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Nudist hack v2.06 (02 March 2007)
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Topic: Nudist hack v2.06 (02 March 2007) (Read 209965 times)
Posts: 197
Nudist hack v2.06 (02 March 2007)
2005 November 11, 18:05:35 »
This hack will allow sims to get naked based on a more complex degree of personality, mood and other sims. If you are looking for something to allow all sims to wander around naked, you can use this hack and set it up on a lot by lot basis
THIS HACK IS ONLY FOR USE WITH NIGHTLIFE, OFB, PETZ and now SEASONS. An unofficial version is available for BV.
The willingness for sims to get naked is based on a calculated score. Once that score has been reached, sims will accept the "get naked" request.
Scoring is as follows:
Range (if any)
+ playfulness/2
+ neatness/-5
sloppiness counts
+ active/-5
so does laziness
+ nice/-5
and grouchy
+ mood
+ Hygiene
+ Comfort
+ 700 if sim alone
no other bonus is added if this is added except nighttime and outside
+ 150 for every naked sim on lot
sleeping sims are not counted.
- 200 if outside
+ 200 if alone in room
cancels out the outside penalty if alone
+ 600 if Chemistry (in love) with everyone on lot
+ 150 if Chemistry with everyone in room
- 50 for every other sim on lot
not applied if the Chemistry bonus applied
+ 200 if nighttime
between 23h and 6h
+ 300 if all other sims are asleep
Target: 1000
The Naked Emitter code is now included in a separate package. There is in there some new interactions, which some people will like, and others not. This package does not have to be used, just delete the naked emitter package and the game will use the original naked emitter code.
The naked menu has now been moved to Adjust.../Naked Options...
Sims will woohoo naked with this hack (I never understood the underwear)
This hack will conflict with anything using clothing routines for bath/shower, hot-tub, bed, general naked check and woohoo.
Install ALL packages into the downloads directory.
If you had the university version, remove CBOY_nudist_meditate.package
Created using SimPE QA
BHAV editor by PLJones
Objects listing with disasm2
Notes for use with the INTEENIMATER
Remove the
from the downloads folder.
If you remove the inteenimater, you must put this package back.
Having both hacks installed will NOT cause any errors, but the nudist functions for hot tubs will not be used and there will be discrepancies in the outcome.
Use the OFB version for PETS
EP5 version is for seasons
Bon Voyage version:
(20.86 KB - downloaded 6371 times.)
(21.48 KB - downloaded 3901 times.)
(21.11 KB - downloaded 6517 times.)
Last Edit: 2007 October 12, 15:18:27 by Venusy
Breakfast of Champions!
Posts: 11638
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Re: Nudist hack v2.05
Reply #1 on:
2005 November 12, 01:25:13 »
Quote from: crammyboy on 2005 November 11, 18:05:35
This hack will conflict with anything using clothing routines for bath/shower, hot-tub, bed, general naked check and woohoo.
I use JM's 'bathroomusesyou' hack - does that use clothing routines?
What about Lizzlove's bed?
What about JM's clothing tool?
Sorry, I'm not sure what 'clothing routines' are but I'd like to use this hack, esp. for my hippie commune.
My fists are named Feminine and Wiles.
Posts: 197
Re: Nudist hack v2.05
Reply #2 on:
2005 November 12, 01:49:56 »
Conficts will not mess up the game. You will just get unexpected results.
JM's bathroomusesyou will always get a sim dressed after bath/shower.
JM's clothing tool doesn't clash at all
I don't know about lizzlove's bed, but I expect that it will work as it normally would without the hack.
Breakfast of Champions!
Posts: 11638
Shunning the accursed daystar.
Re: Nudist hack v2.05
Reply #3 on:
2005 November 12, 04:48:53 »
Quote from: crammyboy on 2005 November 12, 01:49:56
Conficts will not mess up the game. You will just get unexpected results.
That's reassuring!
cheers for the speedy reply.
My fists are named Feminine and Wiles.
Sucky Name Person
Whiny Wussy
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Re: Nudist hack v2.05
Reply #4 on:
2005 November 12, 05:23:15 »
I use JM's bathroomusesyou and Crammyboy's previous nude hack on MTS2, and sometimes my sims will still "forget" to get dressed after a shower and getting thrown out of the bathroom and run around nude. Not sure why this is, but if they are shy, they will usually realize this and get dressed. Other sims are happy to just run around nude until someone asks them to get dressed or some other event causes them to dress. If I get tired of them being naked I can always click on them and tell them to get dressed. It doesn't really cause any problems. I'm looking forward to trying out this new NL version.
