix is not my responsibility. Not having it in will not break anything.
Errryah, wasn't suggesting it was or would. I thought someone else might have some info on it's where abouts or lack there-of. Good to see you active again.
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 11
 Crammyboy thanks for sharing.  I've 2 questions. Do I need to redownload from MATY since I've a version download from MTS2? If MTS2 ones was not up to date, can I refer people to here for the latest update?
All new versions will be here. I don't visit MTS2 much anymore.
If you have seasons, you will have to download the seasons version from here.
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 11
All new versions will be here. I don't visit MTS2 much anymore.
If you have seasons, you will have to download the seasons version from here.
I don't have seasons yet but I will refer people here Thanks for sharing again. 
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 11
Is the *hotfix* for InTeen still needed for hottubs? I've looked around all over the new InTeen site and can't find it anywhere. Just curious if something was done to make it not needed or if the hotfix just went MIA for reasons unknown or if perhaps I just somehow overlooked its location at jase's site. You should post your question at Inteenimater  . Remember to read all guidelines & threads before posting your question.  I've mine deleted because someone has posted before. 
Yup... we're quite tough there with the rules. Jase has little patience for lazyness ;-)
As far as I am aware the Inteen Hotfix is still needed. It was lost back on the inSim site though, and never made it to the new one. It isn't a part of the InTeen technically.
If anyone still has it, please send it to me (jordik at gmail dot com) and I'll upload it there.
« Last Edit: 2007 March 04, 06:44:56 by Jordi »
Fat D
Horrible Halfwit
Posts: 395
is the inability for children to stay nude an anti-pedo-measure by you, one by EAxis, a bug by you or an EAxis bug? or is it my game?
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 30
If anyone still has it, please send it to me (jordik at gmail dot com) and I'll upload it there. Someone may have already beat me to it, but sent. 
~Raene/Nikki Eventually I might plop something of interest here.
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 13
can this be updated to work with bonv so you can go into to the sauna, hammocks and massage tables nude? currently you tell a sim to get nude to use it but as soon as they get on/in it they get dressed in a towel.
can this be updated to work with bonv so you can go into to the sauna, hammocks and massage tables nude? currently you tell a sim to get nude to use it but as soon as they get on/in it they get dressed in a towel.
Crammy hasn't been seen in months, we're assuming he's dead I think, so I doubt it'll be updated. There's a thread in the Podium where people are offering to check and/or update his and other dead creators' hacks, though. Try there.
INFP or something
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 34
Can anyone suggest a viable/similar alternative for the interim? I guess I didn't appreciate this one so much until it was gone.
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 19
I've posted the BV compatible version of this mod here, on the top of page 6.
Please Note: I in no wish to claim this mod as my own. if Cboy wishes it to be removed then it will be so.
« Last Edit: 2007 October 12, 08:33:45 by Blackwiddow »
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 34
Thank You Blackwidow! 
Terrible Twerp
Posts: 2365
ISTJ - what a crazy random happenstance
Curious. Would you mind explaining what you did to make it compatible? Did you simply update the changed BHAVs to include BV code? Or did you also add changes to other, new BV stuff (like the saunas and what not). Just wondering. Thanks for this btw. I haven't had time to play/test BV and/or even update all of my hacks (I mean the ones I use made by others). I was planning on taking a look at this, but it saves me the trouble if someone already did. Hehe. Ste
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 19
Squinge, I've made the changes so it is compatable with BV. I'm looking at the Sauna, hot pools and massage codes today. Hopefully crammy won't be upset with me doing this.
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 19
Sorry syberspunk,  That's what happens when you try and do multiple things at once, and only have 1 brain! They added a check for bigfoot to one of the behaviours, so that's what I updated. I've nearly figured the massage routines. Just don't know if I want to add an option to be massaged naked or just allow the sim to decied that for themselves. <- On community lots.
Sorry syberspunk,  That's what happens when you try and do multiple things at once, and only have 1 brain! They added a check for bigfoot to one of the behaviours, so that's what I updated. I've nearly figured the massage routines. Just don't know if I want to add an option to be massaged naked or just allow the sim to decied that for themselves. <- On community lots. oh please add that option and if possible, one to sunbathe naked also *begs*
Lipless Loser
Posts: 691
Plumber Zombie
oh please add that option and if possible, one to sunbathe naked also *begs* seconded 
"Getting attention here is like awakening Lovecraftian cosmic horrors. Don't do it." - J.M. Pescado 
Lipless Loser
Posts: 691
Plumber Zombie
You're my hero  * sloppyhousewife hits sheep thanks button
"Getting attention here is like awakening Lovecraftian cosmic horrors. Don't do it." - J.M. Pescado 
..oh wow.. now we can have naked old-man Tai Chi in the park like I always wa--- wait..... 
INFP or something
I got an error on a vacation lot with the latest version. Error log posted in the other thread. Let me know if you want me to re-post it here. I wasn't sure where errors should be reported.
Asinine Airhead
Posts: 27
I've posted the BV compatible version of this mod here, on the top of page 6.
Please Note: I in no wish to claim this mod as my own. if Cboy wishes it to be removed then it will be so.
Where is this version of the nudist hack? I don't see anything on page 6 except my own post!
Town Crier
Vacuous Vegetable
Posts: 4475
In dog we trust, all others pay cash...
It's now located in the Peasantry forum.