Ancient Sim
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Re: Nudist hack v2.05
Reply #5 on:
2005 November 15, 21:40:50 »
Thanks for the update on this, one of my favourite mods. Just so you know, the link to the hot fix on the Insimenator site is dead. Does this mean we still need to remove the itrem package?
Some favourite Sim thingies: Film: Lord of the Sims; Song: Losing My Sim by SIM; Book: Interview With the Sim by Sim Rice; Smell: Fried Simions; Colour: Simple.
Posts: 197
Re: Nudist hack v2.05
Reply #6 on:
2005 November 15, 23:17:13 »
They have been re-organising the insimenater site, so the link was invalid.
I have updated the link to point to the new thread.
You only need to remove the itrem package when you have downloaded the hotfix.
Last Edit: 2005 November 15, 23:25:42 by crammyboy
Terrible Twerp
Posts: 2365
ISTJ - what a crazy random happenstance
Re: Nudist hack v2.05
Reply #7 on:
2005 November 16, 20:40:13 »
Hi Crammyboy,
Since I've been actually playing NL latey, I've noticed something in my game. I have a Hot Tub in my dorm, and it seems that when sims get out of the tub, they won't change back to their regular clothing. Not that this is a big deal or anything, but I was wondering if this was "normal" behaviour.
Well... I started looking at the Hot Tub globals, and then I took a look at your Nudist hack. In the "Interaction - Get In" BHAV for the Hot Tub, you changed one of the lines after "Get Out of Tub" from:
[global 0x029C] Clothes - Change Outfit(Const 0x550F, Literal 0x0000)
[global 0x02F3] No-Op()
I'm guessing this is purposeful? I took a look at that BHAV (0x02F3), and it seems like it doesn't really do anything (It just checks if Literal 0 > Literal 0 and regardless returns true).
Are you handling how sims get dressed after the hot tub elsewhere in the code? I didn't feel like searching through all the BHAVs in your hack. I was just curious why this was changed, and would be
if I changed it back for my own tweak. I would prefer that sims get dressed after exiting the hot tub so they aren't always walking around in their bathing suits. Unless this is a way for sims to remain naked if their naked score is appropriate?
It looks like the previous lines checks what outfit the sim is wearing:
[prim 0x0002] Expression (My person data 0x0008 == Const 0x5503)
If this is true, then it calls that Change Outfit line, if not, it continues to the next line after that Change Outfit.
Is this line checking if sims are naked? I'm not sure which outfit Const 0x5503 represents. How can I find this out? Do I look in the BCONs for the same Group # for Hot Tub Globals (0x7FE69E23)? I am still a novice when it comes to understanding BHAVs, and I was never sure how to relate the Constant values that are used in the BHAVs (i.e. where are they located and what they mean).
I hope my questions make sense. Essentially, I wanted to know why my sims are not changing back into their regular outfits after getting out of the Hot Tub. Is this "normal" Maxian behaviour, or was this something intentionally done as part of your nudist hack? Thanks.
PS. Oh... I also noticed something. There seems to be a partial "conflict" between this hack and Pescado's poolhack. At least in the sense that both your hack and the poolhack modifiy:
Group 0x7F585FFD, Instance 0x1002
Interaction - Get In/Out
Group 0x7F5BA5F7, Instance 0x1007
Sub - Dive
The first "conflict" seems benign, in that you are essentially doing the same thing, only one hack checks an expression using == and the other uses !=
The second "conflict" with the "Sub - Dive" seems to have a lot more differences. Yours in particular has more lines of code. I didn't bother to really check what it was doing. I just noticed that it does/has more stuff.
Just to let you know. I use both hacks in my game and I didn't notice anything, but then again, I'm not even sure how they are supposed to be different when it comes to the pool, and which one might be overriding the other.
I'm a homosexual, and I want to marry a fireman.
Jack, I swear...
Assmittens: Do Want
Posts: 197
Re: Nudist hack v2.05
Reply #8 on:
2005 November 16, 21:44:14 »
I hadn't put the explicit check in when I did the update for nightlife, and forgot all about it. It will be checked properly in the next version. Even without the check, the game constantly calls the "check for naked" routine when the sim is idle. So if the sims naked score drops below the threshold, the sim will get dressed.
No-op is just a way of not doing anything without removing the line. It stands for "no operation"
Pescado's pool hack is a simplified version of the one in the nudist hack. The nudist hack does the "do i want to be naked?" check, which is why there is more code. Having both in will not cause any major problems, but seeing as the poolhack is alphabetically higher than the nudist hack, it will always take preference.
Terrible Twerp
Posts: 2365
ISTJ - what a crazy random happenstance
Re: Nudist hack v2.05
Reply #9 on:
2005 November 16, 23:24:15 »
Quote from: crammyboy on 2005 November 16, 21:44:14
I hadn't put the explicit check in when I did the update for nightlife, and forgot all about it. It will be checked properly in the next version. Even without the check, the game constantly calls the "check for naked" routine when the sim is idle. So if the sims naked score drops below the threshold, the sim will get dressed.
No-op is just a way of not doing anything without removing the line. It stands for "no operation"
Ahh... that's what I suspected. Ok then... so is this the reason why my sims aren't getting dressed after they exit the hot tub?
Does this line: [prim 0x0002] Expression (My person data 0x0008 == Const 0x5503)
specifically only check for nudity?
In other words, is it this change that causes my sims to stay in their bathing suits?
Or is it something else, possibly some other hack (which I can't imagine what else would cause this since I shouldn't have anything else related to clothing routines and hot tubs - I do not have the InTeenimater)?
Or is that the "normal" Maxian behaviour?
Quote from: crammyboy on 2005 November 16, 21:44:14
Pescado's pool hack is a simplified version of the one in the nudist hack. The nudist hack does the "do i want to be naked?" check, which is why there is more code. Having both in will not cause any major problems, but seeing as the poolhack is alphabetically higher than the nudist hack, it will always take preference.
Ahhh... ok, so would it "fix" things if I rename the hacks? Should the CBOY_nudist hack be renamed z_CBOY_nudist or is it the other way around? The poolhack should be renamed z_poolhack?
You said "alphabetically higher" but I wasn't sure if this means it is higher up as in earlier or higher up as in towards the end of the alphabet. I
it should be later, since it seems that the trend to fix things is to make the package that you want to take precedence to be prefixed with z.
I'm a homosexual, and I want to marry a fireman.
Jack, I swear...
Assmittens: Do Want
Posts: 197
Re: Nudist hack v2.05
Reply #10 on:
2005 November 17, 00:05:11 »
My person data 0x0008 == Const 0x5503 specifically checks for nudity only. (the const is actually 0x012a:03 when parsed)
Sims that change into swimwear would stay in swimwear even without the nudist hack. If you wanted, you could change the const to that of swimwear (0x012a:01) and change the no-op (0x2f3) back to the change outfit routine (0x29c). This would get the sim dressed after they get out of the hot-tub if they are in swimwear.
I don't understand why you would want the poolhack with the nudist hack installed. But the hacks are loaded in alphabetical order within a directory.
Terrible Twerp
Posts: 2365
ISTJ - what a crazy random happenstance
Re: Nudist hack v2.05
Reply #11 on:
2005 November 17, 00:57:41 »
Quote from: crammyboy on 2005 November 17, 00:05:11
My person data 0x0008 == Const 0x5503 specifically checks for nudity only. (the const is actually 0x012a:03 when parsed)
Sims that change into swimwear would stay in swimwear even without the nudist hack. If you wanted, you could change the const to that of swimwear (0x012a:01) and change the no-op (0x2f3) back to the change outfit routine (0x29c). This would get the sim dressed after they get out of the hot-tub if they are in swimwear.
Ahh, thanks for the clarification.
I guess I'll modify that slightly and keep a note of it, that way, if you ever update your hack, I'll remember that I have to make that change again.
Quote from: crammyboy on 2005 November 17, 00:05:11
I don't understand why you would want the poolhack with the nudist hack installed. But the hacks are loaded in alphabetical order within a directory.
Well, I thought the poolhack was to keep visitors from autonomously entering the pool, unless there was a party going on. IIRC, the point was to prevent visitors from exhibiting such "rude" behaviour, unless it was actually
such as when a party was going on or if the user actually directed their selectable sims to use the pool and then visitors could join. Only under these circumstances should visitors be allowed to just jump in the pool any old time. I could be wrong, but I thought that was how Pescado's hack was supposed to work. I don't know if your nudist hack is inclusive of these characteristics, or if the changes that Pescado made to the "Sub - Dive" BHAV are absolutely required for his hack to function properly. *shrugs*
As for alphabetically, then I take that to mean your hack gets loaded first, then his poolhack gets loaded, so whatever gets loaded last is the one that actually goes into effect.
Alright, thanks again. I hate to be such a pest about it.
I just really love your hack, it works so wondefully and I can't bear to play my game without it or have any conflicts with any of my other favorite/must-have hacks.
I'm a homosexual, and I want to marry a fireman.
Jack, I swear...
Assmittens: Do Want
Posts: 197
Re: Nudist hack v2.05
Reply #12 on:
2005 November 17, 01:14:52 »
I miss-understood the poolhack, sorry.
The best way would be to change the poolhack to _poolhack so that the nudist hack loads after it. I only think he changed the "sub - dive" to check if the sim is already naked.
Breakfast of Champions!
Posts: 11638
Shunning the accursed daystar.
Re: Nudist hack v2.05
Reply #13 on:
2005 November 20, 21:01:30 »
crammyby, I played my commune all day yesterday and the nudist hack adds such a wonderful sense of reality in the game. All adults go naked at different and seemingly random (I didn't alter the hack defaults) times. I'm thoroughly enjoying this. I see them eating nude, greeting roadside visitors nude - then glancing down in mock confusion and putting their clothes on, and just generally enjoying the countryside and commune life.
Brilliant, ta.
My fists are named Feminine and Wiles.
Terrible Twerp
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Re: Nudist hack v2.05
Reply #14 on:
2005 November 24, 17:57:56 »
Could this conflict with Inges clothes change door?
Posts: 197
Re: Nudist hack v2.05
Reply #15 on:
2005 November 24, 19:11:50 »
Probably not. Altough I don't use it.
Re: Nudist hack v2.05
Reply #16 on:
2005 November 27, 22:18:41 »
I enjoy using this modification, but my Sims are nude too often now. is there a way I can manually raise the point target above 1000?
Thank You,
Corpulent Cretin
Posts: 118
Re: Nudist hack v2.05
Reply #17 on:
2005 November 29, 00:41:31 »
Thanks CB. I lost the old one awhile back when I was having problems with Nightlife. I kind of missed my naked sims.
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Asinine Airhead
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Re: Nudist hack v2.05
Reply #18 on:
2006 January 01, 19:16:20 »
I like this hack. It's really kinda fun. But I do think that it goes a tad too far. Truth is that a lot of people really do walk around naked - especially at when only they and their "significant other" is at home. I really wonder tho', if so many little kids would be walking around nude. Especially in front of their parents and strangers. I have tried to change the setting but it seems that you have it set up as an "all or nothing" sort of thing. Could you fix it so that kids do not walk around nude in front of their parent and visa versa?
Re: Nudist hack v2.05
Reply #19 on:
2006 February 05, 20:03:31 »
You must also download the hot fix from
the link doesn't work anymore
where can i get the hotfix for NL.
Posts: 197
Re: Nudist hack v2.05
Reply #20 on:
2006 February 06, 18:41:52 »
The hot-fix was for inteen, which is not supported any more and is not awesome.
Tasty Tourist
Posts: 3
Re: Nudist hack v2.05
Reply #21 on:
2006 February 19, 19:40:03 »
Quote from: crammyboy on 2006 February 06, 18:41:52
The hot-fix was for inteen, which is not supported any more and is not awesome.
Inteen is not part of the website anymore, but Jase has put it up on another site and linked it to the InSIMenator site, so there are some people just downloading it, (or re downloading it ^_^;) who need the hot fix. Iis there anyway to get a hold of it, or something that can be done in the game to allow sims to use the hottub naked?
Feel free to just ignore me . . .
Chocolate Pi
Re: Nudist hack v2.05
Reply #22 on:
2006 February 19, 23:22:45 »
Here's a crazy idea: can you rig the mod to have a second check for underwear? Exact same as the nude check, but with a much lower threshold value? That would make the mod a complete "Modesty Controller", and allow us to have shy sims embarrassed by underwear just like normal sims are embarrassed by being nude. Unless I'm missing something, it seems possible and somewhat easy.
Horrible Halfwit
Posts: 392
Re: Nudist hack v2.05
Reply #23 on:
2006 February 20, 18:28:23 »
A Nudist Mod can be found in The Cracker Barrel section on the new site/page for InTeen:
I don't know hether this is the "HotFix" talked about or if it is an entirely different nudist mod but there's the link in any case.
Last Edit: 2006 February 20, 18:35:52 by myskaal
Sucky Name Person
Whiny Wussy
Posts: 5871
Re: Nudist hack v2.05
Reply #24 on:
2006 February 21, 00:58:37 »
It's a different mod, by Ebruere. I have never used it, so I don't know how it works.
Nudist Mod v1.0a by Ebruere for InTeenimater Users (EP1, EP2)
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